public ChartOptions() { XAxis = new XAxis(); YAxis = new YAxis(); Series = new SerieCollection(); Appearance = new Appearance.Appearance(); Lang = new Localization(); Exporting = new Exporting(); Colors = new ColorSet(); Legend = new Legend(); AjaxDataSource = new AJAXSource(); Tooltip = new ToolTip(); ClientId = ""; }
private void Display_ChargingStatus_Faults(Chargers Charger, int WeekNumer, int YearNumer) { GetChartData gd = new GetChartData(); DataTable dataTable = gd.Ct_GetWeeklyChargingFails(Charger.ChargingStationID, WeekNumer, YearNumer); // string mainTitle = string.Format("Vehicle Efficiency - {0}", dt.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); // string subTitle = string.Format("{0} - {1}", v.CustomerName, v.Vin); string mainTitle = Charger.Location.ToUpper().ToString() + " - Charger Fails"; string subTitle = "Week Number " + WeekNumer + ", " + YearNumer; hcFrutas.Title = new Title(mainTitle); hcFrutas.SubTitle = new SubTitle(subTitle); hcFrutas.Theme = "grid"; hcFrutas.Legend = new Legend { align = Align.right, layout = Layout.vertical, verticalAlign =, x = -10, y = 70, borderWidth = 0 }; hcFrutas.Appearance = new Appearance { renderTo = "container", animation = false }; // hcFrutas.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Time Percentage") }); //Get point collection var pointCollectionVinEfficiency = new PointCollection(); var pointCollectionCat = new PointCollection(); //var pointCollectionSocMax = new PointCollection(); //var pointCollectionSocDas = new PointCollection(); List<string> buckets = new List<string>(); // Add string using Add method Int32 totalArraySize = dataTable.Rows.Count; Object[] XAxisData = new object[totalArraySize]; Object[] YAxisServices = new object[totalArraySize]; int J = 0; foreach (DataRow drRow in dataTable.Rows) { YAxisServices[J] = new object[] { drRow[0].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(drRow[1].ToString()) }; J += 1; } SerieCollection series = new SerieCollection(); Serie serieServices = new Serie(); serieServices.size = 150; // serieServices.cumulative = -0.25; = YAxisServices; serieServices.type = RenderType.pie; = ""; serieServices.showInLegend = false; series.Add(serieServices); hcFrutas.PlotOptions = new Highcharts.Core.PlotOptions.PlotOptionsPie { allowPointSelect = true, cursor = "pointer", startAngle = 60, dataLabels = new Highcharts.Core.PlotOptions.DataLabels { enabled = true, formatter = " +': ['+ this.y + ']'" }, animation = false }; hcFrutas.Tooltip = new ToolTip(" +': '+ this.y "); hcFrutas.DataSource = series; hcFrutas.DataBind(); hcFrutas.Dispose(); }
private void ReportServices_DailyGrab_GenVehicleData_VinSpeed(Vehicles v, DateTime dt) { GetChartData gd = new GetChartData(); DataTable dataTable = gd.Dt_DailyGrab_GetSoC(v.VinID, dt, Rounding); string mainTitle = string.Format("Vin Speed Daily - {0}", dt.ToString("MM/dd/yy")); string subTitle = string.Format("{0} - {1}", v.CustomerName, v.Vin); hcVendas.Title = new Title(mainTitle); hcVendas.SubTitle = new SubTitle(subTitle); hcVendas.Theme = "grid"; hcVendas.Legend = new Legend { align = Align.right, layout = Layout.vertical, verticalAlign =, x = -10, y = 70, borderWidth = 0 }; hcVendas.Appearance = new Appearance { renderTo = "container", animation = false }; hcVendas.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Speed in MPH") }); hcVendas.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { type = AxisDataType.datetime, dateTimeLabelFormats = new DateTimeLabelFormats { hour = "%H" }, title = new Title("Time in Hours") }); hcVendas.Tooltip = new ToolTip("Highcharts.dateFormat('%H:%M', this.x) +': '+ this.y"); //Get point collection var pointCollectionVinSpeed = new PointCollection(); var pointCollectionCharging = new PointCollection(); var pointCollectionScoopHeater = new PointCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { pointCollectionVinSpeed.Add(new Point(Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.Parse(row["Time_Occur"].ToString()).Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds), Convert.ToDouble(row["PCpt_int_Spd_mph"]))); pointCollectionCharging.Add(new Point(Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.Parse(row["Time_Occur"].ToString()).Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds), Convert.ToDouble(row["PCes_usi_ChargeEnable_xx"]))); pointCollectionScoopHeater.Add(new Point(Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.Parse(row["Time_Occur"].ToString()).Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds), Convert.ToDouble(row["PCbo_bo_ScoopHeaterOn"]))); // pointCollection.Add(new Point(DateTime.Parse(row["Time_Occur"].ToString()), Convert.ToDouble(row["SocMin"]))); } //Add data to serie var series = new SerieCollection(); series.Add(new Serie { id = "VinSpeed", name = "VinSpeed", type = RenderType.spline, data = pointCollectionVinSpeed.ToArray() }); series.Add(new Serie { id = "Charging", name = "Charging", color = "red", type = RenderType.spline, data = pointCollectionCharging.ToArray() }); series.Add(new Serie { id = "ScoopHeater", name = "ScoopHeater", type = RenderType.spline, data = pointCollectionScoopHeater.ToArray() }); hcVendas.PlotOptions = new PlotOptionsLine { marker = new Marker { enabled = false }, dataLabels = new DataLabels { enabled = false } }; // var series = new Collection<Serie> { new Serie { name = "VinSpeed", data = pointCollectionVinSpeed.ToArray(), type = RenderType.scatter }, new Serie { name = "Charging", type = RenderType.scatter, data = pointCollectionCharging.ToArray() }, new Serie { name = "ScoopHeater", type = RenderType.scatter, data = pointCollectionScoopHeater.ToArray() } }; // hcVendas.PlotOptions = new PlotOptionsScatter { marker = new Marker { enabled = false }, dataLabels = new DataLabels { enabled = false } }; //Bind the control hcVendas.DataSource = series; hcVendas.DataBind(); }