private async void MapView_Tapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e) { try { // Create the feature. ArcGISFeature feature = (ArcGISFeature)_damageFeatureTable.CreateFeature(); // Get the normalized geometry for the tapped location and use it as the feature's geometry. MapPoint tappedPoint = (MapPoint)GeometryEngine.NormalizeCentralMeridian(e.Location); feature.Geometry = tappedPoint; // Set feature attributes. feature.SetAttributeValue("typdamage", "Minor"); feature.SetAttributeValue("primcause", "Earthquake"); // Add the feature to the table. await _damageFeatureTable.AddFeatureAsync(feature); // Apply the edits to the service. await _damageFeatureTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); // Update the feature to get the updated objectid - a temporary ID is used before the feature is added. feature.Refresh(); // Confirm feature addition. MessageBox.Show("Created feature " + feature.Attributes["objectid"], "Success!"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error adding feature"); } }
private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls.GeoViewInputEventArgs mapClickPoint) { IdentifyLayerResult idResult = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(serviceRequestLayer, mapClickPoint.Position, 5, false); ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = idResult.GeoElements.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature; if (serviceRequestFeature == null) { return; } // Create a new feature in the comments table ArcGISFeature newComment = relatedTable.CreateFeature() as ArcGISFeature; // Add comment text to the 'comments' attribute newComment.Attributes["comments"] = "Please show up on time!"; // Relate the selected service request to the new comment serviceRequestFeature.RelateFeature(newComment); await relatedTable.AddFeatureAsync(newComment); var results = await relatedTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); }
private async Task CreateFeature(Image capturedImage, int healthValue) { _helpLabel.Text = "Adding feature..."; try { // Get the geometry of the feature. MapPoint featurePoint = _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.First().Geometry as MapPoint; // Create attributes for the feature using the user selected health value. IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > featureAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Health", (short)healthValue }, { "Height", 3.2 }, { "Diameter", 1.2 } }; // Ensure that the feature table is loaded. if (_featureTable.LoadStatus != Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LoadStatus.Loaded) { await _featureTable.LoadAsync(); } // Create the new feature ArcGISFeature newFeature = _featureTable.CreateFeature(featureAttributes, featurePoint) as ArcGISFeature; // Convert the Image from ARCore into a JPEG byte array. byte[] attachmentData = await ConvertImageToJPEG(capturedImage); // Add the attachment. // The contentType string is the MIME type for JPEG files, image/jpeg. await newFeature.AddAttachmentAsync("tree.jpg", "image/jpeg", attachmentData); // Add the newly created feature to the feature table. await _featureTable.AddFeatureAsync(newFeature); // Apply the edits to the service feature table. await _featureTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); // Reset the user interface. _helpLabel.Text = "Tap to create a feature"; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); _addButton.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); ShowMessage("Could not create feature", "Error"); } }
private async Task CreateFeature(int healthValue) { HelpLabel.Text = "Adding feature..."; try { // Get the geometry of the feature. MapPoint featurePoint = _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.First().Geometry as MapPoint; // Create attributes for the feature using the user selected health value. IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, object> > featureAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Health", (short)healthValue }, { "Height", 3.2 }, { "Diameter", 1.2 } }; // Ensure that the feature table is loaded. if (_featureTable.LoadStatus != Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LoadStatus.Loaded) { await _featureTable.LoadAsync(); } // Create the new feature ArcGISFeature newFeature = _featureTable.CreateFeature(featureAttributes, featurePoint) as ArcGISFeature; // Add the newly created feature to the feature table. await _featureTable.AddFeatureAsync(newFeature); // Apply the edits to the service feature table. await _featureTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); // Reset the user interface. HelpLabel.Text = "Tap to create a feature"; _graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); AddButton.IsEnabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Could not create feature", "OK"); } }
public static async Task <ArcCrudEnum> AddBin(BinViewModel binViewModel) { IBinstance bin = binViewModel.Binstance; IEnumerable <YTYData> yTY = bin.YTYDatas; try { await _featureTable.LoadAsync(); var attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>(); attributes.Add("identifier", bin.Identifier); attributes.Add("created_by", bin.CreatedBy); attributes.Add("modified_by", bin.ModifiedBy); switch (bin.BinType) { case BinTypeEnum.RoundStorage: attributes.Add("bin_type", "round_storage"); break; case BinTypeEnum.GravityWagon: attributes.Add("bin_type", "gravity_wagon"); break; case BinTypeEnum.PolygonStructure: attributes.Add("bin_type", "polygon_structure"); break; case BinTypeEnum.FlatStructure: attributes.Add("bin_type", "flat_structure"); break; } attributes.Add("year_collected", bin.YearCollected); if (bin.IsLeased.HasValue) { attributes.Add("owned_or_leased", bin.IsLeased.Value ? "leased" : "owned"); } if (bin.HasDryingDevice.HasValue) { attributes.Add("drying_device", bin.HasDryingDevice.Value ? "true" : "false"); } if (bin.HasGrainHeightIndicator.HasValue) { attributes.Add("bin_level_indicator_device", bin.HasGrainHeightIndicator.Value ? "true" : "false"); } switch (bin.LadderType) { case Ladder.None: attributes.Add("ladder_type", "none"); break; case Ladder.Ladder: attributes.Add("ladder_type", "ladder"); break; case Ladder.Stairs: attributes.Add("ladder_type", "stairs"); break; } attributes.Add("notes", bin.Notes); //bin type specific logic below Type t = bin.GetType(); if (bin.BinType == BinTypeEnum.FlatStructure) { if (t.Equals(typeof(FlatBin))) { FlatBin flat = (FlatBin)bin; attributes.Add("crib_height", flat.CribLength); attributes.Add("crib_width", flat.CribWidth); } } else if (bin.BinType == BinTypeEnum.GravityWagon) { if (t.Equals(typeof(GravityBin))) { GravityBin gravityBin = (GravityBin)bin; attributes.Add("chute_length", gravityBin.ChuteLength); attributes.Add("hopper_height", gravityBin.HopperHeight); attributes.Add("rectangle_height", gravityBin.RectangleHeight); attributes.Add("rectangle_length", gravityBin.RectangleLength); attributes.Add("rectangle_width", gravityBin.RectangleWidth); } } else if (bin.BinType == BinTypeEnum.PolygonStructure) { if (t.Equals(typeof(PolygonBin))) { PolygonBin polygonBin = (PolygonBin)bin; attributes.Add("side_height", polygonBin.SideHeight); attributes.Add("side_width", polygonBin.SideWidth); attributes.Add("number_of_sides", polygonBin.NumberOfSides); } } else if (bin.BinType == BinTypeEnum.RoundStorage) { if (t.Equals(typeof(RoundBin))) { RoundBin round = (RoundBin)bin; if (round.HasHopper.HasValue) { attributes.Add("has_hopper", round.HasHopper.Value ? "true" : "false"); } attributes.Add("radius", round.Radius); attributes.Add("wall_height", round.WallHeight); attributes.Add("roof_height", round.RoofHeight); attributes.Add("hopper_height", round.HopperHeight); } } MapPoint mp; double lat = 0; double lon = 0; try { var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current; locator.DesiredAccuracy = 1000; var position = await locator.GetPositionAsync(); if (position == null) { Console.WriteLine("Location Service error"); } lat = position.Latitude; lon = position.Longitude; } catch { } string lonS = lon.ToString(); string[] split = lonS.Split('.'); var charArray = split[1].ToCharArray(); //seperate good location, make third if necassary string first = charArray[0].ToString(); string second = charArray[1].ToString(); string third = charArray[2].ToString(); Random random = new Random(); int addition = random.Next(25, 75); string additionS = addition.ToString(); string newLong = split[0] + '.' + first + second + third + additionS; //latitude string latS = lat.ToString(); string[] splitL = latS.Split('.'); var charArrayL = splitL[1].ToCharArray(); //seperate good location, make third if necassary string firstL = charArrayL[0].ToString(); string secondL = charArrayL[1].ToString(); string thirdL = charArrayL[2].ToString(); int additionL = random.Next(25, 75); string additionSL = additionL.ToString(); string newLat = splitL[0] + '.' + firstL + secondL + thirdL + additionSL; double clusteredLongitude = double.Parse(newLong); double clusteredLatitude = double.Parse(newLat); mp = new MapPoint(clusteredLongitude, clusteredLatitude); binViewModel.ArcGISFeature = (ArcGISFeature)_featureTable.CreateFeature(attributes, mp); await _featureTable.AddFeatureAsync(binViewModel.ArcGISFeature); await binViewModel.ArcGISFeature.LoadAsync(); if (DeviceInfo.DeviceType == DeviceType.Physical) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { bin.Image.GetStream().CopyTo(memoryStream); // add an attachment - pass the name, mime type, and attachment data (bytes, etc.) await binViewModel.ArcGISFeature.AddAttachmentAsync("Photo.jpg", "image/jpg", memoryStream.ToArray()); //agsFeature } } if (yTY == null) { yTY = new List <YTYData>(); } //create json string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yTY); byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); List <Attachment> attachmentsToRemove = new List <Attachment>(); IReadOnlyList <Attachment> attachments = await binViewModel.ArcGISFeature.GetAttachmentsAsync(); foreach (Attachment attachment in attachments) { if (attachment.Name.Equals(YTY_FILE_NAME)) { attachmentsToRemove.Add(attachment); } } await binViewModel.ArcGISFeature.DeleteAttachmentsAsync(attachmentsToRemove); await binViewModel.ArcGISFeature.AddAttachmentAsync(YTY_FILE_NAME, "application/json", byteArray); //agsFeature await _featureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(binViewModel.ArcGISFeature); //agsFeature // push to ArcGIS Online feature service IReadOnlyList <EditResult> editResults = await _featureTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); // check results for errors foreach (var er in editResults) { if (er.CompletedWithErrors) { return(ArcCrudEnum.Failure); } } return(ArcCrudEnum.Success); } catch (ArcGISWebException) { return(ArcCrudEnum.Exception); } }
private async Task ScrapeArtistInfo(FullArtist artist) { string bioUrl = $"{artist.Id}/about"; string pageContent = ""; using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "C# console program"); pageContent = await client.GetStringAsync(bioUrl); } var artistResults = _artistScraping.Extract(pageContent); var cities = artistResults["listeners-city"]; var listeners = artistResults["listeners"]; var bio = artistResults["about"]; // if there's no bio, we can't find locations :( if (bio == null) { return; } string fullBio = bio.ToString() + artistResults["more"].ToString(); int shortBioEnd = System.Math.Min(fullBio.Length, 255); string shortBio = fullBio.Substring(0, shortBioEnd); Dictionary <string, int> listenerCities = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < listeners.Count(); i++) { string listenersString = listeners[i].ToString().Replace("LISTENERS", "").Replace(",", "").Trim(); int numListeners = int.Parse(listenersString); listenerCities.Add(cities[i].ToString(), numListeners); } string aboutArtistJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fullBio, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); string classifiedXml = _classifier.classifyWithInlineXML(aboutArtistJson); // HACK: fix "city, state" locations that are split into two: // "<LOCATION>Logan</LOCATION>, <LOCATION>Utah</LOCATION>" => "<LOCATION>Logan, Utah</LOCATION>" classifiedXml = classifiedXml.Replace("</LOCATION>, <LOCATION>", ", "); MatchCollection locationMatches = _locationRx.Matches(classifiedXml); Dictionary <string, Graphic> artistLocations = new Dictionary <string, Graphic>(); //UNCOMMENT //// Build artist locations //for (int i = 0; i < locationMatches.Count; i++) //{ // var m = locationMatches[i]; // string loc = m.Groups[1].Value; // MapPoint geocodedLocation = await GeocodeArtistPlacename(loc); // if (geocodedLocation == null) { continue; } // // If the place name was geocoded, create a new feature to store it // // (first one is considered the hometown) :\ // if (i == 0) // { // Feature newHometownFeature = _hometownTable.CreateFeature(); // newHometownFeature.Geometry = geocodedLocation; // newHometownFeature.Attributes["placename"] = loc; // newHometownFeature.Attributes["artistname"] = artist.Name; // newHometownFeature.Attributes["artistid"] = artist.Id; // newHometownFeature.Attributes["imageurl"] = artist.Images.Last().Url; // newHometownFeature.Attributes["bioshort"] = shortBio; // await _hometownTable.AddFeatureAsync(newHometownFeature); // } // else // { // if (!artistLocations.ContainsKey(loc)) // { // Feature otherFeature = _otherPointsTable.CreateFeature(); // otherFeature.Geometry = geocodedLocation; // otherFeature.Attributes["placename"] = loc; // otherFeature.Attributes["artistname"] = artist.Name; // otherFeature.Attributes["artistid"] = artist.Id; // await _otherPointsTable.AddFeatureAsync(otherFeature); // } // } //} //// Apply edits to the hometown table (will apply other edits after adding listener cities) //await _hometownTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); //**UNCOMMENT // Create points for the listener cities int r = 0; foreach (var lc in listenerCities) { r++; MapPoint geocodedLocation = await GeocodeArtistPlacename(lc.Key); if (geocodedLocation == null) { continue; } Feature otherFeature = _listenerTable.CreateFeature(); otherFeature.Geometry = geocodedLocation; otherFeature.Attributes["placename"] = lc.Key; otherFeature.Attributes["artistname"] = artist.Name; otherFeature.Attributes["artistid"] = artist.Id; otherFeature.Attributes["listenercount"] = lc.Value; otherFeature.Attributes["listenerrank"] = r; await _listenerTable.AddFeatureAsync(otherFeature); } // Apply edits to the other locations table await _listenerTable.ApplyEditsAsync(); ArtistProgressList.Items.Add(artist.Name); }