예제 #1
        private static SOMResult ProcessNewItemBatch(SOMItem[] newItemBatch, bool discardDupes, double dupeDistSquared, SOMResult existing)
            const int TOTALMAX = BATCHMAX * 10;

            // Items only make it here when they aren't too similar to the som nodes, but items within this list may be dupes
            if (discardDupes)
                newItemBatch = DedupeItems(newItemBatch, dupeDistSquared);

            if (newItemBatch.Length > BATCHMAX)
                // There are too many, just take a sample
                newItemBatch = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, newItemBatch.Length, BATCHMAX).
                               Select(o => newItemBatch[o]).

            SOMItem[] existingItems = null;
            if (existing != null)
                existingItems = existing.InputsByNode.
                                SelectMany(o => o).
                                Select(o => ((SOMInput <SOMItem>)o).Source).

            SOMItem[] allItems = UtilityCore.ArrayAdd(existingItems, newItemBatch);

            //TODO: This is too simplistic.  See if existingItems + newItemBatch > total.  If so, try to draw down the existing nodes evenly.  Try
            //to preserve previous images better.  Maybe even throw in a timestamp to get a good spread of times
            //or get a SOM of the new, independent of the old.  Then merge the two pulling representatives to keep the most diversity.  Finally,
            //take a SOM of the combined
            if (allItems.Length > TOTALMAX)
                allItems = UtilityCore.RandomRange(0, allItems.Length, TOTALMAX).
                           Select(o => allItems[o]).

            SOMInput <SOMItem>[] inputs = allItems.
                                          Select(o => new SOMInput <SOMItem>()
                Source = o, Weights = o.Weights,

            //TODO: May want rules to persist from run to run
            SOMRules rules = GetSOMRules_Rand();

            return(SelfOrganizingMaps.TrainSOM(inputs, rules, true));
예제 #2
        public void Add(VectorND item)
            //TODO: Probably want something that ignores images if this is too soon from a previous call

            SOMItem somItem = GetSOMItem(item, _instructions);

            SOMResult result = _result;

            if (result != null)
                if (_discardDupes)
                    // Run this through the SOM
                    var closest = SelfOrganizingMaps.GetClosest(result.Nodes, somItem);

                    // If it's too similar to another, then just ignore it
                    if (IsTooClose(somItem, result.InputsByNode[closest.Item2], _dupeDistSquared))

            #region process batch

            // Store this in a need-to-work list
            // When that list gets to a certain size, build a new SOM
            SOMItem[] newItemBatch = null;
            lock (_lock)

                if (!_isProcessingBatch && _newItems.Count > _nextBatchSize)
                    _nextBatchSize = StaticRandom.Next(BATCHMIN, BATCHMAX);
                    newItemBatch   = _newItems.ToArray();
                    _isProcessingBatch = true;

            if (newItemBatch != null)
                Task.Run(() => { _result = ProcessNewItemBatch(newItemBatch, _discardDupes, _dupeDistSquared, _result); }).
                ContinueWith(t => { lock (_lock) _isProcessingBatch = false; });

예제 #3
 private static SelfOrganizingMapsDBWindow.RowInput[] GetMatchingRows(SelfOrganizingMapsDBWindow.ColumnStats[] columns, SelfOrganizingMapsDBWindow.QueryResults queryResults, SOMResult som, int nodeIndex)
     return(SelfOrganizingMapsDBWindow.GetSOMInputs(columns, queryResults, false).
            Where(o => SelfOrganizingMaps.GetClosest(som.Nodes, o).Item2 == nodeIndex).