예제 #1
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if (eventArgument == "saved")
            SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);
            if (sii.IndexType.Equals(Treenode.OBJECT_TYPE, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (sii.IndexType == SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX))
                if (!SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.SearchIndexHasAnyCulture(sii.IndexID))

                if (!SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.SearchIndexHasAnySite(sii.IndexID))

            if (SearchHelper.CreateRebuildTask(ItemID))
예제 #2
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if (eventArgument == "saved")
            // Get search index info
            SearchIndexInfo sii = null;
            if (this.ItemID > 0)
                sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.ItemID);

            // Create rebuild task
            if (sii != null)
                SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, sii.IndexType, null, sii.IndexName);

            lblInfo.Text = GetString("srch.index.rebuildstarted");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;

            // Reload info panel
예제 #3
        private static void RebuildIndex(SearchIndexInfo index)
                // After installation or deployment the index is new but no web farm task is issued
                // to rebuild the index. This will ensure that index is rebuilt on instance upon first request.
                if (index.IndexStatusLocal == IndexStatusEnum.NEW)
                    var taskCreationParameters = new SearchTaskCreationParameters
                        TaskType        = SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild,
                        TaskValue       = index.IndexName,
                        RelatedObjectID = index.IndexID


                    SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(taskCreationParameters, true);
            catch (SearchIndexException ex)
                Service.Resolve <IEventLogService>().LogException("SmartSearch", "INDEX REBUILD", ex);
예제 #4
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if (eventArgument == "saved")
            // Get search index info
            SearchIndexInfo sii = null;
            if (this.ItemID > 0)
                sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.ItemID);

            // Create rebuild task
            if (sii != null)
                SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, sii.IndexType, null, sii.IndexName);

            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("srch.index.rebuildstarted");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;

            // Reload info panel
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads drop-down lists.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadDropDowns()
        // Init operands
        if (drpLanguage.Items.Count == 0)
            drpLanguage.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("transman.translatedto"), "="));
            drpLanguage.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("transman.nottranslatedto"), "<>"));

        // Get site indexes
        DataSet ds = SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.GetIndexSites("IndexId", "IndexSiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID + " AND IndexID IN (SELECT IndexID FROM CMS_SearchIndex WHERE IndexType = N'" + PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT + "')", null, 0);

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["IndexId"], 0));
                if ((sii != null) && (sii.IndexType == PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT))
                    drpIndexes.Items.Add(new ListItem(sii.IndexDisplayName, sii.IndexName));
        drpIndexes.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(GetString("search.sqlsearch"), SQL));

        // Init Search for drop down list
        DataHelper.FillListControlWithEnum(typeof(SearchModeEnum), drpSearchMode, "srch.dialog.", SearchHelper.GetSearchModeString);
        drpSearchMode.SelectedValue = QueryHelper.GetString("searchmode", SearchHelper.GetSearchModeString(SearchModeEnum.AnyWord));
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles click on rebuild link (after sites are saved).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="eventArgument"></param>
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if (eventArgument == "saved")
            // Check permissions
            if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.searchindex", CMSAdminControl.PERMISSION_MODIFY))
                RedirectToAccessDenied("cms.searchindex", CMSAdminControl.PERMISSION_MODIFY);

            // Get search index info
            SearchIndexInfo sii = null;
            if (this.indexId > 0)
                sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.indexId);

            // Create rebuild task
            if (sii != null)
                SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, sii.IndexType, null, sii.IndexName);

            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("srch.index.rebuildstarted");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
예제 #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders search results into HTML string.
    /// </summary>
    private string RenderResults(List <SearchResultItem> results, string searchText)
        if (results == null || results.Count == 0)
            // No results
            return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent) ? "" : "<div class='nonSelectable'>" + PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent + "</div>");
            UIRepeater   repSearchResults = new UIRepeater();
            var          indexCategories  = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <SearchResultItem> >(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            StringWriter stringWriter     = new StringWriter();

            // Display categories - create DataView for each index
            if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                foreach (SearchResultItem resultItem in results)
                    string index = resultItem.Index;

                    if (!indexCategories.ContainsKey(index))
                        indexCategories.Add(index, results.Where(item => String.Equals(item.Index, index, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));
            // Do not display categories - create DataView of whole table
                indexCategories.Add("results", results);

            // Render each index category
            foreach (var categories in indexCategories)
                // Display categories
                if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                    SearchIndexInfo indexInfo    = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(categories.Key);
                    string          categoryName = indexInfo == null ? String.Empty : indexInfo.IndexDisplayName;
                    repSearchResults.HeaderTemplate = new TextTransformationTemplate("<div class='predictiveSearchCategory nonSelectable'>" + categoryName + "</div>");

                // Fill repeater with results
                repSearchResults.ItemTemplate = TransformationHelper.LoadTransformation(this, PredictiveSearchResultItemTransformationName);
                repSearchResults.DataSource   = categories.Value;
                repSearchResults.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter));

            // More results
            if (PredictiveSearchMaxResults == results.Count)
                stringWriter.Write(String.Format(PredictiveSearchMoreResultsContent, CreateSearchUrl(searchText)));

예제 #8
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        // Rebuild search index
        if (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled)
            SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(siteId);
            if (si != null)
                // Get all indexes depending on given site
                DataSet result = SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.GetSiteSearchIndexes(si.SiteID);

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(result))
                    List <string>   items = new List <string>();
                    SearchIndexInfo sii   = null;

                    // Add all indexes to rebuild queue
                    foreach (DataRow dr in result.Tables[0].Rows)
                        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo((int)dr["IndexID"]);
                        if (sii != null)

                    // Rebuild all indexes
                    SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateMultiTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, null, null, items, true);

            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("srch.index.rebuildstarted");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads datagrid.
    /// </summary>
    private void Reload()
        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound += new OnExternalDataBoundEventHandler(UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound);
        UniGrid.OnAction += new OnActionEventHandler(UniGrid_OnAction);
        UniGrid.HideControlForZeroRows = true;

        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
        if (sii != null)
            DataSet result = sii.IndexSettings.GetAll();

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(result))
                // Set 'id' column to first position
                if (result.Tables[0].Columns["id"] != null)

                // Check if 'type' column exists
                if (result.Tables[0].Columns["type"] == null)
                    result.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("type"));


            UniGrid.DataSource = result;
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets all boxes.
    /// </summary>
    public void LoadControls()
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);

        // If we are editing existing search index
        if (sii != null)
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(ItemGUID);
            if (sisi != null)
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    selSite.Value = sisi.SiteName;
                    selForum.SetValue("SiteName", sisi.SiteName);
                    selForum.Value = sisi.ForumNames;
                ItemType = sisi.Type;

        plcForumsInfo.Visible = true;
        if (ItemType == SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_EXLUDED)
            plcForumsInfo.Visible = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets all boxes.
    /// </summary>
    public void LoadControls()
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);

        // If we are editing existing search index
        if (sii != null)
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(ItemGUID);
            if (sisi != null)
                selectClassnames.Value = sisi.ClassNames;
                selectpath.Value       = sisi.Path;
                ItemType = sisi.Type;

                if (sisi.Type == SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED)
                    chkInclForums.Checked = sisi.IncludeForums;
                    chkInclBlog.Checked   = sisi.IncludeBlogs;
                    chkInclBoards.Checked = sisi.IncludeMessageCommunication;
                    chkInclCats.Checked   = sisi.IncludeCategories;
                    chkInclAtt.Checked    = sisi.IncludeAttachments;

        // Hide appropriate controls for excluded item
        if ((ItemType == SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_EXLUDED) || ((sii != null) && (sii.IndexType == SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX)))
            pnlAllowed.Visible = false;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Disable textbox editing
        selectInRole.UseFriendlyMode    = true;
        selectNotInRole.UseFriendlyMode = true;

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
            SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);
            if (sii != null)
                SearchIndexSettings     sis  = sii.IndexSettings;
                SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID);

                // Create new
                if (sisi != null)
                    chkHidden.Checked      = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(sisi.GetValue("UserHidden"), false);
                    chkOnlyEnabled.Checked = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(sisi.GetValue("UserEnabled"), true);
                    chkSite.Checked        = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(sisi.GetValue("UserAllSites"), false);
                    selectInRole.Value     = ValidationHelper.GetString(sisi.GetValue("UserInRoles"), String.Empty);
                    selectNotInRole.Value  = ValidationHelper.GetString(sisi.GetValue("UserNotInRoles"), String.Empty);
                    txtWhere.TextArea.Text = sisi.WhereCondition;
예제 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates index settings. Called when the "Create index settings" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateIndexSettings()
        // Get the search index
        SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("MyNewIndex");

        if (index != null)
            // Create new index settings
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo indexSettings = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            // Set setting properties
            indexSettings.IncludeBlogs  = true;
            indexSettings.IncludeForums = true;
            indexSettings.IncludeMessageCommunication = true;
            indexSettings.ClassNames = ""; // for all document types
            indexSettings.Path       = "/%";
            indexSettings.Type       = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            indexSettings.ID         = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Save index settings
            SearchIndexSettings settings = new SearchIndexSettings();
            index.IndexSettings = settings;

            // Save to database

예제 #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates search indexes. Called when the "Get and bulk update indexes" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateSearchIndexes()
        // Prepare the parameters
        string where = "IndexName LIKE N'MyNewIndex%'";

        // Get the data
        DataSet indexes = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexes(where, null);

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(indexes))
            // Loop through the individual items
            foreach (DataRow indexDr in indexes.Tables[0].Rows)
                // Create object from DataRow
                SearchIndexInfo modifyIndex = new SearchIndexInfo(indexDr);

                // Update the properties
                modifyIndex.IndexDisplayName = modifyIndex.IndexDisplayName.ToUpper();

                // Save the changes


예제 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders search results into HTML string.
    /// </summary>
    private string RenderResults(DataSet results, string searchText)
        if (results == null)
            // No results
            return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent) ? "" : "<div class='nonSelectable'>" + PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent + "</div>");
            UIRepeater repSearchResults = new UIRepeater();
            IDictionary <string, DataView> indexCategories = new Dictionary <string, DataView>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

            // Display categories - create DataView for each index
            if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                foreach (DataRow row in results.Tables["results"].Rows)
                    string index = (string)row["index"];

                    if (!indexCategories.ContainsKey(index))
                        indexCategories.Add(index, new DataView(results.Tables["results"], "index = '" + index + "'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows));
            // Do not display categories - create DataView of whole table
                indexCategories.Add("results", new DataView(results.Tables["results"]));

            // Render each index category
            foreach (var categories in indexCategories)
                // Display categories
                if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                    SearchIndexInfo indexInfo    = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(categories.Key);
                    string          categoryName = indexInfo == null ? String.Empty : indexInfo.IndexDisplayName;
                    repSearchResults.HeaderTemplate = new TextTransformationTemplate("<div class='predictiveSearchCategory nonSelectable'>" + categoryName + "</div>");

                // Fill repeater with results
                repSearchResults.ItemTemplate = TransformationHelper.LoadTransformation(this, PredictiveSearchResultItemTransformationName);
                repSearchResults.DataSource   = categories.Value;
                repSearchResults.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter));

            // More results
            if (PredictiveSearchMaxResults == results.Tables["results"].Rows.Count)
                stringWriter.Write(String.Format(PredictiveSearchMoreResultsContent, CreateSearchUrl(searchText)));

예제 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders search results into HTML string.
    /// </summary>
    private static string RenderResults(DataSet results, string searchText, string PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent, bool PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories, int PredictiveSearchMaxResults, string PredictiveSearchResultItemTransformationName, string PredictiveSearchMoreResultsContent, string searchURL)
        if (results == null)
            // No results
            return(String.IsNullOrEmpty(PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent) ? "" : "<div class='nonSelectable'>" + PredictiveSearchNoResultsContent + "</div>");
            UIRepeater repSearchResults = new UIRepeater();
            IDictionary <string, DataView> indexCategories = new Dictionary <string, DataView>();
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

            // Display categories - create DataView for each index
            if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                foreach (DataRow row in results.Tables["results"].Rows)
                    string index = (string)row["index"];

                    if (!indexCategories.ContainsKey(index))
                        indexCategories.Add(index, new DataView(results.Tables["results"], "index = '" + index + "'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows));
            // Do not display categories - create DataView of whole table
                indexCategories.Add("results", new DataView(results.Tables["results"]));

            // Render each index category
            foreach (var categories in indexCategories)
                // Display categories
                if (PredictiveSearchDisplayCategories)
                    SearchIndexInfo indexInfo    = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(categories.Key);
                    string          categoryName = indexInfo == null ? String.Empty : indexInfo.IndexDisplayName;
                    repSearchResults.HeaderTemplate = new TextTransformationTemplate("<div class='predictiveSearchCategory nonSelectable'>" + categoryName + "</div>");

                // Fill repeater with results
                repSearchResults.ItemTemplate = new TextTransformationTemplate(CacheHelper.Cache(cs => CMS.PortalEngine.TransformationInfoProvider.GetTransformation(PredictiveSearchResultItemTransformationName), new CacheSettings(60, PredictiveSearchResultItemTransformationName)).TransformationCode);
                repSearchResults.DataSource   = categories.Value;
                repSearchResults.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter));

            // More results
            if (PredictiveSearchMaxResults == results.Tables["results"].Rows.Count)
                stringWriter.Write(String.Format(PredictiveSearchMoreResultsContent, URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(searchURL, "searchtext", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(searchText))));

예제 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform search.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        // Check whether current request is not postback
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
            // Get current search text from query string
            string searchText = QueryHelper.GetString("searchtext", "");
            // Check whether search text is defined
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
                // Get current search mode from query string
                string searchMode = QueryHelper.GetString("searchmode", "");
                CMS.ISearchEngine.SearchModeEnum searchModeEnum = ISearchHelper.GetSearchModeEnum(searchMode);

                // Get current index id
                int indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexId", 0);
                // Get current index info object
                SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
                // Check whether index info exists
                if (sii != null)
                    // Keep search text in search textbox
                    //txtSearchFor.Text = searchText;

                    searchText = SearchHelper.CombineSearchCondition(searchText, null, searchModeEnum, SearchOptionsEnum.FullSearch, null, null, null, false);

                    // Get positions and ranges for search method
                    int startPosition     = 0;
                    int numberOfProceeded = 100;
                    int displayResults    = 100;
                    int numberOfResults   = 0;
                    if (pgrSearch.PageSize != 0 && pgrSearch.GroupSize != 0)
                        startPosition     = (pgrSearch.CurrentPage - 1) * pgrSearch.PageSize;
                        numberOfProceeded = (((pgrSearch.CurrentPage / pgrSearch.GroupSize) + 1) * pgrSearch.PageSize * pgrSearch.GroupSize) + pgrSearch.PageSize;
                        displayResults    = pgrSearch.PageSize;

                    // Search
                    DataSet results = SearchHelper.Search(searchText, null, null, null, "##ALL##", null, false, false, false, sii.IndexName, displayResults, startPosition, numberOfProceeded, (UserInfo)CMSContext.CurrentUser, out numberOfResults, null, null);

                    // Fill repeater with results
                    repSearchResults.DataSource = results;
                    repSearchResults.PagerForceNumberOfResults = numberOfResults;

                    // Show now results found ?
                    if (numberOfResults == 0)
                        lblNoResults.Text    = "<br />" + GetString("srch.results.noresults");
                        lblNoResults.Visible = true;

예제 #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes search index. Called when the "Delete index" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool DeleteSearchIndex()
        // Get the search index
        SearchIndexInfo deleteIndex = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("MyNewIndex");

        // Delete the search index

        return(deleteIndex != null);
예제 #19
        // Returns an initialized 'SearchServiceClient' instance for the specified index
        private static ISearchIndexClient InitializeIndex(string indexCodeName)
            // Converts the Xperience index code name to a valid Azure Search index name (if necessary)
            indexCodeName = NamingHelper.GetValidIndexName(indexCodeName);

            SearchIndexInfo     index  = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexCodeName);
            SearchServiceClient client = new SearchServiceClient(index.IndexSearchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(index.IndexAdminKey));

예제 #20
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get search index info object
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);

        if (sii != null)
            // If doesn't exist select default type
            indexType = sii.IndexType;

        ContentEdit.Visible     = false;
        forumEdit.Visible       = false;
        customTableEdit.Visible = false;

        ContentEdit.StopProcessing     = true;
        forumEdit.StopProcessing       = true;
        customTableEdit.StopProcessing = true;

        // Set tabs according to index type
        switch (indexType)
        case PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT:
        case SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX:

            // Document index
            ContentEdit.ItemID         = indexId;
            ContentEdit.ItemGUID       = itemGuid;
            ContentEdit.Visible        = true;
            ContentEdit.StopProcessing = false;

        case PredefinedObjectType.FORUM:

            // Forum index type
            forumEdit.ItemID         = indexId;
            forumEdit.ItemGUID       = itemGuid;
            forumEdit.Visible        = true;
            forumEdit.StopProcessing = false;

        case SettingsObjectType.CUSTOMTABLE:

            // Custom table index
            customTableEdit.ItemID         = indexId;
            customTableEdit.ItemGUID       = itemGuid;
            customTableEdit.Visible        = true;
            customTableEdit.StopProcessing = false;

        ContentEdit.ItemType = itemType;
        forumEdit.ItemType   = itemType;
예제 #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Rebuilds the search index. Called when the "Rebuild index" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool RebuildIndex()
        // Get the search index
        SearchIndexInfo index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("MyNewIndex");

        if (index != null)
            // Create rebuild task
            SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, index.IndexType, null, index.IndexName);

예제 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates content search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="group">Particular group info object</param>
    private void CreateGroupContentSearchIndex(GroupInfo group)
        string codeName = "default_group_" + group.GroupGUID;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);

        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii           = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            const string suffix = " - Default";
            sii.IndexDisplayName      = TextHelper.LimitLength(group.GroupDisplayName, 200 - suffix.Length, string.Empty) + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType     = SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType             = TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
            sii.IndexProvider         = SearchIndexInfo.LUCENE_SEARCH_PROVIDER;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID         = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.Path       = mGroupTemplateTargetAliasPath + "/" + group.GroupName + "/%";
            sisi.SiteName   = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            sisi.Type       = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.ClassNames = "";

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assign to current website and current culture
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
            CultureInfo ci = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture;
            if (ci != null)
                SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);

            // Register rebuild index action
            SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, null, null, sii.IndexName, sii.IndexID);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates or rebuild department content search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="departmentNode">Department node</param>
    private void CreateDepartmentContentSearchIndex(TreeNode departmentNode)
        string codeName       = "default_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;
        string departmentName = departmentNode.GetDocumentName();

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);

        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii           = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            string suffix = " - Default";
            sii.IndexDisplayName      = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType     = SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType             = TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
            sii.IndexProvider         = SearchIndexInfo.LUCENE_SEARCH_PROVIDER;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID         = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.Path       = departmentNode.NodeAliasPath + "/%";
            sisi.Type       = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.ClassNames = "";

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assign to current website
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

        // Add current culture to search index
        CultureInfo ci = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(departmentNode.DocumentCulture);

        SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);

        // Rebuild search index
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, null, null, sii.IndexName, sii.IndexID);
예제 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// On external databound.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">Sender</param>
    /// <param name="sourceName">Source name</param>
    /// <param name="parameter">Parameter</param>
    object Control_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe())
        // Get index status
        case "indexstatus":
            int             indexID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0);
            SearchIndexInfo sii     = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexID);
            if (sii != null)
                var status = (sii.IndexFilesStatus == IndexStatusEnum.READY) && sii.IndexIsOutdated
                        ? "srch.status.readybutoutdated"
                        : "srch.status." + sii.IndexFilesStatus;


        case "indextype":
            string type = ValidationHelper.GetString(parameter, String.Empty);
            return(Control.GetString("smartsearch.indextype." + type.ToLowerCSafe()));

        // Disable all actions
        if (disableActions)
            CMSGridActionButton button = null;
            switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe())
            case "edit":
                button         = ((CMSGridActionButton)sender);
                button.Enabled = false;

            case "delete":
                button         = ((CMSGridActionButton)sender);
                button.Enabled = false;

            case "rebuild":
                button         = ((CMSGridActionButton)sender);
                button.Enabled = false;

예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds culture to search index. Called when the "Add culture to index" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool AddCultureToSearchIndex()
        // Get the search index and culture
        SearchIndexInfo index   = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo("MyNewIndex");
        CultureInfo     culture = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo("en-us");

        if ((index != null) && (culture != null))
            // Save the binding
            SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(index.IndexID, culture.CultureID);


예제 #26
    protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtAssembly.Text.Trim(), GetString("srch.index.assemblyempty")).NotEmpty(txtClassName.Text.Trim(), GetString("srch.index.classnameempty")).Result;

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
            SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);
            if (sii != null)
                SearchIndexSettings     sis  = sii.IndexSettings;
                SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(SearchHelper.CUSTOM_INDEX_DATA);

                // Create new
                if (sisi == null)
                    sisi    = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
                    sisi.ID = SearchHelper.CUSTOM_INDEX_DATA;

                sisi.SetValue("AssemblyName", txtAssembly.Text.Trim());
                sisi.SetValue("ClassName", txtClassName.Text.Trim());
                sisi.SetValue("CustomData", txtData.TextArea.Text);

                // Update settings item
                // Update xml value
                sii.IndexSettings = sis;


                // Redirect to edit mode
                lblInfo.Visible = true;
                lblInfo.Text    = GetString("general.changessaved");

                if (smartSearchEnabled)
                    lblInfo.Text += " " + String.Format(GetString("srch.indexrequiresrebuild"), "<a href=\"javascript:" + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "saved") + "\">" + GetString("General.clickhere") + "</a>");
            lblError.Visible = true;
            lblError.Text    = errorMessage;
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets all boxes.
    /// </summary>
    public void LoadControls()
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.ItemID);

        // If we are editing existing search index
        if (sii != null)
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(this.ItemGUID);
            if (sisi != null)
                customTableSelector.Value = sisi.ClassNames;
                txtWhere.TextArea.Text    = sisi.WhereCondition;
    /// <summary>
    /// Resets all boxes.
    /// </summary>
    public void LoadControls()
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);

        string siteWhere = String.Empty;

        // Load only those site to which the index is assigned
        var siteIDs = SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.GetIndexSiteBindings(ItemID).Column("IndexSiteID").Select(X => X.IndexSiteID.ToString()).ToList();

        if (siteIDs.Count > 0)
            siteWhere = SqlHelper.GetWhereCondition <string>("SiteID", siteIDs, false);

            // Preselect current site if it is assigned to index
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && siteIDs.Contains(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID.ToString()))
                selSite.Value = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

            selSite.UniSelector.WhereCondition = siteWhere;
            pnlForm.Visible = false;


        // If we are editing existing search index
        if (sii != null)
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(ItemGUID);
            if (sisi != null)
                selectForm.Value       = ValidationHelper.GetString(sisi.GetValue("FormName"), "");
                txtWhere.TextArea.Text = sisi.WhereCondition;
                selSite.Value          = sisi.SiteName;

        // Init controls
예제 #29
    protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Validate - check for selected object name
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selObjects.Value.ToString()))
            lblError.Visible = true;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.ItemID);

        if (sii != null)
            SearchIndexSettings     sis  = sii.IndexSettings;
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID);

            // Create new
            if (sisi == null)
                sisi    = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
                sisi.ID = SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID;

            sisi.ClassNames     = ValidationHelper.GetString(selObjects.Value, String.Empty);
            sisi.WhereCondition = txtWhere.TextArea.Text.Trim();

            // Update settings item
            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;


            selObjects.ShowPleaseSelect = false;

            // Display a message
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text    = GetString("general.changessaved");

            if (smartSearchEnabled)
                lblInfo.Text += " " + String.Format(GetString("srch.indexrequiresrebuild"), "<a href=\"javascript:" + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "saved") + "\">" + GetString("General.clickhere") + "</a>");
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexid", 0);

        IndexID = 0;

        // Get the IndexInfo in order to obtain the ClassID which the index contains.
        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);

        if ((sii != null) && (sii.IndexSettings != null))
            // Get the index settings
            Dictionary <Guid, SearchIndexSettingsInfo> settingsItems = sii.IndexSettings.Items;
            if (settingsItems.ContainsKey(SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID))
                // Get the ClassInfo and set the ClassID to the searchFields control
                string className = settingsItems[SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID].ClassNames.ToLowerCSafe();

                if (sii.IndexType == SearchHelper.GENERALINDEX)
                    var info = ModuleManager.GetReadOnlyObject(className);
                    if (info != null)
                        className = info.TypeInfo.ObjectClassName;

                DataClassInfo classInfo = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(className);
                if (classInfo != null)
                    IndexID             = sii.IndexID;
                    searchFields.ItemID = classInfo.ClassID;
                // ClassName not defined yet, display a message directing the user to the Index tab
                searchFields.Visible = false;

        // Setup the searchFields control
        searchFields.LoadActualValues = true;
        searchFields.OnSaved         += new EventHandler(searchFields_OnSaved);
예제 #31
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates search index. Called when the "Create index" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateSearchIndex()
        // Create new search index object
        SearchIndexInfo newIndex = new SearchIndexInfo();

        // Set the properties
        newIndex.IndexDisplayName      = "My new index";
        newIndex.IndexName             = "MyNewIndex";
        newIndex.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
        newIndex.IndexType             = PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT;
        newIndex.IndexAnalyzerType     = AnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
        newIndex.StopWordsFile         = "";

        // Save the search index

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
            SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);
            if (sii != null)
                SearchIndexSettings     sis  = sii.IndexSettings;
                SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = sis.GetSearchIndexSettingsInfo(SearchHelper.SIMPLE_ITEM_ID);

                if (sisi != null)
                    drpObjType.Value       = sisi.ClassNames;
                    txtWhere.TextArea.Text = sisi.WhereCondition;
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads datagrid.
    /// </summary>
    private void Reload()
        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound += new OnExternalDataBoundEventHandler(UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound);
        UniGrid.OnAction += new OnActionEventHandler(UniGrid_OnAction);
        UniGrid.ZeroRowsText = GetString("general.nodatafound");

        DataSet sorted = null;

        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
        if (sii != null)
            DataSet result = sii.IndexSettings.GetAll();

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(result))
                // Set 'id' column to first position
                if (result.Tables[0].Columns["id"] != null)

                // Check if 'type' column exists
                if (result.Tables[0].Columns["type"] == null)
                    result.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("type"));

                // Sort result
                sorted = new DataSet();
                if (result.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("classNames"))
                    foreach (DataRow dr in result.Tables[0].Select(null, "classNames"))

            UniGrid.DataSource = sorted;
    public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if (eventArgument == "saved")
            // Get search index info
            SearchIndexInfo sii = null;
            if (this.indexId > 0)
                sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.indexId);

            // Create rebuild task
            if (sii != null)
                SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, sii.IndexType, null, sii.IndexName);

            lblInfo.Text = GetString("srch.index.rebuildstarted");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.StopProcessing)

        // Show panel with message how to enable indexing
        if (!smartSearchEnabled)
            pnlDisabled.Visible = true;

        indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexid", 0);
        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound += UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound;
        UniGrid.OnAction += UniGrid_OnAction;
        UniGrid.OnDataReload += UniGrid_OnDataReload;
        UniGrid.HideControlForZeroRows = true;
        UniGrid.ShowActionsMenu = true;
        UniGrid.AllColumns = "id, ForumNames, SiteName, Type";

        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.StopProcessing)

        // Show panel with message how to enable indexing
        if (!smartSearchEnabled)
            pnlDisabled.Visible = true;

        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound += UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound;
        UniGrid.OnAction += UniGrid_OnAction;
        UniGrid.OnDataReload += UniGrid_OnDataReload;
        UniGrid.ZeroRowsText = GetString("general.nodatafound");
        UniGrid.ShowActionsMenu = true;
        UniGrid.AllColumns = "id, Type, DisplayName, ClassNames, WhereCondition";

        indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexid", 0);

        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
예제 #37
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Show panel with message how to enable indexing
        if (!SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue("CMSSearchIndexingEnabled"))
            pnlDisabled.Visible = true;

        // Get file size and document count informations resource strings
        pnlInfo.GroupingText = GetString("srch.index.info");

        // Action buttons
        imgOptimize.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_SMartSearch/optimize.png");
        btnOptimize.Text = GetString("srch.index.optimize");
        btnOptimize.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("srch.index.confirmoptimize")) + ");";

        imgRebuild.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_SMartSearch/rebuild.png");
        btnRebuild.OnClientClick = "return confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("srch.index.confirmrebuild")) + ");";
        btnRebuild.Text = GetString("srch.index.rebuild");

        // Init controls
        rfvCodeName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requirescodename");
        rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");
        rfvBatchSize.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresvalue");
        btnOk.Text = GetString("General.OK");

        // Possible length of path - already taken, +1 because in MAX_INDEX PATH is count codename of length 1
        string indexPath = Path.Combine(SettingsKeyProvider.WebApplicationPhysicalPath, "App_Data\\CMSModules\\SmartSearch\\");
        codeNameLength = SearchHelper.MAX_INDEX_PATH - indexPath.Length + 1;
        pnlContent.Visible = true;
        txtCodeName.MaxLength = codeNameLength;

        // Get search index info
        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(this.ItemID);

        // Set edited object
        if (this.ItemID > 0)
            EditedObject = sii;

        if (sii != null)
            string indexTypeStr = String.Empty;
            switch (sii.IndexType)
                // Documents
                case PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.doctype");

                // Forums
                case PredefinedObjectType.FORUM:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.forumtype");

                // Users
                case PredefinedObjectType.USER:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.usertype");

                // Custom tables
                case SettingsObjectType.CUSTOMTABLE:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.customtabletype");

                // General index
                case SearchHelper.GENERALINDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.general");

                // Custom search index
                case SearchHelper.CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.customsearch");

                // Documents crawler
                case SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.doctypecrawler");
            lblTypeValue.Text = indexTypeStr;

            stopCustomControl.IndexInfo = sii;
            stopCustomControl.AnalyzerDropDown = drpAnalyzer;

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        // Reload info panel
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Set disabled module info
        ucDisabledModule.SettingsKeys = "CMSSearchIndexingEnabled";
        ucDisabledModule.InfoText = GetString("srch.searchdisabledinfo");

        // Get file size and document count information resource strings
        pnlInfo.GroupingText = GetString("srch.index.info");

        // Action buttons

        // Init controls
        rfvCodeName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requirescodename");
        rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");
        rfvBatchSize.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresvalue");

        // Possible length of path - already taken, +1 because in MAX_INDEX PATH is count codename of length 1
        string indexPath = Path.Combine(SettingsKeyProvider.WebApplicationPhysicalPath, "App_Data\\CMSModules\\SmartSearch\\");
        codeNameLength = SearchHelper.MAX_INDEX_PATH - indexPath.Length + 1;
        pnlContent.Visible = true;
        txtCodeName.MaxLength = codeNameLength;

        // Get search index info
        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(ItemID);

        // Set edited object
        if (ItemID > 0)
            EditedObject = sii;

        if (sii != null)
            string indexTypeStr = String.Empty;
            switch (sii.IndexType)
                // Documents
                case PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.doctype");

                // Forums
                case PredefinedObjectType.FORUM:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.forumtype");

                // Users
                case PredefinedObjectType.USER:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.usertype");

                // Custom tables
                case SettingsObjectType.CUSTOMTABLE:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.customtabletype");

                // General index
                case SearchHelper.GENERALINDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.general");

                // Custom search index
                case SearchHelper.CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.customsearch");

                // Documents crawler
                case SearchHelper.DOCUMENTS_CRAWLER_INDEX:
                    indexTypeStr = GetString("srch.index.doctypecrawler");
            lblTypeValue.Text = indexTypeStr;

            stopCustomControl.IndexInfo = sii;
            stopCustomControl.AnalyzerDropDown = drpAnalyzer;

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        // Reload info panel
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates search index. Called when the "Create index" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateSearchIndex()
        // Create new search index object
        SearchIndexInfo newIndex = new SearchIndexInfo();

        // Set the properties
        newIndex.IndexDisplayName = "My new index";
        newIndex.IndexName = "MyNewIndex";
        newIndex.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
        newIndex.IndexType = PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT;
        newIndex.IndexAnalyzerType = AnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
        newIndex.StopWordsFile = "";

        // Save the search index

        return true;
예제 #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Implementation of rebuild method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="srchInfo">Search index info</param>
 public void Rebuild(SearchIndexInfo srchInfo)
     EventLogProvider ev = new EventLogProvider();
     ev.LogEvent(EventLogProvider.EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION, DateTime.Now, "MyCustomIndex", "Rebuild", null, "The index is building");
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates search indexes. Called when the "Get and bulk update indexes" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateSearchIndex method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateSearchIndexes()
        // Prepare the parameters
        string where = "IndexName LIKE N'MyNewIndex%'";

        // Get the data
        DataSet indexes = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexes(where, null);
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(indexes))
            // Loop through the individual items
            foreach (DataRow indexDr in indexes.Tables[0].Rows)
                // Create object from DataRow
                SearchIndexInfo modifyIndex = new SearchIndexInfo(indexDr);

                // Update the properties
                modifyIndex.IndexDisplayName = modifyIndex.IndexDisplayName.ToUpper();

                // Save the changes

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates content search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="group">Particular group info object</param>
    private void CreateGroupContentSearchIndex(GroupInfo group)
        string codeName = "default_group_" + group.GroupGUID;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);
        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            const string suffix = " - Default";
            sii.IndexDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(group.GroupDisplayName, 200 - suffix.Length, string.Empty) + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType = SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType = TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.Path = mGroupTemplateTargetAliasPath + "/" + group.GroupName + "/%";
            sisi.SiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            sisi.Type = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.ClassNames = "";

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assign to current website and current culture
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
            CultureInfo ci = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture;
            if (ci != null)
                SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);

            // Register rebuild index action
            SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, null, null, sii.IndexName, sii.IndexID);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates forum search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="group">Particular group info object</param>
    private void CreateGroupForumSearchIndex(GroupInfo group)
        string codeName = "forums_group_" + group.GroupGUID;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);
        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            const string suffix = " - Forums";
            sii.IndexDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(group.GroupDisplayName, 200 - suffix.Length, string.Empty) + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType = SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType = PredefinedObjectType.FORUM;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.ForumNames = "*_group_" + group.GroupGUID;
            sisi.Type = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.SiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assing to current website and current culture
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
            CultureInfo ci = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture;
            if (ci != null)
                SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check "read" permission
        if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.SearchIndex", "Read"))
            RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.SearchIndex", "Read");

        indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexId", 0);

        string indexListUr = "~/CMSModules/SmartSearch/SearchIndex_List.aspx";

        string currentIndex = "";
        index = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
        if (index != null)
            currentIndex = index.IndexDisplayName;

        // Initialize PageTitle breadcrumbs
        string[,] pageTitleTabs = new string[2, 3];
        pageTitleTabs[0, 0] = GetString("srch.index.indexes");
        pageTitleTabs[0, 1] = indexListUr;
        pageTitleTabs[0, 2] = "_parent";
        pageTitleTabs[1, 0] = currentIndex;
        pageTitleTabs[1, 1] = "";
        pageTitleTabs[1, 2] = "";

        CurrentMaster.Title.Breadcrumbs = pageTitleTabs;
        CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("srch.index.indexes");
        CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("Objects/CMS_SearchIndex/object.png");
        CurrentMaster.Title.HelpTopicName = "searchindex_general";
        CurrentMaster.Title.HelpName = "title";

        // Tabs
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (StopProcessing)

        // Show panel with message how to enable indexing
        ucDisabledModule.SettingsKeys = "CMSSearchIndexingEnabled";
        ucDisabledModule.InfoText = GetString("srch.searchdisabledinfo");

        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound += UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound;
        UniGrid.OnAction += UniGrid_OnAction;
        UniGrid.OnDataReload += UniGrid_OnDataReload;
        UniGrid.ZeroRowsText = GetString("general.nodatafound");
        UniGrid.ShowActionsMenu = true;
        UniGrid.AllColumns = "id, Type, DisplayName, ClassNames, WhereCondition";

        indexId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("indexid", 0);

        sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(indexId);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets data to database.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get code name
        string codeName = txtCodeName.Text.Trim();

        // Perform validation
        string errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(codeName, rfvCodeName.ErrorMessage)
            .NotEmpty(txtDisplayName.Text, rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage).Result;

        // Check CodeName for identifier format
        if (!ValidationHelper.IsCodeName(codeName))
            errorMessage = GetString("General.ErrorCodeNameInIdentifierFormat");

        // Check length of code name
        if (codeName.Length > codeNameLength)
            errorMessage = GetString("srch.codenameexceeded");

        if (errorMessage == "")
            // Create new
            SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);

            if (sii == null)
                sii = new SearchIndexInfo();

                // Set the fields
                sii.IndexName = codeName;
                sii.IndexDisplayName = txtDisplayName.Text.Trim();
                sii.IndexAnalyzerType = SearchIndexInfoProvider.AnalyzerCodenameToEnum(drpAnalyzer.SelectedValue);
                // Community indexing is not yet supported
                //sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = chkCommunity.Checked;
                sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;
                sii.IndexType = drpType.SelectedValue;
                sii.CustomAnalyzerAssemblyName = stopCustomControl.CustomAnalyzerAssemblyName;
                sii.CustomAnalyzerClassName = stopCustomControl.CustomAnalyzerClassName;
                sii.StopWordsFile = stopCustomControl.StopWordsFile;

                // Save the object
                ItemID = sii.IndexID;

                // Assign to current website
                if (chkAddIndexToCurrentSite.Checked)
                    SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

                // Redirect to edit mode
                // Error message - code name already exists
            // Error message - validation
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates forum search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="departmentNode">Department node</param>
    private void CreateDepartmentForumSearchIndex(TreeNode departmentNode)
        string codeName = "forums_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;
        string departmentName = departmentNode.DocumentName;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);
        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            string suffix = " - Forums";
            sii.IndexDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType = AnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType = PredefinedObjectType.FORUM;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.Type = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.SiteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
            sisi.ForumNames = "*_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assing to current website and current culture
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);
            CultureInfo ci = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(departmentNode.DocumentCulture);
            SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates or rebuild department content search index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="departmentNode">Department node</param>
    private void CreateDepartmentContentSearchIndex(TreeNode departmentNode)
        string codeName = "default_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;
        string departmentName = departmentNode.DocumentName;

        SearchIndexInfo sii = SearchIndexInfoProvider.GetSearchIndexInfo(codeName);
        if (sii == null)
            // Create search index info
            sii = new SearchIndexInfo();
            sii.IndexName = codeName;
            string suffix = " - Default";
            sii.IndexDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
            sii.IndexAnalyzerType = AnalyzerTypeEnum.StandardAnalyzer;
            sii.IndexType = PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT;
            sii.IndexIsCommunityGroup = false;

            // Create search index settings info
            SearchIndexSettingsInfo sisi = new SearchIndexSettingsInfo();
            sisi.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            sisi.Path = departmentNode.NodeAliasPath + "/%";
            sisi.Type = SearchIndexSettingsInfo.TYPE_ALLOWED;
            sisi.ClassNames = "";

            // Create settings item
            SearchIndexSettings sis = new SearchIndexSettings();

            // Update settings item

            // Update xml value
            sii.IndexSettings = sis;

            // Assing to current website
            SearchIndexSiteInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexToSite(sii.IndexID, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);


        // Add curent culture to search index
        CultureInfo ci = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(departmentNode.DocumentCulture);
        SearchIndexCultureInfoProvider.AddSearchIndexCulture(sii.IndexID, ci.CultureID);

        // Rebuild search index
        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Rebuild, sii.IndexType, null, sii.IndexName);