public void Test_Scp_File_Upload_Download() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var scp = new ScpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { scp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string downloadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 1); scp.Upload(new FileInfo(uploadedFileName), Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName)); scp.Download(Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName), new FileInfo(downloadedFileName)); // Calculate MD5 value var uploadedHash = CalculateMD5(uploadedFileName); var downloadedHash = CalculateMD5(downloadedFileName); File.Delete(uploadedFileName); File.Delete(downloadedFileName); scp.Disconnect(); Assert.AreEqual(uploadedHash, downloadedHash); } }
public void Test_Scp_File_20_Parallel_Upload_Download() { using (var scp = new ScpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { scp.Connect(); var uploadFilenames = new string[20]; for (int i = 0; i < uploadFilenames.Length; i++) { uploadFilenames[i] = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadFilenames[i], 1); } Parallel.ForEach(uploadFilenames, (filename) => { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(filename), Path.GetFileName(filename)); }); Parallel.ForEach(uploadFilenames, (filename) => { scp.Download(Path.GetFileName(filename), new FileInfo(string.Format("{0}.down", filename))); }); var result = from file in uploadFilenames where CalculateMD5(file) == CalculateMD5(string.Format("{0}.down", file)) select file; scp.Disconnect(); Assert.IsTrue(result.Count() == uploadFilenames.Length); } }
public void DownloadTest2() { ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ScpClient target = new ScpClient(connectionInfo); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string filename = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Stream destination = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.Download(filename, destination); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void DownloadTest() { ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value ScpClient target = new ScpClient(connectionInfo); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string directoryName = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.Download(directoryName, directoryInfo); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void Test_Scp_Directory_Upload_Download() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var scp = new ScpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { scp.Connect(); var uploadDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName())); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var subfolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(string.Format(@"{0}\folder_{1}", uploadDirectory.FullName, i)); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { this.CreateTestFile(string.Format(@"{0}\file_{1}", subfolder.FullName, j), 1); } this.CreateTestFile(string.Format(@"{0}\file_{1}", uploadDirectory.FullName, i), 1); } scp.Upload(uploadDirectory, "uploaded_dir"); var downloadDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(string.Format("{0}\\{1}", Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName())); scp.Download("uploaded_dir", downloadDirectory); var uploadedFiles = uploadDirectory.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); var downloadFiles = downloadDirectory.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); var result = from f1 in uploadedFiles from f2 in downloadFiles where f1.FullName.Substring(uploadDirectory.FullName.Length) == f2.FullName.Substring(downloadDirectory.FullName.Length) && CalculateMD5(f1.FullName) == CalculateMD5(f2.FullName) select f1; var counter = result.Count(); scp.Disconnect(); Assert.IsTrue(counter == uploadedFiles.Length && uploadedFiles.Length == downloadFiles.Length); } }
public static string get_mac(string host, string name, string pass) { ScpClient scp = new ScpClient(host, 22, name, pass); scp.Connect(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo("C:\\fw\\Mac.txt"); scp.Download("/etc/", file); scp.Disconnect(); FileStream file_s = file.OpenRead(); string data; Regex re = new Regex(@"hwaddr=(\w+)\n"); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file_s)) { data = sr.ReadToEnd(); } var match = re.Match(data); return(match.Groups[1].Value); }
public static async Task CopyFileToInstance(AmazonEC2Client ec2Client, string instanceId, string InstanceFqdn, string keyFile, string username, string password) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { password = await GetPassword(ec2Client, instanceId, keyFile); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InstanceFqdn)) { InstanceFqdn = await GetFqdn(ec2Client, instanceId); } using (var client = new ScpClient(InstanceFqdn, 22, username, password)) { client.RemotePathTransformation = RemotePathTransformation.ShellQuote; client.Connect(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { client.Download("/home/sshnet/file 123", ms); } } }
public void SPC_DownloadFolder(string strfile, string path) { try { string path2 = path + Path.GetFileName(strfile); ScpClient scpClient = new ScpClient("", "root", "alpine"); try { ((Thread)(object)scpClient).Start(); scpClient.Download(strfile, new DirectoryInfo(path2)); ((Thread)(object)scpClient).Start(); } finally { ((Thread)(object)scpClient)?.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ERROR = ((TextReader)(object)ex).ReadToEnd(); } }
private Stream doAction() { m_sResponse = new MemoryStream(); if (m_method == KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnection.WrmDeleteFile) { throw new ArgumentException("scp not support DELETE method"); } else if (m_method == KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnection.WrmMoveFile) { throw new ArgumentException("scp not support MOVE method"); } else if (m_sReqStream == null && m_method != "POST") { // m_lSize = m_scpClient.GetAttributes(m_uriResponse.LocalPath).Size; m_scpClient.Download(m_uriResponse.LocalPath, m_sResponse); // Debug.Assert(m_sResponse.Length != m_lSize); } else if (m_method == "POST") { if (m_sReqStream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("m_sReqStream"); } m_lSize = 0; m_scpClient.Upload(m_sReqStream, m_uriResponse.LocalPath); } else { throw new Exception("mode not support"); } string strTempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.WriteAllBytes(strTempFile, ((MemoryStream)m_sResponse).ToArray()); return(m_sResponse.Length > 0 ? File.Open(strTempFile, FileMode.Open) : m_sResponse); }
public override bool Run() { if (Method == EDumpMethod.scp) { WriteInfo("Connecting ..."); using (ScpClient SSH = new ScpClient(SSHHost.Address.ToString(), SSHHost.Port, User, Password)) { SSH.Connect(); WriteInfo("Connected successful"); WriteInfo("Executing", "SCP download", ConsoleColor.Cyan); SSH.Download(RemotePath, DumpPath); DumpPath.Refresh(); WriteInfo("Download successful", StringHelper.Convert2KbWithBytes(DumpPath.Length), ConsoleColor.Cyan); return(true); } } return(base.Run()); }
/// <summary> /// Download the robot output log from the active VM /// </summary> /// <returns>True if successful</returns> public static Task <bool> FetchLogFile() { return(Task.Run(() => { if (ClientManager.Instance.RunCommand(CHECK_LOG_EXISTS_COMMAND).ExitStatus != 0) { UserMessageManager.Dispatch("No user program log file found to download", EmulationWarnings.WARNING_DURATION); return false; } string folder = SFB.StandaloneFileBrowser.OpenFolderPanel("Log file destination", "C:\\", false); if (folder == null) { return true; } else { try { using (ScpClient client = new ScpClient(DEFAULT_HOST, programType == UserProgram.Type.JAVA ? DEFAULT_SSH_PORT_JAVA : DEFAULT_SSH_PORT_CPP, USER, PASSWORD)) { client.Connect(); Stream localLogFile = File.Create(folder + "/log.log"); client.Download(REMOTE_LOG_NAME, localLogFile); localLogFile.Close(); client.Disconnect(); } } catch (Exception) { UserMessageManager.Dispatch("Failed to download user program log file", EmulationWarnings.WARNING_DURATION); return false; } } return true; })); }
public void CollectHW() { var client = new ScpClient("", UserName, PWD); client.Connect(); int i = 0; foreach (var student in StudentList) { string homePath = (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix || Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.MacOSX) ? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") : Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"); Directory.CreateDirectory(homePath + "/FA178Apsa" + Psa); Console.Write("Downloading from " + student.Name + "..."); var cmd = Client.RunCommand("cp ../" + student.Name + "/..psa" + Psa + ".tar.gz ."); if (cmd.Error.Length == 0) { Client.RunCommand("mkdir " + student.Name); Client.RunCommand("tar xf ..psa" + Psa + ".tar.gz -C " + student.Name); //Client.RunCommand("rm " + student.Name + "/*.png"); //Client.RunCommand("rm " + student.Name + "/*.jpg"); //Client.RunCommand("rm " + student.Name + "/*.jpeg"); Directory.CreateDirectory(homePath + "/FA178Apsa" + Psa + "/" + student.Name); var dir = new DirectoryInfo(homePath + "/FA178Apsa" + Psa + "/" + student.Name); client.Download(student.Name, dir); Client.RunCommand("rm -r " + student.Name); Client.RunCommand("rm *.tar.gz"); i++; Console.WriteLine("Succeed Total HW uploaded is " + i); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Total HW uploaded is " + i); } } }
public void Test_Scp_10MB_Stream_Upload_Download() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var scp = new ScpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { scp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string downloadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 10); // Calculate has value using (var stream = File.OpenRead(uploadedFileName)) { scp.Upload(stream, Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName)); } using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(downloadedFileName)) { scp.Download(Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName), stream); } // Calculate MD5 value var uploadedHash = CalculateMD5(uploadedFileName); var downloadedHash = CalculateMD5(downloadedFileName); File.Delete(uploadedFileName); File.Delete(downloadedFileName); scp.Disconnect(); Assert.AreEqual(uploadedHash, downloadedHash); } }
public FileInfo GetFileAsLocal(string remote_path, string local_path) { CallerInformation here = this.Here(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); ScpClient c = this.CreateScpClient(); c.BufferSize = 16 * 16384; if (c == null) { return(null); } try { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(local_path); c.Download(remote_path, f); sw.Stop(); Debug(here, "Downloaded remote file {0} to {1} via SCP in {2} ms.", remote_path, f.FullName, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(f); } catch (Exception e) { Error("Exception thrown attempting to download file {0} from {1} to {2} via SCP.", remote_path, this.HostName, remote_path); Error(here, e); return(null); } finally { this.DestroyScpClient(c); if (sw.IsRunning) { sw.Stop(); } } }
public static void Main() { int sampleFrequency = 5; int counter = 0; int logSize; int usageLogSize; int powerLogSize; int iterate = 1; int beforePause = 10000; int afterPause = beforePause; string line; string host = ""; string userName = "******"; string password = "******"; string serialPortAddress = "COM3"; string[] benchmarks = new string[] { "./NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples/bin/armv7l/linux/release/gnueabihf/scan" /*"cd darknet-2/ && ./"*//*, "./shooting/build/shooting.x"*/ }; List <double> powerLog; StreamReader boardLog; // creating local log file (for power consumption) powerLogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("powerdata.log"); // creating serial connection SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(serialPortAddress); serialPort.BaudRate = 115200; serialPort.Parity = Parity.None; serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; serialPort.DataBits = 8; serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; serialCounter = 0; serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler); Console.WriteLine("connecting to serial port " + serialPortAddress); serialPort.Open(); Console.WriteLine("connected (sync)"); previousSampleTime = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("connecting to board on " + host + " under user " + userName); // // board connection // Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var client = new SshClient(host, userName, password)) { // saving logs on tk1 client.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("connected (async)"); Console.WriteLine("started to store log data on board at {}", DateTime.Now); client.RunCommand( "echo " + password + " | sudo -S ./tegrastats " + ((int)(1000 * (1.0 / sampleFrequency))).ToString() + " --logfile usagedata.log" ); client.Disconnect(); } }); // // multimeter connection // Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { if (serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.WriteLine("VAL1?"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(1000.0 / sampleFrequency)); } }); if (beforePause > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(afterPause); } do { iterate--; counter = 0; Task[] tasks = new Task[benchmarks.Length]; foreach (string benchmark in benchmarks) { // // running benchmarks // tasks[counter] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Console.WriteLine("running benchmark " + benchmark); using (var client = new SshClient(host, userName, password)) { // calling benchmark client.Connect(); var output = client.RunCommand(benchmark); // awaiting termination Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write(output.Result); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine("benchmark " + benchmark + " done"); client.Disconnect(); } }); counter++; } Task.WaitAll(tasks); } while (iterate != 0); if (afterPause > 0) { // after pause for additional logging Console.WriteLine("logging another " + afterPause + " ms"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(afterPause); } // // terminating / deleting // using (var client = new SshClient(host, userName, password)) { // stopping logs on tk1 client.Connect(); var output = client.RunCommand("echo " + password + " | sudo -S ./tegrastats --stop"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write(output.Result); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine("log on board terminated at {}", DateTime.Now); client.Disconnect(); } serialPort.Close(); powerLogFile.Close(); Console.WriteLine("log from multimiter terminated at {}", DateTime.Now); // downloading data from board using (ScpClient client = new ScpClient(host, userName, password)) { Console.WriteLine("retriving data from board"); client.Connect(); using (Stream localFile = File.Create("usagedata.log")) { client.Download("usagedata.log", localFile); } Console.WriteLine("retrived"); } using (var client = new SshClient(host, userName, password)) { // deleting log on board client.Connect(); var output1 = client.RunCommand("echo " + password + " | sudo chmod 777 usagedata.log"); var output2 = client.RunCommand("rm usagedata.log"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write(output1.Result); Console.Write(output2.Result); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine("log on board deleted"); client.Disconnect(); } // // processing logs // Console.WriteLine("processing data"); usageLogSize = File.ReadLines(@"usagedata.log").Count(); powerLogSize = File.ReadLines(@"powerdata.log").Count(); logSize = usageLogSize > powerLogSize ? powerLogSize : usageLogSize; // ?? if (Math.Abs(File.ReadLines(@"usagedata.log").Count() - File.ReadLines(@"powerdata.log").Count()) > sampleFrequency * 8) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("data from board and multimeter are unconsistent"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } counter = 0; powerLog = new List <double>(); boardLog = new StreamReader(@"powerdata.log"); while ((line = boardLog.ReadLine()) != null) { counter++; // ?? if (powerLogSize - usageLogSize - (counter) > 0) { continue; } double power = double.Parse(line, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); powerLog.Add(power); } counter = 0; boardLog = new StreamReader(@"usagedata.log"); // creating local log file (for power consumption in A) logFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("data.log"); while ((line = boardLog.ReadLine()) != null && counter < powerLogSize) { string[] stringLine = line.Split(' '); string[] cpuUsage = stringLine[5].Split('@')[0].TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']').Split(','); double cpuUsageCore1 = double.Parse(cpuUsage[0] == "off" ? "0" : cpuUsage[0].TrimEnd('%')); double cpuUsageCore2 = double.Parse(cpuUsage[1] == "off" ? "0" : cpuUsage[1].TrimEnd('%')); double cpuUsageCore3 = double.Parse(cpuUsage[2] == "off" ? "0" : cpuUsage[2].TrimEnd('%')); double cpuUsageCore4 = double.Parse(cpuUsage[3] == "off" ? "0" : cpuUsage[3].TrimEnd('%')); double gpuUsage = double.Parse(stringLine[13].Split('%')[0]); // time[relative] power[W*10] core1[%] core2 core3 core4 gpu[%] logFile.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1:E} {2:E} {3:E} {4:E} {5:E} {6:E}", counter, powerLog.ElementAt(counter) * 12 * 10, cpuUsageCore1, cpuUsageCore2, cpuUsageCore3, cpuUsageCore4, gpuUsage )); counter++; } logFile.Close(); Console.WriteLine("data processed see data.log"); Console.WriteLine("press any key to continue..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public String Commit() { if (_config.Settings.Enabled) { ConnectionInfo connInfo = new ConnectionInfo( _config.Settings.Server, _config.Settings.Username, AuthMethod); try { using (var client = new ScpClient(connInfo)) { client.Connect(); if (client.IsConnected) { //TODO: check if the file is changed before uploading a new one if it is new back it up foreach (var newFile in _output) { var location = $"{ _config.Settings.TargetFolderPath }/{ newFile.Key }".Replace("//", "/"); var originalFileMS = new MemoryStream(); try { client.Download(location, originalFileMS); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"{location}: File Check Failed ({e.Message})"); } MemoryStream newDataStream = new MemoryStream(); ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); newDataStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(newFile.Value.ToString()), 0, newFile.Value.Length); var NewVsExisting = Tools.CompareMemoryStreams(originalFileMS, newDataStream); if (NewVsExisting) { Console.WriteLine($"Skipping - Not Changed: {location}"); } else { newDataStream.Position = 0; client.Upload(newDataStream, location); Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded: {location}"); } } client.Disconnect(); } } } catch (Exception e) { return($"Prometheus: Error with SSH Upload ({e.Message}"); } // We made it past the try block so upload was successful; return($"Prometheus: Commit Complete"); } else { return("Plugin is disabled"); } }
protected void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if ((lblIDData.Text == "") || (lblIPAddressData.Text == "") || (lblServerNameData.Text == "")) { lblMessageData01.Text = "Please select a server."; lblMessageData02.Text = ""; } else { String strDesktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); DataTable objDataTable = new DataTable(); objDataTable = clsServersDataManager.SelectServer(dgridShowData.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text); stringArr = objDataTable.Rows[0].ItemArray.Select(arrServer => arrServer.ToString()).ToArray(); String strFilePath = stringArr[4].Remove(stringArr[4].LastIndexOf("/"), stringArr[4].Length - stringArr[4].LastIndexOf("/")); String strFileName = stringArr[4].Remove(0, stringArr[4].LastIndexOf("/") + 1); using (var ssh = new SshClient(stringArr[2], stringArr[6], stringArr[7])) { ssh.Connect(); String strCommandChain = "cd " + strFilePath + "; tar -czvf " + strFileName + ".tgz " + strFileName; ssh.CreateCommand(strCommandChain).Execute(); ssh.Disconnect(); } using (var objScpClient = new ScpClient(stringArr[2], stringArr[6], stringArr[7])) using (var ssh = new SshClient(stringArr[2], stringArr[6], stringArr[7])) { objScpClient.Connect(); string objTempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); FileInfo objFileInfo = new FileInfo(objTempFile); objScpClient.Download(stringArr[4] + ".tgz", objFileInfo); Guid objGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); String strDestinationPath = strTempPath + strFileName + objGUID.ToString() + ".tgz"; objFileInfo.MoveTo(strDestinationPath); objScpClient.Disconnect(); Response.ContentType = "application/x-compressed"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileName + ".tgz"); Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath("~/temp/" + strFileName + objGUID.ToString() + ".tgz")); Response.Flush(); Response.SuppressContent = true; ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); clsLog objLog = new clsLog(); objLog.strIP = Request.UserHostAddress; objLog.strLog_Date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objLog.strTarget_Name = stringArr[1]; objLog.strAction = "D"; clsLogManager.InsertLog(objLog); } lblMessageData01.Text = ""; lblMessageData02.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { Guid objGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); String strException = ex.ToString(); File.WriteAllText(strLogPath + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + objGUID.ToString() + ".log", strException); lblMessageData01.Text = "خطایی در سیستم رخ داده است. لطفا کد خطای زیر را به همراه آی دی سرور به واحد نصب و راه اندازی ارسال نمایید.\r\n"; lblMessageData02.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + objGUID.ToString(); } }
public bool DoWork(Util.UpdateStatusDelegate SetStatus, Util.ShouldCancelDelegate ShouldCancel) { SetStatus("Flushing local DNS cache...", 0); try { string IPConfigPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%SystemRoot%\System32\ipconfig.exe"); var IPConfig = Process.Start(IPConfigPath, "/flushdns"); if (IPConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to flush local DNS cache. Could not run ipconfig."); } IPConfig.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("Unable to flush local DNS cache. Could not run ipconfig."); } SetStatus("Connecting to SSH and SCP...", 5); using (VyattaShell Shell = new VyattaShell(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { using (ScpClient Client = new ScpClient(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { Client.Connect(); SetStatus("Grabbing dnsmasq config...", 10); string DNSMasqConfigPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); string NewDNSMasqConfigPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); using (Stream tempFile = new FileStream(DNSMasqConfigPath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/etc/dnsmasq.conf", tempFile); } SetStatus("Backing up dnsmasq config...", 15); Shell.RunCommand("sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.bak"); SetStatus("Processing config file...", 20); string[] ConfigFile = File.ReadAllLines(DNSMasqConfigPath); for (int LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < ConfigFile.Length; LineIndex++) { //Comment out log related lines if (ConfigFile[LineIndex].StartsWith("log-") || ConfigFile[LineIndex].StartsWith("cache-size=")) { ConfigFile[LineIndex] = "#" + ConfigFile[LineIndex]; } } string[] ConfigFileFooter = new string[] { "log-queries", //"log-async=25", // This just confuses the log and makes it more difficult to parse. "log-facility=/tmp/dnslog.txt", "cache-size=0" }; string[] ConfigFileFinal = new string[ConfigFile.Length + ConfigFileFooter.Length]; ConfigFile.CopyTo(ConfigFileFinal, 0); ConfigFileFooter.CopyTo(ConfigFileFinal, ConfigFile.Length); using (TextWriter FileOut = new StreamWriter(NewDNSMasqConfigPath)) { FileOut.NewLine = "\n"; foreach (var Line in ConfigFileFinal) { FileOut.WriteLine(Line); } } SetStatus("Uploading new temporary config file...", 30); using (Stream uploadFile = new FileStream(NewDNSMasqConfigPath, FileMode.Open)) { Client.Upload(uploadFile, "/tmp/NewConfigFile"); } SetStatus("Preparing config file...", 40); Shell.RunCommand("sudo cp /tmp/NewConfigFile /etc/dnsmasq.conf"); Shell.RunCommand("rm /tmp/NewConfigFile"); Shell.RunCommand("sudo chmod 0644 /etc/dnsmasq.conf"); SetStatus("Restarting dnsmasq...", 60); //Do stop/start separately so we can delete the file in case //something went wrong previously. Shell.RunCommand("sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop"); Shell.RunCommand("sudo rm /tmp/dnslog.txt"); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start"); SetStatus("Collecting data, press Cancel to stop...", 100); while (!ShouldCancel()) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } SetStatus("Restarting dnsmasq as normal...", 0); //Restore backup Shell.RunCommand("sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq.conf.bak /etc/dnsmasq.conf"); //Restart dnsmasq with the old config again Shell.RunCommand("sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart"); SetStatus("Downloading collected data...", 50); LogPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Shell.RunCommand("sudo chmod 777 /tmp/dnslog.txt"); using (Stream tempFile = new FileStream(LogPath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/tmp/dnslog.txt", tempFile); } //Delete the log file now we've got it. Shell.RunCommand("sudo rm /tmp/dnslog.txt"); SetStatus("Disconnecting.", 95); Client.Disconnect(); } } SetStatus("Completed.", 100); return(true); }
private static async Task DownloadOutputFilesAsync(long jobId, string sessionCode) { //GetFileTransferMethod var client = new RestClient(baseUrl); var request = new RestRequest("FileTransfer/GetFileTransferMethod", Method.Post) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json }.AddJsonBody( new GetFileTransferMethodModel { SubmittedJobInfoId = jobId, SessionCode = sessionCode }); var response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception(response.Content.ToString()); } FileTransferMethodExt ft = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileTransferMethodExt>(response.Content.ToString()); //ListChangedFilesForJob request = new RestRequest("FileTransfer/ListChangedFilesForJob", Method.Post) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json }.AddJsonBody( new ListChangedFilesForJobModel { SubmittedJobInfoId = jobId, SessionCode = sessionCode }); response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception(response.Content.ToString()); } var outputFiles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileInformationExt[]>(response.Content.ToString()); //DownloadOutputFiles using (MemoryStream pKeyStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ft.Credentials.PrivateKey))) { using (ScpClient scpClient = new ScpClient(ft.ServerHostname, ft.Credentials.Username, new PrivateKeyFile(pKeyStream))) { scpClient.Connect(); string localOutputPath = $"C:\\Heappe\\projects\\develop\\tests\\output\\{jobId}\\"; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(localOutputPath); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } foreach (var outputFile in outputFiles) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(localOutputPath + outputFile.FileName); if (!fi.Directory.Exists) { fi.Directory.Create(); } using (Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(localOutputPath + outputFile.FileName)) { sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Downloading file {0}", outputFile.FileName)); scpClient.Download(ft.SharedBasepath + "/" + outputFile.FileName, fileStream); sb.AppendLine(String.Format("File downloaded {0}", outputFile.FileName)); } } } } //EndFileTransfer request = new RestRequest("FileTransfer/EndFileTransfer", Method.Post) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json }.AddJsonBody( new EndFileTransferModel { SubmittedJobInfoId = jobId, UsedTransferMethod = ft, SessionCode = sessionCode }); response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception(response.Content.ToString()); } }
private bool execute_script(string ipaddress, string private_key, string instance_type, string engine, string eval) { bool success = false; string[] tags = new string[] { "nosse", "sse2", "sse41", "sse42", "avx2", "sse", "bmi2", "release", "all" }; IPAddress addr = IPAddress.Parse(ipaddress); int ssh_connection_timeout_seconds = setting_.getValueInt("common", "ssh_connection_timeout_seconds"); long timeout = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond + ssh_connection_timeout_seconds; for (int ii = 0; ii < 60 * 10; ii++) { if (timeout < (DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)) { break; } if ((ii % 20) == 1) { write_log(ipaddress + "への接続を試行しています。"); } Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IAsyncResult result = socket.BeginConnect(addr, 22, null, null); success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(500, true); socket.Close(); Helper.sleep(100); if (success) { break; } } if (!success) { write_log(" ERROR: connect timeout."); return(false); } write_log(ipaddress + " でのスクリプト実行準備をしています。"); Helper.sleep(8 * 1000); PrivateKeyFile privateKeyFile = new PrivateKeyFile(private_key); string user = setting_.getValueString("common", "ssh_user"); ConnectionInfo connect_info = new ConnectionInfo(ipaddress, 22, user, new AuthenticationMethod[] { new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(user, new PrivateKeyFile[] { privateKeyFile }) }); int nn = -1; switch (shutdown_combo_box.SelectedIndex) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: nn = checked ((60 * shutdown_combo_box.SelectedIndex) - 5); break; case 7: nn = (60 * 12) - 5; break; case 8: nn = (60 * 24) - 5; break; } end_time_str_ = ""; if (nn != -1) { end_time_str_ = System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(nn), System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Local); Helper.sleep(3 * 1000); using (var client = new SshClient(connect_info)) { client.Connect(); using (ShellStream stream = client.CreateShellStream("usi_engine", 80, 24, 800, 600, 1024)) { var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.AutoFlush = true; read_text_data(reader, stream, 3); Helper.sleep(1000); write_stream("nohup sh -c \"sleep " + nn + "m; sudo shutdown -h now\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &", writer, stream); Helper.sleep(1000); } } } Helper.sleep(3000); using (var scp = new ScpClient(connect_info)) { string uploadfn = resouce_dir_ + "setup.tar.gz"; scp.Connect(); scp.Upload(new FileInfo(uploadfn), "/tmp"); uploadfn = resouce_dir_ + engine + ".deb"; if (File.Exists(uploadfn)) { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(uploadfn), "/tmp"); } uploadfn = resouce_dir_ + engine + "-{0}.deb"; foreach (string tag in tags) { string tmp = string.Format(uploadfn, tag); if (File.Exists(tmp)) { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(tmp), "/tmp"); } } scp.Disconnect(); } write_log(ipaddress + " にてスクリプトの実行を行います。"); Helper.sleep(3000); using (var client = new SshClient(connect_info)) { client.Connect(); using (ShellStream stream = client.CreateShellStream("usi_engine", 80, 24, 800, 600, 1024)) { var reader = new StreamReader(stream); var writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.AutoFlush = true; read_text_data(reader, stream, 3); Helper.sleep(1000); write_stream("mkdir -p /tmp/.setup; cd /tmp/.setup; sudo tar zxvf /tmp/setup.tar.gz; " + "sudo sh ./ '" + instance_type + "' '" + engine + "' '" + eval + "';" + "sudo rm -Rf /tmp/.setup /tmp/setup.tar.gz;" + "echo '__EXIT__';", writer, stream); if (read_text_data(reader, stream, 300) == false) { write_log(ipaddress + " からの応答異常を検知しました。"); return(false); } } } using (var scp = new ScpClient(connect_info)) { string downloadfn = ""; scp.Connect(); downloadfn = resouce_dir_ + engine + ".deb"; if (!File.Exists(downloadfn)) { try { scp.Download("/tmp/" + engine + ".deb", new FileInfo(downloadfn)); write_log(ipaddress + " から " + engine + ".deb" + " をダウンロードしました。"); } catch { // none. } } downloadfn = engine + "-{0}.deb"; foreach (string tag in tags) { string tmp = string.Format(downloadfn, tag); if (!File.Exists(resouce_dir_ + tmp)) { try { scp.Download("/tmp/" + tmp, new FileInfo(resouce_dir_ + tmp)); write_log(ipaddress + " から " + tmp + " をダウンロードしました。"); } catch { // none. } } } scp.Disconnect(); } return(true); }
public static void MigrateSaves(int sourceSize, int destinationSize, string lunarPath = null) { using (ScpClient scp = new ScpClient("", "root", "5A7213")) { scp.Connect(); MemoryStream settingsDataStream = new MemoryStream(); scp.Download("/usr/game/save/data_008_0000.bin", settingsDataStream); MemoryStream settingsMetaStream = new MemoryStream(); scp.Download("/usr/game/save/meta_008_0000.bin", settingsMetaStream); byte[] settingsData = new byte[settingsDataStream.Length]; settingsDataStream.Position = 0; settingsDataStream.Read(settingsData, 0, settingsData.Length); SystemData originalSave = SystemData.FromByteArray(settingsData, sourceSize); SystemData migratedSave = new SystemData(destinationSize); migratedSave.Base_Settings = originalSave.Base_Settings; migratedSave.Work_Trial = originalSave.Work_Trial; int savesToCopy = Math.Min(sourceSize, destinationSize); for (int i = 0; i < savesToCopy; i++) { migratedSave.Setting_Games[i] = originalSave.Setting_Games[i]; migratedSave.Sram_Data[i] = originalSave.Sram_Data[i]; } byte[] migratedData = migratedSave.ToByteArray(); using (MemoryStream saveFile = new MemoryStream(migratedData)) { scp.Upload(saveFile, "/usr/game/save/data_008_0000.bin"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lunarPath)) { File.WriteAllBytes($@"{lunarPath}\data_008_0000.bin", migratedData); } } settingsMetaStream.Position = 0; using (PsbReader psbReader = new PsbReader(settingsMetaStream)) { JToken meta = psbReader.Root; meta["FileSize"] = migratedData.Length; meta["OriginalSize"] = migratedData.Length; (meta["Digest"] as JStream).BinaryData = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(migratedData); PsbWriter psbWriter = new PsbWriter(meta, null); psbWriter.Version = psbReader.Version; using (MemoryStream metaFile = new MemoryStream()) { psbWriter.Write(metaFile, null); metaFile.Position = 0; scp.Upload(metaFile, "/usr/game/save/meta_008_0000.bin"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lunarPath)) { byte[] metaData = new byte[metaFile.Length]; metaFile.Position = 0; metaFile.Read(metaData, 0, metaData.Length); File.WriteAllBytes($@"{lunarPath}\meta_008_0000.bin", metaData); } } } } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { foreach (var computer in _computername) { ConnectionInfo connectInfo; if (_keyfile.Equals("")) { WriteVerbose("Using SSH Username and Password authentication for connection."); var kIconnectInfo = new KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationMethod(_credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName); connectInfo = ConnectionInfoGenerator.GetCredConnectionInfo(computer, _port, _credential, _proxyserver, _proxytype, _proxyport, _proxycredential, kIconnectInfo); // Event Handler for interactive Authentication kIconnectInfo.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e) { foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts) { if (prompt.Request.Contains("Password")) { prompt.Response = _credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password; } } }; } else { WriteVerbose("Using SSH Key authentication for connection."); connectInfo = ConnectionInfoGenerator.GetKeyConnectionInfo(computer, _port, _keyfile, _credential, _proxyserver, _proxytype, _proxyport, _proxycredential); } //Ceate instance of SSH Client with connection info var client = new ScpClient(connectInfo); // Handle host key var computer1 = computer; client.HostKeyReceived += delegate(object sender, HostKeyEventArgs e) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var b in e.FingerPrint) { sb.AppendFormat("{0:x}:", b); } var fingerPrint = sb.ToString().Remove(sb.ToString().Length - 1); if (_sshHostKeys.ContainsKey(computer1)) { if (_sshHostKeys[computer1] == fingerPrint) { if (MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { Host.UI.WriteVerboseLine("Fingerprint matched trusted fingerprint for host " + computer1); } e.CanTrust = true; } else { var ex = new System.Security.SecurityException("SSH fingerprint mismatch for host " + computer1); ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord( ex, "SSH fingerprint mismatch for host " + computer1, ErrorCategory.SecurityError, computer1)); } } else { int choice; if (_acceptkey) { choice = 0; } else { var choices = new Collection <ChoiceDescription> { new ChoiceDescription("Y"), new ChoiceDescription("N") }; choice = Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Server SSH Fingerprint", "Do you want to trust the fingerprint " + fingerPrint, choices, 1); } if (choice == 0) { var keymng = new TrustedKeyMng(); keymng.SetKey(computer1, fingerPrint); e.CanTrust = true; } else { e.CanTrust = false; } } }; // Set the connection timeout client.ConnectionInfo.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_connectiontimeout); // Connect to host using Connection info client.Connect(); var counter = 0; // Print progess of download. client.Downloading += delegate(object sender, ScpDownloadEventArgs e) { if (e.Size != 0) { counter++; if (counter > 900) { var percent = Convert.ToInt32((e.Downloaded * 100) / e.Size); if (percent == 100) { return; } var progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(1, "Downloading " + e.Filename, String.Format("{0} Bytes Downloaded of {1}", e.Downloaded, e.Size)) { PercentComplete = percent }; Host.UI.WriteProgress(1, progressRecord); counter = 0; } } }; var localfullPath = Path.GetFullPath(_localfolder); WriteVerbose("Downloading " + _remotefolder); var dirinfo = new DirectoryInfo(@localfullPath); client.Download(_remotefolder, dirinfo); client.Disconnect(); WriteVerbose("Finished downloading."); } } // End process record
public void GetFile(string localpath, string remotepath) { FileStream fi = File.Create(localpath); ScpConn.Download(remotepath, fi); }
bool PatchDirector(LogWindow log) { var SshConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(Address.Text.ToString(), Username.Text, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(Username.Text, Password.Text)); SshConnectionInfo.RetryAttempts = 1; SshConnectionInfo.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); using (var ssh = new ScpClient(SshConnectionInfo)) { log.WriteNormal($"Connecting to director via SCP.. "); try { ssh.Connect(); } catch (System.Exception e) { log.WriteError(e); return(false); } log.WriteSuccess($" .. connected!\n"); // Get the existing certificate using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { log.WriteNormal($"Downloading /etc/openvpn/clientca-prod.pem\n"); ssh.Download("/etc/openvpn/clientca-prod.pem", stream); log.WriteSuccess($"Done - got {stream.Length} bytes\n\n"); stream.Position = 0; var backupName = $"/etc/openvpn/clientca-prod.{DateTime.Now.ToString( "yyyy-dd-M--HH-mm-ss" )}.backup"; log.WriteNormal($"Uploading {backupName}\n"); ssh.Upload(stream, backupName); log.WriteSuccess($"Done!\n\n"); log.WriteNormal($"Constructing new clientca-prod.pem\n"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { stream.Position = 0; var certificate = reader.ReadToEnd(); certificate += "\n"; log.WriteNormal($" Reading Certs/public.pem\n"); var localCert = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Certs/public.pem"); var localBackupName = $"Certs/clientca-prod.{DateTime.Now.ToString( "yyyy-dd-M--HH-mm-ss" )}.backup"; log.WriteNormal($" Downloading to {localBackupName}\n"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(localBackupName, certificate); if (certificate.Contains(localCert)) { log.WriteError($"The certificate on the director already contains our public key!\n"); return(false); } else { // // We just add our public key to the end // certificate += localCert; } // // This serves no purpose but it doesn't hurt to have it hanging around // localBackupName += ".new"; log.WriteNormal($" Downloading to {localBackupName}\n"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(localBackupName, certificate); // // Upload the modded certificates to the director // log.WriteNormal($"Uploading New Certificate..\n"); using (var wstream = new MemoryStream()) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(wstream)) { writer.Write(certificate); writer.Flush(); wstream.Position = 0; ssh.Upload(wstream, "/etc/openvpn/clientca-prod.pem"); } } log.WriteSuccess($"Done!\n"); } } } return(true); }
public bool DoWork(Util.UpdateStatusDelegate SetStatus, Util.ShouldCancelDelegate ShouldCancel) { if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Connecting to SSH...", 0); using (VyattaShell Shell = new VyattaShell(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } //Verify that we can identify the device SetStatus("Identifying device...", 5); var Version = Shell.RunCommand("cat /proc/version"); if (!Version.Contains("edgeos")) { throw new Exception("The device is not running EdgeOS and is not supported. Device "); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } //Enter configure mode SetStatus("Processing routing interfaces...", 8); Dictionary <string, string> Gateways = IPRoute.GetDefaultGateways(Shell); SetStatus("Processing interface list...", 16); string ShowInterfaces = Shell.RunCommand("show interfaces"); Regex ParseInterfaces = new Regex(@"([\w\.]+)\s+([0-9.\-]+(:?\/[0-9]+)?)\s+(\w\/\w)\s+(\w+)?"); Data.Interfaces = new ObservableCollection <InterfaceMapping>(); string[] InterfaceLines = ShowInterfaces.Split(new char[] { '\n' }); foreach (string Line in InterfaceLines) { Match Match = ParseInterfaces.Match(Line); if (Match.Success) { InterfaceMapping Mapping = new InterfaceMapping(); Mapping.Interface = Match.Groups[1].Value; Mapping.IPAddress = Match.Groups[2].Value == "-" ? "" : Match.Groups[2].Value; Mapping.Codes = Match.Groups[4].Value; Mapping.Description = Match.Groups[5].Value; string Gateway; if (Gateways.TryGetValue(Mapping.Interface, out Gateway)) { Mapping.Gateway = Gateway; } Data.Interfaces.Add(Mapping); } } } SetStatus("Connecting over SCP...", 60); if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } using (ScpClient Client = new ScpClient(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { Client.Connect(); if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Downloading config...", 80); using (Stream tempFile = new FileStream(TempPath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/config/config.boot", tempFile); } SetStatus("Parsing existing config...", 85); string Errors = ""; Data.OldConfigLines = File.ReadAllLines(TempPath); Data.ConfigRoot = VyattaConfigUtil.ReadFromFile(TempPath, ref Errors); if (Errors.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(Errors); } SetStatus("Downloading current template...", 90); try { using (Stream tempTemplateFile = new FileStream(TempTemplatePath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/config/vcu/current.vcu", tempTemplateFile); } SetStatus("Parsing current template...", 95); Errors = ""; Data.TemplateRoot = VyattaConfigUtil.ReadFromFile(TempTemplatePath, ref Errors); if (Errors.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(Errors); } } catch (SshException e) { if (!e.Message.Contains("No such file or directory")) { throw e; } //It's quite okay to fail here, it means the user hasn't uploaded //a config with the tool yet. Data.TemplateRoot = new VyattaConfigObject(null); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Disconnecting...", 98); Client.Disconnect(); } SetStatus("Completed.", 100); return(true); }
public bool DoWork(Util.UpdateStatusDelegate SetStatus, Util.ShouldCancelDelegate ShouldCancel) { SetStatus("Connecting to SSH...", 0); using (VyattaShell Shell = new VyattaShell(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { SetStatus("Checking for wget...", 5); string DoesWgetExist = Shell.RunCommand("wget"); if (DoesWgetExist.Contains("command not found")) { SetStatus("Adding main debian sources...", 10); Shell.RunCommand("configure"); Shell.RunCommand("set system package repository wheezy components 'main contrib non-free'"); Shell.RunCommand("set system package repository wheezy distribution wheezy"); Shell.RunCommand("set system package repository wheezy url"); SetStatus("Committing changes...", 10); Shell.RunCommand("commit"); Shell.RunCommand("save"); Shell.RunCommand("exit"); var WgetResult = Shell.RunCommand("sudo apt-get install wget"); if (WgetResult.Contains("Package 'wget' has no installation candidate") || WgetResult.Contains("Unable to locate package wget")) { Prev: SetStatus("Updating package lists...", 15); var UpdateResult = Shell.RunCommand("sudo apt-get update"); if (FreeUpPreviousImage(Shell, UpdateResult)) { goto Prev; } if (UpdateResult.Contains("Not Found") || UpdateResult.Contains("not Found")) { string[] Lines = UpdateResult.Split(new [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int Max5Lines = Lines.Length - 5; string LastUpdateBlock = string.Join("\n", Lines, Max5Lines, Lines.Length - Math.Max(Max5Lines, 0)); throw new Exception("One or more packages was not found:\n" + LastUpdateBlock); } Prev2: SetStatus("Installing wget...", 20); WgetResult = Shell.RunCommand("sudo apt-get install wget"); if (WgetResult.Contains("Package 'wget' has no installation candidate") || WgetResult.Contains("Unable to locate package wget")) { string[] Lines = UpdateResult.Split(new [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int Max5Lines = Lines.Length - 5; string LastUpdateBlock = string.Join("\n", Lines, Max5Lines, Lines.Length - Math.Max(Max5Lines, 0)); throw new Exception("Unable to install wget:\n" + LastUpdateBlock + WgetResult); } if (FreeUpPreviousImage(Shell, UpdateResult)) { goto Prev2; } SetStatus("Checking wget...", 25); string RecheckWget = Shell.RunCommand("wget"); if (!RecheckWget.Contains("wget: missing URL")) { throw new Exception("wget not found after installation."); } } } else if (!DoesWgetExist.Contains("wget: missing URL")) { throw new Exception("Unknown state - could not determine if wget exists."); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Checking for Entware...", 30); string DoesOpkgExist = Shell.RunCommand("/opt/bin/opkg"); if (DoesOpkgExist.Contains("No such file or directory")) { SetStatus("Installing Entware...", 32); string GetInstaller = Shell.RunCommand("wget -O - | sudo sh"); if (GetInstaller.Contains("Connection refused")) { if (MessageBox.Show("The connection to the Entware package server was refused over https.\nDo you want to try again over http? This might indicate a problem on their server or an attempt to interfere with your installation.", "Try again over an insecure connection?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) == DialogResult.Yes) { Shell.RunCommand("wget -O - | sudo sh"); } else { return(false); } } SetStatus("Checking for Entware...", 60); DoesOpkgExist = Shell.RunCommand("/opt/bin/opkg"); if (!DoesOpkgExist.Contains("usage: opkg")) { throw new Exception("Unknown state - could not determine if opkg exists."); } } else if (!DoesOpkgExist.Contains("usage: opkg")) { throw new Exception("Unknown state - could not determine if opkg exists."); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Checking for newer packages...", 61); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /opt/bin/opkg update"); SetStatus("Checking for DNSCrypt...", 63); bool WasInstalled = false; string DoesDNSCryptExist = Shell.RunCommand("/opt/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy --help"); if (DoesDNSCryptExist.Contains("No such file or directory")) { SetStatus("Installing DNSCrypt...", 66); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /opt/bin/opkg install dnscrypt-proxy", new Regex("Choose server from list or hit Enter to continue"), ChooseResolver); DoesDNSCryptExist = Shell.RunCommand("/opt/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy --help"); if (!DoesDNSCryptExist.Contains("dnscrypt-proxy ")) { throw new Exception("Unknown state - could not determine if DNSCrypt exists."); } WasInstalled = true; } else if (!DoesDNSCryptExist.Contains("dnscrypt-proxy ")) { throw new Exception("Unknown state - could not determine if DNSCrypt exists."); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } if (!WasInstalled) { //It's entirely possible that we've changed something and we previously had DNSCrypt running //So we should find it and kill it. SetStatus("Killing DNSCrypt if running...", 68); KillDNSCrypt(Shell); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /opt/bin/opkg upgrade dnscrypt-proxy", new Regex("Choose server from list or hit Enter to continue"), ChooseResolver); } if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Connecting via SCP...", 80); string DNSCryptProxyPort = "65053"; using (ScpClient Client = new ScpClient(Data.Address, Data.Username, Data.Password)) { Client.Connect(); if (ShouldCancel()) { return(false); } SetStatus("Downloading daemon profile...", 85); string OriginalDaemonPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); string NewDaemonPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); string DNSCryptResolvers = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); string StartupScriptPath = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); using (Stream tempFile = new FileStream(OriginalDaemonPath, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/opt/etc/init.d/S09dnscrypt-proxy", tempFile); } SetStatus("Downloading resolver list...", 87); using (Stream tempFile = new FileStream(DNSCryptResolvers, FileMode.CreateNew)) { Client.Download("/opt/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv", tempFile); } SetStatus("Processing daemon file...", 88); string[] DaemonFile = File.ReadAllLines(OriginalDaemonPath); string LocalAddress = "--local-address="; string Resolver = "-R "; //First match group is the port it starts on, the second is the current var DaemonArgsRegex = new Regex(@".*" + LocalAddress + @"(\d+).*" + Resolver + @"([\w.-]+).*"); for (int LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < DaemonFile.Length; LineIndex++) { if (DaemonFile[LineIndex].StartsWith("ARGS=")) { var Match = DaemonArgsRegex.Match(DaemonFile[LineIndex]); if (!Match.Success) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse dnscrypt-proxy arg line: " + DaemonFile[LineIndex]); } DNSCryptProxyPort = Match.Groups[1].Value; var OldResolverName = Match.Groups[2].Value; var ResolverName = Match.Groups[2].Value; bool Aborted = false; Parent.Invoke(new Action(() => { var PickDNS = new DNSCryptResolverPicker(DNSCryptResolvers); if (PickDNS.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { Aborted = true; } ResolverName = PickDNS.GetPickedResolver(); })); if (Aborted) { return(false); } DaemonFile[LineIndex] = DaemonFile[LineIndex].Replace(Resolver + OldResolverName, Resolver + ResolverName); } } SetStatus("Uploading new daemon file...", 88); using (TextWriter FileOut = new StreamWriter(NewDaemonPath)) { FileOut.NewLine = "\n"; foreach (var Line in DaemonFile) { FileOut.WriteLine(Line); } } using (Stream uploadFile = new FileStream(NewDaemonPath, FileMode.Open)) { Client.Upload(uploadFile, "/tmp/NewDaemonProfile"); } Shell.RunCommand("sudo cp /tmp/NewDaemonProfile /opt/etc/init.d/S09dnscrypt-proxy"); Shell.RunCommand("rm /tmp/NewDaemonProfile"); Shell.RunCommand("sudo chmod 0755 /opt/etc/init.d/S09dnscrypt-proxy"); SetStatus("Uploading new startup script...", 90); string[] StartupScript = new string[] { "#!/bin/bash", "sudo /opt/etc/init.d/S09dnscrypt-proxy start", "exit" }; using (TextWriter FileOut = new StreamWriter(StartupScriptPath)) { FileOut.NewLine = "\n"; foreach (var Line in StartupScript) { FileOut.WriteLine(Line); } } using (Stream uploadFile = new FileStream(StartupScriptPath, FileMode.Open)) { Client.Upload(uploadFile, "/tmp/NewStartupScript"); } Client.Disconnect(); } Shell.RunCommand("sudo cp /tmp/NewStartupScript /config/scripts/post-config.d/"); Shell.RunCommand("rm /tmp/NewStartupScript"); Shell.RunCommand("sudo chmod 0755 /config/scripts/post-config.d/"); SetStatus("Starting DNSCrypt...", 92); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /config/scripts/post-config.d/"); SetStatus("Configuring dnsmasq to use DNSCrypt...", 94); Shell.RunCommand("configure"); Shell.RunCommand(string.Format("set service dns forwarding options \"server={0}\"", DNSCryptProxyPort)); Shell.RunCommand("set service dns forwarding options proxy-dnssec"); //WARNING: This line disables all other forms of DNS. If DNSCrypt is not working you'll lose DNS completely. Shell.RunCommand("set service dns forwarding options no-resolv"); SetStatus("Committing changes...", 96); Shell.RunCommand("commit"); Shell.RunCommand("save"); Shell.RunCommand("exit"); SetStatus("Restarting dnsmasq...", 98); Shell.RunCommand("sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart"); } //^(\d+\))\W+([a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+)\W+\((.*)\)$ SetStatus("Completed.", 100); return(true); }
internal void ExportFile(string source, string destination) { SCPClient.Connect(); SCPClient.Download(source, new FileInfo(destination)); SCPClient.Disconnect(); }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { foreach (var computer in _computername) { ConnectionInfo connectInfo = null; switch (ParameterSetName) { case "NoKey": WriteVerbose("Using SSH Username and Password authentication for connection."); var kIconnectInfo = new KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationMethod(_credential.UserName); connectInfo = ConnectionInfoGenerator.GetCredConnectionInfo(computer, _port, _credential, _proxyserver, _proxytype, _proxyport, _proxycredential, kIconnectInfo); // Event Handler for interactive Authentication kIconnectInfo.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e) { foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts) { if (prompt.Request.Contains("Password")) { prompt.Response = _credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password; } } }; break; case "Key": ProviderInfo provider; var pathinfo = GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(_keyfile, out provider); var localfullPath = pathinfo[0]; connectInfo = ConnectionInfoGenerator.GetKeyConnectionInfo(computer, _port, localfullPath, _credential, _proxyserver, _proxytype, _proxyport, _proxycredential); break; case "KeyString": WriteVerbose("Using SSH Key authentication for connection."); connectInfo = ConnectionInfoGenerator.GetKeyConnectionInfo(computer, _port, _keystring, _credential, _proxyserver, _proxytype, _proxyport, _proxycredential); break; default: break; } //Ceate instance of SSH Client with connection info var client = new ScpClient(connectInfo); // Set the connection timeout client.ConnectionInfo.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_connectiontimeout); // Handle host key if (_force) { WriteWarning("Host key for " + computer + " is not being verified since Force switch is used."); } else { var computer1 = computer; client.HostKeyReceived += delegate(object sender, HostKeyEventArgs e) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var b in e.FingerPrint) { sb.AppendFormat("{0:x}:", b); } var fingerPrint = sb.ToString().Remove(sb.ToString().Length - 1); if (MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { Host.UI.WriteVerboseLine("Fingerprint for " + computer1 + ": " + fingerPrint); } if (_sshHostKeys.ContainsKey(computer1)) { if (_sshHostKeys[computer1] == fingerPrint) { if (MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) { Host.UI.WriteVerboseLine("Fingerprint matched trusted fingerprint for host " + computer1); } e.CanTrust = true; } else { e.CanTrust = false; } } else { if (_errorOnUntrusted) { e.CanTrust = false; } else { int choice; if (_acceptkey) { choice = 0; } else { var choices = new Collection <ChoiceDescription> { new ChoiceDescription("Y"), new ChoiceDescription("N") }; choice = Host.UI.PromptForChoice("Server SSH Fingerprint", "Do you want to trust the fingerprint " + fingerPrint, choices, 1); } if (choice == 0) { var keymng = new TrustedKeyMng(); keymng.SetKey(computer1, fingerPrint); e.CanTrust = true; } else { e.CanTrust = false; } } } }; } try { // Connect to host using Connection info client.Connect(); var _progresspreference = (ActionPreference)this.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue("ProgressPreference"); if (_noProgress == false) { var counter = 0; // Print progess of download. client.Downloading += delegate(object sender, ScpDownloadEventArgs e) { if (e.Size != 0) { counter++; if (counter > 900) { var percent = Convert.ToInt32((e.Downloaded * 100) / e.Size); if (percent == 100) { return; } var progressRecord = new ProgressRecord(1, "Downloading " + e.Filename, String.Format("{0} Bytes Downloaded of {1}", e.Downloaded, e.Size)) { PercentComplete = percent }; Host.UI.WriteProgress(1, progressRecord); counter = 0; } } }; } WriteVerbose("Connection successful"); } catch (Renci.SshNet.Common.SshConnectionException e) { ErrorRecord erec = new ErrorRecord(e, null, ErrorCategory.SecurityError, client); WriteError(erec); } catch (Renci.SshNet.Common.SshOperationTimeoutException e) { ErrorRecord erec = new ErrorRecord(e, null, ErrorCategory.OperationTimeout, client); WriteError(erec); } catch (Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException e) { ErrorRecord erec = new ErrorRecord(e, null, ErrorCategory.SecurityError, client); WriteError(erec); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorRecord erec = new ErrorRecord(e, null, ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, client); WriteError(erec); } try { if (client.IsConnected) { var localfullPath = this.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(_localfile); WriteVerbose("Downloading " + _remotefile); WriteVerbose("Saving as " + localfullPath); var fil = new FileInfo(@localfullPath); // Download the file client.Download(_remotefile, fil); client.Disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorRecord erec = new ErrorRecord(e, null, ErrorCategory.OperationStopped, client); WriteError(erec); } } } // End process record
public void Test_Scp_File_Upload_Download_Events() { using (var scp = new ScpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { scp.Connect(); var uploadFilenames = new string[10]; for (int i = 0; i < uploadFilenames.Length; i++) { uploadFilenames[i] = Path.GetTempFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadFilenames[i], 1); } var uploadedFiles = uploadFilenames.ToDictionary((filename) => Path.GetFileName(filename), (filename) => 0L); var downloadedFiles = uploadFilenames.ToDictionary((filename) => string.Format("{0}.down", Path.GetFileName(filename)), (filename) => 0L); scp.Uploading += delegate(object sender, ScpUploadEventArgs e) { uploadedFiles[e.Filename] = e.Uploaded; }; scp.Downloading += delegate(object sender, ScpDownloadEventArgs e) { downloadedFiles[string.Format("{0}.down", e.Filename)] = e.Downloaded; }; Parallel.ForEach(uploadFilenames, (filename) => { scp.Upload(new FileInfo(filename), Path.GetFileName(filename)); }); Parallel.ForEach(uploadFilenames, (filename) => { scp.Download(Path.GetFileName(filename), new FileInfo(string.Format("{0}.down", filename))); }); var result = from uf in uploadedFiles from df in downloadedFiles where string.Format("{0}.down", uf.Key) == df.Key && uf.Value == df.Value select uf; scp.Disconnect(); Assert.IsTrue(result.Count() == uploadFilenames.Length && uploadFilenames.Length == uploadedFiles.Count && uploadedFiles.Count == downloadedFiles.Count); } }