예제 #1
    // Called every time the GUI paints (Often!)
    // All the code in here is example code and can be discarded.
    protected override void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
        // UI is defined here...
        // Stuff here will be a "Header" and always visible
        GUILayout.Box("Hello World");

        // An example of how the UI works.
        // Bearing in mind DrawWindowContents executes constantly over and over...
        // uistatus.ShowScroller is a boolean that defines whether the scroller shows or not
        // By calling GUILayout.Toggle and passing it the current value of uistatus.ShowScroller, we create a toggle UI item that is in synch with the current state
        // GUILayout.Toggle returns the current state of the toggle - so setting uistatus.ShowScroller to the return value keeps it in synch with the UI Toggle item
        // ... the toggle will change state.
        uistatus.ShowScroller = GUILayout.Toggle(uistatus.ShowScroller, "Show scroller containing resource list");
        // If the toggle is in the ON state
        if (uistatus.ShowScroller)
            // Begin a vertical scroller of unfixed height to hold a block of content.
            uistatus.ContentScroller = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(uistatus.ContentScroller, alwaysShowHorizontal: false, alwaysShowVertical: true);

            // The "Body" of the scroller
            GUILayout.Box("Craft access to all known resources:");
            foreach (PartResourceDefinition def in PartResourceLibrary.Instance.resourceDefinitions)
                GUILayout.Box(def.name + ": " + Utilities.GetConnectedResources(this.myPartModule.part, def.name)[0].amount.ToString());

            GUILayout.Box("And one that isn't - NonExistantResource: " + Utilities.GetConnectedResources(this.myPartModule.part, "NonExistantResource")[0].amount.ToString());
            // End the scroller

        // Another technique for toggles - use this method to execute code only when the state changes
        if (GUILayout.Toggle(uistatus.ShowSecondWindow, "Show Second Window"))
            if (!uistatus.ShowSecondWindow)
                uistatus.ShowSecondWindow = true;
                // Open window
            if (uistatus.ShowSecondWindow)
                uistatus.ShowSecondWindow = false;
                // Close window
                // ToDo: save window postion here?

        if (GUILayout.Button("Test"))
            // How do I get this button to call DoSomething() ?
        // Stuff below the scroller behaves like a "Footer"
        uistatus.ShowOnStartup = GUILayout.Toggle(uistatus.ShowOnStartup, "Show on StartUp");