private void Proceed_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { CN = Convert.ToInt32(BookingNo.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BookingNo.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("Plz.. Enter Booking No.."); } else if (RadioButton1.Checked == false & RadioButton2.Checked == false) { MessageBox.Show("Plz.. Select Seat Section.."); } else { DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Do U Want To Allocate Seat To Waiting Booking?", "Allocate Seat?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { RN = RNo.Text; BN = BusSerialNo.Text; con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Bus_System;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand("Update APaymentPassenger Set RouteBus='" + cmbstartpoint.Text + " To " + cmbdestination.Text + " " + BusNumber.Text + "',CurrentDate='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Today, "dd/MM/yyyy") + "',ArrivalTime='" + Strings.Format(Arrivaltime.Value, "hh:mm:ss tt") + "'Where BookingNo=" + BookingNo.Text + "", con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //this.Hide(); if (BusReservation.Text == "1x1" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower SSL = new SeatSelectionLower("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSL.Show(); SSL.BringToFront(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "1x1" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper SSU = new SeatSelectionUpper("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSU.Show(); SSU.BringToFront(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x1" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower21 SSL1 = new SeatSelectionLower21("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSL1.Show(); SSL1.BringToFront(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x1" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper21 SSU1 = new SeatSelectionUpper21("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSU1.Show(); SSU1.BringToFront(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x2" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower22 SSL2 = new SeatSelectionLower22("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSL2.Show(); SSL2.BringToFront(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x2" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper21 SSU2 = new SeatSelectionUpper21("AB_UN", CN, RN, BN); this.Close(); SSU2.Show(); SSU2.BringToFront(); } //this.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Nothing Selected.. Plz Select Correct Booking No.. Or " + ex.Message); } }
private void Insert_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PassengerNo.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("Plz.. Enter Passenger No.."); } else { con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Bus_System;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); if (checkm == "NA") { cmd = new SqlCommand("Update PaymentPassenger Set BookingDate='" + Strings.Format(BookingDate.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy") + "',PassengerNo='" + PassengerNo.Text + "',PassengerName='" + PassengerName.Text + "',PassengerCity='" + PassengerCity.Text + "',PassengerContact='" + PassengerContact.Text + "',PassengerAddress='" + PassengerAddress.Text + "'Where BookingNo=" + BookingNo.Text + "", con); } else { cmd = new SqlCommand("Update APaymentPassenger Set BookingDate='" + Strings.Format(BookingDate.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy") + "',PassengerNo='" + PassengerNo.Text + "',PassengerName='" + PassengerName.Text + "',PassengerCity='" + PassengerCity.Text + "',PassengerContact='" + PassengerContact.Text + "',PassengerAddress='" + PassengerAddress.Text + "'Where BookingNo=" + BookingNo.Text + "", con); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); PassengerSU(); MessageBox.Show("Success... Next"); if (checkm == "NA") { Seat_Booking_Details s1 = new Seat_Booking_Details("NA", BookingNo.Text); this.Close(); s1.Show(); s1.BringToFront(); } else { if (BR == "1x1" & stype == "L") { SeatSelectionLower SSL = new SeatSelectionLower("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSL.Show(); } if (BR == "1x1" & stype == "U") { SeatSelectionUpper SSU = new SeatSelectionUpper("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSU.Show(); } if (BR == "2x1" & stype == "L") { SeatSelectionLower21 SSL1 = new SeatSelectionLower21("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSL1.Show(); } if (BR == "2x1" & stype == "U") { SeatSelectionUpper21 SSU1 = new SeatSelectionUpper21("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSU1.Show(); } if (BR == "2x2" & stype == "L") { SeatSelectionLower22 SSL2 = new SeatSelectionLower22("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSL2.Show(); } if (BR == "2x2" & stype == "U") { SeatSelectionUpper21 SSU2 = new SeatSelectionUpper21("AB_UN", BookingNo.Text, RNO, BNO); this.Close(); SSU2.Show(); } } } }
public void Insert_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Rno.Text.Trim()) | Rno.Text.Trim() == "Select") { MessageBox.Show("Plz.. Enter Correct Route No"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BusSerialNo.Text.Trim()) | BusSerialNo.Text.Trim() == "Select") { MessageBox.Show("Plz Enter Bus Serial No and Press Find"); } else if (RadioButton1.Checked == false & RadioButton2.Checked == false) { MessageBox.Show("Plz.. Select Seat Type"); } else { con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Bus_System;Integrated Security=True"); con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Into PaymentPassenger(BookingNo,RouteBus,BookingDate,WaitingNo,CurrentDate,ArrivalTime) Values(" + BookingNo.Text + ",'" + cmbstartpoint.Text + " To " + cmbdestination.Text + " " + BusNumber.Text + "','" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Today, "dd/MM/yyyy") + "','" + "0" + "','" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Today, "dd/MM/yyyy") + "','" + Strings.Format(Arrivaltime.Value, "hh:mm:ss tt") + "')", con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Success... Next..."); con.Close(); Master.getinfos(Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text, SeatCapacity.Text, BusReservation.Text); if (BusReservation.Text == "1x1" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower SSL0 = new SeatSelectionLower("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL0.Show(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "1x1" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper SSL1 = new SeatSelectionUpper("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL1.Show(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x1" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower21 SSL3 = new SeatSelectionLower21("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL3.Show(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x1" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper21 SSL4 = new SeatSelectionUpper21("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL4.Show(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x2" & RadioButton1.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionLower22 SSL5 = new SeatSelectionLower22("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL5.Show(); } if (BusReservation.Text == "2x2" & RadioButton2.Checked == true) { SeatSelectionUpper22 SSL6 = new SeatSelectionUpper22("NA", BookingNo.Text, Rno.Text, BusSerialNo.Text); this.Close(); SSL6.Show(); } } }