예제 #1
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] ServerJob job)
            lock (_jobs)
                if (job == null || job.Id != 0)
                else if (job.DriverVersion < 1)
                    return(BadRequest("The driver is not compatible with this server, please update it."));
                else if (job.State != ServerState.New)
                    return(BadRequest("The job state should be ServerState.New. You are probably using a wrong version of the driver."));

                job.Hardware        = Startup.Hardware;
                job.HardwareVersion = Startup.HardwareVersion;
                job.OperatingSystem = Startup.OperatingSystem;
                // Use server-side date and time to prevent issues fron time drifting
                job.LastDriverCommunicationUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                job = _jobs.Add(job);

                Response.Headers["Location"] = $"/jobs/{job.Id}";
                return(new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the whole job including the measurements.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <bool> TryUpdateJobAsync()
            Log.Verbose($"GET {_serverJobUri} ...");
            var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(_serverJobUri);

            var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            Log.Verbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode} {responseContent}");

            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound || String.IsNullOrEmpty(responseContent))
                    Job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerJob>(responseContent);
                    Log.Write($"ERROR while deserializing state on {_serverJobUri}");

예제 #3
 private Task WriteJobsToSql(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, DateTime utcNow, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, string dimension, double value)
     return(RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, () =>
                                      connectionString: connectionString,
                                      tableName: tableName,
                                      scenario: serverJob.Scenario,
                                      session: session,
                                      description: description,
                                      aspnetCoreVersion: serverJob.AspNetCoreVersion,
                                      runtimeVersion: serverJob.RuntimeVersion,
                                      hardware: serverJob.Hardware.Value,
                                      hardwareVersion: serverJob.HardwareVersion,
                                      operatingSystem: serverJob.OperatingSystem.Value,
                                      scheme: serverJob.Scheme,
                                      source: serverJob.Source,
                                      webHost: serverJob.WebHost,
                                      kestrelThreadCount: serverJob.KestrelThreadCount,
                                      clientThreads: clientJob.Threads,
                                      connections: clientJob.Connections,
                                      duration: clientJob.Duration,
                                      pipelineDepth: clientJob.PipelineDepth,
                                      path: path,
                                      method: clientJob.Method,
                                      headers: clientJob.Headers,
                                      dimension: dimension,
                                      value: value,
                                      runtimeStore: serverJob.UseRuntimeStore)
                                  , 5000));
        private static string CloneAndRestore(string path, ServerJob job)
            // It's possible that the user specified a custom branch/commit for the benchmarks repo,
            // so we need to add that to the set of sources to restore if it's not already there.
            // Note that this is also going to de-dupe the repos if the same one was specified twice at
            // the command-line (last first to support overrides).
            var repos = new HashSet <Source>(job.Sources, SourceRepoComparer.Instance);

            // This will no-op if 'benchmarks' was specified by the user.

            // Clone
            string benchmarksDir = null;
            var    dirs          = new List <string>();

            foreach (var source in repos)
                var dir = Git.Clone(path, source.Repository);
                if (SourceRepoComparer.Instance.Equals(source, _benchmarksSource))
                    benchmarksDir = dir;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.BranchOrCommit))
                    Git.Checkout(Path.Combine(path, dir), source.BranchOrCommit);

            Debug.Assert(benchmarksDir != null);

            // Modify all global.json to reference source dirs
            foreach (var repoDir in dirs)
                var     globalJsonPath = Path.Combine(path, repoDir, "global.json");
                dynamic globalJson     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(globalJsonPath));
                foreach (var sourceDir in dirs)
                    if (sourceDir == benchmarksDir)
                        // No need to add benchmarks to global.json, since nothing should depend on it

                    globalJson["projects"].Add(Path.Combine("..", sourceDir, "src"));
                File.WriteAllText(globalJsonPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(globalJson, Formatting.Indented));

            // Restore in each dir
            foreach (var dir in dirs)
                ProcessUtil.Run("dotnet", "restore", workingDirectory: Path.Combine(path, dir, "src"));

예제 #5
 public JobResult(ServerJob job, IUrlHelper urlHelper)
     Id            = job.Id;
     RunId         = job.RunId;
     State         = job.State.ToString();
     DetailsUrl    = urlHelper.ActionLink("GetById", "Jobs", new { Id });
     BuildLogsUrl  = urlHelper.ActionLink("BuildLog", "Jobs", new { Id });
     OutputLogsUrl = urlHelper.ActionLink("Output", "Jobs", new { Id });
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] ServerJob job)
            if (job == null || job.Id != 0 || job.State != ServerState.Waiting ||
                job.Sources.Any(source => string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Repository)))

            job = _jobs.Add(job);

            Response.Headers["Location"] = $"/jobs/{job.Id}";
            return(new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted));
        private static Process StartProcess(string hostname, string benchmarksRepo, ServerJob job)
            var filename  = "dotnet";
            var arguments = $"run -c Release -- --scenarios {job.Scenario} --server.urls {job.Scheme.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}://{hostname}:5000";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.ConnectionFilter))
                arguments += $" --connectionFilter {job.ConnectionFilter}";

            Log.WriteLine($"Starting process '{filename} {arguments}'");

            var process = new Process()
                StartInfo =
                    FileName               = filename,
                    Arguments              = arguments,
                    WorkingDirectory       = Path.Combine(benchmarksRepo, @"src\Benchmarks"),
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                    UseShellExecute        = false,
                EnableRaisingEvents = true

            process.StartInfo.Environment.Add("COREHOST_SERVER_GC", "1");

            process.OutputDataReceived += (_, e) =>
                if (e != null && e.Data != null)

                    if (job.State == ServerState.Starting && e.Data.Contains("Application started"))
                        job.State = ServerState.Running;
                        job.Url   = ComputeServerUrl(hostname, job.Scheme, job.Scenario);
                        Log.WriteLine($"Running job '{job.Id}' with scenario '{job.Scenario}'");


예제 #8
        public async Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(
            ServerJob serverJob,
            ClientJob clientJob,
            string sqlConnectionString,
            string tableName,
            string path,
            string session,
            string description,
            Statistics statistics,
            bool longRunning)
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var scenario = serverJob.Scenario;

            foreach (var result in CsvResults)
                serverJob.Scenario = $"{scenario}.{result.Class}.{result.Method}{result.Params ?? ""}";

                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "OperationsPerSecond",
                    value : result.OperationsPerSecond);

                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Allocated (KB)",
                    value : result.Allocated);

            serverJob.Scenario = scenario;
예제 #9
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] ServerJob job)
            lock (_jobs)
                if (job == null || job.Id != 0 || job.State != ServerState.Initializing)

                job.Hardware        = Startup.Hardware;
                job.HardwareVersion = Startup.HardwareVersion;
                job.OperatingSystem = Startup.OperatingSystem;
                job = _jobs.Add(job);

                Response.Headers["Location"] = $"/jobs/{job.Id}";
                return(new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted));
예제 #10
        private static async Task <int> UploadFileAsync(string filename, ServerJob serverJob, string uri)
            Log.Write($"Uploading {filename} to {uri}");

                var outputFileSegments = filename.Split(';');
                var uploadFilename     = outputFileSegments[0];

                if (!File.Exists(uploadFilename))
                    Console.WriteLine($"File '{uploadFilename}' could not be loaded.");

                var destinationFilename = outputFileSegments.Length > 1
                    ? outputFileSegments[1]
                    : Path.GetFileName(uploadFilename);

                using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri))
                    var fileContent = uploadFilename.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                        ? new StreamContent(await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(uploadFilename))
                        : new StreamContent(new FileStream(uploadFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 1, FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.SequentialScan));

                    using (fileContent)
                        request.Content = fileContent;
                        request.Headers.Add("id", serverJob.Id.ToString());
                        request.Headers.Add("destinationFilename", destinationFilename);

                        await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"An error occurred while uploading a file.", e);

예제 #11
        public IActionResult Create([FromBody] ServerJob job)
            lock (_jobs)
                if (job == null || job.Id != 0 || job.State != ServerState.Initializing)

                job.Hardware        = Startup.Hardware;
                job.HardwareVersion = Startup.HardwareVersion;
                job.OperatingSystem = Startup.OperatingSystem;
                // Use server-side date and time to prevent issues fron time drifting
                job.LastDriverCommunicationUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                job = _jobs.Add(job);

                Response.Headers["Location"] = $"/jobs/{job.Id}";
                return(new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.Accepted));
예제 #12
        public async Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(
            ServerJob serverJob,
            ClientJob clientJob,
            string sqlConnectionString,
            string tableName,
            string path,
            string session,
            string description,
            Statistics statistics,
            bool longRunning)
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "RequestsPerSecond",
                value : statistics.RequestsPerSecond);

            if (statistics.StartupMain != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Startup Main (ms)",
                    value : statistics.StartupMain);

            if (statistics.FirstRequest != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "First Request (ms)",
                    value : statistics.FirstRequest);

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "WorkingSet (MB)",
                value : statistics.WorkingSet);

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "CPU",
                value : statistics.Cpu);

            if (statistics.Latency != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    dimension : "Latency (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency);

            if (statistics.LatencyAverage != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "LatencyAverage (ms)",
                    value : statistics.LatencyAverage);

            if (statistics.Latency50Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency50Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency50Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency75Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency75Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency75Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency90Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency90Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency90Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency99Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency99Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency99Percentile);

            if (statistics.MaxLatency != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "MaxLatency (ms)",
                    value : statistics.MaxLatency);

            if (statistics.SocketErrors != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "SocketErrors",
                    value : statistics.SocketErrors);

            if (statistics.BadResponses != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "BadResponses",
                    value : statistics.BadResponses);

            if (statistics.TotalRequests != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "TotalRequests",
                    value : statistics.TotalRequests);

            if (statistics.Duration != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Duration (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Duration);
예제 #13
        public async Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(
            ServerJob serverJob,
            ClientJob clientJob,
            string sqlConnectionString,
            string tableName,
            string path,
            string session,
            string description,
            Statistics statistics,
            bool longRunning)
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "RequestsPerSecond",
                value : statistics.RequestsPerSecond);

            if (statistics.StartupMain != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Startup Main (ms)",
                    value : statistics.StartupMain);

            if (statistics.BuildTime != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Build Time (ms)",
                    value : statistics.BuildTime);

            if (statistics.PublishedSize != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Published Size (KB)",
                    value : statistics.PublishedSize);

            if (statistics.FirstRequest != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "First Request (ms)",
                    value : statistics.FirstRequest);

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "WorkingSet (MB)",
                value : statistics.WorkingSet);

            await WriteJobsToSql(
                serverJob : serverJob,
                clientJob : clientJob,
                utcNow : utcNow,
                connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                tableName : tableName,
                path : serverJob.Path,
                session : session,
                description : description,
                dimension : "CPU",
                value : statistics.Cpu);

            if (statistics.Latency != -1 && !longRunning)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    dimension : "Latency (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency);

            if (statistics.LatencyAverage != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "LatencyAverage (ms)",
                    value : statistics.LatencyAverage);

            if (statistics.Latency50Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency50Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency50Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency75Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency75Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency75Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency90Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency90Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency90Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency99Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Latency99Percentile (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Latency99Percentile);

            if (statistics.MaxLatency != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "MaxLatency (ms)",
                    value : statistics.MaxLatency);

            if (statistics.SocketErrors != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "SocketErrors",
                    value : statistics.SocketErrors);

            if (statistics.BadResponses != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "BadResponses",
                    value : statistics.BadResponses);

            if (statistics.TotalRequests != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "TotalRequests",
                    value : statistics.TotalRequests);

            if (statistics.Duration != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(
                    serverJob : serverJob,
                    clientJob : clientJob,
                    utcNow : utcNow,
                    connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                    tableName : tableName,
                    path : serverJob.Path,
                    session : session,
                    description : description,
                    dimension : "Duration (ms)",
                    value : statistics.Duration);

            if (statistics.Other.Any())
                foreach (var counter in Program.Counters)
                    if (!statistics.Other.ContainsKey(counter.Name))

                    if (statistics.Other[counter.Name] != -1)
                        await WriteJobsToSql(
                            serverJob : serverJob,
                            clientJob : clientJob,
                            utcNow : utcNow,
                            connectionString : sqlConnectionString,
                            tableName : tableName,
                            path : serverJob.Path,
                            session : session,
                            description : description,
                            dimension : counter.DisplayName,
                            value : statistics.Other[counter.Name]);
예제 #14
 private Task WriteJobsToSql(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, DateTime utcNow, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, string dimension, double value)
     return(RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, (retry) => WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, dimension, value, retry)));
예제 #15
 public Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, Statistics statistics, bool longRunning)
예제 #16
        public async Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, Statistics statistics, bool longRunning)
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "RequestsPerSecond", statistics.RequestsPerSecond);

            await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "CPU", statistics.Cpu);

            await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "WorkingSet (MB)", statistics.WorkingSet);

            if (statistics.LatencyAverage != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "Latency Average (ms)", statistics.LatencyAverage);

            if (statistics.Latency50Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "Latency50Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency50Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency75Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "Latency75Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency75Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency90Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "Latency90Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency90Percentile);

            if (statistics.Latency99Percentile != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "Latency99Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency99Percentile);

            if (statistics.MaxLatency != -1)
                await WriteJobsToSql(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, "MaxLatency (ms)", statistics.MaxLatency);

            if (statistics.Other.Any())
                foreach (var counter in Program.Counters)
                    if (!statistics.Other.ContainsKey(counter.Name))

                    if (statistics.Other[counter.Name] != -1)
                        await WriteJobsToSql(
                            serverJob : serverJob,
                            clientJob : clientJob,
                            utcNow : utcNow,
                            connectionString : connectionString,
                            tableName : tableName,
                            path : serverJob.Path,
                            session : session,
                            description : description,
                            dimension : counter.DisplayName,
                            value : statistics.Other[counter.Name]);
예제 #17
 public JobConnection(ServerJob definition, Uri serverUri)
     Job            = definition;
     _serverUri     = serverUri;
     _serverJobsUri = new Uri(_serverUri, "/jobs");
예제 #18
        public async Task <string> StartAsync(
            string jobName,
            CommandOption _outputArchiveOption,
            CommandOption _buildArchiveOption
            _jobName = jobName;

            var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Job);

            Log.Write($"Starting job '{_jobName}' ...");

            Log.Verbose($"POST {_serverJobsUri} {content} ...");

            var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(_serverJobsUri, new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

            var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            Log.Verbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");


            _serverJobUri = new Uri(_serverUri, response.Headers.Location).ToString();

            Log.Write($"Fetching job: {_serverJobUri}");

            // When a job is submitted it has the state New
            // Waiting for the job to be selected (Initializing), then upload custom files and send the start

            while (true)
                Log.Verbose($"GET {_serverJobUri} ...");
                response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(_serverJobUri);

                responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


                Job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerJob>(responseContent);

                #region Ensure the job is valid

                if (Job.ServerVersion < 3)
                    throw new Exception($"Invalid server version ({Job.ServerVersion}), please update your server to match this driver version.");

                if (!Job.Hardware.HasValue)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Server is required to set ServerJob.Hardware.");

                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Job.HardwareVersion))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Server is required to set ServerJob.HardwareVersion.");

                if (!Job.OperatingSystem.HasValue)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Server is required to set ServerJob.OperatingSystem.");


                if (Job.State == ServerState.Initializing)
                    Log.Write($"Job has been selected by the server ...");


                    // Uploading source code
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Job.Source.LocalFolder))
                        // Zipping the folder
                        var tempFilename = Path.GetTempFileName();

                        Log.Write("Zipping the source folder in " + tempFilename);

                        var sourceDir = Job.Source.LocalFolder;

                        if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(sourceDir, ".gitignore")))
                            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDir, tempFilename);
                            Log.Verbose(".gitignore file found");
                            DoCreateFromDirectory(sourceDir, tempFilename);

                        var result = await UploadFileAsync(tempFilename, Job, _serverJobUri + "/source");


                        if (result != 0)
                            throw new Exception("Error while uploading source files");

                    // Upload custom package contents
                    if (_outputArchiveOption.HasValue())
                        foreach (var outputArchiveValue in _outputArchiveOption.Values)
                            var outputFileSegments = outputArchiveValue.Split(';', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            string localArchiveFilename = outputFileSegments[0];

                            var tempFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

                            if (Directory.Exists(tempFolder))
                                Directory.Delete(tempFolder, true);



                            // Download the archive, while pinging the server to keep the job alive
                            if (outputArchiveValue.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                localArchiveFilename = await DownloadTemporaryFileAsync(localArchiveFilename, _serverJobUri);

                            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(localArchiveFilename, tempFolder);

                            if (outputFileSegments.Length > 1)
                                Job.Options.OutputFiles.Add(Path.Combine(tempFolder, "*.*") + ";" + outputFileSegments[1]);
                                Job.Options.OutputFiles.Add(Path.Combine(tempFolder, "*.*"));

                    // Upload custom build package contents
                    if (_buildArchiveOption.HasValue())
                        foreach (var buildArchiveValue in _buildArchiveOption.Values)
                            var buildFileSegments = buildArchiveValue.Split(';', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            string localArchiveFilename = buildFileSegments[0];

                            var tempFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

                            if (Directory.Exists(tempFolder))
                                Directory.Delete(tempFolder, true);



                            // Download the archive, while pinging the server to keep the job alive
                            if (buildArchiveValue.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                localArchiveFilename = await DownloadTemporaryFileAsync(localArchiveFilename, _serverJobUri);

                            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(localArchiveFilename, tempFolder);

                            if (buildFileSegments.Length > 1)
                                Job.Options.BuildFiles.Add(Path.Combine(tempFolder, "*.*") + ";" + buildFileSegments[1]);
                                Job.Options.BuildFiles.Add(Path.Combine(tempFolder, "*.*"));

                    // Uploading build files
                    if (Job.Options.BuildFiles.Any())
                        foreach (var buildFileValue in Job.Options.BuildFiles)
                            var buildFileSegments = buildFileValue.Split(';', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            var shouldSearchRecursively = buildFileSegments[0].Contains("*.*");

                            foreach (var resolvedFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(buildFileSegments[0]), Path.GetFileName(buildFileSegments[0]), shouldSearchRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                                var resolvedFileWithDestination = resolvedFile;

                                if (buildFileSegments.Length > 1)
                                    resolvedFileWithDestination += ";" + buildFileSegments[1] + Path.GetDirectoryName(resolvedFile).Substring(Path.GetDirectoryName(buildFileSegments[0]).Length) + "/" + Path.GetFileName(resolvedFileWithDestination);

                                var result = await UploadFileAsync(resolvedFileWithDestination, Job, _serverJobUri + "/build");

                                if (result != 0)
                                    throw new Exception("Error while uploading build files");

                    // Uploading attachments
                    if (Job.Options.OutputFiles.Any())
                        foreach (var outputFileValue in Job.Options.OutputFiles)
                            var outputFileSegments = outputFileValue.Split(';', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            var shouldSearchRecursively = outputFileSegments[0].Contains("*.*");

                            foreach (var resolvedFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFileSegments[0]), Path.GetFileName(outputFileSegments[0]), shouldSearchRecursively ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                                var resolvedFileWithDestination = resolvedFile;

                                if (outputFileSegments.Length > 1)
                                    resolvedFileWithDestination += ";" + outputFileSegments[1] + Path.GetDirectoryName(resolvedFile).Substring(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFileSegments[0]).Length) + "/" + Path.GetFileName(resolvedFileWithDestination);

                                var result = await UploadFileAsync(resolvedFileWithDestination, Job, _serverJobUri + "/attachment");

                                if (result != 0)
                                    throw new Exception("Error while uploading output files");

                    response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(_serverJobUri + "/start", new StringContent(""));

                    responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    Log.Verbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");

                    Job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerJob>(responseContent);

                    Log.Write($"Job is now building ...");

                    await Task.Delay(1000);

            // Tracking the job until it stops

            // TODO: Add a step on the server before build and start, such that start can be as fast as possible
            // "start" => "build"
            // + new start call

            while (true)
                var previousJob = Job;

                Log.Verbose($"GET {_serverJobUri} ...");
                response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(_serverJobUri);

                responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Log.Verbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode} {responseContent}");

                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                    throw new Exception("Job not found");

                Job = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerJob>(responseContent);

                if (Job.State == ServerState.Running)
                    if (previousJob.State != ServerState.Running)
                        Log.Write($"Job is running");
                        _runningUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                else if (Job.State == ServerState.Failed)
                    Log.Write($"Job failed on benchmark server, stopping ...");

                    Log.Write(Job.Error, notime: true, error: true);

                    // Returning will also send a Delete message to the server
                else if (Job.State == ServerState.NotSupported)
                    Log.Write("Server does not support this job configuration.");
                else if (Job.State == ServerState.Stopped)
                    Log.Write($"Job finished");

                    // If there is no ReadyStateText defined, the server will never be in Running state
                    // and we'll reach the Stopped state eventually, but that's a normal behavior.
                    if (Job.WaitForExit)

                    throw new Exception("Job finished unnexpectedly");
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
예제 #19
        internal override bool Query()
            using (SQLConnection sql = new SQLConnection(instance))
                if (!sql.Connect())

                if (!_Check(sql))

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordFilter))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subsystemFilter))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyCredFilter))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(usingProxyCredFilter))
                table = sql.Query(sb.ToString());

            foreach (DataRow row in table.AsEnumerable())
                    ServerJob sj = new ServerJob
                        ComputerName     = computerName,
                        Instance         = instance,
                        DatabaseName     = database,
                        Job_Id           = (int)row["Job_Id"],
                        Job_Name         = (string)row["Job_Name"],
                        Job_Description  = (string)row["Job_Description"],
                        Job_Owner        = (string)row["Job_Owner"],
                        Proxy_Id         = (int)row["Proxy_Id"],
                        Proxy_Credential = (string)row["Proxy_Credential"],
                        Date_Created     = (string)row["Date_Created"],
                        Last_Run_Date    = (DateTime)row["Last_Run_Date"],
                        Enabled          = (bool)row["Enabled"],
                        Server           = (string)row["Server"],
                        Step_Name        = (string)row["Step_Name"],
                        SubSystem        = (string)row["SubSystem"],
                        Command          = (string)row["Command"]
                    Misc.PrintStruct <ServerJob>(sj);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex is ArgumentNullException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Empty Response");
예제 #20
        private async Task WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, DateTime utcNow, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, Statistics statistics, bool longRunning, string dimension, double value, bool checkExisting)
            if (checkExisting)
                if (await CheckForRow(connectionString, tableName, utcNow, dimension, session) == true)

            string insertCmd =
                INSERT INTO [dbo].[" + tableName + @"]

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                    var command = new SqlCommand(insertCmd, connection, transaction);
                    var p       = command.Parameters;
                    p.AddWithValue("@DateTime", utcNow);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Session", session);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Description", description);
                    p.AddWithValue("@AspNetCoreVersion", serverJob.AspNetCoreVersion);
                    p.AddWithValue("@RuntimeVersion", serverJob.RuntimeVersion);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Scenario", serverJob.Scenario.ToString());
                    p.AddWithValue("@Hardware", serverJob.Hardware.ToString());
                    p.AddWithValue("@HardwareVersion", serverJob.HardwareVersion);
                    p.AddWithValue("@OperatingSystem", serverJob.OperatingSystem.ToString());
                    p.AddWithValue("@Framework", "Core");
                    p.AddWithValue("@RuntimeStore", serverJob.UseRuntimeStore);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Scheme", serverJob.Scheme.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                    p.AddWithValue("@Sources", serverJob.Source != null ? ConvertToSqlString(serverJob.Source) : (object)DBNull.Value);
                    p.AddWithValue("@WebHost", serverJob.WebHost.ToString());
                    p.AddWithValue("@Transport", clientJob.ClientProperties["TransportType"]);
                    p.AddWithValue("@HubProtocol", clientJob.ClientProperties["HubProtocol"]);
                    p.AddWithValue("@ClientProperties", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clientJob.ClientProperties));
                    p.AddWithValue("@Connections", clientJob.Connections);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Duration", clientJob.Duration);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Path", string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? (object)DBNull.Value : path);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Headers", clientJob.Headers.Any() ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clientJob.Headers) : (object)DBNull.Value);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Dimension", dimension);
                    p.AddWithValue("@Value", value);
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var app = new CommandLineApplication()
                Name        = "BenchmarksDriver",
                FullName    = "ASP.NET Benchmark Driver",
                Description = "Driver for ASP.NET Benchmarks"


            // Driver Options
            var serverOption = app.Option("-s|--server",
                                          "URL of benchmark server", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var clientOption = app.Option("-c|--client",
                                          "URL of benchmark client", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var sqlConnectionStringOption = app.Option("-q|--sql",
                                                       "Connection string of SQL Database to store results", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);

            // ServerJob Options
            var connectionFilterOption = app.Option("-f|--connectionFilter",
                                                    "Assembly-qualified name of the ConnectionFilter", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var scenarioOption = app.Option("-n|--scenario",
                                            "Benchmark scenario to run", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var schemeOption = app.Option("-m|--scheme",
                                          "Scheme (http or https).  Default is http.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var sourceOption = app.Option("-o|--source",
                                          "Source dependency. Format is 'repo@branchOrCommit'. " +
                                          "Repo can be a full URL, or a short name under https://github.com/aspnet.",

            // ClientJob Options
            var connectionsOption = app.Option("--connections",
                                               "Number of connections used by client", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var durationOption = app.Option("--duration",
                                            "Duration of test in seconds", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var pipelineDepthOption = app.Option("--pipelineDepth",
                                                 "Depth of pipeline used by client", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var threadsOption = app.Option("--threads",
                                           "Number of threads used by client", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
            var headerOption = app.Option("--header",
                                          "Header added to request", CommandOptionType.MultipleValue);

            app.OnExecute(() =>
                var schemeValue = schemeOption.Value();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemeValue))
                    schemeValue = "http";

                var server = serverOption.Value();
                var client = clientOption.Value();
                var sqlConnectionString = sqlConnectionStringOption.Value();

                Scheme scheme;
                Scenario scenario;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(schemeValue, ignoreCase: true, result: out scheme) ||
                    !Enum.TryParse(scenarioOption.Value(), ignoreCase: true, result: out scenario) ||
                    string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server) ||

                var serverJob = new ServerJob()
                    Scheme   = scheme,
                    Scenario = scenario,

                if (connectionFilterOption.HasValue())
                    serverJob.ConnectionFilter = connectionFilterOption.Value();

                var sources = new List <Source>();
                foreach (var source in sourceOption.Values)
                    var split      = source.IndexOf('@');
                    var repository = (split == -1) ? source : source.Substring(0, split);
                    var branch     = (split == -1) ? null : source.Substring(split + 1);

                    if (!repository.Contains(":"))
                        repository = $"https://github.com/aspnet/{repository}.git";

                    sources.Add(new Source()
                        BranchOrCommit = branch, Repository = repository
                serverJob.Sources = sources;

                // Override default ClientJob settings if options are set
                if (connectionsOption.HasValue())
                    _clientJobs.Values.ToList().ForEach(c => c.Connections = int.Parse(connectionsOption.Value()));
                if (threadsOption.HasValue())
                    _clientJobs.Values.ToList().ForEach(c => c.Threads = int.Parse(threadsOption.Value()));
                if (durationOption.HasValue())
                    _clientJobs.Values.ToList().ForEach(c => c.Duration = int.Parse(durationOption.Value()));
                if (pipelineDepthOption.HasValue())
                    _clientJobs.Values.ToList().ForEach(c => c.PipelineDepth = int.Parse(pipelineDepthOption.Value()));
                if (headerOption.HasValue())
                    _clientJobs.Values.ToList().ForEach(c => c.Headers = headerOption.Values.ToArray());

                return(Run(new Uri(server), new Uri(client), sqlConnectionString, serverJob).Result);

        private static async Task <int> Run(Uri serverUri, Uri clientUri, string sqlConnectionString, ServerJob serverJob)
            var scenario                 = serverJob.Scenario;
            var serverJobsUri            = new Uri(serverUri, "/jobs");
            Uri serverJobUri             = null;
            HttpResponseMessage response = null;
            string responseContent       = null;

                Log($"Starting scenario {scenario} on benchmark server...");

                var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serverJob);
                LogVerbose($"POST {serverJobsUri} {content}...");

                response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(serverJobsUri, new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

                responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                LogVerbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");

                serverJobUri = new Uri(serverUri, response.Headers.Location);

                var serverBenchmarkUri = (string)null;
                while (true)
                    LogVerbose($"GET {serverJobUri}...");
                    response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(serverJobUri);

                    responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    LogVerbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode} {responseContent}");

                    serverJob = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerJob>(responseContent);

                    if (serverJob.State == ServerState.Running)
                        serverBenchmarkUri = serverJob.Url;
                    else if (serverJob.State == ServerState.Failed)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Server job failed");
                        await Task.Delay(1000);

                await RunClientJob(scenario, clientUri, serverBenchmarkUri);

                var clientJob = await RunClientJob(scenario, clientUri, serverBenchmarkUri);

                if (clientJob.State == ClientState.Completed && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sqlConnectionString))
                    await WriteResultsToSql(sqlConnectionString, scenario, serverJob.Scheme, serverJob.ConnectionFilter, clientJob.Threads,
                                            clientJob.Connections, clientJob.Duration, clientJob.PipelineDepth, clientJob.Headers, clientJob.RequestsPerSecond);
                if (serverJobUri != null)
                    Log($"Stopping scenario {scenario} on benchmark server...");

                    LogVerbose($"DELETE {serverJobUri}...");
                    response = _httpClient.DeleteAsync(serverJobUri).Result;
                    LogVerbose($"{(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode}");

예제 #23
        public async Task WriteJobResultsToSqlAsync(ServerJob serverJob, ClientJob clientJob, string connectionString, string tableName, string path, string session, string description, Statistics statistics, bool longRunning)
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "RequestsPerSecond", statistics.RequestsPerSecond, retry);

            await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "CPU", statistics.Cpu, retry);

            await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "WorkingSet (MB)", statistics.WorkingSet, retry);

            if (statistics.LatencyAverage != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "Latency Average (ms)", statistics.LatencyAverage, retry);

            if (statistics.Latency50Percentile != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "Latency50Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency50Percentile, retry);

            if (statistics.Latency75Percentile != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "Latency75Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency75Percentile, retry);

            if (statistics.Latency90Percentile != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "Latency90Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency90Percentile, retry);

            if (statistics.Latency99Percentile != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "Latency99Percentile (ms)", statistics.Latency99Percentile, retry);

            if (statistics.MaxLatency != -1)
                await RetryOnExceptionAsync(5, async (retry) =>
                    await WriteJobResultToSqlAsync(serverJob, clientJob, utcNow, connectionString, tableName, path, session, description, statistics, longRunning, "MaxLatency (ms)", statistics.MaxLatency, retry);