protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SearchReport.CreateReportReset(); // takes off the selected report in ddlCreateReport // get the last Report ID string query = "SELECT MAX(ReportId) AS ReportId FROM dbo.Report_MerrylandsRSLReception"; int lastRId, result, returnFlag = 2; DateTime temp, date = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); Report.ErrorMessage = ""; con.Open(); SqlCommand getRId = new SqlCommand(query, con); try { lastRId = (int)getRId.ExecuteScalar(); // add plus one to the current report id to be used in this report lastRId += 1; } catch { lastRId = 6000001; } con.Close(); Report.LastReportId = lastRId.ToString(); if (txtDatePicker.Text == "") { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* Shift Date shouldn't be empty."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } else if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtDatePicker.Text, out temp)) { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* Shifts Date entry is not in date format please select an appropriate date."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } else if (DateTime.TryParse(txtDatePicker.Text, out temp)) { // compare selected date to current date result = DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(txtDatePicker.Text).ToShortDateString()), date); if (result > 0) { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* DATE MUST BE BEFORE CURRENT DATE."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } } //if (txtSpecialComments.Text == "") //{ // Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* COVID-19 section shouldn't be empty."; // txtSpecialComments.Focus(); // returnFlag = 1; //} if (returnFlag == 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "ServerControlScript", "alert(\"" + Report.ErrorMessage + "\");", true); return; } // change the format of the shift date to timestamp format DateTime shift_date = DateTime.Parse(txtDatePicker.Text); string shift_tDate = shift_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // separate the shift date day of week value string shift_DOW = shift_date.DayOfWeek.ToString(); // change the format of the entry date to timestamp format DateTime entry_date = DateTime.Now; // pop a message if shift is unchanged if (ddlShift.SelectedItem.Value == "-1") { showAlert("Please select Shift."); ddlShift.Focus(); return; } // get staff's id string cmdText = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff WHERE Username = '******'", variable = "getStaff"; readFiles(cmdText, variable); // insert data to table using (DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext()) { Report_MerrylandsRSLReception dm = new Report_MerrylandsRSLReception(); dm.ReportId = Int32.Parse(Report.LastReportId); dm.RCatId = 6; // MR Reception Category dm.StaffId = Int32.Parse(Session["currentStaffId"].ToString()); dm.StaffName = UserCredentials.DisplayName; dm.ShiftId = Int32.Parse(ddlShift.SelectedItem.Value); dm.ShiftDate = shift_date.Date; dm.ShiftDOW = shift_DOW; dm.EntryDate = entry_date; dm.Report_Table = "Report_MerrylandsRSLReception"; dm.AuditVersion = 1; dm.ReportStat = "Awaiting Completion"; dm.Report_Version = 2; // current version dm.ReadByList = "," + UserCredentials.StaffId + ","; dm.SignInSlip = txtSignInSlip.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.Refusals = txtRefusals.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.EventsField = txtEventsField.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.GeneralComments = txtGeneralComms.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.SpecialComments = txtSpecialComments.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dc.Report_MerrylandsRSLReceptions.InsertOnSubmit(dm); dc.SubmitChanges(); } //log the create activity RunStoredProcedure rsp = new RunStoredProcedure(); try { rsp.Log(4, Int32.Parse(Report.LastReportId)); } catch { } //showAlert("Report Submitted."); //Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "redirect", "alert('Report Submitted.'); window.location='" + Request.ApplicationPath + "Default.aspx';", true); SearchReport.SetAccordion = "1"; SearchReport.RunOnStart = true; SearchReport.FromCreateReport = true; }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SearchReport.CreateReportReset(); // takes off the selected report in ddlCreateReport // get the last Report ID string query = "SELECT MAX(ReportId) AS ReportId FROM dbo.Report_MerrylandsRSLCaretaker"; int lastRId, result, returnFlag = 2; DateTime temp, date = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); Report.ErrorMessage = ""; con.Open(); SqlCommand getRId = new SqlCommand(query, con); try { lastRId = (int)getRId.ExecuteScalar(); // add plus one to the current report id to be used in this report lastRId += 1; } catch { lastRId = 13000001; } con.Close(); Report.LastReportId = lastRId.ToString(); if (txtDatePicker.Text == "") { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* Shift Date shouldn't be empty."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } else if (!DateTime.TryParse(txtDatePicker.Text, out temp)) { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* Shifts Date entry is not in date format please select an appropriate date."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } else if (DateTime.TryParse(txtDatePicker.Text, out temp)) { // compare selected date to current date result = DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Parse(txtDatePicker.Text).ToShortDateString()), date); if (result > 0) { Report.ErrorMessage = Report.ErrorMessage + "\\n* DATE MUST BE BEFORE CURRENT DATE."; txtDatePicker.Focus(); returnFlag = 1; } } if (returnFlag == 1) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "ServerControlScript", "alert(\"" + Report.ErrorMessage + "\");", true); return; } // change the format of the shift date to timestamp format DateTime shift_date = DateTime.Parse(txtDatePicker.Text); string shift_tDate = shift_date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // separate the shift date day of week value string shift_DOW = shift_date.DayOfWeek.ToString(); // change the format of the entry date to timestamp format DateTime entry_date = DateTime.Now; // pop a message if shift is unchanged //if (ddlShift.SelectedItem.Value == "-1") //{ // showAlert("Please select Shift."); // ddlShift.Focus(); // return; //} // get staff's id string cmdText = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff WHERE Username = '******'", variable = "getStaff"; readFiles(cmdText, variable); // store in a string all the selected item in the checkboxlist // Create the list to store. List <String> YrStrList1 = new List <string>(); // Loop through each item. foreach (ListItem item in List_Location.Items) { if (item.Selected) { // If the item is selected, add the value to the list. YrStrList1.Add(item.Value); } } // Join the string together using the ; delimiter. string Location = String.Join(",", YrStrList1.ToArray()); if (!Location.Equals("")) { Location += ","; } // insert data to table using (DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext()) { Report_MerrylandsRSLCaretaker dm = new Report_MerrylandsRSLCaretaker(); dm.ReportId = Int32.Parse(Report.LastReportId); dm.RCatId = 13; // Customer Relations Officer Category dm.StaffId = Int32.Parse(Session["currentStaffId"].ToString()); //dm.ShiftId = Int32.Parse(ddlShift.SelectedItem.Value); dm.StaffName = UserCredentials.DisplayName; dm.ShiftDate = shift_date.Date; dm.ShiftDOW = shift_DOW; dm.EntryDate = entry_date; dm.Report_Table = "Report_MerrylandsRSLCaretaker"; dm.AuditVersion = 1; dm.ReportStat = "Awaiting Completion"; dm.Report_Version = 1; // current version dm.ReadByList = "," + UserCredentials.StaffId + ","; dm.Spare1 = Location; dm.Occupancy = txtOccupancy.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.Maintenance = txtMaintenance.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dm.GeneralComments = txtGeneralComments.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />").Replace("'", "^"); dc.Report_MerrylandsRSLCaretakers.InsertOnSubmit(dm); dc.SubmitChanges(); } //log the create activity RunStoredProcedure rsp = new RunStoredProcedure(); try { rsp.Log(4, Int32.Parse(Report.LastReportId)); } catch { } //showAlert("Report Submitted."); //Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "redirect", "alert('Report Submitted.'); window.location='" + Request.ApplicationPath + "Default.aspx';", true); SearchReport.SetAccordion = "1"; SearchReport.RunOnStart = true; SearchReport.FromCreateReport = true; }