예제 #1
        private static void InitProjectSpecific()
            commands.Add(new Command("restart|reset", "restart/reset: Close and restart the server.", (string[] args) =>
                NewMessage("*****************", Color.Lime);
                NewMessage("RESTARTING SERVER", Color.Lime);
                NewMessage("*****************", Color.Lime);

            commands.Add(new Command("exit|quit|close", "exit/quit/close: Exit the application.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.ShouldRun = false;

            commands.Add(new Command("say", "say [message]: Send a chat message that displays \"HOST\" as the sender.", (string[] args) =>
                string text = string.Join(" ", args);
                text        = "HOST: " + text;
                GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(text, ChatMessageType.Server);

            commands.Add(new Command("msg", "msg [message]: Send a chat message with no sender specified.", (string[] args) =>
                string text = string.Join(" ", args);
                GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(text, ChatMessageType.Server);

            commands.Add(new Command("servername", "servername [name]: Change the name of the server.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.Server.Name = string.Join(" ", args);
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.ChangeServerName(string.Join(" ", args));

            commands.Add(new Command("servermsg", "servermsg [message]: Change the message displayed in the server lobby.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.ChangeServerMessage(string.Join(" ", args));

            commands.Add(new Command("seed|levelseed", "seed/levelseed: Changes the level seed for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.LevelSeed = string.Join(" ", args);

            commands.Add(new Command("gamemode", "gamemode [name]/[index]: Select the game mode for the next round. The parameter can either be the name or the index number of the game mode (0 = sandbox, 1 = mission, etc).", (string[] args) =>
                int index = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(string.Join(" ", args), out index))
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeIndex = index;
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeName = string.Join(" ", args);
                NewMessage("Set gamemode to " + GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeName, Color.Cyan);

            commands.Add(new Command("mission", "mission [name]/[index]: Select the mission type for the next round. The parameter can either be the name or the index number of the mission type (0 = first mission type, 1 = second mission type, etc).", (string[] args) =>
                int index = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(string.Join(" ", args), out index))
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeIndex = index;
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeName = string.Join(" ", args);
                NewMessage("Set mission to " + GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeName, Color.Cyan);

            commands.Add(new Command("sub|submarine", "submarine [name]: Select the submarine for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                Submarine sub = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GetSubList().Find(s => s.Name.ToLower() == string.Join(" ", args).ToLower());

                if (sub != null)
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedSub = sub;
                sub = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedSub;
                NewMessage("Selected sub: " + sub.Name + (sub.HasTag(SubmarineTag.Shuttle) ? " (shuttle)" : ""), Color.Cyan);

            commands.Add(new Command("shuttle", "shuttle [name]: Select the specified submarine as the respawn shuttle for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                Submarine shuttle = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GetSubList().Find(s => s.Name.ToLower() == string.Join(" ", args).ToLower());

                if (shuttle != null)
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedShuttle = shuttle;
                shuttle = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedShuttle;
                NewMessage("Selected shuttle: " + shuttle.Name + (shuttle.HasTag(SubmarineTag.Shuttle) ? "" : " (not shuttle)"), Color.Cyan);

            commands.Add(new Command("startgame|startround|start", "start/startgame/startround: Start a new round.", (string[] args) =>
                if (Screen.Selected == GameMain.GameScreen)
                if (!GameMain.Server.StartGame())
                    NewMessage("Failed to start a new round", Color.Yellow);

            commands.Add(new Command("endgame|endround|end", "end/endgame/endround: End the current round.", (string[] args) =>
                if (Screen.Selected == GameMain.NetLobbyScreen)

            commands.Add(new Command("entitydata", "", (string[] args) =>
                if (args.Length == 0)
                Entity ent = Entity.FindEntityByID(Convert.ToUInt16(args[0]));
                if (ent != null)
                    NewMessage(ent.ToString(), Color.Lime);
            commands.Add(new Command("eventdata", "", (string[] args) =>
                if (args.Length == 0)
                ServerEntityEvent ev = GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.Events[Convert.ToUInt16(args[0])];
                if (ev != null)
                    NewMessage(ev.StackTrace, Color.Lime);

            commands.Add(new Command("spamchatmessages", "", (string[] args) =>
                int msgCount = 1000;
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    int.TryParse(args[0], out msgCount);
                int msgLength = 50;
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    int.TryParse(args[1], out msgLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; i++)
                    GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(ToolBox.RandomSeed(msgLength), ChatMessageType.Default);
예제 #2
        private static void InitProjectSpecific()
            commands.Add(new Command("restart|reset", "restart/reset: Close and restart the server.", (string[] args) =>
                NewMessage("*****************", Color.Lime);
                NewMessage("RESTARTING SERVER", Color.Lime);
                NewMessage("*****************", Color.Lime);

            commands.Add(new Command("exit|quit|close", "exit/quit/close: Exit the application.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.ShouldRun = false;

            commands.Add(new Command("say", "say [message]: Send a chat message that displays \"HOST\" as the sender.", (string[] args) =>
                string text = string.Join(" ", args);
                text        = "HOST: " + text;
                GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(text, ChatMessageType.Server);

            commands.Add(new Command("msg", "msg [message]: Send a chat message with no sender specified.", (string[] args) =>
                string text = string.Join(" ", args);
                GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(text, ChatMessageType.Server);

            commands.Add(new Command("servername", "servername [name]: Change the name of the server.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.Server.Name = string.Join(" ", args);
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.ChangeServerName(string.Join(" ", args));

            commands.Add(new Command("servermsg", "servermsg [message]: Change the message displayed in the server lobby.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.ChangeServerMessage(string.Join(" ", args));

            commands.Add(new Command("seed|levelseed", "seed/levelseed: Changes the level seed for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.LevelSeed = string.Join(" ", args);

            commands.Add(new Command("randomizeseed", "randomizeseed: Toggles level seed randomization on/off.", (string[] args) =>
                GameMain.Server.RandomizeSeed = !GameMain.Server.RandomizeSeed;
                NewMessage((GameMain.Server.RandomizeSeed ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " level seed randomization.", Color.Cyan);

            commands.Add(new Command("gamemode", "gamemode [name]/[index]: Select the game mode for the next round. The parameter can either be the name or the index number of the game mode (0 = sandbox, 1 = mission, etc).", (string[] args) =>
                int index = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(string.Join(" ", args), out index))
                    if (index > 0 && index < GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GameModes.Length &&
                        GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GameModes[index].Name == "Campaign")
                        GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeIndex = index;
                    string modeName = string.Join(" ", args);
                    if (modeName.ToLowerInvariant() == "campaign")
                        GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeName = modeName;
                NewMessage("Set gamemode to " + GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedModeName, Color.Cyan);
                                     () =>
                return(new string[][]
                    GameModePreset.list.Select(gm => gm.Name).ToArray()

            commands.Add(new Command("mission", "mission [name]/[index]: Select the mission type for the next round. The parameter can either be the name or the index number of the mission type (0 = first mission type, 1 = second mission type, etc).", (string[] args) =>
                int index = -1;
                if (int.TryParse(string.Join(" ", args), out index))
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeIndex = index;
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeName = string.Join(" ", args);
                NewMessage("Set mission to " + GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.MissionTypeName, Color.Cyan);
                                     () =>
                return(new string[][]

            commands.Add(new Command("sub|submarine", "submarine [name]: Select the submarine for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                Submarine sub = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GetSubList().Find(s => s.Name.ToLower() == string.Join(" ", args).ToLower());

                if (sub != null)
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedSub = sub;
                sub = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedSub;
                NewMessage("Selected sub: " + sub.Name + (sub.HasTag(SubmarineTag.Shuttle) ? " (shuttle)" : ""), Color.Cyan);
                                     () =>
                return(new string[][]
                    Submarine.Loaded.Select(s => s.Name).ToArray()

            commands.Add(new Command("shuttle", "shuttle [name]: Select the specified submarine as the respawn shuttle for the next round.", (string[] args) =>
                Submarine shuttle = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.GetSubList().Find(s => s.Name.ToLower() == string.Join(" ", args).ToLower());

                if (shuttle != null)
                    GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedShuttle = shuttle;
                shuttle = GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.SelectedShuttle;
                NewMessage("Selected shuttle: " + shuttle.Name + (shuttle.HasTag(SubmarineTag.Shuttle) ? "" : " (not shuttle)"), Color.Cyan);
                                     () =>
                return(new string[][]
                    Submarine.Loaded.Select(s => s.Name).ToArray()

            commands.Add(new Command("startgame|startround|start", "start/startgame/startround: Start a new round.", (string[] args) =>
                if (Screen.Selected == GameMain.GameScreen)
                if (!GameMain.Server.StartGame())
                    NewMessage("Failed to start a new round", Color.Yellow);

            commands.Add(new Command("endgame|endround|end", "end/endgame/endround: End the current round.", (string[] args) =>
                if (Screen.Selected == GameMain.NetLobbyScreen)

            commands.Add(new Command("entitydata", "", (string[] args) =>
                if (args.Length == 0)
                Entity ent = Entity.FindEntityByID(Convert.ToUInt16(args[0]));
                if (ent != null)
                    NewMessage(ent.ToString(), Color.Lime);

            //"dummy commands" that only exist so that the server can give clients permissions to use them
            commands.Add(new Command("control|controlcharacter", "control [character name]: Start controlling the specified character (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("los", "Toggle the line of sight effect on/off (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("lighting|lights", "Toggle lighting on/off (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("debugdraw", "Toggle the debug drawing mode on/off (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("togglehud|hud", "Toggle the character HUD (inventories, icons, buttons, etc) on/off (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("followsub", "Toggle whether the camera should follow the nearest submarine (client-only).", null));
            commands.Add(new Command("toggleaitargets|aitargets", "Toggle the visibility of AI targets (= targets that enemies can detect and attack/escape from) (client-only).", null));

            commands.Add(new Command("eventdata", "", (string[] args) =>
                if (args.Length == 0)
                ServerEntityEvent ev = GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.Events[Convert.ToUInt16(args[0])];
                if (ev != null)
                    NewMessage(ev.StackTrace, Color.Lime);

            commands.Add(new Command("spamchatmessages", "", (string[] args) =>
                int msgCount = 1000;
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    int.TryParse(args[0], out msgCount);
                int msgLength = 50;
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    int.TryParse(args[1], out msgLength);

                for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; i++)
                    GameMain.Server.SendChatMessage(ToolBox.RandomSeed(msgLength), ChatMessageType.Default);