/// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                var sql = @"IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tempdb..SYSOBJECTS WHERE Id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TUser'))
								DROP TABLE ##TUser
							SELECT DISTINCT O.UserId INTO ##TUser FROM [Order] O 
								INNER JOIN OrderDet D ON O.Id = D.OrderId
								--INNER JOIN [User] U ON O.UserId = U.Id AND ISNULL(U.TodayStatus, 1) = 1
		                        WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, CAST(StartDate AS NVARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(StartTime AS NVARCHAR), GETDATE()) >= 0 
			                        AND DATEDIFF(DAY, CAST(EndDate AS NVARCHAR) + ' ' + CAST(EndTime AS NVARCHAR), GETDATE()) <= 0 --今天请假
			                        AND ISNULL(O.OrderType, 0) IN (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) --年假,病假,调休,婚假,产假,丧假,事假

							SELECT ',' + EnglishName FROM [User] WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserId FROM ##TUser) AND ISNULL(TodayStatus, 1) != 3 FOR XML PATH (''); --需要更新今日状态
	                        UPDATE [User] SET TodayStatus = 3 WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserId FROM ##TUser) AND ISNULL(TodayStatus, 1) != 3; --更新今日状态为请假状态		
                            UPDATE [User] SET TodayStatus = 1 WHERE Id NOT IN (SELECT UserId FROM ##TUser) AND ISNULL(TodayStatus, 1) = 3; --请假状态改为正常状态

							IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tempdb..SYSOBJECTS WHERE Id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##TUser'))
								DROP TABLE ##TUser"                                ;

                var content = string.Empty; //详细内容
                var data    = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <string>(sql);

                if (data != null)
                    content = data.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                        content = content.Substring(1);

                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, task.Id, executeDate, content);


                //Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                var sql = @"SELECT * FROM MeetingCalendar
                            WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, CAST(StartDate AS NVARCHAR), GETDATE()) = 0 OR DATEDIFF(DAY, CAST(EndDate AS NVARCHAR), GETDATE()) = 0
                            ORDER BY StartDate DESC, StartTime DESC;";

                var entities = dbContext.MeetingCalendars.SqlQuery(sql).ToList();

                var content = string.Empty;

                entities.ForEach(meeting =>
                    if (CanNotify(meeting.ToModel(), MeetingNotificationType.StartNotification)) //会议开始通知
                        Notify(dbContext, meeting.ToModel(), MeetingNotificationType.StartNotification);
                        content = string.Format("{0},{1}", content, meeting.Title);

                    if (CanNotify(meeting.ToModel(), MeetingNotificationType.EndNotification)) //会议结束通知
                        Notify(dbContext, meeting.ToModel(), MeetingNotificationType.EndNotification);
                        content = string.Format("{0},{1}", content, meeting.Title);

                content = string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) ? content : content.Substring(1);
                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, task.Id, executeDate, content);



                //Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                DateTime summaryDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //统计日期

                    var parameters = new []
                        new SqlParameter()
                            DbType        = System.Data.DbType.Date,
                            ParameterName = "@date",
                            Value         = summaryDate

                    dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("exec p_summaryAttendanceDetail @date", parameters);

                    summaryDate = summaryDate.AddMonths(-1); //统计成功
                } while (((DateTime.Now.Year - summaryDate.Year) * 12 + DateTime.Now.Month) - summaryDate.Month < 3);

                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, task.Id, executeDate, string.Format("统计{0}-{1}及前2个月的考勤详细成功。", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month));


                //Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));
예제 #4
        public void UpdateTask([FromBody] ScheduledTaskDTO task)
            var user = userService.GetOrCreateUser((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity);

            scheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(user, task);
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                #region 推送消息

                var sql = @"SELECT * FROM ExpenseAuditHistory
                            WHERE [Status]= {0} AND [CurrentAudit]={1} 
	                        ;"    ;

                var notification = new NotificationModel()
                    CreatedUserId = 0,
                    //MessageType = NotificationType.PushMessage,
                    MessageType  = NotificationType.Email,
                    BusinessType = BusinessType.Approving,
                    Title        = "及时提交报销申请资料",
                    MessagePrams = "test",
                    Scope        = NotificationScope.User,
                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.Now
                var financialUserEntity = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Email != null && it.Email.ToLower().Contains(Global.FinancialEmail));
                var entities            =
                    dbContext.ExpenseAuditHistories.SqlQuery(string.Format(sql, (int)OrderStatus.Approved, financialUserEntity.Id)).ToList(); //当前需要提交报销纸质资料的的报销
                var users   = dbContext.Users.ToList();                                                                                       //所有用户
                var content = string.Empty;                                                                                                   //详细内容

                entities.ForEach(expenseItem =>
                    var user = users.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Id == expenseItem.ExpenseMain.ApplyUserId);

                    if (user != null)
                        notification.Target        = user.Email;
                        notification.TargetUserIds = new List <int> {
                        notification.MessageContent = "您的报销已经成功审批,请及时到财务提交报销申请纸质资料。";
                        NotificationService.Add(notification, Global.IsProduction); //消息推送

                        content = string.Format("{0},{1},报销纸质资料)", content, user.EnglishName);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) //详细内容
                    content = content.Substring(1);

                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, task.Id, executeDate, content);


                //Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                #region 推送消息

                var sql = @"SELECT * FROM BookBorrow
                            WHERE ISNULL([Status], 0) = {0} --借阅中
                            AND DATEDIFF(DAY, ReturnDate, GETDATE()) >= 0 --已到预计归还日期
	                        ;"    ;

                var notification = new NotificationModel()
                    CreatedUserId = 0,
                    //MessageType = NotificationType.PushMessage,
                    MessageType  = NotificationType.Email,
                    BusinessType = BusinessType.Approving,
                    Title        = "用户归还图书通知",
                    MessagePrams = "test",
                    Scope        = NotificationScope.User,
                    CreatedTime  = DateTime.Now

                var entities =
                    dbContext.BookBorrows.SqlQuery(string.Format(sql, (int)UserBorrowStatus.Borrowing)).ToList(); //当前需要归还的借阅图书
                var users   = dbContext.Users.ToList();                                                           //所有用户
                var content = string.Empty;                                                                       //详细内容

                entities.ForEach(borrow =>
                    var user = users.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Id == borrow.UserId);
                    var book = dbContext.Books.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Id == borrow.BookId);

                    if (user != null && book != null)
                        notification.Target        = user.Email;
                        notification.TargetUserIds = new List <int> {
                        notification.MessageContent = string.Format("请及时归还您借阅的图书《{0}》。", book.Name);
                        NotificationService.Add(notification, Global.IsProduction); //消息推送

                        content = string.Format("{0},{1}({2})", content, user.EnglishName, book.Name);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) //详细内容
                    content = content.Substring(1);

                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, task.Id, executeDate, content);


                //Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行定时任务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">定时任务</param>
        /// <param name="executeDate">执行时间</param>
        public void Execute(ScheduledTaskModel task, DateTime executeDate)
            if (task == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("无效的定时任务。");

            using (var dbContext = new MissionskyOAEntities())
                #region 推送消息

                var sql = @"SELECT * FROM BookBorrow
                            WHERE ISNULL([Status], 0) = {0} --借阅中
                            AND DATEDIFF(DAY, ReturnDate, GETDATE()) >= 0 --已到预计归还日期
	                        ;"    ;

                var notification = new NotificationModel()
                    CreatedUserId = 0,
                    MessageType   = NotificationType.PushMessage,
                    BusinessType  = BusinessType.Approving,
                    Title         = "Missionsky OA Notification",
                    MessagePrams  = "test",
                    Scope         = NotificationScope.User,
                    CreatedTime   = DateTime.Now

                var entities =
                    dbContext.BookBorrows.SqlQuery(string.Format(sql, (int)UserBorrowStatus.Borrowing)).ToList();
                entities.ForEach(borrow =>
                    var user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Id == borrow.UserId);
                    var book = dbContext.Books.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Id == borrow.BookId);

                    if (user != null && book != null)
                        notification.Target        = user.Email;
                        notification.TargetUserIds = new List <int> {
                        notification.MessageContent = string.Format("请及时归还您借阅的图书《{0}》。", book.Name);
                        NotificationService.Add(notification, Global.IsProduction); //消息推送


                var history = new ScheduledTaskHistoryModel()
                    TaskId      = task.Id,
                    Result      = true,
                    Desc        = task.Name,
                    CreatedTime = executeDate

                ScheduledTaskService.UpdateTask(dbContext, history);


                Log.Info(string.Format("定时任务执行成功: {0}。", task.Name));