/// <summary>c
        /// Commits the pdf to a stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outstream">Outstream.</param>
        public static void Export(ScreenshotReport report, Stream outstream)
            // Create the document to export.
            var document = new PdfFixedDocument();
            // Add the first page.
            var page = document.Pages.Add();

            // Init the document fonts
            var title    = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 18);
            var subtitle = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 14);
            var header   = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.HelveticaBold, 12);
            var content  = new PdfStandardFont(PdfStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 12);

            double ml, mt, mr, mb; // Margins

            ml = mt = mr = mb = 18;
            double pw = page.Width - (ml + mr);

            // Bounds
            // 0,0 is top left with positive x going right, and positive y going down. Lower
            // approaches the orgin whilst higher extends away from the orgin approaching infinity.
            var headerBounds  = NewRect(ml, mt, pw, 50); // ux, uy, lx, ly
            var cx            = page.Width / 2;
            var imageBounds   = NewRect(ml, headerBounds.URY, cx - mr - ml, page.Height - headerBounds.Height - mt - mb);
            var contentBounds = NewRect(cx + mr, headerBounds.URY, cx - mr - ml, page.Height - headerBounds.Height - mt - mb);

            // Draw the page
            DrawHeader(report, page, headerBounds, title, subtitle);
            DrawScreenshot(report, page, imageBounds);
            DrawContent(report, page, contentBounds, header, content);

            // Commit
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the screenshot png.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">Page.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds.</param>
        private static void DrawScreenshot(ScreenshotReport report, PdfPage page, PdfStandardRectangle bounds)
            var l = bounds.LLX;
            var t = bounds.LLY;

            var ms = new MemoryStream(report.screenshot);

            var png = new PdfPngImage(ms);

            var whP = png.Width / (double)png.Height;

            // TODO [email protected]: If, for some strange reason, the height and width are stupid
            // disproprtional, the bottom of the image will hang of the page.
            // What I'm saying is: this bitch needs clipping.
            var w = bounds.Width;
            var h = ((double)w * (double)png.Height) / (double)png.Width;

            page.Graphics.DrawImage(png, l, t, w, h);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the header of the screenshot report.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DrawHeader(ScreenshotReport report, PdfPage page, PdfStandardRectangle bounds, PdfStandardFont title, PdfStandardFont subtitle)
            var layout = NewLayout(PdfStringHorizontalAlign.Center);

            layout.Height = bounds.Height;
            layout.Width  = bounds.Width;
            var pen = NewPen();

            var g = page.Graphics;

            var l = bounds.LLX;
            var r = bounds.URX;

            layout.X = l;
            layout.Y = bounds.LLY;
            g.DrawString(report.title, NewAppearance(title), layout);
            layout.Y += PdfTextEngine.GetStringHeight("Dg", title, layout.Width);
            g.DrawString(report.subtitle, NewAppearance(subtitle), layout);

            layout.Y += PdfTextEngine.GetStringHeight("Dg", title, layout.Width);
            g.DrawLine(pen, l, layout.Y - 1, r, layout.Y - 1);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the screentshot report to the application's screenshot archive.
        /// </summary>
        private async void SaveScreenshotReport()
            var pd = new ProgressDialog(this);

            pd.Indeterminate = true;

            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                var report = new ScreenshotReport();

                report.screenshot = screenshot;
                report.title      = GetString(Resource.String.app_name) + " " + GetString(Resource.String.report_screenshot);
                report.subtitle   = nameView.Text;
//        report.created = createdDate;
                report.notes = notesView.Text;

                report.tableData = new string[, ] {
                    { GetString(Resource.String.date), createdDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + createdDate.ToShortTimeString() },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.app_version), ion.version },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.location_address_1), addressView1.Text },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.location_address_2), addressView2.Text },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.location_city), cityView.Text },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.location_state_province_region), stateView.Text },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.location_country), countryView.Text },
                    { GetString(Resource.String.zip), zipView.Text },

                try {
                    // TODO [email protected]: throw error if already exists
                    var dir  = ion.screenshotReportFolder;
                    var file = dir.GetFile(report.subtitle + ".pdf", EFileAccessResponse.CreateIfMissing);
                    using (var stream = file.OpenForWriting()) {
                        ScreenshotReportPdfExporter.Export(report, stream);

                    return(new Result());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.E(this, "Failed to create screenshot pdf report", e);
                    return(new Result(GetString(Resource.String.report_screenshot_error_export_failed)));

            var result = await task;


            if (result.success)
                var err = new IONAlertDialog(this, "ERROR");
                err.SetNegativeButton(Resource.String.cancel, (obj, args) => {
                    var d = obj as Dialog;
                    if (d != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the reports contents to the page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">Page.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Bounds.</param>
        private static void DrawContent(ScreenshotReport report, PdfPage page, PdfStandardRectangle bounds, PdfStandardFont header, PdfStandardFont content)
            var g = page.Graphics;

            var table = BuildReportContentTable(report.tableData, header, content);

            var xoffset = 0.0;
            var yoffset = 0.0;

            for (int c = 0; c < table.length; c++)
                var col = table[c];
                yoffset = 0.0;

                for (int r = 0; r < col.length; r++)
                    var l = NewLayout();
                    l.X      = bounds.LLX + xoffset + (5 * c);
                    l.Y      = bounds.LLY + yoffset;
                    l.Width  = col.columnWidth;
                    l.Height = col.rowHeight;

                    g.DrawString(table[c][r], col.appearance, l);

                    yoffset += col.rowHeight;

                xoffset += col.columnWidth;

                var l = NewLayout();
                l.X      = bounds.LLX;
                l.Y      = bounds.LLY + yoffset;
                l.Width  = bounds.Width;
                l.Height = bounds.URY - l.Y;
                g.DrawString(report.notes, NewAppearance(content), l);

 *    var yoffset = 0.0;
 *    var xoffset = 0.0;
 *    for (int c = 0; c < table.length; c++) {
 *      var col = table[c];
 *      if (c > 0) {
 *        xoffset += col.columnWidth;
 *      }
 *      var layout = NewLayout();
 *      layout.Width = col.columnWidth;
 *      layout.Y = bounds.LLY;
 *      layout.X = bounds.LLX + xoffset;
 *      for (int r = 0; r < col.length; r++) {
 *        g.DrawString(col[r], col.appearance, layout);
 *        layout.Y += col.rowHeight;
 *        if (layout.Y > yoffset) {
 *          yoffset = layout.Y;
 *        }
 *      }
 *    }
 *    var looks = NewAppearance(content);
 *    var l = NewLayout();
 *    l.X = bounds.LLX;
 *    l.Y = yoffset;
 *    l.Width = bounds.Width;
 *    l.Height = bounds.Height - (bounds.LLY - yoffset);
 *    g.DrawString(report.notes, looks, l);
        private Result SaveScreenshot()
            var report = new ScreenshotReport();

            ///save date in original format for localization later
            //report.created = date;
            report.title = Strings.Report.SCREENSHOT_TITLE;
            //report.subtitle = reportTitle.value;
            report.subtitle = subtitle;
            //report.notes = notes.value;
            report.notes      = notes.value;
            report.screenshot = image.AsPNG().ToArray();

            //if (report.subtitle == null || report.subtitle.Equals("")) {
            //	return new Result(Strings.Errors.SCREENSHOT_MISSING_TITLE);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitle))
                return(new Result(Strings.Errors.SCREENSHOT_MISSING_TITLE));
            /// adding an extra spot to manually add the localized date
            /// return here for possible raw data storage for different
            /// exporting formats
            //var data = new string[items.Count + 1, 2];
            var data = new string[7, 2];

            data[0, 0] = Strings.DATE;
            data[0, 1] = date.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString();

            //for (int i = 1; i <= items.Count; i++) {
            //	var item = items[i - 1];
            //	data[i, 0] = item.header;
            //	data[i, 1] = item.value;
            data[1, 0] = "App Version";
            data[1, 1] = appversion;
            data[2, 0] = "Address Line 1";
            data[2, 1] = address1;
            data[3, 0] = "Address Line 2";
            data[3, 1] = address2;
            data[4, 0] = "City";
            data[4, 1] = city;
            data[5, 0] = "State/Province/Region";
            data[5, 1] = state;
            data[6, 0] = "ZIP/Postal Code";
            data[6, 1] = zipcode;

            report.tableData = data;

            try {
                var dir  = AppState.context.screenshotReportFolder;
                var file = dir.GetFile(report.subtitle + ".pdf", EFileAccessResponse.CreateIfMissing);
                using (var stream = file.OpenForWriting()) {
                    ScreenshotReportPdfExporter.Export(report, stream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO [email protected]: this needs a user-friendly dialog that will post on catch
                Log.E(this, "Failed to export pdf", e);

            return(new Result());