예제 #1
    // Called when the paper hits something!
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        //Debug.Log("ON COLLISION ENTER BABY");

        // Always play some audio!
        this.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

        // Only score once per collision; seems dumb, but prevents weird repeat behavior.
        if (!alreadyScored)
            // If you hit a good tag, pop the score prefab right here and inform the GameManager.
            int pointsScored = 0;
            switch (collision.gameObject.tag)
            case "House":
                pointsScored = 100;

            case "Person":
                pointsScored = 500;

                //Take this opportunity to make the person animate!
                Animator personAnim = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();

            case "Mailbox":
                pointsScored = 1000;

            case "Grass":
                pointsScored = 250;
            if (pointsScored > 0)
                // Pop a nice score object!
                GameObject      scoreObj    = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(scorePrefab, collision.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.rotation);
                ScoreShownOnHit scoreScript = scoreObj.GetComponent <ScoreShownOnHit>();
                scoreScript.UpdateTextAndGo("+" + pointsScored);

                // TODO: Tell the gamemanager!
                GameManager.instance.score += pointsScored;

                // Stop this object from scoring again!
                // But don't delete it, we need that sound effect.
                alreadyScored = true;
예제 #2
     * private IEnumerator Wait()
     * {
     *  yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);
     *  allowedToWave = true;
     * }

    private void DoWaveFromDirectionVector(Ray originalFamousRay)
        // We actually want to do like a ton MORE rays in a box around this one,
        // and wave at whoever they all hit.  Raycasts are cheap!
        int   numRaycastsX  = 10;
        int   numRaycastsY  = 10;
        float rayBoxWidth   = 5f;
        float rayBoxHeight  = 5f;
        bool  triggeredWave = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < numRaycastsX; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numRaycastsY; j++)
                // Make it ray
                Vector3 localDirectionAdjust = new Vector3(-rayBoxWidth / 2f + rayBoxWidth * i / (numRaycastsX - 1),
                                                           -rayBoxHeight / 2f + rayBoxHeight * j / (numRaycastsY - 1),
                //Vector3 newOrigin = originalFamousRay.origin + this.transform.TransformDirection(localDirectionAdjust);
                Vector3    newOrigin = originalFamousRay.origin + localDirectionAdjust;
                Ray        newRay    = new Ray(newOrigin, originalFamousRay.direction);
                RaycastHit hit;
                float      rayDist = 100f;

                if (!triggeredWave && Physics.Raycast(newRay, out hit, rayDist))
                    // Did we hit somebody?  If so, it counts as a wave, but only if they're not already waving.
                    if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Person")
                        Debug.DrawLine(newRay.origin, hit.point, Color.magenta, 4.0f);

                        //Are they waving?
                        Animator          personAnim       = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
                        int               upperBodyLayer   = personAnim.GetLayerIndex("UpperBody");
                        AnimatorStateInfo currentStateInfo = personAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(upperBodyLayer);
                        bool              isWaving         = currentStateInfo.IsName("UpperBody.OnWave");
                        if (!isWaving && !personAnim.GetBool("HasWaved"))
                            // MAKE 'EM WAVE

                            // Pop a nice score object!
                            GameObject      scoreObj    = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(scorePrefab, hit.point, Camera.main.transform.rotation);
                            ScoreShownOnHit scoreScript = scoreObj.GetComponent <ScoreShownOnHit>();

                            // TODO: Tell the gamemanager!
                            GameManager.instance.score += 1000;
                            //TODO: check if male or female
                            voice.GetComponent <PeopleSpeach>().PlayVoice();
                            //allowedToWave = false;
                            triggeredWave = true;
                            personAnim.SetBool("HasWaved", true);
                    // No hit, but pretty editor line
                    Debug.DrawLine(newRay.origin, newRay.origin + newRay.direction * rayDist, Color.white, 4.0f);