protected void btnGetCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService" /*"BasicHttpBinding_IHelloService"*/); ServiceReference1.CustomerRequest request = new ServiceReference1.CustomerRequest(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.CustomerLastName = txtCustomLastName.Text; ServiceReference1.CustomerInfo customer = client.GetCustomer(request); if (customer.FirstName != null) { txtCustomFirstName.Text = customer.FirstName; txtCustomLastName.Text = customer.LastName; txtPhone.Text = customer.Phone; txtEmail.Text = customer.Email; lblCustomer.Text = "Customer retrieved"; } else { txtCustomFirstName.Text = "-"; txtCustomLastName.Text = "-"; txtEmail.Text = "-"; txtPhone.Text = "-"; lblCustomer.Text = "Couldn't find customer"; } }
protected void btnReturnCar_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand request = new ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.CarBrand = txtResBrand.Text; try { ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo1 reservation = client.GetReservationByBrand(request); client.ReturnCar(reservation); lblResModel.Text = "-"; lblResReg.Text = "-"; lblStartDate.Text = "-"; lblEndDate.Text = "-"; lblResMessage.Text = "Car is returned"; } catch { lblResModel.Text = "-"; lblResReg.Text = "-"; lblStartDate.Text = "-"; lblEndDate.Text = "-"; lblResMessage.Text = "Reservation not found"; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient server = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient(); Console.WriteLine(server.SayHello("hehe")); Console.ReadKey(); }
protected void btnSaveCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.CustomerInfo customer = new ServiceReference1.CustomerInfo(); customer.FirstName = txtCustomFirstName.Text; customer.LastName = txtCustomLastName.Text; customer.Phone = txtPhone.Text; customer.Email = txtEmail.Text; client.SaveCustomer(customer); lblCustomer.Text = "Customer saved"; }
protected void btnGetOtherCarDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.Car car = client.GetCarByString("regnumber", txtAvailableRegCar.Text.ToString()); if (car != null) { lblAvailableModel.Text = car._Model; lblAvailableBrand.Text = car._Brand; lblReservationResult.Text = "Fill in customer details"; } else { lblReservationResult.Text = "Car not found"; } }
protected void btnSaveBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.Car car = client.GetCarByReg(txtAvailableRegCar.Text); ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo1 reservation = new ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo1(); ServiceReference1.CustomerInfo customer = new ServiceReference1.CustomerInfo(); if (carsRegnum.Contains(car._Regnumber)) { customer.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; customer.LastName = txtLastName.Text; customer.Phone = txtPhonenumber.Text; customer.Email = txtEmailAddress.Text; try { client.SaveCustomer(customer); } catch (FaultException faultException) { lblReservationResult.Text = faultException.Message; } reservation.Brand = car._Brand; reservation.Model = car._Model; reservation.Regnumber = car._Regnumber; reservation.Year = car._Year; reservation.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBookStartDate.Text); reservation.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBookuntil.Text); reservation.LastName = customer.LastName; reservation.Returned = false; try { client.AddReservation(reservation); lblReservationResult.Text = "Reservation successfully saved"; } catch (FaultException faultException) { lblReservationResult.Text = faultException.Message; } } else { lblReservationResult.Text = "Car is not available during the period of choice"; } }
protected void btnDeleteCar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); if (lblReg.Text != null || lblReg.Text != "") { client.DeleteCar(lblReg.Text); lblBrand.Text = "-"; lblModel.Text = "-"; lblYear.Text = "-"; lblReg.Text = "-"; lblMessage.Text = "The car with registrationumber " + lblReg.Text + " is removed."; } else { lblMessage.Text = "You have to find a car to remove!"; } }
protected void btnDeleteCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); if (txtCustomLastName.Text != null || txtCustomLastName.Text != "") { client.DeleteCustomer("lastname", txtCustomLastName.Text); txtCustomFirstName.Text = "-"; txtCustomLastName.Text = "-"; txtEmail.Text = "-"; txtPhone.Text = "-"; lblCustomer.Text = "The customer with lastname " + txtCustomLastName.Text + " is removed."; } else { lblCustomer.Text = "No customer to remove!"; } }
protected void btnDeleteReservation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand request = new ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.CarBrand = txtResBrand.Text; ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo1 reservation = client.GetReservationByBrand(request); client.DeleteReservation(reservation); lblResModel.Text = "-"; lblResReg.Text = "-"; lblStartDate.Text = "-"; lblEndDate.Text = "-"; lblResMessage.Text = "Reservation is deleted"; }
protected void btnGetCarByReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.Car car = client.GetCarByReg(txtGetCar.Text); if (car != null) { lblBrand.Text = car._Brand; lblModel.Text = car._Model; lblYear.Text = Convert.ToString(car._Year); lblReg.Text = car._Regnumber; lblMessage.Text = "The car is retrieved"; } else { lblBrand.Text = "-"; lblModel.Text = "-"; lblYear.Text = "-"; lblReg.Text = "-"; lblMessage.Text = "The search didn't brig any cars"; } }
protected void btnGetReservationByBrand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.Car car = client.GetCarByString("brand", txtResBrand.Text); ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand request = new ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByBrand(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.CarBrand = txtResBrand.Text; ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo1 reservation = client.GetReservationByBrand(request); if (reservation.Model != null && reservation.Returned == true) { lblResModel.Text = reservation.Model; lblResReg.Text = reservation.Regnumber; lblStartDate.Text = reservation.StartDate.ToShortDateString(); lblEndDate.Text = reservation.EndDate.ToShortDateString(); lblResMessage.Text = "Reservation is found and car is returned"; } else { lblResModel.Text = car._Model; lblResReg.Text = car._Regnumber; lblStartDate.Text = "-"; lblEndDate.Text = "-"; lblResMessage.Text = "Car is not returned"; } } catch (FaultException faultException) { lblResMessage.Text = faultException.Message; } }
protected void btnSaveCar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.CarInfo car = new ServiceReference1.CarInfo(); try { car.Brand = lblBrand.Text; car.Model = lblModel.Text; car.Year = Convert.ToInt16(lblYear.Text); car.Regnumber = lblReg.Text; client.SaveCar(car); lblMessage.Text = "The car is saved"; } catch { lblBrand.Text = "-"; lblModel.Text = "-"; lblYear.Text = "-"; lblReg.Text = "-"; lblMessage.Text = "Could not save car. Something went wrong"; } }
protected void btnGetAvailableCars_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblLabelReservations.Text = " "; lblCarModel.Text = " "; lblCarBrand.Text = " "; lblCarReg.Text = " "; lblCarYear.Text = " "; lblBookingStart.Text = " "; lblReservationResult.Text = " "; txtAvailableRegCar.Visible = false; lblAvailableModel.Visible = false; lblAvailableBrand.Visible = false; txtFirstName.Visible = false; txtLastName.Visible = false; txtPhonenumber.Visible = false; txtEmailAddress.Visible = false; txtBookStartDate.Visible = false; txtBookuntil.Visible = false; btnSaveBook.Visible = false; ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByDate request = new ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByDate(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.Startdate = calStartdate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString(); lblDateFrom.Text = request.Startdate; request.Enddate = calEnddate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString(); lblDateTo.Text = request.Enddate; ServiceReference1.ListReservationsInfo reservationsInfo = new ServiceReference1.ListReservationsInfo(); reservationsInfo = client.GetAvailableCars(request); List <ServiceReference1.Reservation> allReser = client.GetAllReservations(); List <int> carId = new List <int>(); foreach (ServiceReference1.Reservation res in allReser) { carId.Add(res.CarId); } List <ServiceReference1.Car> allCars = client.GetAllCars(); foreach (ServiceReference1.Car car1 in allCars) { if (!carId.Contains(car1._Id)) { carsRegnum.Add(car1._Regnumber); lblCarModel.Text += ": " + car1._Model + "|| "; lblCarReg.Text += ": " + car1._Regnumber + "|| "; lblCarBrand.Text += ": " + car1._Brand + "|| "; lblCarYear.Text += ": " + car1._Year.ToString() + "|| "; lblBookingStart.Text += ": never been booked || "; } } if (reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection != null && reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection.Count() != 0) { lblLabelReservations.Text = "Available car(s)"; foreach (ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo reservation in reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection) { carsRegnum.Add(reservation.Regnumber); lblCarModel.Text += ": " + reservation.Model + "|| "; lblCarReg.Text += ": " + reservation.Regnumber + "|| "; lblCarBrand.Text += ": " + reservation.Brand + "|| "; lblCarYear.Text += ": " + reservation.Year.ToString() + "|| "; lblBookingStart.Text += ": " + reservation.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + reservation.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + "|| "; } txtBookStartDate.Text = lblDateFrom.Text; txtBookuntil.Text = lblDateTo.Text; btnMakeReservation.Visible = true; lblReservationResult.Text = "Found available car(s)"; } else { lblCarModel.Text = "-"; lblCarBrand.Text = "-"; lblCarReg.Text = "-"; lblCarYear.Text = "-"; lblBookingStart.Text = "-"; btnMakeReservation.Visible = true; lblReservationResult.Text = "No available car(s)"; } }
protected void btnGetBookedCars_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblLabelReservations.Text = " "; lblCarModel.Text = " "; lblCarBrand.Text = " "; lblCarReg.Text = " "; lblCarYear.Text = " "; lblBookingStart.Text = " "; lblReservationResult.Text = " "; txtAvailableRegCar.Visible = false; lblAvailableModel.Visible = false; lblAvailableBrand.Visible = false; txtFirstName.Visible = false; txtLastName.Visible = false; txtPhonenumber.Visible = false; txtEmailAddress.Visible = false; txtBookStartDate.Visible = false; txtBookuntil.Visible = false; btnSaveBook.Visible = false; txtAvailableRegCar.Text = " "; lblAvailableModel.Text = " "; lblAvailableBrand.Text = " "; txtFirstName.Text = " "; txtLastName.Text = " "; txtPhonenumber.Text = " "; txtEmailAddress.Text = " "; txtBookStartDate.Text = " "; txtBookuntil.Text = " "; btnSaveBook.Text = " "; ServiceReference1.IHelloService client = new ServiceReference1.HelloServiceClient("wsHttpBinding_IHelloService"); ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByDate request = new ServiceReference1.ReservationRequestByDate(); request.LicenseKey = "SuperSecret123"; request.Startdate = calStartdate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString(); lblDateFrom.Text = request.Startdate; request.Enddate = calEnddate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString(); lblDateTo.Text = request.Enddate; ServiceReference1.ListReservationsInfo reservationsInfo = new ServiceReference1.ListReservationsInfo(); reservationsInfo = client.GetReservationByDate(request); if (reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection != null && reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection.Count() != 0) { lblLabelReservations.Text = "Reserved car(s)"; foreach (ServiceReference1.ReservationInfo reservation in reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection) { string number = reservationsInfo.ReservationCollection.IndexOf(reservation).ToString(); lblCarModel.Text += number + ": " + reservation.Model + "|| "; lblCarReg.Text += number + ": " + reservation.Regnumber + "|| "; lblCarBrand.Text += number + ": " + reservation.Brand + "|| "; lblCarYear.Text += number + ": " + reservation.Year.ToString() + "|| "; lblBookingStart.Text += number + ": " + reservation.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + reservation.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + "|| "; } lblReservationResult.Text = "Found reservations"; } else { lblCarModel.Text = "-"; lblCarBrand.Text = "-"; lblCarReg.Text = "-"; lblCarYear.Text = "-"; lblBookingStart.Text = "-"; lblReservationResult.Text = "Didn't find any reservations"; } }