public static void HandleACEversion(Session session, params string[] parameters) { if (!PropertyManager.GetBool("version_info_enabled").Item) { session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat("The command \"aceversion\" is not currently enabled on this server.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast)); return; } var msg = ServerBuildInfo.GetVersionInfo(); session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.WorldBroadcast)); }
public static void GetServerVersion(ClientMessage message, Session session) { // @version command is native to client. Client responds with the following (if using end of retail client/data): // Using Turbine Chat // Client version Portal: compiled Fri Jun 12 04:16:27 2015 : RETAIL // If client connects with admin account, it will forward version request to server and will respond with the following: var msg = ServerBuildInfo.GetVersionInfo(); session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.WorldBroadcast)); }
public static void ShowVersion(Session session, params string[] parameters) { var msg = ServerBuildInfo.GetVersionInfo(); Console.WriteLine(msg); }