예제 #1
        //wrapper that tries both injection routines if one or the other fails
        public static bool DoProcessInjection(IntPtr targetWindow, string targetWindowName, string dllpath)
            //set SE_DEBUG_NAME privilege

            //if one attempt fails try the other
            if (!InjectOne(targetWindow, targetWindowName, dllpath))
                if (!InjectTwo(targetWindow, targetWindowName, dllpath))

예제 #2
 public static TargetPrivilegePair Pair(SecurityTarget target, SecurityPrivilege privilege, Func <HtmlHelper, IHtmlString> view)
     return(new TargetPrivilegePair {
         TargetId = target.Id(), PrivilegeId = privilege.SID, View = view
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initiaze the global variable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityPrivilege">Selected SecurityPrivilege element</param>
 public CreateLabels_SecurityPrivilege(SecurityPrivilege securityPrivilege)
     this.securityPrivilege = securityPrivilege;
예제 #4
        public static IQueryable <AuditEventView> RequirePermission <TDomain>(this IQueryable <AuditEventView> events,
                                                                              IEnumerable <AuditEventKind> allKinds, ISecurityService <TDomain> sec, SecurityPrivilege privilege, ISecuritySubject subject)
            throw new Lpp.Utilities.CodeToBeUpdatedException();

            //var evts = events.HomomorphismRestrictionWorkaround();
            //return allKinds
            //    .ToLookup( k => k.AppliesTo.ObjectKindsInOrder.Count() )
            //    .Aggregate(
            //        Enumerable.Empty<AuditEventView>(), // TODO: EF4 doesn't support UNION on complex types or UNION with subsequent operations.
            //                                            // Make this into IQueryable as soon as we move to EF4.5
            //        ( es, a ) =>
            //        {
            //            var takeNminusOne = BigTupleExpression.Take<Guid>( a.Key );
            //            var initKindField = BigTuple<Guid>.InitializerExpression( a.Key+1, a.Key-1 );
            //            var takeN = BigTupleExpression.Take<Guid>( a.Key+1 );
            //            var kinds = a.Select( e => e.Id );
            //            var res = from e in evts
            //                      where kinds.Contains( e.KindId )
            //                      join g in sec.AllGrantedTargets( subject, privilege, a.Key+1 )
            //                      on initKindField.Invoke( takeNminusOne.Invoke( e.TargetId ), e.KindId ) equals takeN.Invoke( g )
            //                      select e;

            //            return es.Concat( res.Expand() );
            //        }
            //    )
            //    .AsQueryable();
예제 #5
        ActionResult ManipulateRequest(string sFolderId, string sRequestId, Action <RequestSharedFolder, Request> action, SecurityPrivilege demand)
            throw new Lpp.Utilities.CodeToBeUpdatedException();

            //var x = from folderId in Maybe.Parse<int>(int.TryParse, sFolderId)
            //        from requestId in Maybe.Parse<int>(int.TryParse, sRequestId)
            //        from folder in SharedFolders.Find(folderId)
            //        from req in RequestController.Requests.Find(requestId)
            //        from _ in Maybe.Do(() => Security.Demand(folder, Auth.CurrentUser, demand))
            //        from __ in Maybe.Do(() => Security.Demand(Sec.Target(req.Project, req.Organization, req.CreatedByUser), Auth.CurrentUser, SecPrivileges.Crud.Edit))
            //        select Maybe.Do(() =>
            //        {
            //            action(folder, req);
            //            UnitOfWork.Commit();
            //        });

            //if (x.Kind == MaybeKind.Null) return HttpNotFound();
            //if (x.Kind == MaybeKind.Error && x.Exception is UnauthorizedAccessException) return new ContentResult { Content = "Auth" };
            //return new ContentResult { Content = "OK" };