예제 #1
        public void SearchEntities_PropKeyEqualsName()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.All);

            //--Add single criteria: property key text equals to 'Name'
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;
            criterion.TextSensitive   = CritOptionTextSensitive.No;
            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // check found entities
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.ListEntityId.Count, "One found entities expected");

            bool found;

            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(toshibaCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id toshibaCoreI7 should be selected");
        public void SearchEntities_DefinedFolders_2_OnePropKeyEqualsName_E_F1_2E_F2_2E()
            EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCore(RepositConfig);

            //==== creates entities, with prop
            //----create entities
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity();

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            Entity dellCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            Entity HPCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "Nom", "HP Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "TradeMark", "HP");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldOthers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "others");

            Entity asusCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldOthers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(asusCoreI7, "Name", "Asus Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(asusCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Asus");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.Defined);

            //--Add sources folders, set option: go inside folders childs
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldComputers, true);

            // add a second source folder
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldOthers, true);

            //--Add single criteria: property key text equals to 'Name'
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;
            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // check found entities
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.ListEntityId.Count, "2 found entity expected");

            bool found;

            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(dellCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id dellCoreI7 should be selected");
            found = result.ListEntityId.Contains(asusCoreI7.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(found, "The entity id asusCoreI7 should be selected");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  Search entities by the key property.
        ///  Create 3 entities, select entities having a property key equals to 'Name'.
        ///     computers\
        ///         Ent: Name=Toshiba   Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Name=Dell      Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Company=HP     --NOT selected
        /// -------output:
        /// Db initialized with success.
        /// -Search result: nb= 2
        /// Ent, id: 5c6822abdd125603e885d8d4
        /// Ent, id: 5c6822c1dd125603e885d8d6
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateThreeEntitiesSearchPropKeyName()
            EtagairEngine engine = CreateEngine();

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = engine.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //==== creates entities, with prop

            //----create entity
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = engine.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //----create entity
            Entity dellCoreI7 = engine.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            //----create entity
            Entity HPCoreI7 = engine.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "Company", "HP Core i7");
            engine.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "TradeMark", "HP");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = engine.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity("EntitiesHavingPropName", SearchFolderScope.Defined);

            //--Add sources folders, set option: go inside folders childs
            // (only one for now is managed!!)
            engine.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldComputers, true);

            //--Add criteria: (a boolean expression)
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = engine.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;
            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = engine.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // displays found entities
            Console.WriteLine("-Search result: nb=" + result.ListEntityId.Count);
            foreach (string entityId in result.ListEntityId)
                // displays the id of the entity
                Console.WriteLine("Ent, id: " + entityId);

                // load the entity and display it
                Entity entity = engine.Searcher.FindEntityById(entityId);
                // display the properties of the entity....
예제 #4
        // TODO: gérer trad finale absente -> selectionne la mainLang
        // exp: pas de texte en fr_FR mais existe en fr, prend ce dernier.

        /// <summary>
        ///  select entities having a property key='Name'
        ///     computers\
        ///         Ent: Name=Toshiba   Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Name=Dell      Ok, selected
        ///         Ent: Company=HP     --NOT selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        static void TestSearchEntity(EtagairCore core)
            Console.WriteLine("====>TestSearchEntity: ");

            //---- create a folder, under the root
            Folder foldComputers = core.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

            //==== creates entities, with prop

            //----create entity
            Entity toshibaCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Toshiba");

            //----create entity
            Entity dellCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "Name", "Dell Inspiron 15-5570-sku6");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(dellCoreI7, "TradeMark", "Dell");

            //----create entity
            Entity HPCoreI7 = core.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "Company", "HP Core i7");
            core.Editor.CreateProperty(HPCoreI7, "TradeMark", "HP");

            //==== define the search: from the root folder, select all entities having a key prop called 'Name'
            SearchEntity searchEntities = core.Searcher.CreateSearchEntity(SearchFolderScope.Defined);

            //--Add sources folders, set option: go inside folders childs
            core.Searcher.AddSourceFolder(searchEntities, foldComputers, true);

            //--Add criteria: (a boolean expression)
            SearchPropCriterionKeyText criterion = core.Searcher.AddCritPropKeyText(searchEntities, "Name");

            criterion.PropKeyTextType = CritOptionPropKeyTextType.AllKeyType;
            criterion.TextMatch       = CritOptionTextMatch.TextMatchExact;

            //--set options
            // TODO: lesquelles?

            //==== execute the search, get the result: list of found entities
            SearchEntityResult result = core.Searcher.ExecSearchEntity(searchEntities);

            // displays found entities
            Console.WriteLine("-Search result: nb=" + result.ListEntityId.Count);
            foreach (string entityId in result.ListEntityId)
                // load the entity

                Console.WriteLine("Ent, id: " + entityId);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Process, execute the search entity definition.
        /// Scan folder, one by one.
        /// </summary>
        public SearchEntityResult Process(SearchEntity searchEntity)
            // create the result object
            SearchEntityResult result = new SearchEntityResult();

            // scan each source folder
            foreach (SearchEntitySrcFolder srcFolder in searchEntity.ListSearchEntitySrcFolder)
                // get the folder object
                Folder folder = _reposit.Finder.FindFolderById(srcFolder.FolderId);

                // create a work/exec object of the criteria expression
                //SearchPropBaseWork searchPropBaseWork = CreateAllSearchPropBaseWork(searchEntity.SearchPropRoot);

                // search entities under the folder parent
                SearchInFolder(searchEntity, folder, srcFolder.GoInsideChilds, result);

            // returns the final results
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the final criterion: property key text is matching?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propCritKeyTextWork"></param>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AnalyzeEntityOnCritKeyText(SearchPropCriterionKeyTextWork propCritKeyTextWork, Entity entity, SearchEntityResult result)
            // scan all properties of the entity to match the criterion: key name
            AnalyzeEntityOnCritKeyText_PropGroup(entity.PropertyRoot, propCritKeyTextWork);
            // todo: rajouter un flag dans le work: Match: yes,no, NotSet

            // todo: si match=true, alors stocker l'entité (l'id) dans le result
            if (propCritKeyTextWork.PropertyMatch == PropertyMatch.Yes)
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// analyze the criteria properties expression for the entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AnalyzeEntityOnCriteria(SearchEntity searchEntity, Entity entity, SearchEntityResult result)
            // create a work/exec object of the criteria expression
            SearchPropBaseWork searchPropBaseWork = CreateAllSearchPropBaseWork(searchEntity.SearchPropRoot);

            // a bool expr, go inside left and right part
            SearchPropBoolExprWork searchPropBoolExprWork = searchPropBaseWork as SearchPropBoolExprWork;

            if (searchPropBoolExprWork != null)
                // create work object on the left side

                // create work object on the right side

                //return searchPropBoolExprWork;

                // ok, no error

            // a final criterion
            SearchPropCriterionKeyTextWork propCritKeyTextWork = searchPropBaseWork as SearchPropCriterionKeyTextWork;

            if (propCritKeyTextWork != null)
                EntitySearcherPropKeyText searcherPropKeyText = new EntitySearcherPropKeyText(_reposit);
                return(searcherPropKeyText.AnalyzeEntityOnCritKeyText(propCritKeyTextWork, entity, result));

            // TODO: others final criterion type

            // not implemented
            throw new Exception("Search property not yet implemented!");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// search entities under the folder parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchEntity"></param>
        /// <param name="folder"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SearchInFolder(SearchEntity searchEntity, Folder folder, bool goInsideChilds, SearchEntityResult result)
            // process each entity in the folder source
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ObjectType> pair in folder.ListChildId)
                // is it a folder?
                if (pair.Value == ObjectType.Folder)
                    // go inside this folder child?
                    if (goInsideChilds)
                        // load the folder object
                        Folder folderChild = _reposit.Finder.FindFolderById(pair.Key);

                        SearchInFolder(searchEntity, folderChild, true, result);

                        // process next object

                // is it an entity?
                if (pair.Value == ObjectType.Entity)
                    // load the entity
                    Entity entity = _reposit.Finder.FindEntityById(pair.Key);

                    // analyze the criteria properties expression for the entity
                    AnalyzeEntityOnCriteria(searchEntity, entity, result);

                // others cases: entity or folder template: do nothing