예제 #1
    public bool UpdateMovement()
        // Search for a new path if path is not found
        if (m_searchNewTarget || m_newTargetPosition == null)
            //Debug.Log("Have no path or target, finds new target and path");
            m_newTargetPosition = GetTargetPosition();
            m_searchNewTarget   = false;
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.forward * 5.0f, Color.green);

        // Check if seeker has reached target position
        if (m_movement.MoveToPos(m_newTargetPosition))
            //Debug.Log("Searching for a new position since target is reached");
            m_searchNewTarget = true;
예제 #2
    // Can have a day and night behaviour and state
    void Update()
        if (m_discovered || m_disabled)

        bool hasVisibleTarget = m_fieldOfView.FindVisibleTargets();

        // Move according to state
        // If target is found, hunt it
        if (hasVisibleTarget)
            //Debug.Log("Found target!");
            // Abort current pathfinding and change target
            m_currentState        = (int)State.Hunting;
            m_noise               = 0.0f;
            m_targetPos           = m_fieldOfView.m_visibleTargets[0].position;
            m_targetVisibleTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        //else if(currentState == (int)State.Hunt){
        //    // Look at position where target was last seen
        //    currentState = (int)State.LocalPatrol;
            m_targetVisibleTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        m_targetVisibleTimer = Mathf.Clamp(m_targetVisibleTimer, 0, m_timeToSpotTarget);
        m_spotlight.color    = Color.Lerp(m_originalSpotlightColor, Color.red, m_targetVisibleTimer / m_timeToSpotTarget);
        m_movementDir        = m_movement.GetMoveDir();

        switch (m_currentState)
        case (int)State.Idling:
            // Can the seeker se the player whilst idle?

        case (int)State.Patrolling:
            // Move and search the area
            bool isPatrolling = GetComponent <Patrolling>().UpdateMovement();    // Update movement
            if (isPatrolling)
                m_currentState      = (int)State.Searching;
                m_isSearchingNearby = true;

                // TODO: Fix so that they search again if a path is not found at all
            // Set viewing direction
            if (m_movementDir != Vector3.zero)
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_movementDir);

        case (int)State.Searching:
            // Look around where the seeker is standing
            // Check if you have finished looking around in the nearby are
            m_isSearchingNearby = GetComponent <Searching>().Run();    // Look Around
            if (m_isSearchingNearby)
                // Start searching for the next place to look at
                m_currentState = (int)State.Patrolling;

        case (int)State.Hunting:
            // TODO: If player found start searching in the area around it with distortion over time
            // TODO: After a certain amount of time it goes back to normal and searches everywhere

            // TODO: If the player is caught ==> GAME OVER (Restart)
            // TODO: If the player is seen but not caught ==> Search the last seen position

            // If target is found, move towards it using pathfinding
            if (hasVisibleTarget)
                m_lastSeenTarget = m_fieldOfView.m_visibleTargets[0].position;

                // Set viewing direction
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_movement.GetMoveDir());

                Debug.Log("ENEMY: Distance seeker to target = " + Vector3.Distance(transform.position, m_lastSeenTarget));
                // Check if target is within reach and if the seeker has grasped the target
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, m_lastSeenTarget) < 2.0f)
                    Debug.Log("Caught intruder!");
                    m_discovered = true;

                // Check if target has been visible for a long while (= Game Over)
            else if (!hasVisibleTarget)     // has not visible target
                m_currentState = (int)State.LocalPatrolling;


        case (int)State.LocalPatrolling:
            if (!hasVisibleTarget)
                if (m_noise < m_EPSILON)
                    m_lastSeenTarget = m_targetPos;

                // Noise that is larger over time
                m_noise += Time.deltaTime;

                // If too much time has passed, the target is lost
                if (m_noise > 0.8f)
                    // Start searching the area
                    m_currentState = (int)State.Searching;
                    m_noise        = 0.0f;

                // Move towards target position with noise
                if (m_movement.MoveToPos(m_lastSeenTarget))
                    float newX = Random.Range(m_targetPos.x - m_noise, m_targetPos.x + m_noise);
                    float newZ = Random.Range(m_targetPos.z - m_noise, m_targetPos.z + m_noise);

                    // Set new target with larger noise
                    m_lastSeenTarget = new Vector3(newX, m_targetPos.y, newZ);
                // Set viewing direction
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_movement.GetMoveDir());
                m_currentState = (int)State.Hunting;
                m_noise        = 0.0f;