// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { MyText.text = "Hello from Script - Press > space <"; var webSocket = new NetStandardWebSocketImplementation(); webSocket.ExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => // Optional if you want to catch Connection issues { throw e.Exception; }; SenstateContext.SerializerInstance = new NetStandardJsonNetImplementation(); SenstateContext.WebSocketInstance = webSocket; SenstateContext.RegisterApp("Unity Example"); m_stringWatcher = new Watcher( new WatcherMeta { Tag = "Label Text", Type = WatcherType.String, // or Number / Json } ); m_updateCallCount = new Watcher( new WatcherMeta { Tag = "Update All the Things", Type = WatcherType.Number, // or Number / Json } ); }
// Declare member variables here. Examples: // private int a = 2; // private string b = "text"; // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { var webSocket = new NetStandardWebSocketImplementation(); webSocket.ExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => // Optional if you want to catch Connection issues { throw e.Exception; }; SenstateContext.SerializerInstance = new NetStandardJsonNetImplementation(); SenstateContext.WebSocketInstance = webSocket; SenstateContext.RegisterApp("Godot"); stringWatcher = new Watcher( new WatcherMeta { Tag = "Text label", Type = WatcherType.String, // or Number / Json } ); countWatcher = new Watcher( new WatcherMeta { Tag = "Click Counter", Type = WatcherType.Number, // or Number / Json } ); }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) { Configuration = configuration; var webSocket = new NetStandardWebSocketImplementation(); webSocket.ExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => // Optional if you want to catch Connection issues { throw e.Exception; }; SenstateContext.SerializerInstance = new NetStandardJsonNetImplementation(); SenstateContext.WebSocketInstance = webSocket; SenstateContext.RegisterApp("C# Blazor ServerSide"); }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { var webSocket = new NetStandardWebSocketImplementation(); webSocket.ExceptionThrown += (sender, e) => // Optional if you want to catch Connection issues { throw e.Exception; }; SenstateContext.SerializerInstance = new NetStandardJsonNetImplementation(); SenstateContext.WebSocketInstance = webSocket; SenstateContext.RegisterApp("C# Blazor WASM"); var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args); builder.RootComponents.Add <App>("app"); builder.Services.AddBaseAddressHttpClient(); await builder.Build().RunAsync(); }