예제 #1
         * protected override bool addAudioWavWithEndOfFileTolerance(urakawa.media.data.audio.codec.WavAudioMediaData mediaData, urakawa.data.FileDataProvider dataProv, Time clipB, Time clipE, TreeNode treeNode)
         * {
         *  bool isClipEndError = true;
         *  uint dataLength = 0;
         *  Stream wavStream = null;
         *  AudioLibPCMFormat PCMFormat = null;
         *  try
         *  {
         *      wavStream = dataProv.OpenInputStream();
         *      PCMFormat = AudioLibPCMFormat.RiffHeaderParse(wavStream, out dataLength);
         *  }
         *  catch (System.Exception ex)
         *  {
         *      Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());
         *      isClipEndError = true;
         *  }
         *  finally
         *  {
         *      if (wavStream != null) wavStream.Close();
         *  }
         *  Time fileDuration = new Time(PCMFormat.ConvertBytesToTime((long)dataLength));
         *  if (clipB.IsLessThan(clipE))
         *  {//1
         *      double diff = clipE.AsMilliseconds - fileDuration.AsMilliseconds;
         *      if (clipB.IsLessThan(fileDuration))
         *      {//2
         *          try
         *          {//3
         *              mediaData.AppendPcmData(dataProv, clipB, fileDuration);
         *              isClipEndError = false;
         *              Console.WriteLine("Obi: clip end adjust according to file length : Clip end" + clipE.AsTimeSpan.ToString() + " File length:" + fileDuration.AsTimeSpan.ToString());
         *          }//-3
         *          catch (Exception ex)
         *          {//3
         *              isClipEndError = true;
         *          }//-3
         *          // to do: add obi specific code here
         *          //if (diff > 100 && treeNode != null )
         *          if (diff > m_Settings.ImportToleranceForAudioInMs && treeNode != null)
         *          {
         *              EmptyNode eNode = (EmptyNode)treeNode;
         *              eNode.TODO = true;
         *              if (eNode.Role_ == EmptyNode.Role.Plain)
         *              {
         *                  eNode.Role_ = EmptyNode.Role.Custom;
         *                  eNode.CustomRole = Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_truncated_audio");
         *              }
         *              m_ErrorsList.Add(Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_truncated_audio_in_phrase") + eNode.Index.ToString() + Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_in_section") + eNode.ParentAs<SectionNode>().Label);
         *              m_ErrorsList.Add(Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_expected_clip_end") + clipE.Format_H_MN_S_MS() + Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_imported_clip_end") + fileDuration.Format_H_MN_S_MS());
         *          }
         *      }//-2
         *  }//-1
         *  else
         *  {//1
         *      Console.WriteLine("clip begin is larger than clip end");
         *  }//-1
         *  return isClipEndError;
         * }

        private void ReplaceExternalAudioMediaPhraseWithEmptyNode(TreeNode node)
            if (node is PhraseNode)
                PhraseNode  phrase  = (PhraseNode)node;
                SectionNode section = phrase.ParentAs <SectionNode>();
                Console.WriteLine("replacing phrase node with empty node due to  clip problem " + section.Label + " phrase index:" + phrase.Index.ToString());
                int       phraseIndex = phrase.Index;
                EmptyNode emptyNode   = m_Presentation.TreeNodeFactory.Create <EmptyNode>();

                section.Insert(emptyNode, phraseIndex);
                emptyNode.TODO = true;

                m_ErrorsList.Add(Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_error_no_audio") + phraseIndex.ToString() + Localizer.Message("DAISY3_ObiImport_ErrorsList_in_section") + section.Label);