public void GroupSelectedBlocks()
            if (!SelectedBlocks.Any())

            var          relatedSegments = Enumerable.Select(SelectedBlocks, b => b.SegmentContext).Distinct().ToList();
            MusicSegment segmentForGroup = (relatedSegments.Count == 1 ? relatedSegments.Single().GetModel() : model.MusicSegments[0]);

            var group = new LoopBlock(model);

            group.SegmentContext = segmentForGroup;
            group.StartTime      = SelectedBlocks.Min(b => b.StartTime);
            foreach (var b in SelectedBlocks)
                // create an independent copy of the block so transforming its time to local reference frame does not screw up undo
                Block newChild = Block.FromXML(model, b.GetModel().ToXML());

                group.AddChild(newChild, true);

            using (ActionManager.CreateTransaction())
                ActionManager.RecordAdd(model.Blocks, group);

            SelectBlock(BlockViewModel.FromModel(this, group), CompositionMode.None);
        // type may be null, then the target will be auto-inferred based on currently selected blocks
        public void ConvertSelectedBlocksTo(string type)
            bool rampsToColors = (type == "color");
            bool colorsToRamps = (type == "ramp");

            if (!rampsToColors && !colorsToRamps)
                colorsToRamps = SelectedBlocks.Any(b => b is ColorBlockViewModel);
                rampsToColors = SelectedBlocks.Any(b => b is RampBlockViewModel);
                if (colorsToRamps && rampsToColors)
                    throw new ArgumentException("type needs to be given when both color and ramp blocks are selected");

            using (ActionManager.CreateTransaction())
                for (int i = 0; i < SelectedBlocks.Count; i++)
                    var   block = SelectedBlocks[i].GetModel();
                    Block convertedBlock;
                    if (rampsToColors && block is RampBlock rampBlock)
                        convertedBlock = new ColorBlock(model, rampBlock.Tracks.ToArray())
                            Color = (rampBlock.StartColor == GloColor.Black ? rampBlock.EndColor : rampBlock.StartColor)
                    else if (colorsToRamps && block is ColorBlock colorBlock)
                        convertedBlock = new RampBlock(model, colorBlock.Tracks.ToArray())
                            StartColor = colorBlock.Color,
                            EndColor   = (colorBlock.Color == GloColor.White ? GloColor.Black : GloColor.White)

                    // copy generic properties
                    convertedBlock.StartTime      = block.StartTime;
                    convertedBlock.Duration       = block.Duration;
                    convertedBlock.SegmentContext = block.SegmentContext;

                    ActionManager.RecordReplace(model.Blocks, block, convertedBlock);
                    SelectedBlocks[i] = BlockViewModel.FromModel(this, convertedBlock);