예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of schools based on a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="School"/> objects. An empty list if no schools are found.</returns>
        public async Task <List <School> > ReadSchools(SchoolFilter filter)
            if (filter == null)
                filter = new SchoolFilter();

            using (var connection = _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateDatabaseConnection())
                var(where, parameters) = BuildWhereClause(filter);

                var sql = $@"SELECT sc2.SchoolId, sv2.SchoolName, sc2.SchoolRoute, YEAR(sv2.UntilDate) as UntilYear,
                            t2.TeamId, t2.TeamType, t2.PlayerType, YEAR(tv2.UntilDate) AS UntilYear
                            FROM {Tables.School} AS sc2
                            INNER JOIN {Tables.SchoolVersion} AS sv2 ON sc2.SchoolId = sv2.SchoolId
                            LEFT JOIN {Tables.Team} t2 ON sc2.SchoolId = t2.SchoolId
                            LEFT JOIN {Tables.TeamVersion} tv2 ON t2.TeamId = tv2.TeamId
                            WHERE sc2.SchoolId IN (
                                SELECT SchoolId FROM (
                                    SELECT DISTINCT sc.SchoolId, CASE WHEN sv.UntilDate IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Active, sv.ComparableName
                                    FROM {Tables.School} AS sc
                                    INNER JOIN {Tables.SchoolVersion} AS sv ON sc.SchoolId = sv.SchoolId
                                    LEFT JOIN {Tables.Team} t ON sc.SchoolId = t.SchoolId
                                    LEFT JOIN {Tables.TeamMatchLocation} tml ON t.TeamId = tml.TeamId
                                    LEFT JOIN {Tables.MatchLocation} ml ON tml.MatchLocationid = ml.MatchLocationId
                                    AND sv.SchoolVersionId = (SELECT TOP 1 SchoolVersionId FROM {Tables.SchoolVersion} WHERE SchoolId = sc.SchoolId ORDER BY ISNULL(UntilDate, '{SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}') DESC)
                                    ORDER BY Active, sv.ComparableName
                                    OFFSET @PageOffset ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY
                                ) AS SchoolIds
                            AND sv2.SchoolVersionId = (SELECT TOP 1 SchoolVersionId FROM {Tables.SchoolVersion} WHERE SchoolId = sc2.SchoolId ORDER BY ISNULL(UntilDate, '{SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}') DESC)
                            AND (tv2.TeamVersionId IS NULL OR tv2.TeamVersionId = (SELECT TOP 1 TeamVersionId FROM {Tables.TeamVersion} WHERE TeamId = t2.TeamId ORDER BY ISNULL(UntilDate, '{SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}') DESC))
                            ORDER BY CASE WHEN sv2.UntilDate IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, sv2.ComparableName";

                parameters.Add("@PageOffset", (filter.Paging.PageNumber - 1) * filter.Paging.PageSize);
                parameters.Add("@PageSize", filter.Paging.PageSize);

                var schools = await connection.QueryAsync <School, Team, School>(sql,
                                                                                 (school, team) =>
                    if (team != null)
                                                                                 new DynamicParameters(parameters),
                                                                                 splitOn : "TeamId").ConfigureAwait(false);

                var resolvedSchools = schools.GroupBy(school => school.SchoolId).Select(copiesOfSchool =>
                    var resolvedSchool   = copiesOfSchool.First();
                    resolvedSchool.Teams = copiesOfSchool.SelectMany(x => x.Teams).Distinct(new TeamEqualityComparer()).ToList();

        public async Task Read_total_schools_supports_case_insensitive_filter_by_partial_name()
            var schoolDataSource = new SqlServerSchoolDataSource(_databaseFixture.ConnectionFactory, Mock.Of <IRouteNormaliser>());
            var schoolName       = PartialNameOfAnySchool();

            var query = new SchoolFilter {
                Query = schoolName.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)

            var result = await schoolDataSource.ReadTotalSchools(query).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(SchoolsMatchingQuery(query.Query).Count, result);
        public async Task Read_total_schools_supports_case_insensitive_filter_by_town()
            var schoolDataSource = new SqlServerSchoolDataSource(_databaseFixture.ConnectionFactory, Mock.Of <IRouteNormaliser>());

            var schoolWithTown = _databaseFixture.TestData.Schools.First(x => x.Teams.Any(t => t.MatchLocations.Any(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.Town))));
            var locality       = schoolWithTown.Teams.First(x => x.MatchLocations.Any(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.Town))).MatchLocations.First(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.Town)).Town;

            var query = new SchoolFilter {
                Query = locality.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)

            var result = await schoolDataSource.ReadTotalSchools(query).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(SchoolsMatchingQuery(query.Query).Count, result);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the number of schools that match a query
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public async Task <int> ReadTotalSchools(SchoolFilter schoolQuery)
     using (var connection = _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateDatabaseConnection())
         var(where, parameters) = BuildWhereClause(schoolQuery);
         return(await connection.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>($@"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sc.SchoolId)
                     FROM {Tables.School} AS sc
                     INNER JOIN {Tables.SchoolVersion} AS sv ON sc.SchoolId = sv.SchoolId
                     LEFT JOIN {Tables.Team} t ON sc.SchoolId = t.SchoolId
                     LEFT JOIN {Tables.TeamMatchLocation} tml ON t.TeamId = tml.TeamId
                     LEFT JOIN {Tables.MatchLocation} ml ON tml.MatchLocationid = ml.MatchLocationId
                     AND sv.SchoolVersionId = (SELECT TOP 1 SchoolVersionId FROM {Tables.SchoolVersion} WHERE SchoolId = sc.SchoolId ORDER BY ISNULL(UntilDate, '{SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}') DESC)",
                                                          new DynamicParameters(parameters)).ConfigureAwait(false));
        public async Task Read_schools_supports_case_insensitive_filter_by_partial_name()
            var schoolDataSource = new SqlServerSchoolDataSource(_databaseFixture.ConnectionFactory, Mock.Of <IRouteNormaliser>());
            var schoolName       = PartialNameOfAnySchool();
            var query            = new SchoolFilter
                Query  = schoolName.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                Paging = new Paging {
                    PageSize = _databaseFixture.TestData.Schools.Count

            var result = await schoolDataSource.ReadSchools(query).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var school in SchoolsMatchingQuery(query.Query))
                Assert.NotNull(result.Single(x => x.SchoolId == school.SchoolId));
        public async Task Read_schools_supports_case_insensitive_filter_by_administrative_area()
            var schoolDataSource   = new SqlServerSchoolDataSource(_databaseFixture.ConnectionFactory, Mock.Of <IRouteNormaliser>());
            var schoolWithLocality = _databaseFixture.TestData.Schools.First(x => x.Teams.Any(t => t.MatchLocations.Any(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.AdministrativeArea))));
            var administrativeArea = schoolWithLocality.Teams.First(x => x.MatchLocations.Any(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.AdministrativeArea))).MatchLocations.First(ml => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ml.AdministrativeArea)).AdministrativeArea;
            var query = new SchoolFilter
                Query  = administrativeArea.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                Paging = new Paging {
                    PageSize = _databaseFixture.TestData.Schools.Count

            var result = await schoolDataSource.ReadSchools(query).ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var school in SchoolsMatchingQuery(query.Query))
                Assert.NotNull(result.Single(x => x.SchoolId == school.SchoolId));
예제 #7
        private static (string sql, Dictionary <string, object> parameters) BuildWhereClause(SchoolFilter filter)
            var where = new List <string>();
            var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter?.Query))
                where.Add("(sv.SchoolName LIKE @Query OR ml.Locality LIKE @Query OR ml.Town LIKE @Query OR ml.AdministrativeArea LIKE @Query)");
                parameters.Add("@Query", $"%{filter.Query}%");

            return(where.Count > 0 ? $@"WHERE " + string.Join(" AND ", where) : "WHERE 1=1", parameters);  // Ensure there's always a WHERE clause so that it can be appended to