override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { Transform target = sequencerData.targets [lastSelectedWho].target.transform; Transform from = null; if (useFrom) { from = sequencerData.targets [lastSelectedFrom].target.transform; } else { from = target.transform; previousPosition = from.localPosition; } Transform to = sequencerData.targets [lastSelectedTo].target.transform; wasActiveAtStart = target.gameObject.activeInHierarchy; target.gameObject.SetActive(true); target.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(from.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z); Vector3 finalPos = new Vector3(to.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z); if (time == 0) { target.localPosition = finalPos; if (waitForEndOfTween) { myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } } else { tween = HOTween.To(target, time, new TweenParms().NewProp("localPosition", finalPos).OnComplete(onTweenComplete)); } } if (!waitForEndOfTween) { myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { if (tween != null && !tween.isComplete) { tween.Kill(); } Transform target = sequencerData.targets [lastSelectedWho].target.transform; previousPosition = target.transform.localPosition; if (useTo) { Transform to = sequencerData.targets [lastSelectedTo].target.transform; tween = HOTween.To(target, time, new TweenParms().NewProp("localPosition", new Vector3(to.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z)).OnComplete(onExecuteCompleteEvt)); } else { onExecuteComplete(); } } if (!waitForEndOfTween) { myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { GameObject target = sequencerData.getTargetModel(targetName).target; VN_CharBase charcomp = target.GetComponent<VN_CharBase>(); string[] attireNames = charcomp.getAttireNames(); string[] expressionNames = charcomp.getExpressionNames(); if (attireNames != null && attireNames.Length > 0) prevAttireName = charcomp.getCurrentAttireName(); if (expressionNames != null && expressionNames.Length > 0) prevExpressionName = charcomp.getCurrentExpressionName(); charcomp.setAttire(attireName); charcomp.setExpression(expressionName, false); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { if (audioClipName != SoundManager.nullSoundName && audioClipName.Length != 0 && audioClipName != "" && audioClipName != " ") { audioClip = SoundManager.Get().getSfxByName(audioClipName); } else if (SoundManager.Get().getSfxByName(audioClip.name) == null) { SoundManager.Get().sfxClips.Add(audioClip); audioClipName = audioClip.name; } SoundManager.Get().playSfx(audioClipName, volume); } if (!waitForAudioClipEnd || player.inRewindMode) myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); else myPlayer.StartCoroutine(doAudioWaitFinish()); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; myPlayer.inRewindMode = false; myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(true); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { SoundManager.Get().stopAllSfx(); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { SoundManager.Get().stopAllSfx(); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { GameObject target = sequencerData.getTargetModel(targetName).target; VN_CharBase charcomp = target.GetComponent<VN_CharBase>(); charcomp.flip(); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (audioClip != null) { if (SoundManager.Get().getSfxByName(audioClip.name) == null) SoundManager.Get().sfxClips.Add(audioClip); SoundManager.Get().playSfx(audioClip.name, volume); } GameObject target = sequencerData.targets [sequencerData.getIndexOfTarget(speakerTargetName)].target; myPlayer.dialogController.showDialog(parseTextForVarsAndBB(text), target, bubbleXOffset); myPlayer.inRewindMode = false; myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(true); }
//Execute runs when the player.play() method is called, basically when we've switched into this command public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { //cache the player, pretty important myPlayer = player; //if executed this command while rewinding then do something if (myPlayer.inRewindMode) { //usually undo whatever the command did undo(); } else { //do whatever the command does here } //we are done with the command, let the player know, if we dont do this then we are stuck waiting here myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { previousPlayingMusicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); previousFadeTime = SoundManager.Get().fadeTime; previousVolume = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipVolume(); SoundManager.Get().fadeTime = fadeTime; SoundManager.Get().stopMusic(); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (myPlayer.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { if (myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary.ContainsKey(variableName)) previousValue = myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary [variableName]; else myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary.Add(variableName, ""); myPlayer.inputController.showInputFor(variableName, myPlayer); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
//Execute runs when the player.play() method is called, basically when we've switched into this command override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { //cache the player, pretty important myPlayer = player; //if executed this command while rewinding then do something if (myPlayer.inRewindMode) { //usually undo whatever the command did undo(); } else { //do whatever the command does here } //we are done with the command, let the player know, if we dont do this then we are stuck waiting here myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { previousPlayingMusicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); previousFadeTime = SoundManager.Get().fadeTime; previousVolume = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipVolume(); SoundManager.Get().fadeTime = fadeTime; SoundManager.Get().stopMusic(); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { if (SoundManager.Get().getSfxByName(audioClip.name) == null) { SoundManager.Get().sfxClips.Add(audioClip); } SoundManager.Get().playSfx(audioClip.name, volume); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (audioClip != null) { if (SoundManager.Get().getSfxByName(audioClip.name) == null) { SoundManager.Get().sfxClips.Add(audioClip); } SoundManager.Get().playSfx(audioClip.name, volume); } GameObject target = sequencerData.targets [speakerTargetIndex].target; myPlayer.dialogController.showDialog(text, target, bubbleXOffset); myPlayer.inRewindMode = false; myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(true); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { GameObject target = sequencerData.targets [targetIndexList].target; VN_CharBase charcomp = target.GetComponent <VN_CharBase>(); prevAttireIndex = charcomp.getCurrentAttire(); prevExpressionName = charcomp.getCurrentExpressionName(); charcomp.setAttire(attireListIndex); charcomp.setExpression(expressionName, false); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { previousPlayingMusicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); previousVolume = SoundManager.Get().musicVolume; if (SoundManager.Get().getMusicByName(audioClip.name) == null) { SoundManager.Get().musicClips.Add(audioClip); } SoundManager.Get().playMusic(audioClip.name, volume); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) undo(); else { //evaluate expressions and jump to winning one if (expressionList.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Expression Jump with zero expressions, will continue to next command!"); myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } else { int foundIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < expressionList.Count; i++) { myPlayer.gameObject.GetComponent("Jurassic").SendMessage("evalBool", parseTextForVars(expressionList [i])); if (myPlayer.lastEvalResultBool) { foundIndex = i; break; } } if (foundIndex > -1) { myPlayer.jumpToScene(sectionNameList [foundIndex], commandIndexList [foundIndex]); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Expression Jump none of the expressions evaluated to true, will continue to next command!"); myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } } } }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { //clear previous positions = new List<Vector3>(); visibilitys = new List<bool>(); attires = new List<int>(); expressions = new List<string>(); //attempt save state: //music musicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); musicClipVolume = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipVolume(); SoundManager.Get().stopMusic(); //characters (visible, pos, attire, expression) foreach (SequencerTargetModel model in myPlayer.sequencerData.targets) { if (model.target == null) { positions.Add(Vector3.zero); visibilitys.Add(false); attires.Add(0); expressions.Add("none"); continue; } positions.Add(model.target.transform.position); visibilitys.Add(model.target.activeInHierarchy); VN_CharBase hasCharComp = model.target.GetComponent<VN_CharBase>(); if (hasCharComp != null) { attires.Add(hasCharComp.getCurrentAttire()); expressions.Add(hasCharComp.getCurrentExpressionName()); } else { attires.Add(-1); expressions.Add(""); } //TODO: in future use type instead? backgrounds are characters too ? if (hasCharComp != null) model.target.SetActive(false); } //TODO: future: vars, flip } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { if (tween != null && !tween.isComplete) { tween.Kill(); } Transform target = sequencerData.targets [sequencerData.getIndexOfTarget(lastSelectedWho)].target.transform; previousPosition = target.transform.localPosition; if (useTo) { Transform to = sequencerData.targets [sequencerData.getIndexOfTarget(lastSelectedTo)].target.transform; tween = HOTween.To(target, time, new TweenParms().NewProp("localPosition", new Vector3(to.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z)).OnComplete(onExecuteCompleteEvt)); } else { onExecuteComplete(); } } if (!waitForEndOfTween) myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { Transform target = sequencerData.targets [sequencerData.getIndexOfTarget(lastSelectedWho)].target.transform; Transform from = null; if (useFrom) from = sequencerData.getTargetModel(lastSelectedFrom).target.transform; else { from = target.transform; previousPosition = from.localPosition; } Transform to = sequencerData.getTargetModel(lastSelectedTo).target.transform; wasActiveAtStart = target.gameObject.activeInHierarchy; target.gameObject.SetActive(true); target.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(from.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z); Vector3 finalPos = new Vector3(to.localPosition.x, target.transform.localPosition.y, target.transform.localPosition.z); if (time == 0) { target.localPosition = finalPos; if (waitForEndOfTween) { myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); } } else tween = HOTween.To(target, time, new TweenParms().NewProp("localPosition", finalPos).OnComplete(onTweenComplete)); } if (!waitForEndOfTween) myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
override public void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { //clear previous positions = new List <Vector3>(); visibilitys = new List <bool>(); attires = new List <int>(); expressions = new List <string>(); //attempt save state: //music musicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); musicClipVolume = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipVolume(); SoundManager.Get().stopMusic(); //characters (visible, pos, attire, expression) foreach (SequencerTargetModel model in myPlayer.sequencerData.targets) { if (model.target == null) { positions.Add(Vector3.zero); visibilitys.Add(false); attires.Add(0); expressions.Add("none"); continue; } positions.Add(model.target.transform.position); visibilitys.Add(model.target.activeInHierarchy); VN_CharBase hasCharComp = model.target.GetComponent <VN_CharBase>(); if (hasCharComp != null) { attires.Add(hasCharComp.getCurrentAttire()); expressions.Add(hasCharComp.getCurrentExpressionName()); } else { attires.Add(-1); expressions.Add(""); } //TODO: in future use type instead? backgrounds are characters too ? if (hasCharComp != null) { model.target.SetActive(false); } } //future: vars } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (player.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { previousPlayingMusicClipName = SoundManager.Get().getCurrentMusicClipName(); previousVolume = SoundManager.Get().musicVolume; if (audioClipName != SoundManager.nullSoundName && audioClipName.Length != 0 && audioClipName != "" && audioClipName != " ") { audioClip = SoundManager.Get().getMusicByName(audioClipName); } else if (SoundManager.Get().getMusicByName(audioClip.name) == null) { SoundManager.Get().musicClips.Add(audioClip); audioClipName = audioClip.name; } SoundManager.Get().playMusic(audioClipName, volume); } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }
public override void execute(SequencePlayer player) { myPlayer = player; if (myPlayer.inRewindMode) { undo(); } else { string result = "0"; if (typeIndex == 0) result = variableValue; if (myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary.ContainsKey(variableName)) { previousValue = myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary [variableName]; } else { myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary.Add(variableName, result); previousValue = result; } if (typeIndex == 1) { myPlayer.gameObject.GetComponent("SequencerEvalExpression").SendMessage("evalInt", parseTextForVars(variableValue)); result = myPlayer.lastEvalResultInt.ToString(); } else if (typeIndex == 2) { myPlayer.gameObject.GetComponent("SequencerEvalExpression").SendMessage("evalFloat", parseTextForVars(variableValue)); result = myPlayer.lastEvalResultFloat.ToString(); } myPlayer.runningTimeVariablesDictionary [variableName] = result; } myPlayer.callBackFromCommand(); }