예제 #1
        protected void gvMain_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "select")
                List <Sell_OrderOutHouses> orders = ordersSer.GetListArray(" 1=1 and Sell_OrderOutHouses.id=" + e.CommandArgument);

                ViewState["Orders"] = orders;
                gvList.DataSource   = orders;
            if (e.CommandName == "print")
                var model = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument));
                if (model.Status == "通过")
                    string url = string.Format("NewWFSell_OrderOutHousePrint.aspx?Id={0}", e.CommandArgument);

                    Response.Write(string.Format("<script>window.open('{0}','_blank')</script>", url));
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, string.Format("<script>alert('该单据尚未通过!!');</script>"));
        protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Orders"] != null)
                if (Session["OrderInHouseSession"] != null)
                    object selectedId = Session["OrderInHouseSession"];
                    if (selectedId != null)
                        Sell_OrderOutHousesService sellOrderServer         = new Sell_OrderOutHousesService();
                        Sell_OrderOutHouseService  sellOrderMainServer     = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService();
                        Sell_OrderOutHouse         sell_OrderOutHouseModel = sellOrderMainServer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(selectedId));
                        txtSupplier.Text  = sell_OrderOutHouseModel.Supplier;
                        txtSellProNo.Text = sell_OrderOutHouseModel.ProNo;
                        txtPOName.Text    = sell_OrderOutHouseModel.POName;
                        txtPONo.Text      = sell_OrderOutHouseModel.PONo;
                        lblTotal.Text     = sell_OrderOutHouseModel.SellTotal.ToString();

                        List <Sell_OrderOutHouses> POOrders = sellOrderServer.Sell_OrderOutHouse_Sell_OrderInHouse_ListView(" id=" + selectedId);;

                        List <Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks> sellOrderOutList = new List <Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks>();
                        foreach (var model in POOrders)
                            Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks sellOrderOutModel = new Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks()
                                Good_Model = model.Good_Model,
                                GoodName   = model.GoodName,
                                GoodNo     = model.GoodNo,
                                GoodNum    = model.GoodNum,
                                GoodPrice  = model.GoodPrice,
                                //GoodRemark = model.GoodRemark,
                                GoodSellPrice      = model.GoodSellPrice,
                                GoodSellPriceTotal = model.GoodSellPriceTotal,
                                GoodSpec           = model.GoodSpec,
                                GoodTypeSmName     = model.GoodTypeSmName,
                                GoodUnit           = model.GoodUnit,
                                GooId     = model.GooId,
                                HouseID   = model.HouseID,
                                HouseName = model.HouseName,
                                SellId    = model.Ids,
                                Total     = model.Total,
                        Session["Orders"] = sellOrderOutList;

                        Session["OrderInHouseSession"] = null;
                        gvList.DataSource = sellOrderOutList;

                    //List<Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks> selectedList = Session["DioSellWFHouseGoods"] as List<Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks>;
                    //if (selectedList.Count > 0)
                    //    List<Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks> POOrders = Session["Orders"] as List<Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks>;
                    //    if (POOrders == null) POOrders = new List<Sell_OrderOutHouseBacks>();
                    //    POOrders.AddRange(selectedList);
                    //    Session["DioSellWFHouseGoods"] = null;
                    //    gvList.DataSource = POOrders;
                    //    gvList.DataBind();
                    //    Session["Orders"] = POOrders;
예제 #3
        protected void btnSub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtProNo.Text == "")
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('请填写 采购退货单号!');</script>");
            string sql = string.Format("select Id,PoNo,HouseID from CAI_OrderOutHouse where ProNo='{0}' and status='通过'", txtProNo.Text);
            var    obj = DBHelp.getDataTable(sql);

            if (obj.Rows.Count != 1)
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('采购退货信息不存在!');</script>");
            sql = string.Format("SELECT count(id) FROM TB_SupplierInvoice where CaiTuiProNo='{0}' and status='通过'", txtProNo.Text);
            var obj1 = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            if (Convert.ToInt32(obj1) != 1)
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('支付负数单不存在!');</script>");

            // 如果此采购退货单生成的负数的 支付单的支付状态为已支付,结清状态为已结清

            //说明有3种可能 1.事后退货的已抵消 2.此采退是全退货单  3.此采退单导致了全部退货

            //1.修改此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单的状态 为未支付,结清状态为 未结清。

            //2-3 删除基于此入库ID 的所有负数支付单(支付状态为未支付和结清状态为 未结清),修改此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单的状态 为未支付,结清状态为 未结清。

            // 你要区分这两种情况!!

            //4.如果此采购退货单生成的负数的 支付单的支付状态为未支付,结清状态为未结清,由此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单删除即可
            sql = string.Format(@"select TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,Ids,RuIds,RePayClear,IsPayStatus from TB_SupplierInvoices
left join TB_SupplierInvoice on TB_SupplierInvoices.Id=TB_SupplierInvoice.Id where CAITUIPRONO='{0}' and Status='通过'", txtProNo.Text);
            var dt = DBHelp.getDataTable(sql);

            using (SqlConnection conn = DBHelp.getConn())
                SqlCommand objCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    if (dr["RePayClear"].ToString() == "1" && dr["IsPayStatus"].ToString() == "2")//已支付  已结清
                        sql = string.Format(@"select COUNT(*) from TB_TempSupplierInvoice
left join TB_SupplierInvoice on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_TempSupplierInvoice.SupplierInvoiceId 
where SupplierInvoiceIds={0}  and Status='通过' ", dr["Ids"]);
                        objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                        var result = objCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(result) > 0)
                            //修改此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单的状态 为未支付,结清状态为 未结清。
                            sql = "update TB_SupplierInvoices set RePayClear=2,IsPayStatus=0 where ids=" + dr["Ids"];
                            objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            //删除基于此入库ID 的所有负数支付单(支付状态为未支付和结清状态为 未结清),
                            //修改此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单的状态 为未支付,结清状态为 未结清
                            sql = "delete from TB_SupplierInvoices where RuIds=" + dr["RuIds"] + " and SupplierInvoiceTotal<0 and RePayClear=2 and IsPayStatus=0";
                            objCommand.CommandText = sql;

                            sql = "update TB_SupplierInvoices set RePayClear=2,IsPayStatus=0 where ids=" + dr["Ids"];
                            objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                    else if (dr["RePayClear"].ToString() == "2" && dr["IsPayStatus"].ToString() == "0")//未支付  未结清
                        //如果此采购退货单生成的负数的 支付单的支付状态为未支付,结清状态为未结清,由此采购退货单生成的负数的支付单删除即可
                        sql = "delete from TB_SupplierInvoices where Ids=" + dr["Ids"];
                        objCommand.CommandText = sql;

            TB_HouseGoodsService      houseGoodsSer = new TB_HouseGoodsService();
            CAI_OrderOutHousesService ordersSer     = new CAI_OrderOutHousesService();
            List <CAI_OrderOutHouses> orders        = ordersSer.GetListArray(" 1=1 and CAI_OrderOutHouses.id=" + obj.Rows[0]["Id"]);

            sql = string.Format(@"delete from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=24;
delete from tb_EForms where e_Id in (select id from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=24);
delete from CAI_OrderOutHouses where id = (select ID from CAI_OrderOutHouse where ProNo='{0}');
delete from CAI_OrderOutHouse where ProNo='{0}';", txtProNo.Text);

            using (var conn = DBHelp.getConn())
                SqlTransaction tan        = conn.BeginTransaction();
                var            objCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
                objCommand.Transaction = tan;
                    for (int i = 0; i < orders.Count; i++)
                        houseGoodsSer.InHouse(Convert.ToInt32(obj.Rows[0]["HouseID"]), orders[i].GooId, orders[i].GoodNum, orders[i].GoodPrice, objCommand);
                    objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                catch (Exception)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('删除失败!');</script>");
            sql = "select ProNo from TB_SupplierInvoice where not exists(select Id from TB_SupplierInvoices where TB_SupplierInvoices.Id=TB_SupplierInvoice.Id)";
            var db = DBHelp.getDataTable(sql);

            if (db.Rows.Count > 0)
                using (var conn = DBHelp.getConn())
                    SqlTransaction tan        = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    var            objCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
                    objCommand.Transaction = tan;
                        foreach (DataRow dr in db.Rows)
                            sql = string.Format(@" delete from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=31;
delete from tb_EForms where e_Id in (select id from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=31);
delete from TB_SupplierInvoice where ProNo='{0}';
delete from TB_SupplierInvoices where Id = (select Id from TB_SupplierInvoice where ProNo='{0}');", dr["ProNo"]);
                            objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                    catch (Exception)
                        base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('删除失败!');</script>");

            string PONO = obj.Rows[0]["PoNo"].ToString();
            Sell_OrderOutHouseService SellOutSer = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService();

            base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('删除成功!');</script>");
예제 #4
        private void Show()
            var comModel = new Dal.BaseInfo.TB_CompanyService().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(ddlCompany.Text));

            lblCompanyName.Text = comModel.ComName;
            lblSimpName.Text    = comModel.ComSimpName;
            lblDate.Text        = ddlYear.Text + ddlMonth.Text;
            propertyList        = this.FIN_PropertyService.GetListArray_CommCost(ddlYear.Text + ddlMonth.Text, ddlCompany.Text);
            string poName = string.Format("{0}年{1}行政经费", ddlYear.Text, comModel.ComSimpName);

            #region 邮寄费
            var sql = string.Format(@"---项目中预期报销单的邮寄费合计
select isnull(SUM(Tb_DispatchList.PostTotal),0) from tb_Post left join Tb_DispatchList ON tb_Post.ID=Tb_DispatchList.Post_Id where  AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{0}') and tb_Post.poName='{1}'
and tb_Post.id in (select allE_id from tb_EForm where state='通过' and proid in (select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='邮寄文档快递表') )", comModel.ComCode, poName);

            var DispatchList = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);
            if (ddlMonth.Text != "12")
                sql = string.Format(@"---项目中预期报销单的邮寄费合计
select isnull(SUM(Tb_DispatchList.PostTotal),0) from tb_Post left join Tb_DispatchList ON tb_Post.ID=Tb_DispatchList.Post_Id  where  year(AppTime)={0} 
and MONTH(AppTime)={1} and AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{2}') and tb_Post.poName='{3}'
and tb_Post.id in (select allE_id from tb_EForm where state='通过' and proid in (select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='邮寄文档快递表') )", ddlYear.Text, ddlMonth.Text, comModel.ComCode, poName);
                sql = string.Format(@"---项目中预期报销单的邮寄费合计
select isnull(SUM(Tb_DispatchList.PostTotal),0) from tb_Post left join Tb_DispatchList ON tb_Post.ID=Tb_DispatchList.Post_Id  where   AppTime>='{0} 00:00:00'
 and AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{1}') and tb_Post.poName='{2}'
and tb_Post.id in (select allE_id from tb_EForm where state='通过' and proid in (select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='邮寄文档快递表') )", ddlYear.Text + "-12-1", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            var DispatchList_Month = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            #region 办公用品费
            sql = string.Format(@"--小类办公用品费 中的所有合计
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0)  FROM JXC_REPORT 
 left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' 
 where GoodTypeSmName ='办公用品费' and GoodTypeName ='杂费' 
and CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{0}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{1}'", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            var JXCREPORT = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            if (ddlMonth.Text != "12")
                sql = string.Format(@"--小类办公用品费 中的所有合计
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0)  FROM JXC_REPORT 
 left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' 
 where GoodTypeSmName ='办公用品费' and GoodTypeName ='杂费' and year(RuTime)={0} and MONTH(RuTime)={1} 
and CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{2}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{3}'", ddlYear.Text, ddlMonth.Text, comModel.ComCode, poName);
                sql = string.Format(@"--小类办公用品费 中的所有合计
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0)  FROM JXC_REPORT 
 left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' 
 where GoodTypeSmName ='办公用品费' and GoodTypeName ='杂费' and RuTime>='{0} 00:00:00'
and CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{1}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{2}'", ddlYear.Text + "-12-1", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            var JXCREPORT_Month = DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            sql = string.Format(@"--项目中除去黄色框的内容的其他成本合计(该项目销售明细报表中除去黄色框的其他总成本+总损失差额)
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0) as totoal
 FROM JXC_REPORT  left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 
 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' where  CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{0}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{1}'
", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            var JXCREPORT_Cha = (decimal)DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            if (ddlMonth.Text != "12")
                sql = string.Format(@"--行政经费的总额 扣除如下 黄色部分的总额 
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0) as totoal
 FROM JXC_REPORT  left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 
 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' where  year(RuTime)={0} and MONTH(RuTime)<={1} 
 and CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{2}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{3}'
", ddlYear.Text, ddlMonth.Text, comModel.ComCode, poName);
                sql = string.Format(@"--行政经费的总额 扣除如下 黄色部分的总额 
select isnull(sum(goodTotal),0) as totoal
 FROM JXC_REPORT  left join CG_POOrder on JXC_REPORT.PONo=CG_POOrder.PONo and CG_POOrder.IFZhui=0 
 and CG_POOrder.Status='通过' where  RuTime>='{0} 00:00:00'
 and CG_POOrder.AppName in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{1}') and CG_POOrder.poName='{2}'
", ddlYear.Text + "-12-1", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            var JXCREPORT_Cha_Month = (decimal)DBHelp.ExeScalar(sql);

            Sell_OrderOutHouseService sellOutSer = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService();
            string where = string.Format(" and Sell_OrderOutHouse.CreateUserId in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{0}') and poName='{1}'", comModel.ComCode, poName);

            Dictionary <string, decimal> GetAllTotal = sellOutSer.GetAllTotal_ChengBen(where);

            if (ddlMonth.Text != "12")
                where = string.Format(" and year(RuTime)={0} and MONTH(RuTime)={1} and Sell_OrderOutHouse.CreateUserId in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{2}') and poName='{3}'", ddlYear.Text, ddlMonth.Text, comModel.ComCode, poName);
                where = string.Format(" and RuTime>='{0} 00:00:00' and Sell_OrderOutHouse.CreateUserId in (select id from tb_User where CompanyCode='{1}') and poName='{2}'",
                                      ddlYear.Text + "-12-1", comModel.ComCode, poName);
            Dictionary <string, decimal> GetAllTotal_Month = sellOutSer.GetAllTotal_ChengBen(where);

            foreach (var p in propertyList)
                if (p.CostType == "均摊邮费")
                    p.XiShu_Value        = Convert.ToDecimal(DispatchList);
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = Convert.ToDecimal(DispatchList_Month);
                if (p.CostType == "办公用品费")
                    p.XiShu_Value        = Convert.ToDecimal(JXCREPORT);
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = Convert.ToDecimal(JXCREPORT_Month);
                #region 系统值

                if (p.CostType == "资质费用" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17110"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17110"];
                else if (p.CostType == "各类证照" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17112"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17112"];
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车维修费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("16616"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["16616"];
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车保险" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17109"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17109"];
                else if (p.CostType == "公务汽油费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14346"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14346"];
                else if (p.CostType == "律师费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17111"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17111"];
                else if (p.CostType == "内部装修改建费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14350"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14350"];
                else if (p.CostType == "软件开发费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14396"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14396"];
                else if (p.CostType == "公务费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14423"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14423"];
                else if (p.CostType == "交通费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("15317"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["15317"];
                else if (p.CostType == "水费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14348"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14348"];
                else if (p.CostType == "电费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("14349"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["14349"];
                else if (p.CostType == "物业管理费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17108"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17108"];
                else if (p.CostType == "设备投资费" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17158"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17158"];
                else if (p.CostType == "电信费用" && GetAllTotal.ContainsKey("17167"))
                    p.XiShu_Value = GetAllTotal["17167"];

                #region 当月值

                if (p.CostType == "资质费用" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17110"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17110"];
                else if (p.CostType == "各类证照" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17112"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17112"];
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车维修费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("16616"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["16616"];
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车保险" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17109"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17109"];
                else if (p.CostType == "公务汽油费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14346"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14346"];
                else if (p.CostType == "律师费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17111"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17111"];
                else if (p.CostType == "内部装修改建费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14350"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14350"];
                else if (p.CostType == "软件开发费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14396"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14396"];
                else if (p.CostType == "公务费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14423"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14423"];
                else if (p.CostType == "交通费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("15317"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["15317"];
                else if (p.CostType == "水费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14348"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14348"];
                else if (p.CostType == "电费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("14349"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["14349"];
                else if (p.CostType == "物业管理费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17108"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17108"];
                else if (p.CostType == "设备投资费" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17158"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17158"];
                else if (p.CostType == "电信费用" && GetAllTotal_Month.ContainsKey("17167"))
                    p.CurrentMonth_Value = GetAllTotal_Month["17167"];

                #region 商品编码

                if (p.CostType == "资质费用")
                    p.Code_Value = "17110";
                else if (p.CostType == "各类证照")
                    p.Code_Value = "17112";
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车维修费")
                    p.Code_Value = "16616";
                else if (p.CostType == "汽车保险")
                    p.Code_Value = "17109";
                else if (p.CostType == "公务汽油费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14346";
                else if (p.CostType == "律师费")
                    p.Code_Value = "17111";
                else if (p.CostType == "内部装修改建费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14350";
                else if (p.CostType == "软件开发费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14396";
                else if (p.CostType == "公务费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14423";
                else if (p.CostType == "交通费")
                    p.Code_Value = "15317";
                else if (p.CostType == "水费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14348";
                else if (p.CostType == "电费")
                    p.Code_Value = "14349";
                else if (p.CostType == "物业管理费")
                    p.Code_Value = "17108";
                else if (p.CostType == "设备投资费")
                    p.Code_Value = "17158";
                else if (p.CostType == "电信费用")
                    p.Code_Value = "17167";
            var other_M = propertyList.Find(t => t.CostType == "均摊杂费");
            if (other_M != null)
                var others = JXCREPORT_Cha - propertyList.Sum(t => t.XiShu_Value);
                other_M.XiShu_Value        = others;
                other_M.CurrentMonth_Value = JXCREPORT_Cha_Month - propertyList.Sum(t => t.CurrentMonth_Value);
예제 #5
        protected void btnSub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtProNo.Text.Trim() == "")
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('请填写 销售退货单号!');</script>");
                if (CheckProNo(txtProNo.Text) == false)
            string sql = string.Format("select Id,PoNo from Sell_OrderInHouse where ProNo='{0}' and status='通过'", txtProNo.Text.Trim());
            var    obj = DBHelp.getDataTable(sql);

            if (obj.Rows.Count != 1)
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('销售退货信息不存在!');</script>");
            Sell_OrderInHousesService ordersSer     = new Sell_OrderInHousesService();
            TB_HouseGoodsService      houseGoodsSer = new TB_HouseGoodsService();

            List <Sell_OrderInHouses> orders = ordersSer.GetListArray(" 1=1 and Sell_OrderInHouses.id=" + obj.Rows[0]["Id"]);

            sql = string.Format(@"--销售退货还原--25	销售退货
delete from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=25;
delete from tb_EForms where e_Id in (select id from tb_EForm where e_No='{0}' and proId=25);
delete from Sell_OrderInHouses where id = (select ID from Sell_OrderInHouse where ProNo='{0}');
delete from Sell_OrderInHouse where ProNo='{0}';", txtProNo.Text.Trim());

            using (SqlConnection conn = DBHelp.getConn())
                SqlTransaction tan        = conn.BeginTransaction();
                SqlCommand     objCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
                objCommand.Transaction = tan;
                    for (int i = 0; i < orders.Count; i++)
                        if (orders[i].GoodPriceSecond != 0)
                            houseGoodsSer.OutHouse(orders[i].HouseID, orders[i].GooId, orders[i].GoodNum, orders[i].GoodPriceSecond, objCommand);
                            houseGoodsSer.OutHouse(orders[i].HouseID, orders[i].GooId, orders[i].GoodNum, orders[i].GoodPrice, objCommand);
                    objCommand.CommandText = sql;
                catch (Exception)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('删除失败!');</script>");
                string PONO = obj.Rows[0]["PoNo"].ToString();
                Sell_OrderOutHouseService SellOutSer = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService();
                new CG_POOrdersService().GetListArrayToFpsAndUpdatePoStatue(PONO, "通过");
                new CG_POOrderService().GetOrder_ToInvoiceAndUpdatePoStatus(PONO);
                base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('删除成功!');</script>");
예제 #6
        private void Show()
            string sql = " 1=1 ";

            if (txtZhuJi.Text != "")
                //string goodName = txtZhuJi.Text.Replace(@"\", ",");
                string[] allList = txtZhuJi.Text.Split('\\');

                int goodId = goodsSer.GetGoodId(allList[1], allList[3], allList[4], allList[2], allList[5]);
                if (goodId == 0)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('你填写的商品不存在!');</script>");


                sql += string.Format(" and TB_HouseGoods.GoodId={0}", goodId);

            if (ddlGoodSmType.Text != "" && ddlGoodType.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and GoodTypeSmName ='{0}' ", ddlGoodSmType.SelectedItem.Value);
                if (ddlGoodSmType.Text != "" && ddlGoodType.Text == "")
                    sql += string.Format(" and GoodTypeSmName ='{0}' ", ddlGoodSmType.SelectedItem.Value);
                if (ddlGoodSmType.Text == "" && ddlGoodType.Text != "")
                    sql += string.Format(" and  GoodTypeName ='{0}'", ddlGoodType.SelectedItem.Value);

            if (ddlHouse.Text != "" && ddlHouse.Text != "0")
                sql += string.Format(" and HouseId ={0}", ddlHouse.SelectedItem.Value);

            if (Request["ChuKuPoNo"] != null)
                sql += string.Format(" and TB_Good.GoodId in ( select GoodId from CG_POOrder left join CG_POOrders on CG_POOrder.id=CG_POOrders.id where Status='通过' and PONo='{0}')", Request["ChuKuPoNo"]);
                //sql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.PONo='{0}'", Request["ChuKuPoNo"]);

            if (txtGuiGe.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and  GoodSpec like '%{0}%'", txtGuiGe.Text);
            List <TB_HouseGoods> gooQGooddList = this.houseSer.GetListArray_ToDio_1(sql, Request["ChuKuPoNo"]);

            if (gooQGooddList.Count > 0 && Request["ChuKuPoNo"] != null)
                Sell_OrderOutHouseService sellOutSer = new Sell_OrderOutHouseService();
                var allNums = sellOutSer.GetSellOrderNum(Request["ChuKuPoNo"].ToString());
                System.Text.StringBuilder goodIds = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                foreach (var model in gooQGooddList)
                    if (allNums.ContainsKey(model.GoodId))
                        model.LastNum = allNums[model.GoodId];
                    goodIds.AppendFormat("{0},", model.GoodId);
                if (goodIds.ToString().Length > 0)
                    var DoingOrderNums = sellOutSer.GetDoingOrderNum(goodIds.ToString().Trim(','));

                    var caiNums = GetDs_New(Request["ChuKuPoNo"], goodIds.ToString().Trim(','));

                    foreach (var model in gooQGooddList)
                        if (DoingOrderNums.ContainsKey(model.GoodId))
                            model.DoingNum = DoingOrderNums[model.GoodId];
                        if (caiNums.ContainsKey(model.GoodId.ToString()))
                            model.CaiNum = Convert.ToDecimal(caiNums[model.GoodId.ToString()]);
            this.gvList.DataSource = gooQGooddList;