//Function which sets the recording are for the screen capture and begins the recording void startRecord() { screenCap = new ScreenCaptureJob(); System.Drawing.Size WorkingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; Rectangle captureRect = new Rectangle(this.panel1.Location.X + 780, this.panel1.Location.Y + 330, this.panel1.Size.Width - 50, this.panel1.Size.Height - 170); screenCap.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; screenCap.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; screenCap.ShowCountdown = true; //screenCap.CaptureMouseCursor = true; //screenCap.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); //screenCap.OutputPath = @"C:\Users\Connor Bates\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SignAssist"; if (File.Exists(@"C:\Users\Connor Bates\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SignAssist\Videos\Attempts\" + currDualVid)) { File.Delete(@"C:\Users\Connor Bates\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SignAssist\Videos\Attempts\" + currDualVid); axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = ""; screenCap.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\Users\Connor Bates\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SignAssist\Videos\Attempts\" + currDualVid; screenCap.Start(); } else { screenCap.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\Users\Connor Bates\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\SignAssist\Videos\Attempts\" + currDualVid; screenCap.Start(); } }
private void StartBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!jobsc.Status.ToString().Equals("Running")) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(workDir); jobsc = new ScreenCaptureJob(); jobsc.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 10; int width = ((int)System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width) / 4; int height = ((int)System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Height) / 4; width = width * 4; height = height * 4; System.Drawing.Rectangle capRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(4, 0, width, height); //iMacros billpc slides only jobsc.CaptureRectangle = capRect; var index = 0; var fileCreated = false; do { if (!File.Exists(workDir + "CurrentScreenCapture" + index + ".mp4")) { jobsc.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = workDir + "CurrentScreenCapture" + index + ".mp4"; fileCreated = true; } index++; } while (!fileCreated); jobsc.Start(); } }
private void StartRecording() { if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { buttonPauseResume.Enabled = true; progressBar1.Value = 0; label1.Text = " "; buttonStartStop.Text = "Stop"; job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); Size workingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; //Size workingArea = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize; //Full Screen Rectangle captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, workingArea.Width - (workingArea.Width % 4), workingArea.Height - (workingArea.Height % 4)); job.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; //Properties job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 60; job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Quality = 100; job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.SmoothStreaming = true; job.CaptureMouseCursor = true; job.ShowCountdown = true; job.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; job.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); job.OutputPath = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "\\"; job.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = job.OutputPath + "ScreenCapture_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy ") + DateTime.Now.ToString("h.mm.ss tt") + ".xesc"; job.Start(); } }
//Recording function void StartRecording() { selfCapture = new ScreenCaptureJob(); RECT selfRec; int recordingType = Convert.ToInt32(Properties.Settings.Default["recordingType"]); if (recordingType == 0) { GetWindowRect(this.Handle, out selfRec); if (selfRec.Size.Width % 4 != 0 || selfRec.Size.Height % 4 != 0) { selfRec.Width = selfRec.Size.Width - selfRec.Size.Width % 4; selfRec.Height = selfRec.Size.Height - selfRec.Size.Height % 4; } } else { Size rectArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; selfRec = new RECT(0, 0, rectArea.Width - (rectArea.Width % 4), rectArea.Height - (rectArea.Height % 4)); } selfCapture.CaptureRectangle = selfRec; selfCapture.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; selfCapture.CaptureMouseCursor = true; //selfCapture.ShowCountdown = true; selfCapture.OutputPath = Properties.Settings.Default["pictureLocation"].ToString(); selfCapture.Start(); }
//Capture, Audio and encoder settings void StartCapturing(bool withAudio) { gotu = new ScreenCaptureJob(); // creat new job System.Drawing.Size FullScreen = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize; // for full screen area System.Drawing.Size WorkingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; // for working area = (full screen - Taskbar ) Rectangle captureRect; if (Properties.Settings.Default.CaptureRect == "Full Screen") { // captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, FullScreen.Width , FullScreen.Height); *** this line valid in Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 SP1 and invalid in SP2 captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, FullScreen.Width - (FullScreen.Width % 4), FullScreen.Height - (FullScreen.Height % 4)); } else { // captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, WorkingArea.Width , WorkingArea.Width); *** this line valid in Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 SP1 and invalid in SP2 captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, WorkingArea.Width - (WorkingArea.Width % 4), WorkingArea.Height - (WorkingArea.Height % 4)); } gotu.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; gotu.ShowFlashingBoundary = Properties.Settings.Default.ShowFlashing; gotu.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = Properties.Settings.Default.FrameRate; gotu.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Quality = Properties.Settings.Default.Quality; gotu.CaptureMouseCursor = Properties.Settings.Default.CaptureMC; if (withAudio) { gotu.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); } gotu.ShowCountdown = Properties.Settings.Default.ShowCountdown; gotu.OutputPath = gotuOutput; gotu.Start(); }
public void Setup() { const String pathname = @"..\..\autoConfig.xml"; try { ClickPortalUI.AutoConfig.read(pathname); if (ClickPortalUI.AutoConfig.ContainsKey("EnableVideoRecording")) { _testScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\TempLogs\VideoRecordings\" + TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName + ".wmv"; if (ClickPortalUI.AutoConfig["EnableVideoRecording"].ToLower() == "true") { if (File.Exists(_testScreenCaptureFileName)) { File.Delete(_testScreenCaptureFileName); } scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = _testScreenCaptureFileName; scj.Start(); Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Starting recording for test: {0}", TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName)); } } ClickPortalUI.Initialize(); ((IJavaScriptExecutor)CCWebUIAuto.webDriver).ExecuteScript("window.showModalDialog = window.openWindow;"); Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Executing test: {0}", TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName)); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionHandler.HandleException(e); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Rectangle _screenRectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; _screenCaptureJob.CaptureRectangle = _screenRectangle; _screenCaptureJob.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; _screenCaptureJob.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 20; _screenCaptureJob.CaptureMouseCursor = true; _screenCaptureJob.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Quality = 10; _screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = string.Format(file); if (File.Exists(_screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName)) { File.Delete(_screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName); } myTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick); // Sets the timer interval to 5 seconds. myTimer.Interval = 1000 * 30; myTimer.Start(); _screenCaptureJob.Start(); } catch (Exception error) { Console.WriteLine(error); } }
public void Start() { scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); if (File.Exists(OutputFile)) File.Delete(OutputFile); scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = OutputFile; scj.Start(); }
public void SetVideoRecord() { //sj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\temp\test.wmv"; // 파일 저장 경로.. sj.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Quality = 100; sj.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 30.00; sj.CaptureMouseCursor = false; // 마우스 표시 여부 //sj.AddAudioDeviceSource(EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio).ElementAt(2)); // 사운드 장치 설정 sj.Start(); }
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { stopButton.Enabled = true; startButton.Enabled = false; InitializeScreenCaptureJob(); ScreenCaptureJob.Start(); }
public void CaptureTestVideo() { ScreenCaptureJob scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\Users\Selina\source\repos\MassiveDynamic\Test.avi"; scj.Start(); Thread.Sleep(2000); scj.Stop(); }
/// <summary> /// Start Video Recording /// </summary> public static void StartVideoRecord() { job.CaptureMouseCursor = true; job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.AutoFit = true; job.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = AssemblyPath + "\\Results\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm-ss") + ".wmv"; job.Start(); Logger.Info("Started Video Recording.", null); }
public void Start() { scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); if (File.Exists(OutputFile)) { File.Delete(OutputFile); } scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = OutputFile; scj.Start(); }
public static void StartRecordingVideo() { if (testEInfo.isRecording) { job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); job.CaptureRectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; job.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; job.OutputPath = AutomationLogging.newLocationInResultFolder; job.Start(); } }
public void TestMethod() { if (scriptRecording.Equals("true")) { scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = "E:\\" + this.GetType().Name + ".avi"; scj.Start(); } Thread.Sleep(3000); scj.Stop(); }
public static void StartRecordingVideo(string scenarioTitle) { string VideoPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\ViedoRecords\\"); FilesManager.CreateFolder(VideoPath); string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-mm-ss"); vidRec.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = VideoPath + scenarioTitle + " " + timestamp + ".mp4"; vidRec.Start(); }
private void StartRecording() { if (videoPath == null) { MessageBox.Show("Output path undefined!"); } else { screenCaptureJob = new ScreenCaptureJob(); SetRecordPreferences(); screenCaptureJob.Start(); } }
private void startRecording() { job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); System.Drawing.Size workingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; System.Drawing.Rectangle captureRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, workingArea.Width - (workingArea.Width % 4), workingArea.Height - (workingArea.Height % 4)); job.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; job.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; job.ShowCountdown = true; job.CaptureMouseCursor = true; job.OutputPath = @"D:/RecoreFolder"; job.Start(); }
public static ScreenCaptureJob CaptureRecording(Rectangle bounds, String savePath) { ScreenCaptureJob rcdJob = new ScreenCaptureJob(); //Rectangle padded = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - (bounds.Width % 4), bounds.Height - (bounds.Height % 4)); rcdJob.CaptureRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height); rcdJob.CaptureMouseCursor = true; rcdJob.OutputPath = savePath; rcdJob.Start(); return(rcdJob); }
public void TestSetup() { // Create a instance of ScreenCaptureJob from Expression Encoder scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); // Specify the path & name of the file to which Encoder will store the recording. // Name of Test is passed to create individual recordings of each test scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\Results\TestGooleSearch.wmv"; // Start the Screen Capture Job scj.Start(); driver = new FirefoxDriver(); }
public void StartScreenRecording(ScenarioContext scenarioContext) { var nameOfTheScenario = scenarioContext.ScenarioInfo.Title; var videoName = string.Concat(nameOfTheScenario, ".wmv"); var screenRecordingMainPath = Path .Combine(FileHelper.Instance.GetProjectBinPath(), PathToVideos); var screenRecordingFullPath = Path.Combine(screenRecordingMainPath, videoName); VideoRecorder.CaptureRectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; VideoRecorder.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; VideoRecorder.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = screenRecordingFullPath; CreateScreenRecordingDirectory(screenRecordingMainPath); VideoRecorder.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Procedure that initiates video capture of the test. /// </summary> /// <param name="testCasename">Name of the test suite.</param> public void OptionalVideoCapture(string testCasename) { var strVideo = Browser.GetConfigValue("VIDEO").ToUpper(); IsVideoEnabled = strVideo.ToUpper() == "YES"; if (IsVideoEnabled) { Scj = new ScreenCaptureJob { OutputScreenCaptureFileName = Browser.GetConfigValue("TEST_RESULTS_FOLDER_PATH") + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-dd-MM.hh.mm.ss") + "-" + testCasename + ".wmv" }; Scj.Start(); } }
void StartRecord() { scr = new ScreenCaptureJob(); Rectangle captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); scr.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; scr.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; scr.ShowCountdown = true; scr.CaptureMouseCursor = true; scr.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 72; scr.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); scr.OutputPath = @"C:\M.T.A.L Studio"; scr.Start(); }
//Call this method in setup method. public static void StartRecordingVideo() { //Provide setting in config file if you want to do recording or not. if (_isRecording) { _job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); //job.CaptureRectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; _job.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; //provide the location where you want to save the recording. _job.OutputPath = AutomationLogging.newLocationInResultFolder; _job.Start(); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var recordFullPath = new StringBuilder(m_FolderName + @"\\SessionRecord-" + m_RecourdCount + ".wmv"); // Check if we recording or not if (m_isRecord) { RecordTimer.Stop(); screenCaptureJob.Stop(); var chooseLessonNameForm = new LessonNameForm(recordFullPath.ToString(), m_userName, m_courseId); this.Hide(); chooseLessonNameForm.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); button2.Enabled = true; button1.Enabled = true; m_isRecord = false; button3.Text = "Start Recording!"; pictureBox3.Visible = false; m_RecourdCount++; return; } else { button2.Enabled = false; button1.Enabled = false; m_isRecord = true; button3.Text = "Stop Recording!"; RecordTimer.Start(); } try { Rectangle _screenRectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; screenCaptureJob.CaptureRectangle = _screenRectangle; screenCaptureJob.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; screenCaptureJob.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 20; screenCaptureJob.CaptureMouseCursor = true; screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = recordFullPath.ToString(); if (File.Exists(screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName)) { File.Delete(screenCaptureJob.OutputScreenCaptureFileName); } screenCaptureJob.Start(); } catch (Exception) { } }
void StartRecording() { job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); System.Drawing.Size WorkingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; Rectangle CaptureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, WorkingArea.Width - (WorkingArea.Width % 4), WorkingArea.Height - (WorkingArea.Height % 4)); job.CaptureRectangle = CaptureRect; job.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; job.ShowCountdown = true; job.CaptureMouseCursor = true; job.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); job.OutputPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; //job.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = fileScreenCaptureName; job.Start(); //pictureBox1.Image = job.; }
/// <summary> /// 开始录制 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { screencapturejob.OutputPath = path; Collection <EncoderDevice> devices = EncoderDevices.FindDevices(EncoderDeviceType.Audio);//查询当前所有音频设备 foreach (EncoderDevice device in devices) { try { screencapturejob.AddAudioDeviceSource(device);//将音频设备的声音记录 } catch { //抛出其他异常的音频设备 } } //录制开始 screencapturejob.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ScreenCaptureJob job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); // You can capture a window by setting its coordinates here job.CaptureRectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200); // Include the mouse pointer in the captured video job.CaptureMouseCursor = true; // Output file; you can transcode the xesc file to something else later. // Note that this silently does nothing if the file already exists. job.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = @"C:\Users\arx\scrcap\capture.xesc"; // Do some capture job.Start(); // Wait for a keypress Console.ReadKey(); // And stop job.Stop(); }
void StartRecord() { string str = string.Format(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos) + (@"\" + textBox1.Text)); gotu = new ScreenCaptureJob(); System.Drawing.Size WorkingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; Rectangle captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, WorkingArea.Width, WorkingArea.Height); gotu.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; gotu.ShowFlashingBoundary = true; gotu.ShowCountdown = true; gotu.CaptureMouseCursor = true; gotu.AddAudioDeviceSource(AudioDevices()); gotu.OutputPath = str; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); gotu.Start(); }
void StartRecord() { job = new ScreenCaptureJob(); System.Drawing.Size WorkingArea = SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Size; Rectangle captureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, WorkingArea.Width, WorkingArea.Height); job.CaptureRectangle = captureRect; job.ShowFlashingBoundary = false; job.ShowCountdown = false; job.CaptureMouseCursor = false; job.OutputPath = @"C:\Users\Public\Videos"; job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Quality = 95; var audioDevices = Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Devices.EncoderDevices.FindDevices(Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Devices.EncoderDeviceType.Audio); job.AddAudioDeviceSource(audioDevices.ElementAt(1)); Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Profiles.ConstantBitrate b = new Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.Profiles.ConstantBitrate(135000); job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.Bitrate = b; job.ScreenCaptureVideoProfile.FrameRate = 25.0; job.Start(); }
public static string StartRecordVideo() { _videorec = new ScreenCaptureJob { CaptureRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1920, 1040), ScreenCaptureVideoProfile = { Quality = 20 }, ShowFlashingBoundary = false }; string path = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().CodeBase; string finalPath = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("bin", StringComparison.Ordinal)) + "ErrorsVideos\\" + TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss").Replace(':', '_') + ".wmv"; finalPath = finalPath.Replace("file:///", "").Replace("/", "\\"); _videorec.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = finalPath; _videorec.Start(); return(finalPath); }
public VideoRecordingResult StartCapture() { var result = new VideoRecordingResult(); try { Initialize(); _screenCaptureJob.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { var argumentExceptionMessage = string.Format("Video capturing failed with the following exception:{0}. Resolution: width - {1}, height - {2}. ", ex.Message, _height, _width); result.SavedException = new ArgumentException(argumentExceptionMessage); result.IsSuccessfullySaved = false; } return(result); }
public void Start() { scj = new ScreenCaptureJob(); scj.OutputScreenCaptureFileName = OutputFile; scj.Start(); }