private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage s) { if (s is not SocketUserMessage msg) { return; } var context = new SocketCommandContext(_client, msg); if (context.User.IsBot) { return; } var argPos = 0; if (msg.HasStringPrefix(Config.Bot.CmdPrefix, ref argPos, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || msg.HasMentionPrefix(_client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) { var result = await _service.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, null); if (!result.IsSuccess && result.Error != CommandError.UnknownCommand) { if (result is ExecuteResult execResult) { Console.WriteLine(execResult.Exception); } Console.WriteLine(result.ErrorReason); } _ = ServerGames.UserSentCommand(context.User, context.Channel); } }
public async Task ClassInfo([Remainder] string name = "") { if (name == "") { return; } if (AdeptClassSeriesManager.TryGetClassSeries(name, out AdeptClassSeries series)) { AdeptClass adeptClass = series.Classes.Where(c => c.Name.ToUpper() == name.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor($"{adeptClass.Name} - {series.Archtype}"); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get(series.Elements.Select(s => s.ToString()).ToArray())); var relevantMoves = AdeptClassSeriesManager.GetMoveset(adeptClass).Where(m => m is Psynergy).ToList().ConvertAll(m => (Psynergy)m).ConvertAll(p => $"{p.Emote} {p.Name} `{p.PPCost}`"); embed.AddField("Description", series.Description ?? "-"); embed.AddField("Stats", adeptClass.StatMultipliers, true); embed.AddField("Elemental Stats", series.Elstats.ToString(), true); embed.AddField("Movepool", string.Join(" - ", relevantMoves)); embed.AddField($"Other Classes in {series.Name}", string.Join(", ", series.Classes.Select(s => s.Name)), true); embed.AddField("Elements", string.Join(", ", series.Elements.Select(e => e.ToString())), true); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); if (Context.User is SocketGuildUser sgu) { _ = ServerGames.UserLookedUpClass(sgu, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } } else { return; } }
private async Task HandleCommandAsync(SocketMessage s) { if (!(s is SocketUserMessage msg)) { return; } var context = new SocketCommandContext(client, msg); if (context.User.IsBot) { return; } int argPos = 0; if (msg.HasStringPrefix(, ref argPos, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || msg.HasMentionPrefix(client.CurrentUser, ref argPos)) { var result = await service.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, null); if (!result.IsSuccess && result.Error != CommandError.UnknownCommand) { Console.WriteLine(result.ErrorReason); } await ServerGames.UserSentCommand((SocketGuildUser)context.User, (SocketTextChannel)context.Channel); } }
public async Task RandomQuote() { if (GetQuotesCount() == 0) { await NoQuotes(); return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); QuoteStruct q = quoteList[(new Random()).Next(0, quoteList.Count)]; = Utilities.ToCaps(; embed.WithAuthor(; embed.WithThumbnailUrl(Sprites.GetImageFromName(; embed.WithDescription(q.quote); if (q.quote.Contains(@"#^@%!")) { var userAccount = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User); userAccount.ServerStats.HasQuotedMatthew = true; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); await ServerGames.UserHasCursed((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); //await embed.WithDescription(Utilities.GetAlert("quote")); }
private void InsertGame(GameInfo gameInfo) { var gameName = gameInfo.GameName; var length = ServerGames.Count; var inserted = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var comparison = ServerGames[i].GameName.CompareTo(gameName); if (comparison == 0) { inserted = true; break; } if (comparison > 0) { ServerGames.Insert(i, gameInfo); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { ServerGames.Add(gameInfo); } }
public async Task ColossoTrain() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); Matchup m = GetRandomMatchup(); embed.WithAuthor(GetTitle(Context.User, m.Enemy)); embed.WithDescription(GetText(Context.User, m)); lastMessageWasNuts = false; if (m.Result.Text.Contains("nuts")) { lastMessageWasNuts = true; } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); if (m.Result.IsWin) { ServerGames.UserWonColosso((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } else { ServerGames.UserLostColosso((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); winners.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonPvP(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), lobbyChannel, winners.Count, losers.Count)); _ = WriteGameOver(); await Task.CompletedTask; }
public override async Task ReactAsync(SocketUserMessage msg) { await base.ReactAsync(msg); var userAccount = UserAccounts.GetAccount(msg.Author); userAccount.ServerStats.HasWrittenCurse = true; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); await ServerGames.UserHasCursed((SocketGuildUser)msg.Author, (SocketTextChannel)msg.Channel); }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); winners.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, 1, 0, p.battleStats, BattleDifficulty.Easy, lobbyChannel, winners, false)); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); await Task.CompletedTask; }
internal async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.SizeTeamB == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Game Over with no enemies existing."); } if (winners.First() is PlayerFighter) { winsInARow++; var wasMimic = Battle.TeamB.Any(e =>"Mimic")); winners.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, winsInARow, LureCaps, p.battleStats, Diff, TextChannel, winners, wasMimic)); if (!IsEndless) { _ = WriteGameOver(); } else { Battle.TeamA.ForEach(p => { p.PPrecovery += (winsInARow <= 8 * 4 && winsInARow % 4 == 0) ? 1 : 0; p.RemoveNearlyAllConditions(); p.Buffs = new List <Buff>(); p.Heal((uint)(p.stats.HP * 5 / 100)); }); var text = $"{winners.First().name}'s Party wins Battle {winsInARow}! Battle will reset shortly"; await Task.Delay(2000); await StatusMsg.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = null; }); await Task.Delay(2000); Diff = (BattleDifficulty)Math.Min(4, 1 + winsInARow / stageLength); SetRandomEnemies(ColossoBattle.Team.B); Battle.turn = 0; _ = StartBattle(); } } else { if (IsEndless) { Diff = BattleDifficulty.Easy; } var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, Diff, TextChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.SizeTeamB == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Game Over with no enemies existing."); } if (Battle.GetWinner() == ColossoBattle.Team.A) { winsInARow++; var RewardTables = Rewards; var chests = chestTable[Difficulty]; chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward); if (!Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mimic"))) { chests.Add(new DefaultReward { Weight = chests.Weight * (14 - 2 * LureCaps) }); } RewardTables.Add(chests); winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel, winsInARow, string.Join(", ", Battle.TeamA.Select(pl => pl.Name)))); chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward); Console.WriteLine("Winners rewarded."); Battle.TeamA.ForEach(p => { p.PPrecovery += (winsInARow <= 8 * 4 && winsInARow % 4 == 0) ? 1 : 0; p.RemoveNearlyAllConditions(); p.Buffs = new List <Buff>(); p.Heal((uint)(p.Stats.HP * 5 / 100)); }); var text = $"{winners.First().Name}'s Party wins Battle {winsInARow}! Battle will reset shortly"; await Task.Delay(2000); await StatusMessage.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = null; }); await Task.Delay(2000); SetNextEnemy(); Battle.turn = 0; _ = StartBattle(); } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } }
public async Task MoveInfo([Remainder] string name = "") { if (name == "") { return; } Move m = PsynergyDatabase.GetMove(name); if (!(m is Psynergy psy)) { return; } if (psy.Name.ToLower().Contains("not implemented")) { var failEmbed = new EmbedBuilder(); failEmbed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); failEmbed.WithDescription("I have never heard of that kind of Psynergy"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, failEmbed.Build()); return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get(psy.Element.ToString())); embed.WithAuthor(psy.Name); embed.AddField("Emote", psy.Emote, true); embed.AddField("PP", psy.PPCost, true); embed.AddField("Description", $"{psy} {(psy.HasPriority ? "Always goes first." : "")}"); if (psy.Effects.Count > 0) { var s = string.Join("\n", psy.Effects.Select(e => $"{e}")); embed.AddField("Effects", s); } var classWithMove = AdeptClassSeriesManager.allClasses.Where(d => d.Classes.Any(c => c.Movepool.Contains(psy.Name))); if (classWithMove.Count() > 0) { embed.AddField("Learned by", string.Join(", ", classWithMove.Select(c => c.Name))); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); if (Context.User is SocketGuildUser sgu) { _ = ServerGames.UserLookedUpPsynergy(sgu, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, matchup.RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); } Battle.TeamA.ForEach(p => { p.RemoveNearlyAllConditions(); p.Buffs = new List <Buff>(); p.Heal((uint)(p.Stats.HP * 5 / 100)); }); SetNextEnemy(); if (!EndOfDungeon) { await SummonsMessage.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = matchup.FlavourText); var text = $"{winners.First().Name}'s Party wins Battle!"; await Task.Delay(2000); await StatusMessage.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = null; }); await Task.Delay(2000); Battle.turn = 0; _ = StartBattle(); } else { winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonDungeon(p.avatar, Dungeon, lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } }
private void RecountGames() { var serverGames = ServerGames.ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < serverGames.Length; i++) { var item = serverGames[i]; var game = ServerGamesCache.FirstOrDefault(sg => sg.GameID == item.GameID); if (game == null || !FilterGame(game)) { ServerGames.Remove(item); } } serverGames = ServerGames.ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < serverGames.Length; i++) { var item = serverGames[i]; var game = ServerGamesCache.FirstOrDefault(sg => sg.GameID == item.GameID); if (game != null && game != item) { ServerGames[i] = game; } } for (int i = 0; i < ServerGamesCache.Count; i++) { var item = ServerGamesCache[i]; var game = ServerGames.FirstOrDefault(sg => sg.GameID == item.GameID); if (game == null && FilterGame(item)) { InsertGame(item); } } if (CurrentGame != null && !ServerGames.Contains(CurrentGame)) { CurrentGame = null; } if (CurrentGame == null && ServerGames.Any()) { CurrentGame = ServerGames[0]; } }
public async Task RandomQuote([Remainder] string name) { name = name.ToLower(); if (GetQuotesCount() == 0) { await NoQuotes(); return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); //TODO: Optimize this. This is ugly. List <QuoteStruct> QuotesFromName = new List <QuoteStruct>(); foreach (QuoteStruct q in quoteList) { if ( { QuotesFromName.Add(q); } } if (QuotesFromName.Count == 0) { embed.WithDescription(Utilities.GetAlert("No_Quote_From_Name")); } else { var quote = QuotesFromName[(new Random()).Next(0, QuotesFromName.Count)]; embed.WithThumbnailUrl(Sprites.GetImageFromName(; embed.WithAuthor(Utilities.ToCaps(; embed.WithDescription(quote.quote); if (quote.quote.Contains(@"#^@%!")) { var userAccount = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User); userAccount.ServerStats.HasQuotedMatthew = true; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); await ServerGames.UserHasCursed((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); } } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public static Embed ColossoTrain(SocketGuildUser user, IMessageChannel channel) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); Matchup m = GetRandomMatchup(); embed.WithAuthor(GetTitle(user, m.Enemy)); embed.WithDescription(GetText(user, m)); if (m.Result.IsWin) { ServerGames.UserWonColosso(user, channel); } else { ServerGames.UserLostColosso(user, channel); } return(embed.Build()); }
public async Task RockPaperScissorsAsync([Remainder] RpsEnum choice) { string[] emotesPlayer = { "🤜", "🖐️", "✌️" }; string[] emotesCPU = { "🤛", "🖐️", "✌️" }; var avatar = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User); RpsEnum cpuChoice = (RpsEnum)((new Random()).Next(0, 1000) % 3); string result = ""; switch ((int)choice - (int)cpuChoice) { case 1: case -2: result = "You read me like an open book! You win!"; await ServerGames.UserWonRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); break; case 0: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "I may not have the gift of Psynergy, but I can still match your strength!"; break; case -1: case 2: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRPS((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "Ahah! I may forever remember the day I beat an Adept in a fair game!"; break; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); embed.WithDescription($"{emotesPlayer[(int)choice]} vs {emotesCPU[(int)cpuChoice]}"); embed.AddField("Result:", result); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task MoveInfo([Remainder] string name = "") { if (name == "") { return; } Psynergy psy = PsynergyDatabase.GetPsynergy(name); if ("Not Implemented")) { var failEmbed = new EmbedBuilder(); failEmbed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); failEmbed.WithDescription("I have never heard of that kind of Psynergy"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, failEmbed.Build()); return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get(psy.element.ToString())); embed.WithAuthor(; embed.AddField("Emote", psy.emote, true); embed.AddField("PP", psy.PPCost, true); //embed.AddField("Element", psy.element, true); embed.AddField("Description", $"{psy.ToString()} {(psy.hasPriority ? "Always goes first." : "")}"); var s = "none"; if (psy.effects.Count > 0) { s = string.Join("\n", psy.effects.Select(e => $"{e.ToString()}")); } embed.AddField("Effects", s); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); _ = ServerGames.UserLookedUpPsynergy((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); }
public async Task RockPaperScissorsAsync([Remainder] RpsEnum choice) { string[] emotesPlayer = { "🤜", ":hand_splayed:", ":v:" }; string[] emotesCpu = { "🤛", ":hand_splayed:", ":v:" }; var cpuChoice = Enum.GetValues <RpsEnum>().Random(); var result = ""; switch ((int)choice - (int)cpuChoice) { case 1: case -2: result = "You read me like an open book! You win!"; _ = ServerGames.UserWonRps((SocketGuildUser)Context.User, (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel); break; case 0: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRps((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "I may not have the gift of Psynergy, but I can still match your strength!"; break; case -1: case 2: ServerGames.UserDidNotWinRps((SocketGuildUser)Context.User); result = "Ahah! I may forever remember the day I beat an Adept in a fair game!"; break; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Colors.Get("Iodem")); embed.WithDescription($"{emotesPlayer[(int)choice]} vs {emotesCpu[(int)cpuChoice]}"); embed.AddField("Result:", result); _ = Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); await Task.CompletedTask; }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.SizeTeamB == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Game Over with no enemies existing."); } if (Battle.GetWinner() == ColossoBattle.Team.A) { var RewardTables = Rewards; // Get the appropiate chest rewards table var chests = chestTable[Difficulty]; chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward); // If there was *no* mimic, add a counter weight if (!Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mimic"))) { chests.Add(new DefaultReward { Weight = chests.Weight * (14 - 2 * LureCaps - Battle.SizeTeamA) }); } RewardTables.Add(chests); winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward); _ = WriteGameOver(); } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } LureCaps = 0; await Task.CompletedTask; }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.SizeTeamB == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Game Over with no enemies existing."); } if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { var RewardTables = Rewards; // Get the appropiate chest rewards table var chests = chestTable[Difficulty]; chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward d && !d.HasChest); // If there was *no* mimic, add a counter weight var lurCapBonus = new[] { 16, 12, 10, 9, 8 }; if (!Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mimic"))) { chests.Add(new DefaultReward() { Weight = chests.Weight * lurCapBonus[LureCaps] }); } RewardTables.Add(chests); if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Djinn"))) { var djinnTable = new RewardTable(); var djinnWeight = (int)Difficulty; if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("enus Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Venus", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("ars Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Mars", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("upiter Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Jupiter", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("ercury Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Mercury", Weight = 1 }); } djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Weight = djinnTable.Weight * (10 - (int)Difficulty) * 3 - djinnTable.Weight }); RewardTables.Add(djinnTable); } winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonSingleBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), lobbyChannel, Difficulty)); chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward d && !d.HasChest); _ = WriteGameOver(); } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ForEach(p => p.Moves.OfType <Djinn>().ToList().ForEach(d => { d.Summon(p); d.CoolDown = 0; })); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } await Task.CompletedTask; }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), matchup.RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); } Battle.TeamA.ForEach(p => { p.RemoveNearlyAllConditions(); p.Buffs = new List <Buff>(); p.Heal((uint)(p.Stats.HP * 5 / 100)); }); SetNextEnemy(); if (!EndOfDungeon) { await SummonsMessage.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = matchup.FlavourText); var text = $"{winners.First().Name}'s Party wins Battle!"; await Task.Delay(2000); await StatusMessage.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = null; }); await Task.Delay(2000); Battle.turn = 0; _ = StartBattle(); } else { winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonDungeon(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), Dungeon, lobbyChannel)); if (DateTime.Now <= new DateTime(2020, 11, 8) && Global.Random.Next(4) == 0) { var r = new List <Rewardable>() { new DefaultReward() { Dungeon = "Halloween Special" } }; winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), r, new BattleStats(), lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); } _ = WriteGameOver(); } } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(UserAccountProvider.GetById(p.Id), lobbyChannel)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } }
protected override async Task GameOver() { var winners = Battle.GetTeam(Battle.GetWinner()); if (Battle.SizeTeamB == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Game Over with no enemies existing."); } if (Battle.GetWinner() == Team.A) { winsInARow++; var RewardTables = Rewards; var chests = chestTable[Difficulty]; chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward d && !d.HasChest); var lurCapBonus = new[] { 16, 12, 10, 9, 8 }; if (!Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mimic"))) { chests.Add(new DefaultReward { Weight = chests.Weight * lurCapBonus[LureCaps] }); } RewardTables.Add(chests); if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Djinn"))) { var djinnTable = new RewardTable(); var djinnWeight = (int)Difficulty; if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Venus Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Venus", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mars Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Mars", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Jupiter Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Jupiter", Weight = 1 }); } if (Battle.TeamB.Any(f => f.Name.Contains("Mercury Djinn"))) { djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Djinn = "Mercury", Weight = 1 }); } djinnTable.Add(new DefaultReward() { Weight = djinnTable.Weight * (10 - (int)Difficulty) * 2 - djinnTable.Weight }); RewardTables.Add(djinnTable); } winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonBattle(p.avatar, RewardTables.GetRewards(), p.battleStats, lobbyChannel, BattleChannel)); winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserWonEndless(p.avatar, lobbyChannel, winsInARow, mode, p.battleStats.TotalTeamMates + 1, string.Join(", ", Battle.TeamA.Select(pl => pl.Name)))); chests.RemoveAll(s => s is DefaultReward d && !d.HasChest); Battle.TeamA.ForEach(p => { p.PPrecovery += (winsInARow <= 8 * 4 && winsInARow % 4 == 0) ? 1 : 0; p.RemoveNearlyAllConditions(); p.Buffs = new List <Buff>(); p.Heal((uint)(p.Stats.HP * 5 / 100)); }); var text = $"{winners.First().Name}'s Party wins Battle {winsInARow}! Battle will reset shortly."; await Task.Delay(3000); await StatusMessage.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = null; }); await Task.Delay(3000); SetNextEnemy(); Battle.turn = 0; _ = StartBattle(); } else { var losers = winners.First().battle.GetTeam(winners.First().enemies); losers.ConvertAll(s => (PlayerFighter)s).ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserLostBattle(p.avatar, lobbyChannel)); winners.OfType <PlayerFighter>().ToList().ForEach(async p => await ServerGames.UserFinishedEndless(p.avatar, lobbyChannel, winsInARow, mode)); _ = WriteGameOver(); } }