public void Draw(SerializedObject moduleObject, ControlRect layout)
            if (m_ImportTask == null)
                m_ImportTask = moduleObject.targetObject as PreprocessorImportTask;
                if (m_ImportTask == null)
                    Debug.LogError("SerializedObject must be of type PreprocessorImportTask");

            if (m_MethodSerializedProperty == null || m_DataSerializedProperty == null)
                List <string> propertyNames = new List <string> {
                    "m_MethodString", "m_Data"
                List <SerializedProperty> properties = SerializationUtilities.GetSerialisedPropertyCopiesForObject(moduleObject, propertyNames);
                m_MethodSerializedProperty = properties[0];
                m_DataSerializedProperty   = properties[1];
                if (m_MethodSerializedProperty == null || m_DataSerializedProperty == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid properties for PreprocessorImportTask");

            List <ProcessorMethodInfo> methods = PreprocessorImplementorCache.Methods;

            GUIContent[] contents = new GUIContent[methods.Count + 1];
            contents[0] = new GUIContent("None Selected");

            int selectedMethod = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < methods.Count + 1; ++i)
                contents[i] = new GUIContent(methods[i - 1].TypeName);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ImportTask.methodString))
                    if (string.Equals(m_ImportTask.methodString, methods[i - 1].TypeName + ", " + methods[i - 1].AssemblyName))
                        selectedMethod = i;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ImportTask.methodString) && selectedMethod == 0)
                Debug.LogError("methodString not found in project : " + m_ImportTask.methodString);

            selectedMethod = EditorGUI.Popup(layout.Get(), new GUIContent("Preprocessor methodString"), selectedMethod, contents);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                if (selectedMethod == 0)
                    m_MethodSerializedProperty.stringValue = "";
                    int id = selectedMethod - 1;
                    if (id >= 0)
                        m_MethodSerializedProperty.stringValue = methods[id].TypeName + ", " + methods[id].AssemblyName;
                        m_ImportTask.m_ProcessorMethodInfo     = null;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(layout.Get(), m_DataSerializedProperty);