예제 #1
        public ActionResult GetOTPNo(string mobileNo)
                String no     = null;
                Random random = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    int n = random.Next(0, 999);
                    no += n.ToString("D4") + "";
                // ApplicationUserViewModelDtos objApplicationUserViewModelDtos = new ApplicationUserViewModelDtos();
                var obj = _unitofWork.applicationUser.GetAll().Where(x => x.PhoneNumber == mobileNo.Trim()).FirstOrDefault();

                if (obj != null)
                    //var Dtosobj = new ApplicationUserViewModelDtos();
                    //Dtosobj = _mapper.Map<ApplicationUserViewModelDtos>(obj);
                    string myJson = "{\"message\": " + "\"This Mobile Number Allready Exist\"" + "}";

                    return(StatusCode(409, myJson));
                    //  return Ok(Dtosobj);
                    string  Msg = "OTP :" + no + ".  Please Use this OTP.This is usable once and expire in 10 minutes";
                    SendSMS s   = new SendSMS();
                    bool    flg = s.smsSent(mobileNo, Msg);

                    ApplicationUserViewModelDtos objApplicationUserViewModelDtos = new ApplicationUserViewModelDtos();
                    objApplicationUserViewModelDtos.OTPNo       = no;
                    objApplicationUserViewModelDtos.PhoneNumber = mobileNo;
                    // return Ok(objApplicationUserViewModelDtos);
            catch (Exception obj)
예제 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> LoginWithMobileNo(string mobileNo)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobileNo))
                var obj = _unitofWork.applicationUser.GetAll().Where(x => x.PhoneNumber == mobileNo).FirstOrDefault();
                if (obj == null)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Mobile No Not Found");
                    return(StatusCode(404, ModelState));
                    String no     = null;
                    Random random = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                        int n = random.Next(0, 999);
                        no += n.ToString("D4") + "";
                    string  Msg = "OTP :" + no + ".  Please Use this OTP.This is usable once and expire in 10 minutes";
                    SendSMS s   = new SendSMS();
                    bool    flg = s.smsSent(mobileNo, Msg);

                    var Dtosobj = new LoginWhiteMobilenoandPasswordDtos();
                    Dtosobj     = _mapper.Map <LoginWhiteMobilenoandPasswordDtos>(obj);
                    Dtosobj.OTP = no;
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please Enter Mobile No");
                return(StatusCode(404, ModelState));
예제 #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> getOTPNo(string mobileno)
                String no     = null;
                Random random = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    int n = random.Next(0, 999);
                    no += n.ToString("D4") + "";
                //string Msg = "OTP :" + no + ".  Please Use this OTP.This is usable once and expire in 10 minutes";
                string  Msg        = "OTP : " + no + " Please Use this OTP to Register with TOFOZ. This is usable once and expire in 10 minutes";
                SendSMS objsendSMS = new SendSMS();
                bool    res        = objsendSMS.smsSent(mobileno, Msg);
                //#region "sms"

                //    string Msg = "OTP :" + no + ".  Please Use this OTP.This is usable once and expire in 10 minutes";

                //    string OPTINS = "STRLIT";
                //    //  string Password = "******";
                //    string Password = "******";

                //    string type = "3";
                //    // string strUrl = "https://www.bulksmsgateway.in/sendmessage.php?user=ezacus&password="******"ezacus@2020" + "&message=" + Msg.ToString() + "&sender=" + OPTINS + "&mobile=" + mobileno + "&type=" + 3;
                //    //string strUrl = "https://www.bulksmsgateway.in/sendmessage.php?user=ezacus&password="******"ezacus@2020" + "&message=" + Msg.ToString() + "&sender=" + OPTINS + "&mobile=" + mobileno + "&type=" + 3;

                //    string strUrl = "http://bulksms.co/sendmessage.php?user=Aveebroiler&password="******"&message=" + Msg + "&sender=" + OPTINS + "&mobile=" + mobileno + "&type=" + 3;
                //    ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
                //    ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                //    System.Net.WebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(strUrl);
                //    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                //    Stream s = (Stream)response.GetResponseStream();
                //    StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(s);
                //    string dataString = readStream.ReadToEnd();
                //    response.Close();
                //    s.Close();
                //    readStream.Close();
                //    //    Response.Write("Sent");

                //{ }

                CustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel = new CustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel();
                CustomerRegistration             obj = CustomerRegistrationservices.GetAll().Where(x => x.mobileno1 == mobileno && x.isdeleted == false).FirstOrDefault();
                //  var categories = await _context.CustomerRegistration.ToListAsync();
                if (obj == null)
                    //string myJson = "{'otpno': "+ no + "}";
                    //return Ok(myJson);
                    //    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.id = obj.id;
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.name = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.profilephoto = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.address = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno1 = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno2 = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.emailid1 = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.latitude = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.longitude = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.password = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno2 = "";
                    //objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.gender = "";
                    //   objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.DOB = obj.DOB;
                    //  objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.createddate = obj.createddate;

                    // objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.isdeleted = obj.isdeleted;
                    //  objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.isactive = obj.isactive;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.otpno = no;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.id           = obj.id;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.name         = obj.name;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.profilephoto = obj.profilephoto;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.address      = obj.address;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno1    = obj.mobileno1;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno2    = obj.mobileno2;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.emailid1     = obj.emailid1;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.latitude     = obj.latitude;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.longitude    = obj.longitude;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.password     = obj.password;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.mobileno2    = obj.mobileno2;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.gender       = obj.gender;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.DOB          = obj.DOB;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.createddate  = obj.createddate;

                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.isdeleted = obj.isdeleted;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.isactive  = obj.isactive;
                    objCustomerRegistrationOTPViewModel.otpno     = no;

            catch (Exception obj)