public ActionResult Index(int CategoryID) { SearchCategoryViewModel model = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); model.AllCategories = db.Ingredients.ToList(); ViewBag.CategoryID = new SelectList(model.AllCategories, "ID", "CategoryName"); var curries = db.Ingredients.Find(CategoryID); return(View(curries.Curries.ToList())); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> DeleteCategories([FromBody] SearchCategoryViewModel conditions) { try { #region Parameter validate // Conditions haven't been initialized. if (conditions == null) { conditions = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); Validate(conditions); } //Request parameters are invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, FindValidationMessage(ModelState, nameof(conditions)))); } #endregion #region Record delete // Delete categories by using specific conditions. var categories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(); categories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(categories, conditions); // Delete the list of categories. UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Remove(categories); // Save changes into database. var totalRecords = await UnitOfWork.CommitAsync(); // No record has been deleted. if (totalRecords < 1) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpMessages.CategoryNotFound)); } #endregion // Tell the client , deletion is successful. return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error(exception.Message, exception); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }
//[Route("GetAllCategory")] public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllCategory([FromBody] SearchCategoryViewModel viewModel) { if (viewModel.PageIndex == -1 || viewModel.PageSize == -1) { return(this.ApiResponse <string>(null, $"{viewModel.PageIndex} or {viewModel.PageSize} can not be -1", ApiResponseCodes.INVALID_REQUEST)); } var result = await _categoryService.GetAllCategory(viewModel); if ((result.Code != ApiResponseCodes.OK)) { return(base.ApiResponse <string>(null, result.Description, ApiResponseCodes.EXCEPTION, 1)); } if (result.Payload == null) { return(this.ApiResponse <List <CategoryListViewModel> >(result.Payload, "Record not Found.", ApiResponseCodes.NOT_FOUND)); } return(this.ApiResponse <List <CategoryListViewModel> >(result.Payload, "successful.", ApiResponseCodes.OK)); }
public static string GetFormattedBreadCrumb(this SearchCategoryViewModel category, IEnumerable <SearchCategoryViewModel> categoryService, string separator = ">>") { string result = string.Empty; if (category.ParentCategoryId == null || category.ParentCategoryId == 0) { return(category.Name); } var breadcrumb = categoryService.Where(x => x.Id == category.ParentCategoryId).FirstOrDefault(); if (breadcrumb == null) { return(category.Name); } var categoryName = breadcrumb.Name; result = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", categoryName, separator, category.Name); return(result); }
public IActionResult SearchByCategory(int id) { List <Product> products = _temp.GetProducts(id); Category category = _temp.GetCategory(id); List <Category> categories = _temp.GetCategoryById(Convert.ToInt32(category.ParentId)); Category parentCategory = _temp.GetCategory(Convert.ToInt32(category.ParentId)); List <Store> stores = _temp.GetStores(id); var viewmodel = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); viewmodel.FillCategories = categories; viewmodel.FillProducts = products; viewmodel.FillParentCategory = parentCategory; viewmodel.FillSelectCategory = category; viewmodel.FillStores = stores; return(View(viewmodel)); }
public JsonResult Search(SearchCategoryViewModel options) { try { var query = _context.Category.Where(x => x.StatusId != CategoryStatus.Deleted.Id && x.CategoryTypeId == CategoryType.Product.Id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.word)) { var word = options.word.ToStandardPersian(); query = query.Where(x => x.TranslationList.Select(y => y.Title).Contains(word)); } if (options.parentId != null && options.parentId > 0) { query = query.Where(x => x.ParentId == options.parentId); } var count = query.Count(); var data = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id) .Skip( * options.count) .Take(options.count) .Select(x => new ResponseSearchCategoryViewModel() { id = x.Id, title = x.Sku, order = x.Order, statusId = x.StatusId, statusTitle = x.Status.PersianTitle }).ToList(); return(SuccessSearch(data, + 1, options.count, count)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ServerError(ex)); } }
public ActionResult CategoryTable(string search, int?pageNo) { //ApplicationDbContext _context= new ApplicationDbContext(); SearchCategoryViewModel model = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); CategoriesHandler categoriesHandler = new CategoriesHandler(); model.SearchItem = search; pageNo = pageNo.HasValue ? pageNo.Value > 0 ? pageNo.Value : 1 : 1; var totalRecord = categoriesHandler.GetCategoryCount(search); model.Categories = categoriesHandler.GetAllCategories(search, pageNo.Value); //model.Categories = _context.Categories.ToList(); if (model.Categories != null) { model.Pager = new Pager(totalRecord, pageNo, 3); return(PartialView("_categoryTable", model)); } return(PartialView("_categoryTable", model)); }
public async Task <ApiResponse <List <CategoryListViewModel> > > GetAllCategory(SearchCategoryViewModel viewModel) { ApiResponse <List <CategoryListViewModel> > response = new ApiResponse <List <CategoryListViewModel> >(); try { var count = UnitOfWork.Repository <Category>().Query().Count(x => !x.IsDeleted); Expression <Func <Category, bool> > queryPredicate = (x) => x.Name.Contains(viewModel.FilterBy) || x.CreatedOn >= viewModel.ToDate || x.CreatedOn <= viewModel.FromDate; var result = (await this.GetAllAsync(viewModel.PageIndex, viewModel.PageSize, c => c.Id, queryPredicate, OrderBy.Ascending)) .OrderBy(b => b.Id).Select(source => new CategoryListViewModel { Name = source.Name, Description = source.Description, TotalCount = count, Id = source.Id.ToString(), }).ToList(); response.Payload = result; response.Code = ApiResponseCodes.OK; response.Description = ApiResponseCodes.OK.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Payload = null; response.Code = ApiResponseCodes.ERROR; response.Description = ex.Message; return(response); } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> InitiatePost([FromBody] InitiatePostViewModel parameters) { try { #region Parameters validation // Parameters haven't been initialized. if (parameters == null) { // Initiate the parameter. parameters = new InitiatePostViewModel(); Validate(parameters); } //Request parameters are invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState)); } #endregion #region Account identity search // Search account from request. var account = _identityService.FindAccount(Request.Properties); if (account == null) { throw new Exception("No account has attached to request"); } #endregion #region Category search // Search condition build. var findCategoryConditions = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); findCategoryConditions.Id = parameters.CategoryIndex; // Search the first match category in the database. var categories = _unitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(); var category = await _unitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(categories, findCategoryConditions) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (category == null) { _log.Error($"No category (Id: {parameters.CategoryIndex}) is found in database."); return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpMessages.CategoryNotFound)); } #endregion #region Post initialization // Initiate new post. var post = new Post(); post.OwnerIndex = account.Id; post.CategoryIndex = parameters.CategoryIndex; post.Title = parameters.Title; post.Body = parameters.Body; post.Created = _timeService.DateTimeUtcToUnix(DateTime.UtcNow); //Add category record _unitOfWork.RepositoryPosts.Insert(post); // Save changes into database. await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); #endregion return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, post)); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error(exception.Message, exception); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }
/// <summary> /// Search categories by using specific conditions. /// </summary> /// <param name="categories"></param> /// <param name="conditions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IQueryable <Category> Search(IQueryable <Category> categories, SearchCategoryViewModel conditions) { // Id has been defined. if (conditions.Id != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.Id == conditions.Id.Value); } // Creator has been defined. if (conditions.CreatorId != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.CreatorId == conditions.CreatorId.Value); } // Name search condition has been defined. if (conditions.Name != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(conditions.Name.Value)) { var szName = conditions.Name; switch (szName.Mode) { case TextSearchMode.Contain: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(szName.Value)); break; case TextSearchMode.Equal: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(szName.Value)); break; case TextSearchMode.EqualIgnoreCase: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(szName.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); break; case TextSearchMode.StartsWith: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(szName.Value)); break; case TextSearchMode.StartsWithIgnoreCase: categories = categories.Where( x => x.Name.StartsWith(szName.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); break; case TextSearchMode.EndsWith: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(szName.Value)); break; case TextSearchMode.EndsWithIgnoreCase: categories = categories.Where( x => x.Name.EndsWith(szName.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); break; default: categories = categories.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(szName.Value.ToLower())); break; } } // CreatedTime time range has been defined. if (conditions.CreatedTime != null) { // Start time is defined. if (conditions.CreatedTime.From != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.CreatedTime >= conditions.CreatedTime.From.Value); } // End time is defined. if (conditions.CreatedTime.To != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.CreatedTime <= conditions.CreatedTime.To.Value); } } // Last modified time range has been defined. if (conditions.LastModifiedTime != null) { // Start time is defined. if (conditions.LastModifiedTime.From != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.LastModifiedTime >= conditions.LastModifiedTime.From.Value); } // End time is defined. if (conditions.LastModifiedTime.To != null) { categories = categories.Where(x => x.LastModifiedTime <= conditions.LastModifiedTime.To.Value); } } return(categories); }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> InitiateCategory([FromBody] InitiateCategoryViewModel parameters) { try { #region Parameters validation // Parameters haven't been initialized. if (parameters == null) { parameters = new InitiateCategoryViewModel(); Validate(parameters); } //Request parameters are invalid if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState)); } #endregion #region Account validate // Search account information attached in the current request. var account = _identityService.FindAccount(Request.Properties); if (account == null) { throw new Exception("No account information is attached into current request."); } #endregion #region Record duplicate check var findCategoryConditions = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); findCategoryConditions.Name = new TextSearch(); findCategoryConditions.Name.Value = parameters.Name; findCategoryConditions.Name.Mode = TextComparision.EqualIgnoreCase; // Category has been created before. var categories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(); var category = await UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(categories, findCategoryConditions).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (category != null) { _log.Error($"Category with name : {parameters.Name} has been created before."); return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, HttpMessages.CategoryDuplicated)); } #endregion #region Record initialization // Search current time on system. var systemTime = _timeService.DateTimeUtcToUnix(DateTime.UtcNow); // Search the id of requester. //Initiate new category category = new Category(); category.CreatorIndex = account.Id; category.Created = systemTime; category.Name = parameters.Name; //Add category record UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Insert(category); // Save changes. await UnitOfWork.CommitAsync(); #endregion return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, category)); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error(exception.Message, exception); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> FindCategories([FromBody] SearchCategoryViewModel conditions) { try { #region Parameters validation // Conditions haven't been initialized. if (conditions == null) { conditions = new SearchCategoryViewModel(); Validate(conditions); } // Parameters are invalid. if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, FindValidationMessage(ModelState, nameof(conditions)))); } #endregion #region Records search // Initiate search result. var searchResult = new SearchResult <IList <CategoryViewModel> >(); // Search all categories. var categories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(); categories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Search(categories, conditions); // Search all accounts in the database. var accounts = UnitOfWork.RepositoryAccounts.Search(); var apiCategories = from account in accounts from category in categories where account.Id == category.CreatorIndex select new CategoryViewModel { Id = category.Id, Creator = new AccountViewModel { Id = account.Id, Email = account.Email, Nickname = account.Nickname, Status = account.Status, Joined = account.Joined }, Name = category.Name, Created = category.Created, LastModified = category.LastModified }; #endregion // Sort the results. var sorting = conditions.Sorting; apiCategories = UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Sort(apiCategories, sorting.Direction, sorting.Property); // Update result. searchResult.Total = await apiCategories.CountAsync(); searchResult.Records = await UnitOfWork.RepositoryCategories.Paginate(apiCategories, conditions.Pagination).ToListAsync(); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, searchResult)); } catch (Exception exception) { _log.Error(exception.Message, exception); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); } }