public void Activate(IChannelHandlerContext context) { this.context = context; this.send_message_flag = true; this.executor_handler = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { if (this.send_message_flag) { Send(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Unhandled exception " + e.Message); } }, 10, 10); this.thread_send_message = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { while (this.send_message_flag) { try { if (this.message_queue.TryDequeue(out Message message)) { this.context.WriteAndFlushAsync(message.GetSendData()).ContinueWith(task => { if (!task.IsCompleted && ! { Logger.Error( string.Format("Fail send to {0}, {1}", this.context.Channel.RemoteAddress, message)); } else { Logger.Debug( string.Format("Send message {0}", message.Type.ToString())); } }); } else { Thread.Sleep(10); continue; } } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error( string.Format("Fail send to {0}, error info: {1}", this.context.Channel.RemoteAddress, e.Message)); } } })) { Name = "SendMsgThread - " + this.context.Channel.RemoteAddress, }; this.thread_send_message.Start(); }
public static ScheduledExecutorHandle Scheduled(IRunnable command, int due_time, int period) { ScheduledExecutorHandle handle = new ScheduledExecutorHandle(due_time, period); new Thread(handle.Process).Start(command); return handle; }
public void Init() { this.fetch_handle = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { if (this.is_fetch) { this.is_fetch = false; StartFetchSyncBlock(); } } catch (System.Exception) { Logger.Error("Fetch sync block error."); } }, 10 * 1000, 1 * 1000); this.block_handle = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { if (this.is_handle) { this.is_handle = false; HandleSyncBlock(); } } catch (System.Exception) { Logger.Error("Handle sync block error."); } }, 10 * 1000, 1 * 1000); }
public static ScheduledExecutorHandle Scheduled(Action action, int due_time, int period) { ScheduledExecutorHandle handle = new ScheduledExecutorHandle(due_time, period); new Thread(handle.Process).Start(action); return handle; }
public void Init() { if (Args.Instance.IsFastForward) { return; } this.handle_spread = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { ConsumerInventoryToSpread(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error("Spread thread error. " + e.Message); } }, 100, 30); this.handle_fetch = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { ConsumerInventoryToFetch(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error("Fetch thread error." + e.Message); } }, 100, 30); }
public void Init() { this.timer_pool = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { FillUp(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error("Exception in sync worker", e); } }, 30 * 1000, 3600); this.timer_log = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { LogActivePeers(); } catch { } }, 30000, 10000); }
public void Start() { = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled( new DiscoverTask(this.node_manager), 1, (int)KademliaOptions.DISCOVER_CYCLE * 1000); this.refresh = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled( new RefreshTask(this.node_manager), 1, (int)KademliaOptions.BUCKET_REFRESH); }
public void Close() { if (this.timer_ping != null && !this.timer_ping.IsCanceled) { this.timer_ping.Cancel(); this.timer_ping = null; } }
public override void HandlerAdded(IChannelHandlerContext context) { this.timer_ping = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { if (!this.has_ping) { this.send_ping_time = Helper.CurrentTimeMillis(); this.has_ping = this.message_quque.SendMessage(new PingMessage()); } }, 10 * 1000, 10 * 1000); }
public void Init() { this.handler_peer_status = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { StatusCheck(); } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error("Unhandled exception. " + e.Message); } }, 5000, 2000); }
private void HandleSmartContract() { this.handle_contract = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { while (wait_queue.Count < MAX_SMART_CONTRACT_SUBMIT_SIZE) { if (this.contract_queue.TryDequeue(out TxEvent tx_event)) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(HandleTransaction), new object[] { tx_event.Peer, tx_event.Message }); } } } catch (System.Exception) { Logger.Error("Handle smart contract exception."); } }, 1000, 20); }
public void Init() { Logger.Info( string.Format("Fast forward config, isWitness: {0}, keySize: {1}, fastForwardNodes: {2}", Args.Instance.IsWitness, this.key_size, this.nodes.Count)); if (!Args.Instance.IsWitness || this.key_size == 0 || this.nodes.Count == 0) { return; } this.nodes = Args.Instance.Node.FastForward.Count > 0 ? Args.Instance.Node.FastForward : this.nodes; this.handle_service = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { if (Manager.Instance.DBManager.Witness.Get(this.witness_address) != null && Manager.Instance.BackupManager.Status == BackupManager.BackupStatus.MASTER && !WitnessService.IsNeedSyncCheck) { Connect(); } else { Disconnect(); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Info("Execute failed." + e.Message); } }, 0, 60 * 1000); }
public void Close() { this.send_message_flag = false; if (this.executor_handler != null && !this.executor_handler.IsCanceled) { this.executor_handler.Cancel(); this.executor_handler = null; } if (this.thread_send_message != null) { try { this.thread_send_message.Join(20); this.thread_send_message = null; } catch { Logger.Warning( string.Format("Join send thread failed, peer {0}", this.context.Channel.RemoteAddress)); } } }
public void ChannelActivated() { if (this.is_inited) { return; } this.is_inited = true; try { IPAddress address = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()) .FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork); this.local_ip = address.ToString(); } catch { Logger.Warning("Get local ip failed."); } foreach (String member in Args.Instance.Node.Backup.Members) { if (!this.local_ip.Equals(member)) { members.Add(member); } } Logger.Info( string.Format("Backup localIp:{0}, members: size= {1}, {2}", this.local_ip, members.Count, members)); this.status = BackupStatus.INIT; this.last_keep_alive_time = Helper.CurrentTimeMillis(); this.service_handler = ScheduledExecutorService.Scheduled(() => { try { if (this.status != BackupStatus.MASTER && Helper.CurrentTimeMillis() - this.last_keep_alive_time > this.keep_alive_timeout) { if (this.status == BackupStatus.SLAVER) { this.status = BackupStatus.INIT; this.last_keep_alive_time = Helper.CurrentTimeMillis(); } else { this.status = BackupStatus.MASTER; } } if (this.status == BackupStatus.SLAVER) { return; } foreach (string member in this.members) { this.message_handler.Accept( new UdpEvent(new KeepAliveMessage(this.status.Equals(BackupStatus.MASTER), priority), new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(member), port))); } } catch (System.Exception e) { Logger.Error("Exception in send keep alive message : " + e.Message); } }, 1000, 1000); }