// Find the next selectable object in the specified world-space direction.
        public static Selectable FindNextSelectable(Selectable selectable, Transform transform, Vector3 direction)
            RectTransform rectTransform = transform as RectTransform;

            if (rectTransform == null)

            IList <Selectable> allSelectables;
            int selectableCount;

#if UNITY_2019_PLUS
            // Resize array as needed to fit all Selectables
            if (Selectable.allSelectableCount > s_reusableAllSelectables.Length)
                s_reusableAllSelectables = new Selectable[Selectable.allSelectableCount];

            // Unity made a breaking API change in 2019.1.5 that removed the ref keyword. There is no clean way to catch it.
#if UNITY_2019_1_0 || UNITY_2019_1_1 || UNITY_2019_1_2 || UNITY_2019_1_3 || UNITY_2019_1_4 // 2019.1 up to 2019.1.4
            selectableCount = Selectable.AllSelectablesNoAlloc(ref s_reusableAllSelectables);
            allSelectables  = s_reusableAllSelectables;
#else // all future versions
            selectableCount = Selectable.AllSelectablesNoAlloc(ref s_reusableAllSelectables);
            allSelectables  = s_reusableAllSelectables;
#else // pre-2019 versions
            allSelectables  = Selectable.allSelectables;
            selectableCount = allSelectables.Count;


            Vector2 localDir       = direction;
            Vector2 searchStartPos = Rewired.UI.ControlMapper.UITools.GetPointOnRectEdge(rectTransform, localDir); // search from point on rect edge from center out in direction
            bool    isHoriz        = localDir == Vector2.right * -1f || localDir == Vector2.right;

            float      minCenterDistSqMag = Mathf.Infinity;
            float      minDirectLineSqMag = Mathf.Infinity;
            Selectable bestCenterDistPick = null;
            Selectable bestDirectLinePick = null;

            const float length = 999999f; // Mathf.Infinity fails
            Vector2     directLineCastEndPos = searchStartPos + localDir * length;

            for (int i = 0; i < selectableCount; ++i)
                Selectable targetSelectable = allSelectables[i];

                if (targetSelectable == selectable || targetSelectable == null)
                    continue;                                                            // skip if self or null
                if (targetSelectable.navigation.mode == Navigation.Mode.None)
                    continue;                                                          // skip if non-navigable
                // Allow selection of non-interactable elements because it makes navigating easier and more predictable
                // but the CanvasGroup interactable value is private in Selectable
                // Reflect to get group intaractability if non-interactable
                bool canvasGroupAllowsInteraction = targetSelectable.IsInteractable() || Rewired.Utils.ReflectionTools.GetPrivateField <Selectable, bool>(targetSelectable, "m_GroupsAllowInteraction");
                if (!canvasGroupAllowsInteraction)
                    continue;                               // skip if disabled by canvas group, otherwise allow it
                // Can't do private field reflection in Metro
                if (!targetSelectable.IsInteractable())
                    continue;                                    // skip if disabled

                var targetSelectableRectTransform = targetSelectable.transform as RectTransform;
                if (targetSelectableRectTransform == null)

                // Check direct line cast from center edge of object in direction pressed
                float directLineSqMag;
                Rect  targetSelecableRect = UITools.InvertY(UITools.TransformRectTo(targetSelectableRectTransform, transform, targetSelectableRectTransform.rect));

                // Check for direct line rect intersection
                if (Rewired.Utils.MathTools.LineIntersectsRect(searchStartPos, directLineCastEndPos, targetSelecableRect, out directLineSqMag))
                    if (isHoriz)
                        directLineSqMag *= 0.25f;         // give extra bonus to horizontal directions because most of the UI groups are laid out horizontally
                    if (directLineSqMag < minDirectLineSqMag)
                        minDirectLineSqMag = directLineSqMag;
                        bestDirectLinePick = targetSelectable;

                // Check distance to center
                Vector2 targetSelectableCenter            = Rewired.Utils.UnityTools.TransformPoint(targetSelectableRectTransform, transform, targetSelectableRectTransform.rect.center);
                Vector2 searchPosToTargetSelectableCenter = targetSelectableCenter - searchStartPos;

                const float maxSafeAngle = 75.0f;

                // Get the angle the target center deviates from straight
                float angle = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Angle(localDir, searchPosToTargetSelectableCenter));

                if (angle > maxSafeAngle)
                    continue;                      // only consider if within a reasonable angle of the desired direction
                float score = searchPosToTargetSelectableCenter.sqrMagnitude;

                // Lower score is better
                if (score < minCenterDistSqMag)
                    minCenterDistSqMag = score;
                    bestCenterDistPick = targetSelectable;

            // Choose between direct line and center dist
            if (bestDirectLinePick != null && bestCenterDistPick != null)
                if (minDirectLineSqMag > minCenterDistSqMag)

#if UNITY_2019_PLUS
            System.Array.Clear(s_reusableAllSelectables, 0, s_reusableAllSelectables.Length);

            return(bestDirectLinePick ?? bestCenterDistPick);
예제 #2
        public void SelectFirstSelectable()

            //var selectables = Selectable.allSelectables;Selectable.al
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
        #if UNITY_2019_1_0 || UNITY_2019_1_1 || UNITY_2019_1_2 || UNITY_2019_1_3 || UNITY_2019_1_4
            var count = Selectable.AllSelectablesNoAlloc(ref tempSelectablesArray);
            var count = Selectable.AllSelectablesNoAlloc(tempSelectablesArray);
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)

            // Select from history?
            for (var i = SelectionHistory.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)             // NOTE: Property
                var oldSelection = selectionHistory[i];

                if (oldSelection != null)
                    if (CanSelect(oldSelection) == true && tempSelectables.Contains(oldSelection) == true)
                        selectionHistory.RemoveRange(i, selectionHistory.Count - i);



            var bestSelectable = default(Selectable);
            var bestPriority   = -1.0f;

            // Select from selectables?
            for (var i = 0; i < tempSelectables.Count; i++)
                var selectable = tempSelectables[i];

                if (CanSelect(selectable) == true)
                    var selectionPriority = selectable.GetComponent <LeanSelectionPriority>();
                    var priority          = 0.0f;

                    if (selectionPriority != null)
                        priority = selectionPriority.Priority;

                    if (priority > bestPriority)
                        bestSelectable = selectable;
                        bestPriority   = priority;

            if (bestSelectable != null)