private void EndGameUI() { ScoreName.SetActive(true); ThisScore.Level = OnLevel; ThisScore.Score = AsteroidBehavoir.Score; float Highscore = ThisScore.Score; if (SaveLoad.scores != null && SaveLoad.scores.Count > 0 && SaveLoad.scores[SaveLoad.scores.Count - 1].Score > Highscore) { Highscore = SaveLoad.scores[SaveLoad.scores.Count - 1].Score; } EndUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = "RunScore = " + ThisScore.Score + System.Environment.NewLine + "Asteroids Evaded = " + AsteroidsEvaded + System.Environment.NewLine + "Highscore = " + Highscore; }
void Start() { ThisScore = new ScoreFormat(); ScoreName = transform.Find("Canvas/ScoreName").gameObject; ScoreName.GetComponent <InputField>().onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate { IsInput(ScoreName.GetComponent <InputField>()); }); MusicVolSlider.GetComponent <Slider>().value = SaveLoad.musicVol; SFXVolSlider.GetComponent <Slider>().value = SaveLoad.fXVol; Tips.SetActive(false); PauseScreen.SetActive(false); ScoreName.SetActive(false); AmmoCount = MaxAmmo; //set ammo EndUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Empty; //initialised as blank to get rid of the filler text ExitGameButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(ExitGame); StartCoroutine(StartAudio()); //play music UpdateBarUI(); }
internal IEnumerator WaitFor(float WaitTime = 0, string callref = "") //varios timed function calls { switch (callref) { case "ResetScene": ResettingScene = true; do { yield return(null); } while (!isInput); //wait for player to input his name for the score board OnLevel = 1; MaxHP = 5; AsteroidsEvaded = 0; PlayerHealth = 3; LevelTime = 0; MaxRotationSpeed = 450; AsteroidBehavoir.PowerUpSpawnRate = 5; AsteroidBehavoir.AsteroidSpawnRate = 3f; AsteroidBehavoir.SpawnRateCap = 1.5f; AsteroidBehavoir.Score = 0; AsteroidBehavoir.AsteroidList.Clear(); GameStarted = false; isInput = false; ResettingScene = false; EndUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = string.Empty; ScoreName.SetActive(false); SceneManager.LoadScene("Play"); break; case ("InvincibilityFrames"): InvincibilityFrames = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime)); InvincibilityFrames = false; break; case ("BigBullet"): BulletMass = 6; BulletSize = 3; AmmoWait = 0.15f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime)); BulletMass = 2; BulletSize = 1; break; case ("TripleShot"): TripleShot = true; AmmoWait = 0.15f; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime)); TripleShot = false; AmmoWait = 0.5f; break; case ("ShotSpeedUp"): ShotSpeed -= 0.1f; AmmoWait = 0; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime)); ShotSpeed += 0.1f; AmmoWait = 0.5f; break; case ("MASSive"): BulletMass = 100; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime)); BulletMass = 2; break; default: break; } }