예제 #1
		static unsafe OSStatus AddInternetPassword (byte[] label, byte[] desc, SecAuthenticationType auth, byte[] user, byte[] passwd, SecProtocolType protocol, byte[] host, int port, byte[] path)
			// Note: the following code does more-or-less the same as:
			//SecKeychainAddInternetPassword (CurrentKeychain, (uint) host.Length, host, 0, null,
			//                                (uint) user.Length, user, (uint) path.Length, path, (ushort) port,
			//                                protocol, auth, (uint) passwd.Length, passwd, ref item);

			fixed (byte* labelPtr = label, descPtr = desc, userPtr = user, hostPtr = host, pathPtr = path) {
				SecKeychainAttribute* attrs = stackalloc SecKeychainAttribute [8];
				int* protoPtr = (int*) &protocol;
				int* authPtr = (int*) &auth;
				int* portPtr = &port;
				int n = 0;

				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Label,    (uint) label.Length, (IntPtr) labelPtr);
				if (desc != null)
					attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Description, (uint) desc.Length, (IntPtr) descPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Account,  (uint) user.Length,  (IntPtr) userPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Protocol, (uint) 4,            (IntPtr) protoPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.AuthType, (uint) 4,            (IntPtr) authPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Server,   (uint) host.Length,  (IntPtr) hostPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Port,     (uint) 4,            (IntPtr) portPtr);
				attrs[n++] = new SecKeychainAttribute (SecItemAttr.Path,     (uint) path.Length,  (IntPtr) pathPtr);

				SecKeychainAttributeList attrList = new SecKeychainAttributeList (n, (IntPtr) attrs);

				var item = IntPtr.Zero;
				var result = SecKeychainItemCreateFromContent (SecItemClass.InternetPassword, &attrList, (uint) passwd.Length, passwd, CurrentKeychain, IntPtr.Zero, ref item);
				CFRelease (item);

				return result;
예제 #2
		static extern OSStatus SecKeychainFindInternetPassword (IntPtr keychain, uint serverNameLength, byte[] serverName, uint securityDomainLength,
		                                                        byte[] securityDomain, uint accountNameLength, byte[] accountName, uint pathLength,
		                                                        byte[] path, ushort port, SecProtocolType protocol, SecAuthenticationType authType,
		                                                        out uint passwordLength, out IntPtr passwordData, ref IntPtr itemRef);