예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品属性、分类、品牌搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductFilterResult SearchProductFilter(SearchProductQuery query)
                var result = new SearchProductFilterResult();
                var where = new Sql();
                GetSearchWhere(query, where);
                //var @params = temp.ParameterNames.Select(name => new MySqlParameter("@" + name, temp.Get<object>(name))).ToArray();

                var listAttr    = Cache.Get <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
                var listAttrVal = Cache.Get <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST);

                if (listAttr == null)
                    listAttr = DbFactory.Default.Get <AttributeInfo>().ToList();
                    Cache.Insert(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, listAttr);

                if (listAttrVal == null)
                    listAttrVal = DbFactory.Default.Get <AttributeValueInfo>().ToList();
                    Cache.Insert(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST, listAttrVal);

                string attrSql      = "select AttrValues from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL;
                var    sttrValueIds = DbFactory.Default.Query <string>(attrSql, where.Arguments).ToList();
                var valueIds = sttrValueIds.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i)).SelectMany(item => item.Split(',')).ToList();
                listAttrVal = listAttrVal.Where(r => valueIds.Contains(r.Id.ToString())).ToList();
                listAttr    = listAttr.Where(r => listAttrVal.Select(z => z.AttributeId).Contains(r.Id)).ToList();

                result.Attribute = listAttr.Select(r => new AttributeView()
                    AttrId     = r.Id,
                    Name       = r.Name,
                    AttrValues = listAttrVal.Where(z => z.AttributeId == r.Id).Select(s =>
                                                                                      new AttributeValue()
                        Id   = s.Id,
                        Name = s.Value

                var brandSql = "select DISTINCT s.BrandId Id,BrandName Name,BrandLogo Logo from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL + " and s.BrandId is not null AND s.BrandId<>0";
                result.Brand = DbFactory.Default.Query <BrandView>(brandSql, where.Arguments).ToList();

                var allCategorys = EngineContext.Current.Resolve <ICategoryService>().GetCategories();

                var categorySql = "select FirstCateId,MAX(FirstCateName) FirstCateName,SecondCateId,MAX(SecondCateName) SecondCateName,ThirdCateId,MAX(ThirdCateName) ThirdCateName from Mall_searchproduct s  left join Mall_Product p on p.Id=s.ProductId  " + where.SQL + " group by  FirstCateId , SecondCateId , ThirdCateId ";
                var data        = DbFactory.Default.Query <CategorySeachModel>(categorySql, where.Arguments).ToList();
                result.Category = data.GroupBy(item => item.FirstCateId).Select(first => new CategoryView//根据一级分类分组
                    Id          = first.Key,
                    Name        = first.Select(item => item.FirstCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                    IsShow      = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == first.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == first.Key).IsShow : false,
                    SubCategory = first.GroupBy(item => item.SecondCateId).Select(second => new CategoryView//根据二级分类分组
                        Id          = second.Key,
                        Name        = second.Select(item => item.SecondCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                        IsShow      = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == second.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == second.Key).IsShow : false,
                        SubCategory = second.GroupBy(item => item.ThirdCateId).Select(three => new CategoryView//根据三级分类分组
                            Id     = three.Key,
                            Name   = three.Select(item => item.ThirdCateName).FirstOrDefault(),
                            IsShow = allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == three.Key) != null ? allCategorys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == three.Key).IsShow : false
                result.Category = result.Category.Where(a => a.IsShow.HasValue && a.IsShow.Value).ToList();
                result.Category.ForEach(r =>
                    r.SubCategory = r.SubCategory.Where(a => a.IsShow.HasValue && a.IsShow.Value).ToList();
                    r.SubCategory.ForEach(p =>
                        p.SubCategory = p.SubCategory.Where(b => b.IsShow.HasValue && b.IsShow.Value).ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("搜索不出来了:", ex);
                return(new SearchProductFilterResult());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 诊疗项目属性、分类、品牌搜索
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SearchProductFilterResult SearchProductFilter(SearchProductQuery query)
                SearchProductFilterResult result = new SearchProductFilterResult();
                DynamicParameters         parms  = new DynamicParameters();
                string sql = "select DISTINCT Id,FirstCateId,FirstCateName,SecondCateId,SecondCateName,ThirdCateId,ThirdCateName,BrandId,BrandName,BrandLogo,AttrValues from himall_searchproducts  ps ";
                string where = GetSearchWhere(query, parms);
                string                    order        = GetSearchOrder(query);
                string                    index        = GetForceIndex(query);
                string                    page         = string.Empty;
                string                    AttrValueIds = string.Empty;
                bool                      hasAttrCache = false;
                List <dynamic>            data         = null;
                List <AttributeInfo>      listAttr     = new List <AttributeInfo>();
                List <AttributeValueInfo> listAttrVal  = new List <AttributeValueInfo>();
                if (Cache.Exists(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) && Cache.Exists(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST))
                    hasAttrCache = true;
                    listAttr     = Cache.Get <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST);
                    listAttrVal  = Cache.Get <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST);

                using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Connection.ConnectionString))
                    data = conn.Query(string.Concat(sql, index, where, order, page), parms).ToList();
                    foreach (dynamic o in data)
                        AttrValueIds += o.AttrValues;

                    if (!hasAttrCache)
                        sql         = "SELECT * FROM HiMall_Attributes";
                        listAttr    = conn.Query <AttributeInfo>(sql).ToList();
                        sql         = "SELECT * FROM himall_attributevalues";
                        listAttrVal = conn.Query <AttributeValueInfo>(sql).ToList();
                if (!hasAttrCache)
                    Cache.Insert <List <AttributeInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, listAttr);
                    Cache.Insert <List <AttributeValueInfo> >(CacheKeyCollection.CACHE_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_LIST, listAttrVal);

                List <string> ValueIds = AttrValueIds.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                listAttrVal = listAttrVal.Where(r => ValueIds.Contains(r.Id.ToString())).ToList();
                listAttr    = listAttr.Where(r => listAttrVal.Select(z => z.AttributeId).Contains(r.Id)).ToList();

                result.Attribute = listAttr.Select(r => new AttributeView()
                    AttrId     = r.Id,
                    Name       = r.Name,
                    AttrValues = listAttrVal.Where(z => z.AttributeId == r.Id).Select(s =>
                                                                                      new AttributeValue()
                        Id   = s.Id,
                        Name = s.Value

                result.Brand = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.BrandId == x.BrandId && z.BrandId > 0) == i)
                               .Select(p => new BrandView()
                    Id = p.BrandId, Name = p.BrandName, Logo = p.BrandLogo

                result.Category = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.FirstCateId == x.FirstCateId) == i) //去重
                                  .Select(f => new CategoryView()
                    Id          = f.FirstCateId,
                    Name        = f.FirstCateName,
                    SubCategory = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.SecondCateId == x.SecondCateId) == i) //二级去重
                                  .Where(r => r.FirstCateId == f.FirstCateId)                                      //查找指定一级分类的下级
                                  .Select(s => new CategoryView()
                        Id          = s.SecondCateId,
                        Name        = s.SecondCateName,
                        SubCategory = data.Where((x, i) => data.FindIndex(z => z.ThirdCateId == x.ThirdCateId) == i)            //三级去重
                                      .Where(r => r.SecondCateId == s.SecondCateId)                                             //查找指定二级分类的下级
                                      .Select(t => new CategoryView()
                            Id   = t.ThirdCateId,
                            Name = t.ThirdCateName
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("搜索不出来了:", ex);
                return(new SearchProductFilterResult());