public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher = db.Schoolteachers.Find(id); db.Schoolteachers.Remove(schoolTeacher); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Age,Salary,FirstName,LastName,Position")] SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(schoolTeacher).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(schoolTeacher)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Age,Salary,FirstName,LastName,Position")] SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Schoolteachers.Add(schoolTeacher); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(schoolTeacher)); }
private void ContextMenuCopyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TeachersList.SelectedItems != null) { foreach (SchoolTeacher item in TeachersList.SelectedItems) { var teacher = new SchoolTeacher(item.Name, item.Post, item.Experience, item.Address, item.Telephone); SchoolTeacherDict.dictionaryList.Add(teacher); TeachersList.Items.Add(teacher); } } }
public void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!IsWrongTextBoxValue()) { var OwnerWindowInstance = this.Owner as TeachersWindow; var teacher = new SchoolTeacher(NameTextBox.Text, PostTextBox.Text, int.Parse(ExperienceTextBox.Text), AddressTextBox.Text, TelephoneTextBox.Text); OwnerWindowInstance.SchoolTeacherDict.dictionaryList.Add(teacher); OwnerWindowInstance.TeachersList.Items.Add(teacher); ((Owner as TeachersWindow).Owner as EditorWindow).HomePage.TeachersIndicator.Fill = ColorPalette.GetPredefinedColor(PredefinedColors.Green); ElementsModification.ResetControlText <TextBox>(this); } }
// GET: SchoolTeachers/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher = db.Schoolteachers.Find(id); if (schoolTeacher == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(schoolTeacher)); }
private void ImportExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[,] data = ExcelFileTools.UploadExcelData(); if (data?.GetLength(1) >= ElementsModification.FindVisualChildren <GridViewColumnHeader>(this).Count() - 2) { for (int i = 0; i < data.GetLength(0); i++) { int.TryParse(data[i, 2], out int exp); var teacher = new SchoolTeacher(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], exp, data[i, 3], data[i, 4]); SchoolTeacherDict.dictionaryList.Add(teacher); TeachersList.Items.Add(teacher); } (Owner as EditorWindow).HomePage.TeachersIndicator.Fill = ColorPalette.GetPredefinedColor(PredefinedColors.Green); } else if (data?.GetLength(1) < ElementsModification.FindVisualChildren <GridViewColumnHeader>(this).Count() - 2) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Columns Format"); } }
public SchoolTeacher CreateSchoolTeacher(SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher) { return(_DbContext.SchoolTeachers.Add(schoolTeacher)); }
public void SchoolRegister(SchoolDTO schoolDto, IEnumerable <DepartmentDTO> departmentDTOs, IEnumerable <CourseDTO> courseDTOs, IEnumerable <TeacherDTO> teacherDTOs) { using (DatabaseContext context = new DatabaseContext()) { using (DbContextTransaction transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { schoolRegServ = new SchoolRegistrationService(context); var foundSchool = schoolRegServ.FindSchool(schoolDto.SchoolName); if (foundSchool != null) { throw new SchoolRegistrationException(); } if (foundSchool == null) { var newSchool = new School { Name = schoolDto.SchoolName, ContactEmail = schoolDto.SchoolContactEmail, EmailDomain = schoolDto.SchoolEmailDomain }; foundSchool = schoolRegServ.CreateSchool(newSchool); context.SaveChanges(); } foreach (DepartmentDTO d in departmentDTOs) { var foundDepartment = schoolRegServ.FindDepartment(d.DepartmentName); if (foundDepartment == null) { var newDepartment = new Department { Name = d.DepartmentName }; foundDepartment = schoolRegServ.CreateDepartment(newDepartment); context.SaveChanges(); } var foundSchoolDepartment = schoolRegServ.FindSchoolDepartment(foundSchool.Name, foundDepartment.Name); if (foundSchoolDepartment == null) { var newSchoolDepartment = new SchoolDepartment { School = foundSchool, Department = foundDepartment, }; foundSchoolDepartment = schoolRegServ.CreateSchoolDepartment(newSchoolDepartment); context.SaveChanges(); } foreach (TeacherDTO t in teacherDTOs) { var foundTeacher = schoolRegServ.FindTeacher(t.FirstName, t.LastName); if (t.DepartmentName.Equals(foundDepartment.Name)) { if (foundTeacher == null) { var newTeacher = new Teacher(t.FirstName, t.LastName); foundTeacher = schoolRegServ.CreateTeacher(newTeacher); context.SaveChanges(); } SchoolTeacher foundSchoolTeacher = schoolRegServ.FindSchoolTeacher(foundSchool.Name, foundDepartment.Name, foundTeacher.FirstName, foundTeacher.LastName); if (foundSchoolTeacher == null) { var newSchoolTeacher = new SchoolTeacher { Teacher = foundTeacher, SchoolDepartment = foundSchoolDepartment }; foundSchoolTeacher = schoolRegServ.CreateSchoolTeacher(newSchoolTeacher); context.SaveChanges(); } foreach (CourseDTO c in courseDTOs) { if (c.DepartmentName.Equals(foundDepartment.Name) && c.TeacherFirstName.Equals(foundTeacher.FirstName) && c.TeacherLastName.Equals(foundTeacher.LastName)) { var foundCourse = schoolRegServ.FindCourse(c.CourseName); if (foundCourse == null) { var newCourse = new Course { Name = c.CourseName, SchoolDepartment = foundSchoolDepartment }; foundCourse = schoolRegServ.CreateCourse(newCourse); context.SaveChanges(); } SchoolTeacherCourse foundSchoolTeacherCourse = schoolRegServ.FindSchoolTeacherCourse(foundSchool.Name, foundDepartment.Name, foundTeacher.FirstName, foundTeacher.LastName, foundCourse.Name); if (foundSchoolTeacherCourse == null) { var newSchoolTeacherCourse = new SchoolTeacherCourse { SchoolTeacher = foundSchoolTeacher, Course = foundCourse }; schoolRegServ.CreateSchoolTeacherCourse(newSchoolTeacherCourse); context.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } transaction.Commit(); } catch (SchoolRegistrationException schoolEX) { throw schoolEX; } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string[] name = new string[16]; string[] family = new string[16]; int[] years = new int[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Console.Write("Enter fisrt name: "); name[i] = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter family name: "); family[i] = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter years of working experience: "); years[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); if (years[i] < 0) { break; } } string[] college = new string[] { "Telecommunications College", "Economics College", "Business College" }; string[] university = new string[] { "Technical University", "Sofia University", "New Bulgarian University" }; string[] title = new string[] { "Doctor", "Docent" }; string[] subject = new string[] { "English", "Literature", "History" }; string exercise1 = "Physics"; string exercise2 = "Chemistry"; string exercise3 = "Mathematics"; Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (years[i] < 0) { break; } if (i >= 0 && i <= 2) { Teacher teacher = new Teacher(name[i], family[i], years[i], subject[i]); teacher.FirstName = name[i]; teacher.FamilyName = family[i]; teacher.WorkingExperience = years[i]; teacher.TeachingSubject = subject[i]; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} has {2} years of working experience and teaches {3}.", teacher.FirstName, teacher.FamilyName, teacher.WorkingExperience, teacher.TeachingSubject); teacher.SayHello(); teacher.SayGoodbye(); teacher.CheckHomeworks(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (i >= 3 && i <= 5) { SchoolTeacher schoolTeacher = new SchoolTeacher(); schoolTeacher.FirstName = name[i]; schoolTeacher.FamilyName = family[i]; schoolTeacher.WorkingExperience = years[i]; schoolTeacher.TeachingSubject = subject[i - 3]; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} has {2} years of working experience and teaches {3}.", schoolTeacher.FirstName, schoolTeacher.FamilyName, schoolTeacher.WorkingExperience, schoolTeacher.TeachingSubject); schoolTeacher.SayHello(); schoolTeacher.SayGoodbye(); schoolTeacher.CheckHomeworks(); schoolTeacher.EntertainKids(); schoolTeacher.TeachingClasses(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (i >= 6 && i <= 8) { CollegeTeacher collegeTeacher = new CollegeTeacher(name[i], family[i], years[i], subject[i - 6], college[i - 6]); collegeTeacher.FirstName = name[i]; collegeTeacher.FamilyName = family[i]; collegeTeacher.WorkingExperience = years[i]; collegeTeacher.TeachingSubject = subject[i - 6]; collegeTeacher.TeachingCollege = college[i - 6]; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} has {2} years of working experience and teaches {3} in {4}.", collegeTeacher.FirstName, collegeTeacher.FamilyName, collegeTeacher.WorkingExperience, collegeTeacher.TeachingSubject, collegeTeacher.TeachingCollege); collegeTeacher.SayHello(); collegeTeacher.SayGoodbye(); collegeTeacher.CheckHomeworks(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (i >= 9 && i <= 11) { Lecturer lecturer = new Lecturer(name[i], family[i], years[i], university[i - 9]); lecturer.FirstName = name[i]; lecturer.FamilyName = family[i]; lecturer.WorkingExperience = years[i]; lecturer.TeachingUniversity = university[i - 9]; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} has {2} years of working experience in {3}.", lecturer.FirstName, lecturer.FamilyName, lecturer.WorkingExperience, lecturer.TeachingUniversity); lecturer.SayHello(); lecturer.CheckHomeworks(); if (i == 9) { lecturer.WageExercise(exercise1); } if (i == 10) { lecturer.WageExercise(exercise1, exercise2); } if (i == 11) { lecturer.WageExercise(exercise1, exercise2, exercise3); } Console.WriteLine("This lecturer can't wage more than {0} lectures per week!", Lecturer.maximumLecturesPerWeek); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (i >= 12 && i <= 13) { Professor professor = new Professor(name[i], family[i], years[i], university[i - 12], title[i - 12]); professor.FirstName = name[i]; professor.FamilyName = family[i]; professor.WorkingExperience = years[i]; professor.TeachingUniversity = university[i - 12]; professor.Title = title[i - 12]; Console.WriteLine("Professor {0} {1} is teaching at {2}.", professor.FirstName, professor.FamilyName, professor.TeachingUniversity); professor.Say(professor.Title, professor.WorkingExperience); professor.CheckHomeworks(); Console.WriteLine("This professor can't wage more than {0} lectures per week!", Professor.maximumLecturesPerWeek); professor.WageExams(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (i >= 14 && i <= 15) { bool chiefAssistant = true; if (years[i] < 10) { chiefAssistant = false; } Assistant assistant = new Assistant(name[i], family[i], years[i], university[i - 14], chiefAssistant); assistant.FirstName = name[i]; assistant.FamilyName = family[i]; assistant.WorkingExperience = years[i]; assistant.TeachingUniversity = university[i - 14]; assistant.ChiefAssistant = chiefAssistant; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} has {2} years of working experience in {3}.", assistant.FirstName, assistant.FamilyName, assistant.WorkingExperience, assistant.TeachingUniversity); assistant.CheckAssistant(assistant.FirstName, assistant.FamilyName, assistant.ChiefAssistant); assistant.CheckHomeworks(); Console.WriteLine("This assistant can't assit in more than {0} lectures per week!", Assistant.maximumLecturesPerWeek); assistant.CheckExams(); assistant.WriteScientificArticles(); Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.WriteLine("TOTAL PERSONS EMPLOYED: " + Person.GetPersonCount()); Console.WriteLine(); }