public override string GetPath()
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            WithConnection((c, db) =>
                Log.Trace("Collecting list of packages...");
                var packages = db.Query <Package>(@"
                    SELECT pr.Id, p.[Key], p.Version
                    FROM Packages p
                        INNER JOIN PackageRegistrations pr ON pr.[Key] = p.PackageRegistrationKey
                    WHERE p.NormalizedVersion IS NULL")
                Log.Trace("Collected {0} packages", packages.Count);

                DataTable output;
                int count = 0;
                WithTableType(c, "Temp_NormalizePackageVersionsInputType", "PackageKey int, NormalizedVersion nvarchar(64)", () =>
                    // Build a table to hold the new data
                    var updateTable = new DataTable();
                    updateTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PackageKey", typeof(int)));
                    updateTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NormalizedVersion", typeof(string)));
                    foreach (var package in packages)
                        string normalized = SemanticVersionExtensions.Normalize(package.Version);
                        var row           = updateTable.NewRow();
                        row.SetField("PackageKey", package.Key);
                        row.SetField("NormalizedVersion", normalized);

                    // Run the query with the table parameter
                    var cmd         = c.CreateCommand();
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    cmd.CommandText = WhatIf ? WhatIfQuery : CommitQuery;
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@updateTable", SqlDbType.Structured)
                        TypeName = "Temp_NormalizePackageVersionsInputType",
                        Value    = updateTable
                    Log.Trace("Updating Database...");
                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    Log.Trace("Database Update Complete");

                    // Load the results into a datatable and render them
                    output = new DataTable();
                    foreach (var row in output.Rows.Cast <DataRow>())
                        string version    = row.Field <string>("Version");
                        string normalized = row.Field <string>("NormalizedVersion");
                        if (!String.Equals(version, normalized, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    Log.Info("Updated {0} packages", count);
예제 #3
            private static Tuple <Target, string> ExtractComparison(MethodCallExpression outerWhere)
                // We expect to see an expression that looks like this:
                //  Queryable.Where(<nested expression>, p => <constant> == p.<property>);
                var arg = Unquote(outerWhere.Arguments[1]);

                if (arg.NodeType != ExpressionType.Lambda)
                var lambda = arg as LambdaExpression; // p => <constant> == p.<property>

                if (lambda.Body.NodeType != ExpressionType.Equal)
                var binExpr = lambda.Body as BinaryExpression; // <constant> == p.<property>

                // Get the two sides, we don't care which side is left and which is right.
                ConstantExpression constSide = (binExpr.Left as ConstantExpression) ?? (binExpr.Right as ConstantExpression);

                if (constSide == null || constSide.Type != typeof(string))
                MemberExpression memberSide = (binExpr.Right as MemberExpression) ?? (binExpr.Left as MemberExpression);

                if (memberSide == null)

                // Check if it's a known member comparison
                if (memberSide.Member == _normalizedVersionMember)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Target.Version, (string)constSide.Value));
                else if (memberSide.Member == _versionMember)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Target.Version, SemanticVersionExtensions.Normalize((string)constSide.Value)));
                else if (memberSide.Member == _idMember)
                    return(Tuple.Create(Target.Id, (string)constSide.Value));
예제 #4
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.ConnectionString))
                using (var dbExecutor = new SqlExecutor(sqlConnection))

                    // Query for packages
                    Log.Info("Gathering list of packages...");
                    var packages = dbExecutor.Query <PackageSummary>(@"
                    SELECT p.[Key], p.PackageRegistrationKey, r.Id, p.Version, p.Hash, p.LastUpdated, p.Published, p.Listed, p.IsLatestStable
                    FROM   Packages p
                    INNER JOIN PackageRegistrations r ON p.PackageRegistrationKey = r.[Key]");

                    // Group by Id and and SemVer
                    Log.Info("Grouping by Package ID and Actual Version...");
                    var groups = packages.GroupBy(p => new { p.Id, Version = SemanticVersionExtensions.Normalize(p.Version) });

                    // Find any groups with more than one entry
                    Log.Info("Finding Duplicates...");
                    var dups = groups.Where(g => g.Count() > 1);

                    // Print them out
                    int dupsUnlistedCount = 0;
                    int latestCount       = 0;
                    foreach (var dup in dups)
                        ProcessDuplicate(dup.Key.Id, dup.Key.Version, dup.ToList(), ref dupsUnlistedCount, ref latestCount);
                    var totalDupes = dups.Count();
                    Log.Info("Found {0} Packages with duplicates.", totalDupes);
                    Log.Info(" {0} of them have no listed duplicates.", dupsUnlistedCount);
                    Log.Info(" {0} of them have multiple listed duplicates.", totalDupes - dupsUnlistedCount);
                    if (latestCount > 0)
                        Log.Warn(" {0} of them are the latest version of the relevant package", latestCount);
                        Log.Info(" NONE of them are the latest version of the relevant package");