예제 #1
        internal void PlaceOnSheet(ViewSheet sheet)
            if (!m_placeOnSheet)
                Document doc = sheet.Document;
                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Place on sheet"))
                    XYZ placementPoint = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
                    foreach (ElementId scheduleId in m_scheduleIds)
                        ScheduleSheetInstance scheduleInstance =
                            ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, sheet.Id, scheduleId, placementPoint);

                        placementPoint = new XYZ(0, scheduleInstance.get_BoundingBox(sheet).Min.Y + BORDER_WIDTH, 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #2
        private static Result createReshoringLayoutSheets(UIDocument uiDoc)
            Document _doc = uiDoc.Document;

            string _titleblockName           = "E1 30 x 42 Horizontal: E1 30x42 Horizontal";
            XYZ    _columnScheduleBottomLeft = new XYZ(2.3354130772204, 2.39482128194158, 0);
            XYZ    _viewCenter = new XYZ(1.45453036348288, 1.18116967618813, 0.871414246948733);
            XYZ    _levelScheduleBottomLeft = new XYZ(0.156336990263879, 2.37688649933288, 0);

            var _levels = Getters.GetLevels(_doc);

            Level _levelAbove  = null;
            Level _topLevel    = _levels.FirstOrDefault();
            Level _bottomLevel = _levels.LastOrDefault();

            List <Tuple <ViewSheet, View> > _sheetsWithViews = new List <Tuple <ViewSheet, View> >();

            foreach (Level _level in _levels)
                if (_levelAbove == null)
                    _levelAbove = _level;

                BoundedViewCreator _boundedViewCreator = new BoundedViewCreator(_level, null, null);
                SheetCreator       _sheetCreator       = new SheetCreator(_doc);
                string             _viewName           = _boundedViewCreator.GetViewName(string.Empty, "FP");
                ViewSheet          _viewSheet          = _sheetCreator.CreateSheet(_titleblockName, _viewName, _viewName);
                ViewPlan           _viewPlan           = _boundedViewCreator.CreateViewPlan(80);
                _sheetsWithViews.Add(new Tuple <ViewSheet, View>(_viewSheet, _viewPlan));

                ViewSchedule          _columnSchedule = ScheduleCreator.CreateLayoutColumnSchedule(_doc, _level.Name, " Reshores");
                ScheduleSheetInstance _columnScheduleSheetInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(_doc, _viewSheet.Id, _columnSchedule.Id, _columnScheduleBottomLeft);

                ViewSchedule          _levelSchedule = ScheduleCreator.CreateLayoutLoadSchedule(_doc, _level.Name, " Loads");
                ScheduleSheetInstance _levelScheduleSheetInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(_doc, _viewSheet.Id, _levelSchedule.Id, _levelScheduleBottomLeft);

                _levelAbove = _level;


            FamilySymbol _tagSymbol = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc)
                                      .OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol)).OfType <FamilySymbol>()
                                      .FirstOrDefault(p => p.FamilyName.Contains("Mark"));

            foreach (var _sheetWithView in _sheetsWithViews)
                TagCreator.CreateTags(_sheetWithView.Item2, _tagSymbol);
                Viewport.Create(_doc, _sheetWithView.Item1.Id, _sheetWithView.Item2.Id, _viewCenter);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a sheet to show the schedule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">DBDocument of revit file.</param>
        /// <param name="schedule">View schedule which will be shown on sheet.</param>
        private void AddScheduleToNewSheet(Document document, ViewSchedule schedule)
            //Create a filter to get all the title block types.
            FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);


            Transaction t = new Transaction(document, "Create and populate sheet");


            //Get ElementId of first title block type.
            ElementId titleBlockId = collector.FirstElementId();

            //Create sheet by gotten title block type.
            ViewSheet newSheet = ViewSheet.Create(document, titleBlockId);

            newSheet.Name = "Sheet for " + schedule.Name;


            //Declare a XYZ to be used as the upperLeft point of schedule sheet instance to be created.
            XYZ upperLeft = new XYZ();

            //If there is an existing title block.
            if (titleBlockId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                //Find titleblock of the newly created sheet.
                collector = new FilteredElementCollector(document);
                Element titleBlock = collector.FirstElement();

                //Get bounding box of the title block.
                BoundingBoxXYZ bbox = titleBlock.get_BoundingBox(newSheet);

                //Get upperLeft point of the bounding box.
                upperLeft = new XYZ(bbox.Min.X, bbox.Max.Y, bbox.Min.Z);
                //Move the point to the postion that is 2 inches right and 2 inches down from the original upperLeft point.
                upperLeft = upperLeft + new XYZ(2.0 / 12.0, -2.0 / 12.0, 0);

            //Create a new schedule sheet instance that makes the sheet to show the data of wall view schedule at upperLeft point.
            ScheduleSheetInstance placedInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(document, newSheet.Id, schedule.Id, upperLeft);

예제 #4
 public void AddViewsToSheet(List <View> views, ElementId viewPortTypeId, bool isDuplicate, ViewDuplicateOption viewDuplicateOption)
     foreach (var v in views)
         var view = v;
         if (isDuplicate)
                 if (view.ViewType == ViewType.Schedule)
                     var viewid = v.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.Duplicate);
                     view = Doc.GetElement(viewid) as View;
                     var viewid = v.Duplicate(viewDuplicateOption);
                     view = Doc.GetElement(viewid) as View;
                 var viewid = v.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.Duplicate);
                 view = Doc.GetElement(viewid) as View;
             var viewname = view.Name;
             if (view.ViewType != ViewType.Schedule)
                 var point = _data.Sel.PickPoint("Pick a Point to Place View:" + viewname);
                 var vp    = Viewport.Create(Doc, Doc.ActiveView.Id, view.Id, point);
                 var point = _data.Sel.PickPoint("Pick a Point to Place View:" + viewname);
                 ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(Doc, Doc.ActiveView.Id, view.Id, point);
             TaskDialog.Show("Iven EXT:", v.Name + " only can added in one Sheet.");
예제 #5
        internal void PlaceOnSheet(ViewSheet sheet, IMultitableSchedule multiSchedule)
            XYZ placementPoint = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < multiSchedule.Subschedules.Count; ++i)
                if (multiSchedule.Subschedules[i].Id == ElementId.InvalidElementId)

                ScheduleSheetInstance scheduleInstance =
                    .Create(m_doc, sheet.Id, multiSchedule.Subschedules[i].Id, placementPoint);

                placementPoint =
                    new XYZ(0, scheduleInstance.get_BoundingBox(sheet).Min.Y + BORDER_WIDTH, 0);
예제 #6
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            //Get the current Document from the Command Data
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            //Check to make sure the user is on a sheet before continuing.
            if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.DrawingSheet)
                //Get a new UIDocument from the current document to use to make a selection
                UIDocument uidoc = new UIDocument(doc);
                //Create a new instance of the ViewSelectionFilter to only allow the user to select a ScheduleSheetIntance
                ISelectionFilter filter = new ViewSelectionFilter();
                //A selection of elements from the current Document
                Selection picked = uidoc.Selection;
                //Try block to catch if the user cancels the selection process
                    //Prompt the user to make a single selection in the Revit interface. Only Shceule Instances will be available based onour SelectionFilter.
                    //The string is what the status bar displays in the Lower Left
                    Reference selection = picked.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, filter, "Select Schedule on Sheet");
                    //Make sure the user made a selection
                    if (picked != null)
                        //Set the Class variable to the Viewport the user selected
                        ScheduleInstanceSelected = doc.GetElement(selection) as ScheduleSheetInstance;
                        //Prompt the user with a model dialog to select the sheets to place or update the Schedules on
                        WPF.SheetSelectionWPF frm = new WPF.SheetSelectionWPF(doc);
                        //Make sure the Sheet Selection Form returns the correct DialogResult
                        if (frm.ShowDialog().Value)
                            //Make sure the user selected at least 1 sheet
                            if (frm.ViewSheetIds.Count > 0)
                                //Use this try to make sure Revit doesn't crash when trying to place or update the Schedules
                                    //Create a Transaction within a using block to dispose of everything when complete
                                    using (Transaction Trans = new Transaction(doc))
                                        //Provide a name for the transaction in the Undo / Redo List
                                        Trans.Start("Place Multiple Schedules");
                                        foreach (ElementId viewSheetId in frm.ViewSheetIds)
                                            //Get the ViewSheet (Sheet) fro each Element Id in the Document
                                            ViewSheet viewSheet = doc.GetElement(viewSheetId) as ViewSheet;
                                            //Use a Filtered Element Collector on the Sheet to get all ScheduleSheetInstances which is the reference to the Schedule you see
                                            //We do this to check if the Sheet already contains the Schedule we are using
                                            ICollection <Element> ScheduleInstances = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, viewSheetId).OfClass(typeof(ScheduleSheetInstance)).ToElements();
                                            //Use this check to see if the Schedule already exists or if it needs to be created
                                            bool PlaceSchedule = true;
                                            //Loop through each Shcedule Instance on the Sheet
                                            foreach (ScheduleSheetInstance ScheduleInstance in ScheduleInstances)
                                                //Check to see if the 'Master' ScheduleId matches the one that was selected by the User
                                                if (ScheduleInstance.ScheduleId == ScheduleInstanceSelected.ScheduleId)
                                                    //Set the bool to False since the Sheet already contains the schedule, we don't need to create it
                                                    PlaceSchedule = false;
                                                    //Move the Schedule on the Sheet to match the same location as the one Selected
                                                    ScheduleInstance.Point = ScheduleInstanceSelected.Point;
                                            //If the Schedule was not found on the sheet, the bool stayed True so this will execute
                                            if (PlaceSchedule)
                                                //Create a new Sheet Schedule Intance on the Sheet based on the Schedule Selected and at the same location
                                                ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, viewSheetId, ScheduleInstanceSelected.ScheduleId, ScheduleInstanceSelected.Point);
                                        //Commit the Transaction to keep the changes
                                        //Return a successful result to Revit so the changes are kept
                                //Catch an exceptions when adding or updating the Sheet Schedule instances. Tell the user and return a Failed Result so Revit does not keep any changes
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    TaskDialog.Show("Schedule Placement Error", ex.ToString());
                            //Tell the user that they did not select any sheets and return a Cancelled result so Revit does not keep any changes
                                TaskDialog.Show("Sheet Selection", "No Sheets were selected");
                        //If the Sheet Selection form was closed or cancelled then return a Cancelled result so Revit does not keep any changes
                //Catch the Operation canceled Exception which is raised when the user "Escapes" during a Pick Object operation and return a Failed result
                catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
            //Tell the user that they need to be in a Sheet View to run this Command
                TaskDialog.Show("Sheet Required", "Active view must be a Sheet");
예제 #7
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            // Get application and document objects
            UIApplication ui_app = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    ui_doc = ui_app?.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document      doc    = ui_doc?.Document;
            ViewSheet     vs     = doc.ActiveView as ViewSheet;

                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Duplicate Sheet"))
                    FamilyInstance titleblock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(FamilyInstance)).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_TitleBlocks).Cast <FamilyInstance>().First(q => q.OwnerViewId == vs.Id);

                    ViewSheet newsheet = ViewSheet.Create(doc, titleblock.GetTypeId());
                    newsheet.SheetNumber = vs.SheetNumber + "-COPY";
                    newsheet.Name        = vs.Name;
                    // all views but schedules
                    foreach (ElementId eid in vs.GetAllPlacedViews())
                        View ev = doc.GetElement(eid) as View;

                        View newview = null;

                        // legends
                        if (ev.ViewType == ViewType.Legend)
                            newview = ev;
                        // all non-legend and non-schedule views
                            if (ev.CanViewBeDuplicated(ViewDuplicateOption.AsDependent))
                                ElementId newviewid = ev.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.AsDependent);
                                newview = doc.GetElement(newviewid) as View;
                                //newview.Name = ev.Name + "-COPY";

                        foreach (Viewport vp in new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(Viewport)))
                            if (vp.SheetId == vs.Id && vp.ViewId == ev.Id)
                                BoundingBoxXYZ vpbb          = vp.get_BoundingBox(vs);
                                XYZ            initialCenter = (vpbb.Max + vpbb.Min) / 2;

                                Viewport newvp = Viewport.Create(doc, newsheet.Id, newview.Id, XYZ.Zero);

                                BoundingBoxXYZ newvpbb   = newvp.get_BoundingBox(newsheet);
                                XYZ            newCenter = (newvpbb.Max + newvpbb.Min) / 2;

                                ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, newvp.Id, new XYZ(
                                                                      initialCenter.X - newCenter.X,
                                                                      initialCenter.Y - newCenter.Y,
                        } // end for each
                    }     // end for each

                    // schedules

                    foreach (ScheduleSheetInstance si in (new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ScheduleSheetInstance))))
                        if (si.OwnerViewId == vs.Id)
                            if (!si.IsTitleblockRevisionSchedule)
                                foreach (ViewSchedule vsc in new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewSchedule)))
                                    if (si.ScheduleId == vsc.Id)
                                        BoundingBoxXYZ sibb          = si.get_BoundingBox(vs);
                                        XYZ            initialCenter = (sibb.Max + sibb.Min) / 2;

                                        ScheduleSheetInstance newssi = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, newsheet.Id, vsc.Id, XYZ.Zero);

                                        BoundingBoxXYZ newsibb   = newssi.get_BoundingBox(newsheet);
                                        XYZ            newCenter = (newsibb.Max + newsibb.Min) / 2;

                                        ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(doc, newssi.Id, new XYZ(
                                                                              initialCenter.X - newCenter.X,
                                                                              initialCenter.Y - newCenter.Y,
                    }// end foreach

                }// end using

                // Implement Selection Filter to select curves

                // Measure their total length

                // Return a message window that displays total length to user

                // Assuming that everything went right return Result.Succeeded
            // This is where we "catch" potential errors and define how to deal with them
            catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
                // If user decided to cancel the operation return Result.Canceled
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If something went wrong return Result.Failed
                message = ex.Message;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Duplicates the input sheet a number of times. It allows for ViewDuplicateOption for dependent views.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m_doc"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceSheet"></param>
        /// <param name="copies"></param>
        /// <param name="dependentOption"></param>
        private void DuplicateSheets(Document m_doc, ViewSheet sourceSheet, int copies, ViewDuplicateOption dependentOption)
            // get Title Block
            FamilyInstance titleBlock = new FilteredElementCollector(m_doc)
                                        .Cast <FamilyInstance>()
                                        .First(q => q.OwnerViewId == sourceSheet.Id);

            using (TransactionGroup tg = new TransactionGroup(m_doc, "Duplicate Sheet"))
                for (int i = 0; i < copies; i++)
                    // create unique sheet number
                    string uniqueSheetNumber = Data.Helpers.CreateUniqueSheetNumber(m_doc, sourceSheet);

                    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(m_doc, "Duplicate Sheet"))

                        // create new SHEET, new NUMBER and new NAME
                        ViewSheet newSheet = ViewSheet.Create(m_doc, titleBlock.GetTypeId());
                        newSheet.SheetNumber = uniqueSheetNumber;
                        newSheet.Name        = sourceSheet.Name;

                        #region Loop through viewports (except schedules) because GetAllPlacedViews() does not return Schedules
                        foreach (ElementId eid in sourceSheet.GetAllPlacedViews())
                            // get view element
                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.View sourceView = m_doc.GetElement(eid) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.View newView    = null; // declare newView variable

                            // DUPLICATE views
                            // if view element is legend newView is equal to sourceView
                            if (sourceView.ViewType == ViewType.Legend)
                                newView = sourceView;
                            else // for non-legend views
                                if (sourceView.GetPrimaryViewId() == ElementId.InvalidElementId) // if parent view
                                    ElementId newViewId = sourceView.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.WithDetailing);
                                    newView      = m_doc.GetElement(newViewId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                    newView.Name = Data.Helpers.CreateUniqueViewName(m_doc, sourceView);
                                else // if dependent view
                                    ElementId newViewId = sourceView.Duplicate(dependentOption);
                                    newView      = m_doc.GetElement(newViewId) as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                    newView.Name = Data.Helpers.CreateUniqueViewName(m_doc, sourceView);
                            // CREATE viewport and MOVE it
                            foreach (Viewport vp in new FilteredElementCollector(m_doc).OfClass(typeof(Viewport)))
                                if (vp.SheetId == sourceSheet.Id && vp.ViewId == sourceView.Id)
                                    XYZ       sourceCenter = vp.GetBoxCenter();
                                    ElementId sourceTypeId = vp.GetTypeId();

                                    Viewport newViewport = Viewport.Create(m_doc, newSheet.Id, newView.Id, XYZ.Zero);
                                    Ana_NoOfViewports += 1; // add 1 to the viewport counter

                                    XYZ newCenter = newViewport.GetBoxCenter();

                                    ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(m_doc, newViewport.Id, new XYZ(
                                                                          sourceCenter.X - newCenter.X,
                                                                          sourceCenter.Y - newCenter.Y,

                        #region Loop through schedules
                        foreach (ScheduleSheetInstance si in (new FilteredElementCollector(m_doc).OfClass(typeof(ScheduleSheetInstance))))
                            if (si.OwnerViewId == sourceSheet.Id)
                                if (!si.IsTitleblockRevisionSchedule)
                                    foreach (ViewSchedule viewSchedule in new FilteredElementCollector(m_doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewSchedule)))
                                        if (si.ScheduleId == viewSchedule.Id)
                                            XYZ sourceCenter = si.Point;
                                            ScheduleSheetInstance newSSheetInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(m_doc, newSheet.Id, viewSchedule.Id, XYZ.Zero);
                                            XYZ newCenter = newSSheetInstance.Point;
                                            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement(m_doc, newSSheetInstance.Id, new XYZ(
                                                                                  sourceCenter.X - newCenter.X,
                                                                                  sourceCenter.Y - newCenter.Y,

예제 #9
        private static Result createPourSheets(UIDocument uiDoc)
            //ToDo: these might be good as settings in a future UI
            string _titleblockName = "E1 30 x 42 Horizontal: E1 30x42 Horizontal";
            //string _elementName = "C-2"; // "EllisShore_LumberWithClamps";
            //int _3dViewScale = 48;
            //XYZ _3dViewportCenter = new XYZ(2.21129429621462, 0.656294714474886, 0);
            //int _sectionViewScale = 32;
            //XYZ _sectionViewportCenter = new XYZ(0.7791340191012, 1.72774616204266, 0);

            int _floorplanViewScale      = 24;
            XYZ _floorplanViewportCenter = new XYZ(1.23473112570493, 1.15208223453682, 0);

            XYZ _columnScheduleBottomLeft = new XYZ(2.31721454780864, 2.37688649933288, 0);
            XYZ _levelScheduleBottomLeft  = new XYZ(0.156336990263879, 2.37688649933288, 0);

            Document _doc = uiDoc.Document;

            //Get a BoundedView3DDefinition for each Level - Scope Box in the project
            var _levels = Getters.GetLevels(_doc);

            var _scopeBoxes = Getters.GetScopeBoxes(_doc);

            var    _boundedViewCreators = new List <BoundedViewCreator>();
            double _extraExtents        = 0.5;

            foreach (Level _level in _levels)
                Level _levelAbove = _levels.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Elevation > _level.Elevation);
                if (_levelAbove == null)

                foreach (Element _scopeBox in _scopeBoxes)
                    BoundingBoxXYZ _scopeBoxBounds = _scopeBox.get_BoundingBox(null);
                    BoundingBoxXYZ _viewBounds     = new BoundingBoxXYZ
                        Min = new XYZ(
                            _scopeBoxBounds.Min.X - _extraExtents,
                            _scopeBoxBounds.Min.Y - _extraExtents,
                            _level.Elevation - _extraExtents),
                        Max = new XYZ(
                            _scopeBoxBounds.Max.X + _extraExtents,
                            _scopeBoxBounds.Max.Y + _extraExtents,
                            _levelAbove.Elevation + _extraExtents)

                    _boundedViewCreators.Add(new BoundedViewCreator(_level, _scopeBox, _viewBounds));

            //Generate Views, set their Boundaries & Names, Adjust Visiblity Graphics
            OverrideGraphicSettings _70Transparent = new OverrideGraphicSettings();


            List <Tuple <ElementId, string, List <View> > > _createdSheetIdViewIdSets = new List <Tuple <ElementId, string, List <View> > >();

            foreach (var _boundedViewCreator in _boundedViewCreators)
                SheetCreator _sheetCreator = new SheetCreator(_doc);

                //Create Sheet
                string    _pourName  = _boundedViewCreator.GetViewName(string.Empty, string.Empty);
                ViewSheet _viewSheet = _sheetCreator.CreateSheet(_titleblockName, _pourName, _pourName);

                ////Create 3D View
                //View3D _3DView = _boundedViewCreator.CreateView3D(_3dViewScale);
                //_3DView.SetCategoryHidden(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_VolumeOfInterest), true);
                //_3DView.SetCategoryOverrides(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors), _70Transparent);

                //Create Floorplan View
                ViewPlan _floorPlanView = _boundedViewCreator.CreateViewPlan(_floorplanViewScale);
                _floorPlanView.SetCategoryHidden(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_VolumeOfInterest), true);
                _floorPlanView.SetCategoryOverrides(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors), _70Transparent);

                ////Create Section View
                //ViewSection _sectionView = _boundedViewCreator.CreateViewSection(_sectionViewScale);
                //_sectionView.SetCategoryHidden(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_VolumeOfInterest), true);
                //_sectionView.SetCategoryOverrides(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors), _70Transparent);

                //Create Schedules
                ViewSchedule          _columnSchedule = ScheduleCreator.CreatePourColumnSchedule(_doc, _pourName, " Reshores");
                ScheduleSheetInstance _columnScheduleSheetInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(_doc, _viewSheet.Id, _columnSchedule.Id, _columnScheduleBottomLeft);

                ViewSchedule          _levelSchedule = ScheduleCreator.CreatePourLoadSchedule(_doc, _boundedViewCreator.Level?.Name, " - " + _boundedViewCreator.ScopeBox?.Name + " Loads");
                ScheduleSheetInstance _levelScheduleSheetInstance = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(_doc, _viewSheet.Id, _levelSchedule.Id, _levelScheduleBottomLeft);

                _createdSheetIdViewIdSets.Add(new Tuple <ElementId, string, List <View> >(
                                                  new List <View> { /*_3DView,*/
                    _floorPlanView,                                 /*_sectionView*/


            FamilySymbol _tagSymbol = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc)
                                      .OfClass(typeof(FamilySymbol)).OfType <FamilySymbol>()
                                      .FirstOrDefault(p => p.FamilyName.Contains("Mark"));

            foreach (var _createdSheetIdViewIdSet in _createdSheetIdViewIdSets)
                foreach (View _view in _createdSheetIdViewIdSet.Item3)
                    if (_view == null)

                    //if (_view is View3D) Viewport.Create(_doc, _createdSheetIdViewIdSet.Item1, _view.Id, _3dViewportCenter);
                    else if (_view is ViewPlan)
                        TagCreator.CreateTags(_view, _tagSymbol);
                        Viewport.Create(_doc, _createdSheetIdViewIdSet.Item1, _view.Id, _floorplanViewportCenter);
                    //else if (_view is ViewSection) Viewport.Create(_doc, _createdSheetIdViewIdSet.Item1, _view.Id, _sectionViewportCenter);

        public void ProcessSelection()
            using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(activeDoc, "CopyLegends"))
                foreach (SheetWrapper sw in Sheets)
                    if (sw.SelectSheet)
                        // extract elements from element references
                        foreach (Reference r in selectedViews)
                            Element e = activeDoc.GetElement(r.ElementId);

                            // check if element is schedule or legend 
                            if (e.Category.Id.IntegerValue.Equals((int)BuiltInCategory.OST_ScheduleGraphics))
                                // process as schedule
                                    ScheduleSheetInstance sch = (ScheduleSheetInstance)e;
                                    bool scheduleOnSheet = false;

                                    // get viewsheet and check if schedule already on sheet
                                    // if schedule on sheet adjust position else create new
                                    foreach (ScheduleSheetInstance si in new FilteredElementCollector(activeDoc)
                                        if (si.OwnerViewId == sw.ID
                                            && si.ScheduleId == sch.ScheduleId)
                                            si.Point = sch.Point;
                                            scheduleOnSheet = true;

                                    if (!scheduleOnSheet)
                                        // create new schedule instance
                                        ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(activeDoc, sw.ID, sch.ScheduleId, sch.Point);
                                catch (Exception) { }
                                // process as legend
                                    Viewport vp = (Viewport)e;
                                    bool legendOnSheet = false;

                                    // get all viewports on this sheet and check if legend already on sheet
                                    // if legend on sheet adjust position else add new one
                                    ViewSheet vs = activeDoc.GetElement(sw.ID) as ViewSheet;
                                    ICollection<ElementId> allViewports = vs.GetAllViewports();
                                    foreach (ElementId id in allViewports)
                                        Viewport currentVp = activeDoc.GetElement(id) as Viewport;
                                        if (currentVp.ViewId == vp.ViewId)
                                            legendOnSheet = true;

                                    if (!legendOnSheet)
                                        // create new legend on sheet
                                        Viewport.Create(activeDoc, sw.ID, vp.ViewId, vp.GetBoxCenter());
                                catch (Exception) { }
예제 #11
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Retrieve active view
            View     activeView     = doc.ActiveView;
            ViewType activeViewType = activeView.ViewType;

            if (activeViewType == ViewType.DrawingSheet)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Current view is a sheet. Please open a view.");

            using (ViewSheetsWindow VOSwindow = new ViewSheetsWindow(commandData))
                // Revit application as window's owner
                System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper helper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(VOSwindow);
                helper.Owner = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;


                // List with all selected sheets
                List <int> intIds = VOSwindow.listIds;

                // Check if view is already on sheets
                bool isViewOnSheet = Helpers.Helpers.IsViewOnSheet(doc, activeView);
                bool viewPlaced    = false;

                // List to store views placed on sheet
                var viewSheetSuccess = new List <string>();

                // Transaction
                Transaction transactionViews = new Transaction(doc, "Place Views on Sheets");

                // Place view on selected sheets
                foreach (var item in intIds)
                    ElementId eId   = new ElementId(item);
                    ViewSheet sheet = doc.GetElement(eId) as ViewSheet;

                    // Set view placement point
                    XYZ centerTitleBlock;

                        // Retrieve title block
                        FamilyInstance tBlock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, sheet.Id)
                                                .FirstElement() as FamilyInstance;

                        // Retrieve title block size
                        double sheetHeight = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_HEIGHT).AsDouble();
                        double sheetWidth  = tBlock.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_WIDTH).AsDouble();

                        // Center of title block
                        centerTitleBlock = new XYZ(sheetWidth / 2, sheetHeight / 2, 0);
                        centerTitleBlock = new XYZ();
                        // TODO: Error log

                    // If activeView is a schedule
                    if (activeViewType == ViewType.Schedule ||
                        activeViewType == ViewType.ColumnSchedule ||
                        activeViewType == ViewType.PanelSchedule)
                        ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, sheet.Id, activeView.Id, centerTitleBlock);
                        // Mark sheet as successfully placed
                    // View is a legend
                    else if (activeViewType == ViewType.Legend)
                        // Place legend if it is not placed on any sheet
                        if (isViewOnSheet == false)
                            Viewport.Create(doc, sheet.Id, activeView.Id, centerTitleBlock);
                            // Mark sheet as successfully placed
                        // Check where is the legend placed on
                            ISet <ElementId> viewIds    = sheet.GetAllPlacedViews();
                            bool             flagLegend = true;
                            // Check if legend is placed on selected sheet
                            foreach (var vId in viewIds)
                                if (vId == activeView.Id)
                                    flagLegend = false;
                                    TaskDialog.Show("Warning", $"Legend already placed on {sheet.Name}.");
                            // Placed on selected sheet if it is not placed already
                            if (flagLegend)
                                Viewport.Create(doc, sheet.Id, activeView.Id, centerTitleBlock);
                                // Mark sheet as successfully placed
                    // If activeView is already place on a sheet
                    else if (isViewOnSheet || viewPlaced == true)
                        // Duplicate view
                        ElementId viewId = activeView.Duplicate(ViewDuplicateOption.WithDetailing);
                        // Place duplicated view on sheet
                        Viewport.Create(doc, sheet.Id, viewId, centerTitleBlock);
                        // Mark sheet as successfully placed
                    // If activeView is not on sheet
                        Viewport.Create(doc, sheet.Id, activeView.Id, centerTitleBlock);
                        viewPlaced = true;
                        // Mark sheet as successfully placed

                // Commit transaction

                // Display result message to user
                if (viewSheetSuccess.Count > 0)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Success", activeView.Name + " has been placed on: \n" + string.Join("\n", viewSheetSuccess));

예제 #12
        private bool DoWork(ExternalCommandData commandData,
                            ref String message, ElementSet elements)
            if (null == commandData)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commandData));

            if (null == message)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

            if (null == elements)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elements));

            ResourceManager res_mng     = new ResourceManager(GetType());
            ResourceManager def_res_mng = new ResourceManager(typeof(Properties.Resources));

            UIApplication ui_app    = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    ui_doc    = ui_app?.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app       = ui_app?.Application;
            Document      doc       = ui_doc?.Document;
            Selection     selection = ui_doc?.Selection;

            var tr_name = res_mng.GetString("_transaction_name");

                using (var tr = new Transaction(doc, tr_name))
                    if (TransactionStatus.Started == tr.Start()
                        ProjectSettingsStorage pStore = new ProjectSettingsStorage();
                        ProjectSettings        set    = pStore.ReadSettings(doc);

                        ICollection <ElementId> selectedIds = selection.GetElementIds();
                        ICollection <ElementId> panelIds    = new List <ElementId>();
                        IList <ElementId>       elems       = new List <ElementId>();
                        IList <bool>            check       = new List <bool>();

                        if (0 == selectedIds.Count)
                            // If no elements selected.
                            TaskDialog.Show("Revit", "You haven't selected any elements.");
                            int    totalCount   = 0;
                            int    currentCount = 0;
                            int    localTotal   = 10;
                            int    localCurrent = 0;
                            String info         = "The following assemblies have successfully been created: ";
                            foreach (ElementId id in selectedIds)
                                Element elem = ui_doc.Document.GetElement(id);
                                //foreach (Parameter pa in elem.Parameters)
                                //if (pa.Definition.Name == "BIMSF_Container" && pa.AsString() != null && elem.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ASSEMBLY_NAME) == null)
                                if (elem.LookupParameter("BIMSF_Container") != null && elem.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ASSEMBLY_NAME) == null)
                                    totalCount += 1;
                            ProgressForm pf           = new ProgressForm(String.Format("{0} of {1} panels processed", currentCount, totalCount), "Creating wall assembly...", (int)100 / totalCount, (int)100 / localTotal);
                            string       localString  = "Creating wall assembly...";
                            string       globalString =
                                String.Format("{0} of {1} panels processed", currentCount, totalCount);
                            pf.LabelSet(localString, false, false, globalString, false);


                            foreach (ElementId id in panelIds)
                                Element elem = ui_doc.Document.GetElement(id);
                                //foreach (Parameter pa in elem.Parameters)
                                Parameter pa = elem.LookupParameter("BIMSF_Container");
                                if (pa.Definition.Name == "BIMSF_Container" && pa.AsString() != null && elem.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ASSEMBLY_NAME) == null)
                                    ElementId ida = new ElementId(pa.Id.IntegerValue);

                                    ParameterValueProvider provider = new ParameterValueProvider(ida);

                                    FilterStringRuleEvaluator eval = new FilterStringEquals();

                                    FilterRule               rule   = new FilterStringRule(provider, eval, elem.get_Parameter(pa.Definition).AsString(), false);
                                    ElementParameterFilter   filter = new ElementParameterFilter(rule);
                                    FilteredElementCollector fec    = new FilteredElementCollector(ui_doc.Document).WhereElementIsNotElementType().WherePasses(filter);

                                    foreach (Element e in fec)
                                    FilteredElementCollector fecC = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, elems).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralColumns);
                                    FilteredElementCollector fecF = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, elems).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralFraming);

                                    ElementId categoryId = doc.GetElement(elems.First()).Category.Id; // use category of one of the assembly elements
                                    if (AssemblyInstance.IsValidNamingCategory(doc, categoryId, elems))
                                        TransactionStatus tStat = tr.HasStarted() ? tr.GetStatus() : tr.Start();

                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);

                                        //IList<Element> el = new List<Element>();
                                        //IList<Element> col = new List<Element>();
                                        ReferenceArray colArray  = new ReferenceArray();
                                        ReferenceArray framArray = new ReferenceArray();
                                        AssemblyInstance assemblyInstance = AssemblyInstance.Create(doc, elems, categoryId);
                                        XYZ pt1 = assemblyInstance.GetTransform().BasisZ;
                                        XYZ pt2 = assemblyInstance.GetCenter();

                                         * col.Clear();
                                         * foreach (Element co in fecC)
                                         * {
                                         *  col.Add(co);
                                         * }*/

                                        foreach (Element fr in fecF)
                                            FamilyInstance fi = fr as FamilyInstance;

                                        /*foreach (ElementId item in elems)
                                         * {
                                         *  if (doc.GetElement(item).Category.Name == "Structural Framing")
                                         *  {
                                         *      el.Add(doc.GetElement(item));
                                         *      FamilyInstance fi = doc.GetElement(item) as FamilyInstance;
                                         *      framArray.Append(fi.GetReferenceByName("HardSide"));
                                         *  }else if (doc.GetElement(item).Category.Name == "Structural Columns")
                                         *  {
                                         *      col.Add(doc.GetElement(item));
                                         *  }
                                         * }*/
                                        //Element il = el.First();
                                        LocationCurve lc    = fecF.FirstElement().Location as LocationCurve;
                                        Curve         line  = lc.Curve;
                                        XYZ           start = line.GetEndPoint(0);
                                        XYZ           end   = line.GetEndPoint(1);
                                        XYZ           v     = (end - start);
                                        double        angle = v.AngleTo(XYZ.BasisX);

                                        foreach (Element column in fecC)
                                            FamilyInstance fi       = column as FamilyInstance;
                                            LocationPoint  colLc    = column.Location as LocationPoint;
                                            double         colAngle = colLc.Rotation;
                                            if (Math.Round(colAngle, 2) == Math.Round(angle, 2) || Math.Round(colAngle, 2) == Math.Round(angle + Math.PI, 2) || Math.Round(colAngle, 2) == Math.Round(angle - Math.PI, 2))
                                                //TaskDialog.Show("HardSide", colAngle + "\n" + angle);
                                                //TaskDialog.Show("Revit",colAngle + "\n" + angle);

                                        //TaskDialog.Show("Revit", angle.ToString());
                                        Transform trf = Transform.CreateRotationAtPoint(pt1, angle, pt2);
                                        tr.Commit(); // commit the transaction that creates the assembly instance before modifying the instance's name
                                        localCurrent += 1;
                                        localString   = "Creating 3D view...";
                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                        if (tr.GetStatus() == TransactionStatus.Committed)
                                            tr.Start("Set Assembly Name");
                                            assemblyInstance.AssemblyTypeName = elem.get_Parameter(pa.Definition).AsString();
                                            info += "\n" + assemblyInstance.AssemblyTypeName;

                                        if (assemblyInstance.AllowsAssemblyViewCreation()) // create assembly views for this assembly instance
                                            if (tr.GetStatus() == TransactionStatus.Committed)
                                                tr.Start("View Creation");

                                                View3D view3D = AssemblyViewUtils.Create3DOrthographic(doc, assemblyInstance.Id);

                                                localCurrent += 1;
                                                localString   = "Creating elevation view...";
                                                pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);

                                                View elView = AssemblyViewUtils.CreateDetailSection(doc, assemblyInstance.Id, AssemblyDetailViewOrientation.ElevationFront);

                                                localCurrent += 1;
                                                localString   = "Populating elevation view...";
                                                pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);

                                                TagMode        tm      = TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY;
                                                bool           addLead = false;
                                                XYZ            center;
                                                TagOrientation to;

                                                foreach (Element co in fecC)
                                                    to = TagOrientation.Vertical;
                                                    LocationPoint cols  = co.Location as LocationPoint;
                                                    XYZ           colPt = cols.Point;
                                                    double        colX  = colPt.X;
                                                    double        colY  = colPt.Y;
                                                    ElementId     blId  = co.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                    Level         bl    = doc.GetElement(blId) as Level;
                                                    double        zb    = bl.Elevation;
                                                    double        blo   = co.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_OFFSET_PARAM).AsDouble();
                                                    double        bot   = zb + blo;

                                                    ElementId tlId  = co.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_TOP_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                    Level     tl    = doc.GetElement(tlId) as Level;
                                                    double    zt    = tl.Elevation;
                                                    double    tlo   = co.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_TOP_LEVEL_OFFSET_PARAM).AsDouble();
                                                    double    top   = zt + tlo;
                                                    double    zCent = (top + bot) / 2;

                                                    center = new XYZ(colX, colY, zCent);
                                                    Reference refer = new Reference(co);
                                                    IndependentTag.Create(doc, elView.Id, refer, addLead, tm, to, center);

                                                foreach (Element fr in fecF)
                                                    to = TagOrientation.Horizontal;
                                                    LocationCurve loc    = fr.Location as LocationCurve;
                                                    XYZ           start2 = loc.Curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                                                    XYZ           end2   = loc.Curve.GetEndPoint(1);
                                                    center = (start2 + end2) / 2;
                                                    Reference refer = new Reference(fr);
                                                    IndependentTag.Create(doc, elView.Id, refer, addLead, tm, to, center);

                                                /*foreach (ElementId eI in elems)
                                                 * {
                                                 *  Element e = doc.GetElement(eI);
                                                 *  if ((BuiltInCategory)e.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralColumns || (BuiltInCategory)e.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralFraming)
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      XYZ center;
                                                 *      TagOrientation to;
                                                 *      if ((BuiltInCategory)e.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralColumns)
                                                 *      {
                                                 *          to = TagOrientation.Vertical;
                                                 *          LocationPoint cols = e.Location as LocationPoint;
                                                 *          XYZ colPt = cols.Point;
                                                 *          double colX = colPt.X;
                                                 *          double colY = colPt.Y;
                                                 *          ElementId blId = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                 *          Level bl = doc.GetElement(blId) as Level;
                                                 *          double zb = bl.Elevation;
                                                 *          double blo = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_OFFSET_PARAM).AsDouble();
                                                 *          double bot = zb + blo;
                                                 *          ElementId tlId = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_TOP_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                 *          Level tl = doc.GetElement(tlId) as Level;
                                                 *          double zt = tl.Elevation;
                                                 *          double tlo = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_TOP_LEVEL_OFFSET_PARAM).AsDouble();
                                                 *          double top = zt + tlo;
                                                 *          double zCent = (top + bot) / 2;
                                                 *          center = new XYZ(colX,colY,zCent);
                                                 *      }
                                                 *      else
                                                 *      {
                                                 *          to = TagOrientation.Horizontal;
                                                 *          LocationCurve loc = e.Location as LocationCurve;
                                                 *          XYZ start2 = loc.Curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                                                 *          XYZ end2 = loc.Curve.GetEndPoint(1);
                                                 *          center = (start2 + end2) / 2;
                                                 *      }
                                                 *      Reference refer = new Reference(e);
                                                 *      IndependentTag.Create(doc, elView.Id, refer, addLead, tm, to, center);
                                                 *  }
                                                 * }*/

                                                    //LocationCurve framC = fecF.FirstElement().Location as LocationCurve;
                                                    FamilyInstance fi = fecC.FirstElement() as FamilyInstance;
                                                    //Transform fiP = fi.GetTransform();

                                                    LocationPoint col1 = fecC.FirstElement().Location as LocationPoint;
                                                    //XYZ test = fiP.OfPoint(col1.Point);

                                                    ElementId col1Bot = fecC.FirstElement().get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                    Level     col1LB  = doc.GetElement(col1Bot) as Level;
                                                    double    bottom  = col1LB.Elevation;

                                                    ElementId col1Top = fecC.FirstElement().get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_TOP_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                    Level     col1LT  = doc.GetElement(col1Top) as Level;
                                                    double    top     = col1LT.Elevation;

                                                    //Line framT = framC.Curve as Line;
                                                    //XYZ framP = framT.Origin;
                                                    Line      framL = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(col1.Point.X, col1.Point.Y, bottom), new XYZ(col1.Point.X, col1.Point.Y, top));
                                                    Dimension di    = doc.Create.NewDimension(elView, framL, framArray);
                                                    di.DimensionType = doc.GetElement(set.HorizontalDimFlr) as DimensionType;
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", e.Message + "\n" + e.Source);

                                                    LocationCurve framC = fecF.FirstElement().Location as LocationCurve;

                                                    ElementId col1Bot = fecC.FirstElement().get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.FAMILY_BASE_LEVEL_PARAM).AsElementId();
                                                    Level     col1LB  = doc.GetElement(col1Bot) as Level;
                                                    double    bottom  = col1LB.Elevation;

                                                    Line framT = framC.Curve as Line;
                                                    XYZ  framS = framT.GetEndPoint(0);
                                                    XYZ  framE = framT.GetEndPoint(1);
                                                    //Line framL = framT.CreateOffset(-1, XYZ.BasisZ) as Line;
                                                    //XYZ framP = framT.Origin;
                                                    Line      framL = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(framS.X, framS.Y, bottom - 1.5), new XYZ(framE.X, framE.Y, bottom - 1.5));
                                                    Dimension di    = doc.Create.NewDimension(elView, framL, colArray);
                                                    di.DimensionType = doc.GetElement(set.HeightDimWa) as DimensionType;
                                                    LocationPoint clp = fecC.FirstElement().Location as LocationPoint;
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    TaskDialog.Show("Revit", e.Message + "\n" + e.Source);
                                                localCurrent += 1;
                                                localString   = "Creating plan view...";
                                                pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                View plView = AssemblyViewUtils.CreateDetailSection(doc, assemblyInstance.Id, AssemblyDetailViewOrientation.ElevationTop);

                                                localCurrent += 1;
                                                localString   = "Creating material takeoff schedule...";
                                                pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                ViewSchedule partList = AssemblyViewUtils.CreatePartList(doc, assemblyInstance.Id);

                                                XYZ pt3D = new XYZ(0.1, 0.45, 0);
                                                XYZ ptEl = new XYZ(0.5, 0.5, 0);
                                                XYZ ptPl = new XYZ(0.5, 0.5, 0);
                                                XYZ ptPa = new XYZ(0.03, 0.1, 0);

                                                if (set != null)
                                                    view3D.ViewTemplateId = set.View3DTemplate;

                                                if (set != null)
                                                    elView.ViewTemplateId = set.ViewElTemplate;

                                                if (set != null)
                                                    plView.ViewTemplateId = set.ViewPlTemplate;

                                                if (set != null)
                                                    partList.ViewTemplateId = set.ViewPaTemplate;
                                                if (set != null)
                                                        localCurrent += 1;
                                                        localString   = "Creating spool sheet...";
                                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                        ElementType noTitle          = null;
                                                        FilteredElementCollector fen = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ElementType));
                                                        foreach (Element item in fen)
                                                            if (item.Name == "No Title")
                                                                noTitle = item as ElementType;

                                                        ViewSheet sheet = AssemblyViewUtils.CreateSheet(doc, assemblyInstance.Id, set.TemplateTemplate);
                                                        localCurrent += 1;
                                                        localString   = "Adding views to sheet...";
                                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                        Viewport v3D = AddViewToSheet(doc, sheet, noTitle, pt3D, view3D.Id);

                                                        Viewport       vEl  = AddViewToSheet(doc, sheet, noTitle, ptEl, elView.Id);
                                                        BoundingBoxXYZ bbEl = vEl.get_BoundingBox(sheet);

                                                        Viewport       vPl  = AddViewToSheet(doc, sheet, noTitle, ptPl, plView.Id);
                                                        BoundingBoxXYZ bbPl = vPl.get_BoundingBox(sheet);

                                                        ScheduleSheetInstance vPa = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, sheet.Id, partList.Id, ptPa);
                                                        localCurrent += 1;
                                                        localString   = "Cleaning up spool sheet...";
                                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                        BoundingBoxXYZ bb    = sheet.CropBox;
                                                        BoundingBoxXYZ bbvPa = vPa.get_BoundingBox(sheet);
                                                        double         minX  = bb.Min.X;
                                                        double         maxX  = bb.Max.X;
                                                        double         xLen  = maxX - minX;
                                                        //TaskDialog.Show("Revit",minX + ", " + maxX + "\n" +bbvPa.Min.Y + ", " + bbvPa.Max.Y +  "\n" + bbPl.Min.X + ", " + bbPl.Min.Y);
                                                        vPa.Point = new XYZ(vPa.Point.X, vPa.Point.Y - bbvPa.Min.Y, vPa.Point.Z);
                                                        double schedX  = bbvPa.Max.X + 0.03;
                                                        double centEl  = (bbEl.Max.X - bbEl.Min.X) / 2;
                                                        double centElY = (bbEl.Max.Y - bbEl.Min.Y) / 2;
                                                        double centPlY = (bbPl.Max.Y - bbPl.Min.Y) / 2;
                                                        vEl.SetBoxCenter(new XYZ(schedX + centEl, (centPlY + 0.05) * 2 + centElY, vEl.GetBoxCenter().Z));
                                                        vPl.SetBoxCenter(new XYZ(schedX + centEl, centPlY + 0.05, vPl.GetBoxCenter().Z));

                                                        sheet.SheetNumber = elem.get_Parameter(pa.Definition).AsString();
                                                        sheet.Name        = "Framing";
                                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                                        TaskDialog.Show("Error", ex.Message);

                                                localCurrent += 1;
                                                localString   = String.Format("Wall assembly {0} completed...",
                                                pf.LabelSet(localString, true, false, globalString, false);
                                                localCurrent = 0;
                                        currentCount += 1;
                                        globalString  = String.Format("{0} of {1} panels processed", currentCount, totalCount);
                                        pf.LabelSet(localString, false, true, globalString, true);
                                    //info += "\n\t" + pa.Definition.Name + ": " + pa.AsString();
                            TaskDialog.Show("Revit", info);

            catch (Exception ex)
                message = ex.Message;
예제 #13
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

            // Call WPF for user input
            using (DuplicateSheetsWPF customWindow = new DuplicateSheetsWPF(commandData))
                // Revit application as window's owner
                System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper helper = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(customWindow);
                helper.Owner = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;


                // Retrieve all user input
                List <int> sheetIds              = customWindow.sheetIds;
                var        titleBlockComboBox    = customWindow.SelectedComboItemTitleBlock;
                var        copyViews             = customWindow.copyViews;
                var        optDuplicate          = customWindow.optDuplicate;
                var        optDuplicateDetailing = customWindow.optDuplicateDetailing;
                var        optDuplicateDependant = customWindow.optDuplicateDependant;
                var        viewPrefix            = customWindow.viewPrefix;
                var        viewSuffix            = customWindow.viewSuffix;
                var        sheetPrefix           = customWindow.sheetPrefix;
                var        sheetSuffix           = customWindow.sheetSuffix;

                // Establish duplicate options at top to avoid reassignment inside loop
                var viewDuplicateOption = ViewDuplicateOption.Duplicate;
                if (optDuplicateDetailing == true)
                    viewDuplicateOption = ViewDuplicateOption.WithDetailing;
                else if (optDuplicateDependant == true)
                    viewDuplicateOption = ViewDuplicateOption.AsDependent;

                // Group transacation
                TransactionGroup tg = new TransactionGroup(doc, "Duplicate sheets");

                // List to store sheets duplicated
                var viewSheetSuccess = new List <string>();

                // Duplicate all selected sheets
                foreach (var sId in sheetIds)
                    // Retrieve sheet and sheet Id
                    ElementId sheetId = new ElementId(sId);
                    ViewSheet vSheet  = doc.GetElement(sheetId) as ViewSheet;

                    // Retrieve title block according to user input
                    FamilyInstance titleblock = null;
                    if (titleBlockComboBox.Content as string != "Current Title Block")
                        titleblock = titleBlockComboBox.Tag as FamilyInstance;
                        // Retrieve titleblock from current sheet
                        titleblock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(FamilyInstance))
                                     .OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_TitleBlocks).Cast <FamilyInstance>()
                                     .First(q => q.OwnerViewId == vSheet.Id);
                    // Guard against no loaded titleblocks in project or in sheet
                    if (titleblock == null)
                        titleblock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(FamilyInstance))
                                     .OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_TitleBlocks).Cast <FamilyInstance>()

                    // Retrieve elements on sheet
                    var elementsInViewId = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, sheetId).ToElementIds();
                    // Retrieve viewports in view
                    FilteredElementCollector viewPorts = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, sheetId).OfClass(typeof(Viewport));
                    // Retrieve schedules in view
                    FilteredElementCollector schedules = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OwnedByView(sheetId)
                    // Retrieve viewSchedules
                    FilteredElementCollector viewSchedules = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(typeof(ViewSchedule));

                    // Store copied elements and annotation elements
                    var copiedElementIds     = new List <ElementId>();
                    var annotationElementsId = new List <ElementId>();

                    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Duplicate Sheet"))
                        // Start transaction to duplicate sheet

                        // Duplicate sheet
                        ViewSheet newsheet = ViewSheet.Create(doc, titleblock.GetTypeId());
                        newsheet.SheetNumber = sheetPrefix + vSheet.SheetNumber + sheetSuffix;
                        newsheet.Name        = vSheet.Name;

                        // Get origin of the titleblock
                        XYZ originTitle = titleblock.GetTransform().Origin;
                        // Check titleblock position
                        Element       copyTitleBlock = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OwnedByView(newsheet.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_TitleBlocks).FirstElement();
                        LocationPoint titleLoc       = copyTitleBlock.Location as LocationPoint;
                        XYZ           titleLocPoint  = titleLoc.Point;
                        // Check if title block is in the same position as original
                        if (titleLocPoint.DistanceTo(originTitle) != 0)
                            // Move it in case it is not

                        // Check if user selected copy views
                        if (copyViews)
                            // Retrieve all views placed on sheet except schedules
                            foreach (ElementId eId in vSheet.GetAllPlacedViews())
                                View origView = doc.GetElement(eId) as View;
                                View newView  = null;

                                // Legends
                                if (origView.ViewType == ViewType.Legend)
                                    newView = origView;
                                // Rest of view types
                                    if (origView.CanViewBeDuplicated(viewDuplicateOption))
                                        ElementId newViewId = origView.Duplicate(viewDuplicateOption);
                                        newView      = doc.GetElement(newViewId) as View;
                                        newView.Name = viewPrefix + origView.Name + viewSuffix;

                                // Loop through viewports
                                foreach (Viewport vp in viewPorts)
                                    if (vp.SheetId == vSheet.Id && vp.ViewId == origView.Id)
                                        // Retrieve centerpoint of original viewport
                                        XYZ center = vp.GetBoxCenter();
                                        // Create viewport in the original spot
                                        Viewport newVp = Viewport.Create(doc, newsheet.Id, newView.Id, center);
                                    // Add element in copied list
                                // Add element in copied list

                            // Retrieve and copy schedules
                            foreach (ScheduleSheetInstance sch in schedules)
                                // Check schedule is not a revision inside titleblock
                                if (!sch.IsTitleblockRevisionSchedule)
                                    foreach (ViewSchedule vsc in viewSchedules)
                                        if (sch.ScheduleId == vsc.Id)
                                            // Retrieve center of schedule
                                            XYZ schCenter = sch.Point;
                                            // Create schedule in the same position
                                            ScheduleSheetInstance newSch = ScheduleSheetInstance.Create(doc, newsheet.Id, vsc.Id, schCenter);

                            // Duplicate annotation elements
                            foreach (ElementId eId in elementsInViewId)
                                if (!copiedElementIds.Contains(eId))

                            // Copy annotation elements
                            ElementTransformUtils.CopyElements(vSheet, annotationElementsId, newsheet, null, null);

                        viewSheetSuccess.Add(newsheet.SheetNumber + " - " + newsheet.Name);

                        // Commit transaction

                // Commit group transaction

                // Display result message to user
                if (viewSheetSuccess.Count > 0)
                    TaskDialog.Show("Success", "The following sheets have been duplicated: \n" + string.Join("\n", viewSheetSuccess));
