private IEnumerator ShowMenu(UIFader fader, SelectionSlider slider)
            yield return(StartCoroutine(fader.InteruptAndFadeIn()));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(slider.WaitForBarToFill()));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(fader.InteruptAndFadeOut()));
예제 #2
 void Start()
     m_SelectionSlider = GetComponentInChildren <SelectionSlider>();
     if (m_SelectionSlider != null)
         m_SelectionSlider.OnBarFilled += OnBarFilled;
    private IEnumerator WaitForBarToFill(SelectionSlider slider)
        yield return(StartCoroutine(slider.WaitForBarToFill()));

        barFilled = true;
        //Check if ask for assignation
        if ( == "TagAssignationSlider")
            //We fade the assignation steps and remove the autoassignation button
            VRTracker.instance.autoAssignation     = false;
            VRTracker.instance.assignationComplete = false;
    private void Awake()
        IList <GuiModelBase> myGuiModels = new List <GuiModelBase>();

        /* adding text contents */

        DoubleTextStatement Stat2_2_0 = new DoubleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                                "- 60歲 -", "你開始邁向退休的年紀",
                                                                GuiPrefabUtils.DoubleTextFirstGazeDuration, GuiPrefabUtils.DoubleTextSecondGazeDuration,
                                                                vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat2_2_1 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                                "女兒也已經30歲\n到了結婚的年齡", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                                vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat2_3 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "看著她也擁有自己的家庭\n你感到放心安慰", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        DoubleChoiceQuestion Q2 = new DoubleChoiceQuestion(Color.white,
                                                           "她要搬離你的家\n和她的丈夫一起居住了 ……", "無奈接受", "欣然接受", vrCamera, myGuiModels, SceneSwitchControl.Scene5Q2Name);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_0 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "這時你才發現,原來你不捨得", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_1 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "她已經長大了,你無從改變 ……", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        DoubleTextStatement Stat3_2_0 = new DoubleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                                "- 82歲 -", "你患上末期癌症,需要長期進出醫院",
                                                                GuiPrefabUtils.DoubleTextFirstGazeDuration, GuiPrefabUtils.DoubleTextSecondGazeDuration,
                                                                vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_2_1 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                                "你回來了", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                                vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        Stat3_2_1.AddPlayAudioOnUiFadeInComplete(GuiPrefabUtils.SceneSoundEffectVolume, false, hospitalCurtainClip);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_3 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "你年老乏力的身體\n就如嬰孩時期般軟弱無力", GuiPrefabUtils.SingleTextGazeDuration,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        scene5Q3ClipSource = Stat3_3.AddPlayAudioOnUiFadeInComplete(GuiPrefabUtils.SceneSoundEffectVolume, true, scene5Q3Clip);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_4 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "當你看到你女兒、女婿、\n孫子、親友全都圍在你床邊\n文珊靠在你床邊,哭成淚人的樣子時 ……",
                                                              6f, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_5 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "你就意識到自己是差不多走到盡頭了", 4f, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_6 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "你忽然想起過往很多和文珊的經歷片段", 4f, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement Stat3_7 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "第一次約會、第一次吵架、結婚、生小孩、\n一起為工作煩惱、一起為小孩擔憂、\n互相鼓勵、互相安慰 ……",
                                                              6f, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        DoubleChoiceQuestion Q3 = new DoubleChoiceQuestion(Color.white,
                                                           "慢慢的\n你的臉頰也流下了兩行淚水 ……", "默然不語", "跟文珊說:\n「謝謝你,\n我愛你。」",
                                                           vrCamera, myGuiModels, SceneSwitchControl.Scene5Q3Name);

        Vector3 pos2 = GuiPrefabUtils.GetSelectionSlider2Text(Q3.underlyingGameObj).gameObject.transform.position;

        GuiPrefabUtils.GetSelectionSlider2Text(Q3.underlyingGameObj).gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(pos2.x, pos2.y + 0.2f, pos2.z);

        SingleTextStatement Stat4_0 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "這就是你的理想人生嗎?\n有時你會這樣問自己", 4f,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        scene5Q4ClipSource = Stat4_0.AddPlayAudioOnUiFadeInReachThreshold(0.5f, true, scene5Q4Clip, 0f);

        SingleTextStatement Stat4_1 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "漸漸的,你又開始聽到心臟微微的跳動\n感受到身體被一種暖流包裹", 4f,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        Stat4_1UiFader = GuiPrefabUtils.GetUiFader(Stat4_1.underlyingGameObj);
        //heartbeatAudio = Stat4_1.AddPlayAudioOnUiFadeInComplete(GuiPrefabUtils.SceneSoundEffectVolume, true, heartbeatClip);

        SingleTextStatement Stat4_2 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "生命,悄悄消逝 ……", 4f,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleChoiceQuestion Q4 = new SingleChoiceQuestion(Color.white,
                                                           "你願意離開這個世界\n結束這一趟人生旅程嗎?", "我願意", vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        Q4UiFader = GuiPrefabUtils.GetUiFader(Q4.underlyingGameObj);
        scene5Q4LoopClipSource  = Q4.AddPlayAudioOnUiFadeInReachThreshold(GuiPrefabUtils.SceneSoundEffectVolume, true, scene5Q4LoopClip, 0f);
        passAwaySelectionSlider = GuiPrefabUtils.GetSelectionSlider(Q4.underlyingGameObj);

        SingleTextStatement Stat4_A = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                              "「我也愛你。」\n文珊抹一抹眼淚,跟你說", 4f,
                                                              vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement End_1 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                            "人生 …… 總是經歷選擇、擁有與失去\n你未必可以完全掌控你的人生\n更無法回到過去再來一次",
                                                            GuiPrefabUtils.LastSceneSingleTextGazeDuration, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        //UIFader End_1UiFader = GuiPrefabUtils.GetUiFader(End_1.underlyingGameObj);
        //End_1UiFader.m_FadeSpeed = 0.2f;

        SingleTextStatement End_2 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                            "但是 …… 以甚麼心態面對人生起跌\n如何與你覺得重要的人相處\n是可以由你來決定",
                                                            GuiPrefabUtils.LastSceneSingleTextGazeDuration, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement End_3 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                            GuiPrefabUtils.LastSceneSingleTextGazeDuration, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement End_4 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                            GuiPrefabUtils.LastSceneSingleTextGazeDuration, vrCamera, myGuiModels);

        SingleTextStatement End_5 = new SingleTextStatement(Color.white,
                                                            3600f, vrCamera, myGuiModels);


        /* end of adding text contents */

        /* setting next stories or next scenes */

        Q2.AddNextStory(Stat3_0, DoubleChoiceQuestion.SelectionSlider1Or2.Slider1);
        Q2.AddNextStory(Stat3_0, DoubleChoiceQuestion.SelectionSlider1Or2.Slider2);
        Q3.AddNextStory(Stat4_0, DoubleChoiceQuestion.SelectionSlider1Or2.Slider1);
        Q3.AddNextStory(Stat4_A, DoubleChoiceQuestion.SelectionSlider1Or2.Slider2);
        //    GuiPrefabUtils.CameraFadeDuration, SceneSwitchControl.Scene5dName);

        /* end of setting next stories or next scenes */

        /* setting start gui */


        /* end of setting start gui */

        /* activating guis */
        // [Important] This is needed because the prefab game objects are set to be inactive so that the OnEnable event is not called during Prefab Instantiation.

        foreach (GuiModelBase myGuiModel in myGuiModels)

        /* end of activating guis */
예제 #5
    void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level)
        switch (level)
        case 0:     //Start
            Debug.Log("Scene Loaded: StartScene");


        case 1:     //Lobby
            Debug.Log("Scene Loaded: Lobby");

            if (motionBase != null)
                motionBase.transform.position = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.3f, 0.0f);

            lobbyInstructions = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("LobbyInstructions");

            breakInstructions = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BreakInstructions");

            finishedInstructions = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("FinishedInstructions");

            SelectionSlider slider = lobbyInstructions.GetComponentInChildren <SelectionSlider>();
            slider.OnBarFilled += slider_OnBarFilled;

            SelectionSlider slider2 = breakInstructions.GetComponentInChildren <SelectionSlider>();
            slider2.OnBarFilled += slider_OnBarFilled;

            targetOne = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TargetOne");
            targetTwo = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TargetTwo");

            if (targetOne != null && targetTwo != null)
                targetOneImage = targetOne.GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
                targetTwoImage = targetTwo.GetComponentInChildren <Image>();

                targetOneImage.CrossFadeAlpha(0.0f, 0.1f, true);
                targetTwoImage.CrossFadeAlpha(0.0f, 0.1f, true);


                targetOneFadedOut = true;
                targetTwoFadedOut = true;

            if (runNumber > 0 && runNumber % numberOfRunsBeforeBreak == 0)
                onBreak = true;


        case 2:     //City
            Debug.Log("Scene Loaded: City");

            condition = conditions.Dequeue();

            if (recorder != null && !recorder.currentelyRecording())
                recorder.startRecording("PedSimCity_" + participantID + "_Run" + runNumber + "_Condition" + condition);

            trafficLightChangeDelay = originalTrafficChangeDelay;

            if (motionBase != null)
                motionBase.transform.position = motionBaseStartPosition;
                if (runNumber > 0)
                    motionBase.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180f);

            if (guiArrows != null)

            controller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TrialIntersection").GetComponent <IntersectionController>();

            targetVehicle = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TrialVehicle");

            //period that the pedestrain light counts down to RED/DON'T WALK in s
            //float pedestrianChangeInterval = streetWidth / walkingSpeed;

            //time from start of vehicle movement to ped light green, in s
            float goSignalDelay = fadeInDelay + trafficLightChangeDelay + trafficLightYellowInterval + vehicleClearanceInterval + walkInterval;

            Debug.Log("Go signal delay: " + goSignalDelay);

            timer = goSignalDelay;

            //if condition == 0, we are in the no car condition, disable target car
            if (condition == 0)
                Debug.Log("Condition 0: trial car disabled.");
                float trialCarOffset = calculateTrialCarOffset(goSignalDelay);

                Debug.Log("Condition " + condition + ":");
                Debug.Log("trial car offset: " + trialCarOffset);

                //if we're an even condition we need to flip the car around for the near lane trials
                if (condition % 2 == 0)
                    targetVehicle.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180);
                    targetVehicle.transform.position = new Vector3(targetVehicle.transform.position.x, 0, -49.8f);

                Vector3 trialCarPosition = new Vector3(targetVehicle.transform.position.x + trialCarOffset, 0, targetVehicle.transform.position.z);

                targetVehicle.transform.position = trialCarPosition;

                Debug.Log("new trial car position: " + trialCarPosition.ToString());

            Debug.Log("Scene Loaded: " + level);
    // Unity calls this function at the beginning
    private IEnumerator Start()
        // Get the settings and store them into settings object
        settings = Settings.CreateFromJSON();
        API_KEY  = settings.api_key;
        LANG     = settings.lang;

        // Commented code above provides an opportunity to change questions dynamically with the given json file @given path

         *  WWW www = new WWW("file:///C:/Users/eminserdar.guzel/Desktop/icerik.json");
         *  WWW www = new WWW("file:///C:/Users/eda.mutlu/Desktop/icerik.json");
         *  yield return www;
         *  settings = JsonUtility.FromJson<Settings>(www.text);

        // Reset the camera position

        // Make the intro text visible
        SetVisibile(introCanvas, true);

        if (Microphone.devices.Length <= 0)
            Debug.Log("Microphone not connected!"); // Throw a warning message at the console if there isn't
            SetVisibile(micWarningText.gameObject, true);

        // Wait for slider to be filled
        yield return(StartCoroutine(confirmButton.WaitForBarToFill()));

        SetVisibile(micWarningText.gameObject, false);

        // Make the intro objects invisible
        SetVisibile(introTimerText, true);
        SetVisibile(introText, false);
        SetVisibile(confirmButton.gameObject, false);

        // Countdown before entering the first room
        yield return(StartCoroutine(StartTimerWithText(introTimerText, introCountDownTime)));

        // Make the intro scene completely invisible
        SetVisibile(introCanvas, false);


        foreach (Scene scene in settings.scenes)

             * if ( == "Bedroom") room = bedroom;
             * else if ( == "Club") room = club;
             * else if ( == "Kitchen") room = kitchen;
             * else room = living;

            GameObject room = Resources.Load( as GameObject;
            room = Instantiate(room, room.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            // Countdown in order to give some time to player to look around
            roomCountDownTime = scene.countdown_time;

            // Show remaining time
            SetVisibile(roomTimerText, true);
            yield return(StartCoroutine(StartRoomTimer(roomCountDownTime)));

            //Make invisble the timer and then the room
            SetVisibile(roomTimerText, false);

            foreach (Question question in scene.questions)
                questionText.text = question.description;
                result            = "";

                foreach (SelectionSlider button in answerButtons)
                // Start room timer
                SetVisibile(roomTimerText, true);

                // Display the question
                SetVisibile(questionCanvas, true);
                questionCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("QuestionCanvasAnimation");
                questionCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>().SetTrigger("StopAnimation");
                SetVisibile(sttCorrectAnswer.gameObject, false);

                // If the question answer type is Speech To Text according to JSON file that we have given
                if (question.answer_type == "stt")
                    SetVisibile(stt, true);

                    // The code block derived from
                    // Check if there is at least one microphone connected
                    if (Microphone.devices.Length <= 0)
                        SetVisibile(roomTimerText, false);
                        Debug.Log("Microphone not connected!"); // Throw a warning message at the console if there isn't
                        SetVisibile(micWarningText.gameObject, true);
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3.0f));

                        SetVisibile(micWarningText.gameObject, false);
                    else // At least one microphone is present
                        //Set 'micConnected' to true
                        micConnected = true;

                        //Get the default microphone recording capabilities
                        Microphone.GetDeviceCaps(null, out minFreq, out maxFreq);

                        // According to the documentation, if minFreq and maxFreq are zero, the microphone supports any frequency...
                        if (minFreq == 0 && maxFreq == 0)
                            //...Meaning 44100 Hz can be used as the recording sampling rate
                            maxFreq = 44100;

                        //Get the attached AudioSource component
                        goAudioSource = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

                        // Display mic image & recording text
                        SetVisibile(sttRecording, true);

                        // Ready to record
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(StartRecording(5)));

                        SetVisibile(roomTimerText, false);
                        // Store the resulting string of SpeechToText func.
                        this.mutex = false;

                        SetVisibile(sttRecording, false);
                        SetVisibile(sttProcessing, true);

                        while (!this.mutex)
                            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

                        SetVisibile(sttProcessing, false);

                        // Display the user's answer
                        sttAnswerText.text = result;
                        SetVisibile(sttAnswerText.gameObject, true);

                        // Check if the answer is correct or not
                        // ...Change the color of the text accordingly
                        if (result.ToLower() == question.correct_answer.ToLower())
                            correctAnswers     += 1;
                            sttAnswerText.color =;
                            falseAnswers       += 1;
                            sttAnswerText.color =;
                            // Display the correct answer
                            SetVisibile(sttCorrectAnswer.gameObject, true);
                            sttCorrectAnswer.text = "Doğru cevap: " + question.correct_answer.ToLower();

                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5.0f));

                        SetVisibile(sttAnswerText.gameObject, false);
                        SetVisibile(sttCorrectAnswer.gameObject, false);
                        SetVisibile(questionCanvas, false);

                        // Delete the .wav file used
                        // File.Delete(filePath);
                    SetVisibile(stt, false);
                    int i            = 0;
                    int answersCount = question.answers.Count; // Total number of answers comes from JSON file
                    foreach (Answer answer in question.answers)
                        answerButtons.Add(Instantiate(buttonPrefab, BUTTON_POSITONS[answersCount - 2, i], Quaternion.identity)); // Create a new answer button for each answer and set position
                        answerButtons[i].transform.SetParent(questionCanvas.transform);                                          // Make the button's parent as question canvas
                        answerButtons[i].m_TrueAnswer = answer.correct;                                                          // To check whether the answer is correct, set the true or false according to JSON that we have given
                        answerButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = question.answers.ElementAt(i).answer;            // Set the text of button according to JSON file
                        answerButtons[i].m_Feedback = question.has_feedback && question.answer_type == "multiple_choices" ? question.answers.ElementAt(i).feedback : "";

                    //Countdown to answer the given question
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(StartQuestionTimer(questionCountDownTime)));

                    int    index    = 0;
                    bool   flag     = false;
                    string feedback = "";
                    // Find the selected answer & it's index
                    foreach (SelectionSlider answerButton in answerButtons)
                        if (answerButton.m_BarFilled)
                            feedback = answerButtons[index].m_Feedback;
                            if (answerButton.m_TrueAnswer)
                                flag = true;
                    // If one of the answers is selected and it's the correct one, increment the count of the correct answers.
                    // Otherwise, increment the count of the false answers
                    if (flag)
                        correctAnswers += 1;
                        falseAnswers += 1;

                    // Make the current question canvas and the timer invisible
                    SetVisibile(roomTimerText, false);
                    SetVisibile(questionCanvas, false);
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                    if (question.has_feedback)
                        // Reset the camera position
                        SetVisibile(feedbackCanvas, true);

                        if (question.fb_type == "text")
                            feedbackText.text = feedback;
                            SetVisibile(feedbackText.gameObject, true);

                            // Create an VR interactive button
                            SelectionSlider feedbackButton = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, new Vector3(0.0f, 70.0f, 60.0f), Quaternion.identity) as SelectionSlider;
                            feedbackButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Tamam!";

                            // When the feedback button has been filled, skip the feedback part
                            yield return(StartCoroutine(feedbackButton.WaitForBarToFill()));

                            SetVisibile(feedbackText.gameObject, false);
                        else if (question.fb_type == "video")
                            SetVisibile(screen, true);
                            SetVisibile(videoPlayer.gameObject, true);

                            /* To play the video full screen and near the camera
                             * GameObject camera = GameObject.Find("Camera");
                             * videoPlayer.renderMode = VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane;
                            //videoPlayer.url = feedback;

                             * Following line of code is used for making it work in the android device as well
                             * feedback should be something like "mov_bbb.mp4" and it also should be located in the Resoursec directory
                            videoPlayer.clip = Resources.Load(feedback) as VideoClip;

                            while (videoPlayer.isPlaying)
                                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

                            SetVisibile(videoPlayer.gameObject, false);
                            SetVisibile(screen, false);

                        SetVisibile(feedbackCanvas, false);
                    // Calculate total time spent while answering questions
                    totalTime   += timeToAnswer;
                    timeToAnswer = 0;

                questionCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>().ResetTrigger("QuestionCanvasAnimation");
                questionCanvas.GetComponent <Animator>().ResetTrigger("StopAnimation");

            // Make the question canvas invisible
            SetVisibile(questionCanvas, false);
            SetVisibile(sttAnswerText.gameObject, false);

            yield return(StartCoroutine(DisplayResults()));