예제 #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // We first need to authenticate and obtain a new access token. Then we need to get User Principals which
            // contains additional information we need for accessing resources such as streaming data
            Authentication auth = new Authentication();
            await auth.RefreshAccessToken();

            await auth.GetUserPrincipals();

            // Create an instance of the StreamingProvider which will be used for processing the streaming data
            Streamer streamer = new Streamer(auth.StreamingCredentials);

            // Register to recieve data events. Any data events we receive will be sent to the dataReceived() function.
            streamer.DataReceived += dataReceived;

            // Register to receive debug logging data. This is only necessary when you are making changes to the application
            // and want to make sure there are no errors.  Comment out the following line to hide the debug log information.
            streamer.DebugDataReceived += DebugLogDataReceived;

            // register to receive confirmation from requests being sent.
            streamer.RequestResponseReceived += RequestResponseReceived;

            // Enable data capture recording for 60 seconds
            //streamer.StartCapturingData("datacapture.txt", 60);

            // Example code to play back previously captured data at 1-second intervals
            // streamer.PlaybackCapturedData("datacapture.txt", 3000);
            // await Task.Delay(90000);
            // return;

            // Create a cancellation token which will be used to cancel the asynchrnous websocket later
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Closing streaming connection and exiting...");

            Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to Exit");

            var tasks = new List <Task> {
                streamer.StartDataStreaming(auth.UserPrincipal.streamerInfo.streamerSocketUrl, cts.Token)

            Thread.Sleep(2000); // Sleep for 2 seconds before we issue any commands

            // TIMESALE_EQUITY
            var symbols = new string[] { "AAPL,MSFT" };

            streamer.SendRequest(ServiceRequestFactory.CreateTimesaleEquityRequest(auth.StreamingCredentials, symbols));

            // TIMESALE_FUTURES
            symbols = new string[] { "/ES" };
            streamer.SendRequest(ServiceRequestFactory.CreateTimesaleFuturesRequest(auth.StreamingCredentials, symbols));

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            Console.WriteLine("All done, exiting application!");