public void CollisionWarning(IDictionary <string, Aircraft> aircrafts)
     for (int i = 0; i < aircrafts.Count; i++)
         for (int j = i + 1; j < aircrafts.Count; j++)
             var ac1 = aircrafts.Values.ElementAt(i);
             var ac2 = aircrafts.Values.ElementAt(j);
             if (IsColliding(ac1, ac2))
                 if (!_collidingAircrafts.Any(x => x.Item1.Tag == ac1.Tag && x.Item2.Tag == ac2.Tag))
                     //This raises the collision event - but only the first time
                     var tempTuple = new Tuple <Aircraft, Aircraft, SeparationEventArgs>(ac1, ac2, new SeparationEventArgs(ac1, ac2));
                     SeparationEvent?.Invoke(this, tempTuple.Item3);
                 if (_collidingAircrafts.Any(x => x.Item1.Tag == ac1.Tag && x.Item2.Tag == ac2.Tag))
                     //This removes the collision event.
                     var tempTuple =
                         _collidingAircrafts.Find(x => x.Item1.Tag == ac1.Tag && x.Item2.Tag == ac2.Tag);
                     SeparationAvoidedEvent?.Invoke(this, tempTuple.Item3);
예제 #2
 public void Setup()
     _uut          = new SeparationEvent();
     _calcDistance = Substitute.For <ICalcDistance>();
     _track1       = Substitute.For <ITracks>();
     _track2       = Substitute.For <ITracks>();
        [Test] //to make sure we have not hardcoded some value
        public void Constructor_WhenCalledWithValidParams_SetsTimeStampObjectCase2()
            var yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            var separationEvent = new SeparationEvent("123456", "654321", yesterday);

            Assert.That(separationEvent.Timestamp, Is.EqualTo(yesterday));
        public void Constructor_WhenCalledWithValidParams_SetsTimeStampObjectCase1()
            var now = DateTime.Now;

            var separationEvent = new SeparationEvent("123456", "654321", now);

            Assert.That(separationEvent.Timestamp, Is.EqualTo(now));
        public void DeleteSeperationEvent(SeparationEvent e)
            var tempSepEvent = Get(e);

            if (tempSepEvent == null)
        public void AddSeperationEvent(SeparationEvent e)
            var tempSepEvent1 = Get(e.Tag1, e.Tag2);
            var tempSepEvent2 = Get(e.Tag2, e.Tag1);

            if (tempSepEvent1 == null && tempSepEvent2 == null)
        public void ToString_WhenCalled_ReturnsAStringInTheCorrectFormat()
            var tag1            = "tag111";
            var tag2            = "tag222";
            var dateTime        = DateTime.Now;
            var separationEvent = new SeparationEvent(tag1, tag2, dateTime);
            var expectedResult  = $"{tag1} <---> {tag2} @ {dateTime:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}";

            var result = separationEvent.ToString();

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));
예제 #8
        public void DetectCollision(List <Plane> planes)
            //We don't want to deal with empty lists or less than 2 planes
            if (planes == null || planes.Count < 2)

            //Check if any new collisions have occured (The dreaded n^2 loop)
            for (int i = 0; i < planes.Count - 1; ++i)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < planes.Count; ++j)
                    if (planes[j].Speed == 0)
                        break;                         //Break in case of new plane
                    int differenceInAltitude = planes[j].Altitude - planes[i].Altitude;
                    if (differenceInAltitude < 300 && differenceInAltitude > -300)
                        //Planes are within 300 meters in altitude, otherwise just ignore
                        double distance = CalculateDistance(planes[i], planes[j]);

                        if (distance < 5000)
                            //Verify that collision is not already added to list
                            if (Collisions.Contains(Tuple.Create(planes[i], planes[j])))

                            Collisions.Add(Tuple.Create(planes[i], planes[j]));
                            SeparationEvent?.Invoke(this, new CollisionEventArgs(planes[i], planes[j]));
예제 #9
 public void MonitorSeparation(Dictionary <string, List <Track> > tracks)
     for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++)
         for (int j = i + 1; j < tracks.Count - i; j++)
             if (tracks.ElementAt(i).Value.Count > 1 && tracks.ElementAt(j).Value.Count > 1 && tracks.ElementAt(i + j).Value.Count > 1)
                 var needSeparation = CheckSeparation(tracks.ElementAt(i).Value[1].Position.X, tracks.ElementAt(i).Value[1].Position.Y,
                                                      tracks.ElementAt(i + j).Value[1].Position.X, tracks.ElementAt(i + j).Value[1].Position.Y, tracks.ElementAt(i).Value[1].Altitude, tracks.ElementAt(i + j).Value[1].Altitude);
                 if (needSeparation)
                     SeparationEvent?.Invoke(this, new SeparationEventArgs()
                         Track1          = tracks.ElementAt(i).Value[1].Tag,
                         TimeOfOccurence = tracks.ElementAt(i).Value[1].TimeStamp,
                         Track2          = tracks.ElementAt(j).Value[1].Tag
예제 #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Tilføjet printer til output
            IOutput              Output = new Output();
            Print                Printer;
            IMonitors            monitor = new Monitor();
            ITransponderReceiver transponderDataReceiver = TransponderReceiverFactory.CreateTransponderDataReceiver();
            IUpdate              update;
            ICalcVelocity        calcVelocity = new CalcVelocity();;
            ICalcCourse          calcCourse   = new CalcCourse();
            ILog          logger       = new Logger();
            ISeparation   separation   = new SeparationEvent();
            ICalcDistance calcDistance = new CalcDistance();

            var decoder = new DecodingWithEvent(transponderDataReceiver);

            //Kaldet bliver lagt her til eventet. Som en slags subscriber.
            update = new Update(decoder);
            //decoder.TrackDataReady += (o, trackArgs) => Printer = new Print(update,calculator,monitor,Output,trackArgs.TrackData);
            decoder.TrackDataReadyForCalculation += (o, trackArgs) => Printer = new Print(update, calcDistance, calcCourse, calcVelocity, logger, separation, monitor, Output, trackArgs.TrackData);

        [TestCase("222222", "000000")] //to make sure we have not hardcoded some value
        public void Constructor_WhenCalledWithValidParams_SetsTag2Property(string tag1, string tag2)
            var separationEvent = new SeparationEvent(tag1, tag2, DateTime.Now);

            Assert.That(separationEvent.Tag2, Is.EqualTo(tag2));
예제 #12
 protected virtual void NewSeparationEvent(SeparationEvent e)
     SeparationEvent?.Invoke(this, e);
 public SeparationEvent Get(SeparationEvent e)
     return(_separations.Find(i => i.Tag1 == e.Tag1 && i.Tag2 == e.Tag2));