public static void DownloadBinary(Hashtable htDbBinaryConfig) { HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; HttpResponse response = HttpContext.Current.Response; if ((request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() != "GET") && (request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() != "HEAD")) { response.AppendHeader("Allow", "GET, HEAD"); ResponseError(response, 405, "Method Not Allowed"); return; } string parametersString = GetParameters(request).TrimEnd('/').TrimStart('/').Replace("-", "+").Replace("_", "/"); /* Replace invalid URL chars */ parametersString = SymmCryptHelper.DecryptWithAES256FixedIV(BinaryContentUtils.DatabaseBinaryEnvironmentPassword, parametersString, Convert.FromBase64String(PRIVATE_SALT)); var parameters = parametersString.Split('/'); if (parameters.Length < 3) { ResponseError(response, 400, "Bad Request"); return; } var entity = parameters[0].ToLower(); var attribute = parameters[1].ToLower(); var id = parameters[2]; object objt = htDbBinaryConfig[entity + "/" + attribute]; if (objt == null) { ResponseError(response, 404, "Not Found"); return; } DbBinaryConfig dbBinaryConfig; dbBinaryConfig = (DbBinaryConfig)objt; byte[] buffer = GetDatabaseBinaryAttribute(id, dbBinaryConfig); if (buffer == null) { ResponseError(response, 404, "Not Found"); } else { string md5Hash = SecureHashHelper.Hash(buffer); response.Clear(); response.StatusCode = 200; //OK response.ContentType = RuntimePlatformUtils.GetMIMEType(buffer); response.AppendHeader("ETag", "\"" + md5Hash + "\""); response.AppendHeader("Accept-Ranges", "none"); if (request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "GET") { BinaryWrite(response, buffer); } End(response); } }
/// <summary> /// Stores a refresh token hash for a user. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param> /// <param name="refreshToken">The unhashed refresh token.</param> public async Task StoreRefreshTokenHashAsync(Guid userId, string refreshToken) { var sql = @" UPDATE application.user_up_to_date AS u SET refresh_token_hash = @refresh_token_hash WHERE = @user_id"; await using var context = await CreateNewDatabaseContext(sql); context.AddParameterWithValue("user_id", userId); context.AddParameterWithValue("refresh_token_hash", SecureHashHelper.Hash(refreshToken)); await context.NonQueryAsync(hasRowGuard : true); }
/** * It should be ok to truncate the hash to a shorter length since we are not worried about collisions here, * just trying to force different hashes when the content is updated. * * FIPS 180-4 ( specifies that: * "Some application may require a hash function with a message digest length different than those provided * by the hash functions in this Standard. In such cases, a truncated message digest may be used, whereby a * hash function with a larger message digest length is applied to the data to be hashed, and the resulting * message digest is truncated by selecting an appropriate number of the leftmost bits". **/ private static string GetBinaryContentHash(byte[] content) { return(SecureHashHelper.Hash(content).Substring(0, 20)); }