예제 #1
        }//end event

        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username = TextBox1.Text;
            string password = TextBox2.Text;
            string newPassword = TextBox3.Text;
            string firstName = TextBox5.Text;
            string lastName = TextBox6.Text;
            string DOB = TextBox7.Text;
            string streetAddress = TextBox8.Text;
            string city = TextBox9.Text;
            string state = txtState.Text;
            string zipCode = TextBox10.Text;
            string country = txtCountry.Text;
            string phone = TextBox11.Text;

            username = username.Trim();

            password = password.Trim();

            Validate validationObject = new Validate();

            newPassword = validationObject.Truncate(newPassword, 100);
            firstName = validationObject.Truncate(firstName, 100);
            lastName = validationObject.Truncate(lastName, 100);
            DOB = validationObject.Truncate(DOB, 100);
            streetAddress = validationObject.Truncate(streetAddress, 100);
            city = validationObject.Truncate(city, 100);
            state = validationObject.Truncate(state, 100);
            zipCode = validationObject.Truncate(zipCode, 100);
            country = validationObject.Truncate(country, 100);
            phone = validationObject.Truncate(phone, 100);

            if (PasswordPolicy.IsValid(newPassword) == false)
                MsgBox("Invalid new password. New password must be a strong password.");

            }//end if

                bool authenticated;

                string errorMessage;

                Select selectObject = new Select();

                authenticated = Select.Authenticate_User(username, password);

                errorMessage = selectObject.getErrorMessage();

                if (errorMessage != null)
                    lblError.Text = errorMessage;
                    lblError.Visible = true;

                    ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                }//end if

                else if (authenticated == false)
                    MsgBox("Invalid credentials. Please try again.");

                }//end else if

                else if (authenticated == true)
                    bool clientExists;
                    string _errorMessage;

                    Select _selectObject = new Select();

                    clientExists = Select.Client_Exists(username);

                    _errorMessage = _selectObject.getErrorMessage();

                    if (_errorMessage != null)
                        lblError.Text = errorMessage;
                        lblError.Visible = true;

                        ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                    }//end if

                    else if (clientExists == true)
                        MsgBox("Invalid username. The client with the username you provided has already registered. If the username provided is correct, you may now login using your username and the password you created when you registered previously. Otherwise, please register with your correct username and password.");

                    }//end else if

                    else if (clientExists == false)
                        Aes encryptionObject = Aes.Create();

                        byte[] AesKey = encryptionObject.Key;

                        byte[] AesIV = encryptionObject.IV;

                        string AesKeyString = Convert.ToBase64String(AesKey);

                        string AesIVString = Convert.ToBase64String(AesIV);

                        byte[] MasterKey = Encryption.GetMasterKey();

                        byte[] MasterIV = Encryption.GetMasterIV();

                        ArrayList roleData = new ArrayList();

                        roleData = Select.Select_Role_Data(username);

                        string encryptedKey = roleData[1].ToString();

                        string encryptedIV = roleData[2].ToString();

                        byte[] encryptedKeyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedKey);

                        byte[] encryptedIVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedIV);

                        string decryptedKey = Encryption.Decrypt_AES(encryptedKeyArray, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        string decryptedIV = Encryption.Decrypt_AES(encryptedIVArray, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        byte[] decryptedKeyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(decryptedKey);

                        byte[] decryptedIVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(decryptedIV);

                        byte[] encryptedPassword = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(newPassword, decryptedKeyArray, decryptedIVArray);

                        string encryptedPasswordString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedPassword);

                        byte[] encryptedAesKey = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(AesKeyString, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        byte[] encryptedAesIV = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(AesIVString, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        string encryptedAesKeyString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedAesKey);

                        string encryptedAesIVString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedAesIV);

                        byte[] encryptedFirstName = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(firstName, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedFirstNameString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedFirstName);

                        byte[] encryptedLastName = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(lastName, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedLastNameString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedLastName);

                        byte[] encryptedDOB = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(DOB, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedDOBString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedDOB);

                        byte[] encryptedStreetAddress = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(streetAddress, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedStreetAddressString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedStreetAddress);

                        byte[] encryptedCity = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(city, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedCityString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedCity);

                        byte[] encryptedState = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(state, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedStateString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedState);

                        byte[] encryptedZipCode = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(zipCode, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedZipCodeString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedZipCode);

                        byte[] encryptedCountry = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(country, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedCountryString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedCountry);

                        byte[] encryptedPhone = Encryption.Encrypt_AES(phone, AesKey, AesIV);

                        string encryptedPhoneString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedPhone);

                        string errorMessage2;

                        Insert insertObject = new Insert();

                        errorMessage2 = Insert.Insert_CLIENT(username, encryptedFirstNameString, encryptedLastNameString, encryptedDOBString, encryptedStreetAddressString, encryptedCityString, encryptedStateString, encryptedZipCodeString, encryptedCountryString, encryptedPhoneString, encryptedAesKeyString, encryptedAesIVString);

                        if (errorMessage2 != null)
                            lblError.Text = errorMessage2;
                            lblError.Visible = true;

                            ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                        }//end if

                            string errorMessage3;

                            Update updateObject = new Update();

                            errorMessage3 = Update.Update_Password(username, encryptedPasswordString);

                            if (errorMessage3 != null)
                                lblError.Text = errorMessage3;
                                lblError.Visible = true;

                                ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                            }//end if

                                string errorMessage4;

                                errorMessage4 = Update.Update_Verify_New_User(username);

                                errorMessage4 = selectObject.getErrorMessage();

                                if (errorMessage4 != null)
                                    lblError.Text = errorMessage4;
                                    lblError.Visible = true;

                                    ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                                }//end if

                                    Session["JustRegistered"] = "true";


                                }//end else

                            }//end else

                        }//end else

                    }//end else if

                }//end else

            }//end else
        }//end event
예제 #2
        }//end event

        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username = txtUsername.Text;
            string password = txtPassword.Text;

            username = username.Trim();

            password = password.Trim();

            bool authenticated;

            string errorMessage;

            Select selectObject = new Select();

            authenticated = Select.Authenticate_User(username, password);

            errorMessage = selectObject.getErrorMessage();

            if (errorMessage != null)
                lblError.Text = errorMessage;
                lblError.Visible = true;

                ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();



            }//end if

            else if (authenticated == false)
                lblError2.Text = "Invalid credentials. Please try again.";
                lblError2.Visible = true;

            }//end else if

                bool verified;

                string errorMessage2;

                Select selectObject2 = new Select();

                verified = Select.Is_User_Verified(username);

                errorMessage2 = selectObject2.getErrorMessage();

                if (errorMessage2 != null)
                    lblError.Text = errorMessage2;
                    lblError.Visible = true;

                    ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                }//end if

                else if (verified == false)
                    lblError2.Visible = false;
                    MsgBox("Invalid. You must register before you can login to the website. Please complete registration.");

                }//end else if

                else if (verified == true)
                    ArrayList roleData = new ArrayList();

                    string errorMessage3;

                    Select selectObject3 = new Select();

                    roleData = Select.Select_Role_Data(username);

                    errorMessage3 = selectObject3.getErrorMessage();

                    if (errorMessage3 != null)
                        lblError.Text = errorMessage3;
                        lblError.Visible = true;

                        ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                    }//end if

                        string encryptedRole = roleData[0].ToString();
                        string encryptedKey = roleData[1].ToString();
                        string encryptedIV = roleData[2].ToString();

                        byte[] MasterKey = Encryption.GetMasterKey();

                        byte[] MasterIV = Encryption.GetMasterIV();

                        byte[] encryptedKeyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedKey);

                        byte[] encryptedIVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedIV);

                        byte[] encryptedRoleArray = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedRole);

                        string decryptedKey = Encryption.Decrypt_AES(encryptedKeyArray, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        string decryptedIV = Encryption.Decrypt_AES(encryptedIVArray, MasterKey, MasterIV);

                        byte[] decryptedKeyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(decryptedKey);

                        byte[] decryptedIVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(decryptedIV);

                        string decryptedRole = Encryption.Decrypt_AES(encryptedRoleArray, decryptedKeyArray, decryptedIVArray);

                        Session sessionObject = new Session();
                        HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(username, false);
                        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
                        FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(sessionObject.getSessionTimeLimit()), ticket.IsPersistent, decryptedRole);
                        string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket);
                        cookie.Expires = newTicket.Expiration;

                        bool updated = false;

                        string errorMessage4;

                        Update updateObject = new Update();

                        updated = Update.Update_Date_Of_Last_Login(username);

                        errorMessage4 = updateObject.getErrorMessage();

                        if (errorMessage4 != null)
                            lblError.Text = errorMessage4;
                            lblError.Visible = true;

                            ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                        }//end if

                        else if (errorMessage4 == null)
                            int numberOfLogins;

                            string errorMessage5;

                            Select selectObject4 = new Select();

                            numberOfLogins = Select.Select_Number_Of_Logins(username);

                            errorMessage5 = selectObject4.getErrorMessage();

                            if (errorMessage5 != null)
                                lblError.Text = errorMessage5;
                                lblError.Visible = true;

                                ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                            }//end if

                                bool updated2 = false;

                                string errorMessage6;

                                Update updateObject2 = new Update();

                                updated2 = Update.Update_Number_Of_Logins(username, numberOfLogins);

                                errorMessage6 = updateObject2.getErrorMessage();

                                if (errorMessage6 != null)
                                    lblError.Text = errorMessage6;
                                    lblError.Visible = true;

                                    ErrorMessage message = new ErrorMessage();


                                }//end if

                                else if (errorMessage6 == null)
                                    if (decryptedRole == "Super Admin")

                                    }//end if

                                    else if (decryptedRole == "Admin")

                                    }//end else if

                                    else if (decryptedRole == "Client")

                                    }//end else if

                                }//end else if

                            }//end else

                        }//end else if

                    }//end else

                }//end else if

            }//end else

        }//end event