예제 #1
         * Name:         public void CrawlClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Takes url input from user, checks for validity and begins to crawl.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *               e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        public void CrawlClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            /*Page for starting recursive crawl.*/
            currentCrawlPage = 0;

            /*Check for empty input in web crawl.*/
            if (crawlTextBox.Text == null | crawlTextBox.Text == "" | crawlTextBox.Text == " " | (crawlTextBox.Text.Replace(" ", "") == ""))
                errorText.Text = "*NO URL ENTERED*.";

            /*String containing url to crawl*/
            string startUrl = crawlTextBox.Text;

            /*Check that website has http:// prefix or add if not*/
            if (!startUrl.Contains("http"))
                startUrl = "http://" + startUrl;

            /*Crawl the url*/

            /*Continue the recursive crawl with new anchors*/
예제 #2
         * Name:         protected void DetermineCountry()
         * Description:  Scans for mention of countries in website updates database with information.
         * Arguments:    No arguments sent.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void DetermineCountry()
            SearchEntities       db = new SearchEntities();
            string               tempCountry;
            link_country_website tempLink = new link_country_website();

            /*Check each stored industry for connection to web crawl.*/
            foreach (country currentCountry in db.countries)
                /*Make a new string of keywords.*/
                tempCountry = currentCountry.name;

                if (tempHtml.Contains(tempCountry))
                    /*Add to database.*/
                    tempLink.country_id = currentCountry.id;
                    tempLink.website_id = currentCrawlPage;

                /*Save database entry.*/
예제 #3
        public static string[] SearchAutoComplete(string prefixText, int count)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            /*Change to quantity of search not most recent.*/
            return((from h in db.histories
                    where h.phrase.StartsWith(prefixText)
                    orderby h.frequency descending
                    select h.phrase).Take(count).ToArray());
예제 #4
        public ActionResult List()

            var search = new List <SearchMaster>();

            using (SearchEntities dc = new SearchEntities())
                search = dc.SearchMasters.ToList();

예제 #5
         * Name:         protected void RecursiveCrawl()
         * Description:  Checks next website in database to crawl.
         * Arguments:    No arguments sent.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void RecursiveCrawl()
            /*Create database.*/
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            String tempUrl = (from s in db.websites
                              where s.id == currentCrawlPage
                              select s.anchor).FirstOrDefault();

            /*Check for null then proceed to webcrawl function with current database entry url as arguement.*/
            if (tempUrl != null)
예제 #6
         * Name:         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * Description:  Called to authenticate the admin credentials and redirects to admin default page if theyre correct.
         * Arguments:    sender: Object being sent. Not currently used.
         *               e:      Any events being sent. Not currently used.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Johnathan Falbo
         * Date:         16/04/2015
         * */
        protected void Authenticate_Login(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username = usernameTextBox.Text;
            string password = passwordTextBox.Text;

            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            admin_users adminUsr = new admin_users();

            adminUsr.username = usernameTextBox.Text;
            adminUsr.password = passwordTextBox.Text;

            List <admin_users> adminList = db.admin_users.ToList <admin_users>();
            admin_users        tempAdmin;
            admin_users        tempAdmin2 = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < adminList.Count; i++)
                tempAdmin = adminList.ElementAt <admin_users>(i);
                if (Encryption.Decrypt(tempAdmin.username) == usernameTextBox.Text)
                    tempAdmin2 = tempAdmin;

            if (tempAdmin2 != null)
                if (Encryption.Decrypt(tempAdmin2.password) == Encryption.GetSHA256Hash(passwordTextBox.Text))
                    messageLabel1.Text = "authenticated";
                    AdminObject aO = new AdminObject();
                    Session["Admin"] = aO;
                    messageLabel1.Text = "authentication failed";

            //string enusr = Encryption.Encrypt(usernameTextBox.Text);
            //string enusr = Encryption.GetSHA256Hash(usernameTextBox.Text);

            //messageLabel1.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(enusr);
예제 #7
         * Name:         protected void DetermineIndustry()
         * Description:  Scans for mentions of industry in website updates database with information.
         * Arguments:    No arguments being sent.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void DetermineIndustry()
            SearchEntities        db = new SearchEntities();
            string                tempKeyword;
            link_industry_website tempLink = new link_industry_website();

            /*Check each stored industry for connection to web crawl.*/
            foreach (industry currentIndustry in db.industries)
                /*Make a new string of keywords.*/
                tempKeyword = currentIndustry.keywords;

                /*Check each keyword (seperated by ,) for connection to html.*/
                    /*Check HTML for first word in keywords list.*/
                    if (tempKeyword.Contains(",") && tempHtml.Contains(tempKeyword.Substring(0, tempKeyword.IndexOf(","))))
                        /*Add to database.*/
                        tempLink.industry_id = currentIndustry.id;
                        tempLink.website_id  = currentCrawlPage;

                    /*Check HTML for only, or final word in keywords list.*/
                    else if (tempHtml.Contains(tempKeyword))
                        /*Add to database.*/
                        tempLink.industry_id = currentIndustry.id;
                        tempLink.website_id  = currentCrawlPage;

                    /*Move to next keyword.*/
                    tempKeyword = tempKeyword.Substring(tempKeyword.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                }while (tempKeyword.Contains(","));

                /*Save database entry.*/
예제 #8
         * Name:         protected void IsolateKeywords(string tempTag, int rank, bool isKeyTag)
         * Description:  Extracts keywords and adds them to the database with a link to the website they relate to and a ranking.
         * Arguments:    tempTag:    The string which contains all the keywords to seperate.
         *               rank:       The ranking of the current tag which will be used for each keyword.
         *               isKeyTag:   Checks if the tag is a keyword tag in metadata.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void IsolateKeywords(string tempTag, int rank, bool isKeyTag)
            if (tempTag != "")
                SearchEntities db       = new SearchEntities();
                int            indexTag = 0;
                string         tempWord = "";

                /*Scan all words from tag.*/
                while (indexTag < tempTag.Length)
                    /*Section for key words meta tag only.*/
                    /*Isolate next word based on comma character in temporary tag.*/
                    if (isKeyTag && tempTag.Contains(","))
                        /*If keyword tag is written with a comma then space ignore the comma and space (ex. key, word, keyword) */
                        if (tempTag[tempTag.IndexOf(",") + 1] == ' ')
                            indexTag = (tempTag.IndexOf(",") + 2);

                        /*If keyword tag is written with just a comma skip it (ex. key,word,keyword) */
                            indexTag = (tempTag.IndexOf(",") + 2);

                        /*Remove previous text from string.*/
                        tempTag = tempTag.Substring(indexTag);

                        /*If there is still another word in tag grab string until that point.*/
                        if (tempTag.Contains(","))
                            tempWord = tempTag.Substring(0, tempTag.IndexOf(","));

                            tempWord = tempTag;

                    /*Isolate next word in tag.*/
                    else if (tempTag.Contains(" "))
                        /*Isolate next word based on space character in temporary tag.*/
                        indexTag = (tempTag.IndexOf(" ") + 1);
                        tempTag  = tempTag.Substring(indexTag);

                        /*If there is still another word in tag grab string until that point.*/
                        if (tempTag.Contains(" "))
                            tempWord = tempTag.Substring(0, tempTag.IndexOf(" "));

                        /*If there are no more words in the string.*/
                            tempWord = tempTag;

                    /*If there are no more words in string.*/
                        indexTag = tempTag.Length;
                        tempWord = tempTag;

                    /*Check for invalid characters/words.*/
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(tempWord, "^[a-zA-Z]+[-]?[a-zA-Z]+$"))

                    /*Change keyword to lower case*/
                    tempWord = tempWord.ToLower();

                    /*Check tables for word.*/
                    var wordExists = (from web
                                      in db.link_website_words
                                      where web.word_id ==
                                      (from w in db.words
                                       where (w.phrase.Equals(tempWord))
                                       select w.id).FirstOrDefault()
                                      select web).ToList();

                    /*If word does not already exist in database add new word.*/
                    if (wordExists.Count() == 0)
                        /*Create new word instance to hold new key word.*/
                        word newWord = new word();
                        link_website_words linkWord = new link_website_words();

                        newWord.phrase = tempWord;

                        if (currentWordId == 0)

                            currentWordId = (from w in db.words orderby w.id descending select w.id).FirstOrDefault();

                        linkWord.website_id = currentCrawlPage;
                        linkWord.word_id    = currentWordId;
                        linkWord.rank       = rank;


                    /*If word is already in database increase rank by given amount.*/
                        foreach (link_website_words webPage in wordExists)
                            if (webPage.website_id == currentCrawlPage)
                                webPage.rank += rank;
                                duplicate     = true;

                        /*If word exists but not linked to the current website.*/
                        if (duplicate != true)
                            link_website_words linkWord = new link_website_words();
                            linkWord.website_id = currentCrawlPage;
                            linkWord.word_id    = (from wId in wordExists select wId.word_id).FirstOrDefault();
                            linkWord.rank       = rank;

                        duplicate = false;
예제 #9
         * Name:         protected void CollectKeywords(string html)
         * Description:  Collects tags from HTML then calls IsolateKeywords function to add them to database.
         * Arguments:    html: The current website's HTML.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void CollectKeywords(string html)
            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            ///*Get website ID for keyword.*/
            //int webId = (from i in db.websites orderby i.id descending select i.id).FirstOrDefault();

            /*Temporary strings for isolating keywords*/
            string tempTitleTag   = "";
            string tempKeyWordTag = "";
            string tempHeaderTag  = "";
            string tempTextTag    = "";

            /*Isolate title tag from html.*/
            if (html.Contains("<title>"))
                tempTitleTag = " " + (html.Substring((html.IndexOf("<title>") + 7), (html.IndexOf("</title>") - (html.IndexOf("<title>") + 7))));

            /*Isolate keywords section from metadata in html.*/
            if (html.Contains("\"keywords\""))
                tempKeyWordTag = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("\"keywords\"") + 10);
                tempKeyWordTag = tempKeyWordTag.Substring(0, (tempKeyWordTag.IndexOf("/") + 1));
                tempKeyWordTag = tempKeyWordTag.Substring(tempKeyWordTag.IndexOf("\""));

            if (html.Contains("<h1"))
                /*Regex for anchors*/
                string hrefPattern = "<h1[^>]*>(.*)</h1>";

                /*Check for link in page by looking at anchor regex and comparing to content.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still links in web page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Create temporary string of new anchor.*/
                    string newHeader = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempHeaderTag = tempHeaderTag + newHeader;

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all header 1s and add them to the header tag section.*/
            if (html.Contains("<h1"))
                /*Regex for header.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<h1[^>]*>(.*)</h1>";

                /*Check for header in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other headers on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary header section.*/
                    string newHeader = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempHeaderTag = tempHeaderTag + newHeader;

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all header 2s and add them to the header tag section.*/
            if (html.Contains("<h2"))
                /*Regex for header.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<h2[^>]*>(.*)</h2>";

                /*Check for header in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other headers on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary header section.*/
                    string newHeader = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempHeaderTag = tempHeaderTag + newHeader + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all header 3s and add them to the header tag section.*/
            if (html.Contains("<h3"))
                /*Regex for header.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<h3[^>]*>(.*)</h3>";

                /*Check for header in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other headers on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary header section.*/
                    string newHeader = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempHeaderTag = tempHeaderTag + newHeader + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all paragraphs and add them to the text section.*/
            if (html.Contains("<p"))
                /*Regex for paragraph.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<p[^>]*>(.*)</p>";

                /*Check for paragraph in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other paragraphs on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary text section.*/
                    string newText = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempTextTag = tempTextTag + newText + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all text from lists.*/
            if (html.Contains("<ul"))
                /*Regex for paragraph.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<ul[^>]*>(.*)</ul>";

                /*Check for paragraph in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other paragraphs on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary text section.*/
                    string newText = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempTextTag = tempTextTag + newText + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all text from lists.*/
            if (html.Contains("<li"))
                /*Regex for paragraph.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<li[^>]*>(.*)</li>";

                /*Check for paragraph in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other paragraphs on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary text section.*/
                    string newText = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempTextTag = tempTextTag + newText + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all text from anchor tags.*/
            if (html.Contains("<a href"))
                /*Regex for paragraph.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<a href[^>]*>(.*)</a>";

                /*Check for paragraph in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other paragraphs on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary text section.*/
                    string newText = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempTextTag = tempTextTag + newText + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get all blockquotes and add them to the text section.*/
            if (html.Contains("<blockquote"))
                /*Regex for paragraph.*/
                string hrefPattern = "<blockquote[^>]*>(.*)</blockquote>";

                /*Check for paragraph in page.*/
                Match m = Regex.Match(html, hrefPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled,

                /*Loop while there are still other paragraphs on page.*/
                while (m.Success)
                    /*Add header text to temporary text section.*/
                    string newText = m.Groups[1].ToString();
                    tempTextTag = tempTextTag + newText + " ";

                    m = m.NextMatch();

            /*Get keywords from title tag.*/
            if (tempTitleTag != "")
                /*Call function with title tag to get all key words and store in database.*/
                IsolateKeywords(tempTitleTag, 3, false);

            /*Get keywords from keyword tag.*/
            if (tempKeyWordTag != "")
                /*Call function with key word tag to get all key words and store in database.*/
                IsolateKeywords(tempKeyWordTag, 5, true);

            /*Get keywords from header tag.*/
            if (tempHeaderTag != "")
                /*Boolean value to check if strings have extra unnecessary code.*/
                Boolean seperatedComplete = false;

                /*Remove all unwanted code before looking at keywords.*/
                while (seperatedComplete == false)
                    if (tempHeaderTag.Contains("<"))
                        tempHeaderTag = tempHeaderTag.Substring(tempHeaderTag.IndexOf(">") + 1);

                        seperatedComplete = true;
                /*Call function with header tags to get all key words and store in database.*/
                IsolateKeywords(tempHeaderTag, 2, false);
                seperatedComplete = false;

            /*Get keywords from paragraph/blockquote tag.*/
            if (tempTextTag != "")
                /*Contains all unwanted characters and non word code.*/
                string newTextTag = tempTextTag;

                /*Reset temporary string variable containing html text.*/
                tempTextTag = "";

                /*Check for inner tags and extract all text inbetween.*/
                while (newTextTag.Contains("<"))
                    /*Check if current 0 location is inside a tag.*/
                    if ((newTextTag.IndexOf("<") == 0) || ((newTextTag.IndexOf(">")) < (newTextTag.IndexOf("<"))))
                        /*Remove anything up to and including >.*/
                        newTextTag = newTextTag.Substring(newTextTag.IndexOf(">") + 1);

                    /*If 0 location is the beginning of text to be saved.*/
                        /*Take all text before opening character <*/
                        tempTextTag += newTextTag.Substring(0, (newTextTag.IndexOf("<"))) + " ";

                        /*Remove all text up until opening character < */
                        newTextTag = newTextTag.Substring(newTextTag.IndexOf("<"));

                /*Call function with paragraph tags to get all key words and store in database.*/
                IsolateKeywords(tempTextTag, 1, false);

                /*Add text tags to website in database.*/
                var tempWebsite = (from w in db.websites where w.id == currentCrawlPage select w).FirstOrDefault();

                /*Check that title is not to long.*/
                if (tempTitleTag.Length > 99)
                    tempTitleTag = tempTitleTag.Substring(0, 99);

                tempWebsite.info  = tempTextTag;
                tempWebsite.title = tempTitleTag;

                /*If there is nothing in info enter the anchor again.*/
                if (tempWebsite.title == null)
                    if (tempWebsite.anchor.Length > 99)
                        tempWebsite.title = tempWebsite.anchor.Substring(0, 99);

                        tempWebsite.title = tempWebsite.anchor;

                /*If there is nothing in info enter the anchor again.*/
                if (tempWebsite.info == null)
                    tempWebsite.info = tempWebsite.title;
예제 #10
         * Name:         protected void CrawlNext(string oldUrl, string url)
         * Description:  Crawls the next url in database.
         * Arguments:    oldUrl: The original information of the crawl. This is used when links don't have the full website.
         *                       For example /About.com instead of www.website/About.com
         *               url: Url being scanned.
         * Return:       Nothing being returned.
         * Author:       Duncan Reitboeck
         * Date:         09/04/2015
         * */
        protected void CrawlNext(string oldUrl, string url)
            /*Check that website has http:// prefix or add if not. This is used to ensure the web page is a full page.
             * For example /ExtensionOfOriginalPage.com would have original url added to it.*/
            if (!url.Contains("http"))
                url = oldUrl + url;

            /*Check that website is valid extension.*/
            if (url.Contains(".css") || url.Contains(".xml") || url.Contains(".ico") || url.Contains(".gif"))

            /*Attempt to load website based on url given in arguement*/
                WebRequest  request  = WebRequest.Create(url);
                WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

            /*Return if website can not be loaded*/

            /*Create web client and database*/
            WebClient wc = new WebClient();

            tempHtml = "";

            /*Create readable string containing all information from current web page.*/
            if (url != null)
                tempHtml = wc.DownloadString(url);

            SearchEntities db = new SearchEntities();

            /*Check word id for future use.*/
            //currentWordId = 0;
            currentWordId = (from w in db.words orderby w.id descending select w.id).FirstOrDefault();

            /*If not found set word id to 0.*/
            if (currentWordId != 0)

            /*Reset duplicate boolean.*/
            duplicate = false;

            /*New url to be added to database.*/
            AntiCorruptionSeachEngine.website curUrl = new AntiCorruptionSeachEngine.website();

            /*Check that entry does not already exist in database or if URL is to long.*/
            foreach (website tempUrl in db.websites)
                /*Ignore forward slashes in situations where anchor uses multiple.
                 * Ex. www.website.com// compared to www.website.com/ */
                string dbUrl      = tempUrl.anchor.Replace("/", "");
                string compareUrl = url.Replace("/", "");

                /*Compare database URL to current URL.*/
                if (dbUrl.Equals(compareUrl))
                    duplicate = true;

            /*If URL instance does not exist add to database.*/
            if (duplicate == false)
                curUrl.anchor = url;

                /*Check if the page is free or not.*/
                curUrl.cost = DetermineCost();


                /*Continue to next match and save changes in database.*/

                /*If first page in crawl.*/
                if (currentCrawlPage == 0)
                    currentCrawlPage = (from w in db.websites orderby w.id descending select w.id).FirstOrDefault();

                /*Increase the counter to the new website id.*/

                /*Get keywords for current website.*/

                /*Check what industries this page relates to.*/

                /*Check what industries this page relates to.*/