예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SysType = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["systype"].ToString()); //先得到操作类型

            if (SysType == "e")                                                          //修改
                btname = "修改";
                id     = Request.Params["id"].ToString();
                SchSystem.BLL.SysPer   bll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                SchSystem.Model.SysPer model = bll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
                if (model != null)
                    code = model.PerCode;
                    name = model.PerName;
                    stat = model.Stat.ToString();
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade bllgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    string    srtWhere = "GradeType=" + Convert.ToInt32(model.PerCode);
                    DataTable dt       = bllgrade.GetList("AutoId as id,GradeName as name,'true' checked,GradeType", srtWhere).Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        grademodelstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt);
        public static string getaddcont(string napecode)
            string ret = "";

            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                ret = "expire";
                retprompt retobj = new retprompt();
                if (napecode == "prd")//學段
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                    DataTable            dt    = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,PerName name,PerCode id", "Stat=1 order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "grd")//年級
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,GradeName name,GradeCode id", "").Tables[0];
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "sub")//科目
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysSub spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                    DataTable            dt    = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,SubName name,SubCode id", "Stat=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "utp")//角色
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysUType spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysUType();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,UTypeName name,UTypeCOde id", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "mat")//教版
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysMater spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,MaterName name,MaterCode id", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = "";
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
예제 #3
        public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> save(string Name, string stat, string AutoId)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer   SysPer_bll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                    SchSystem.Model.SysPer SysPer_model = new SchSystem.Model.SysPer();
                    SysPer_model.PerName = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Name).ToString();
                    SysPer_model.Stat    = Convert.ToInt32(Com.Public.SqlEncStr(stat));
                    if (AutoId != "")
                        SysPer_model.AutoId = int.Parse(AutoId);
                        if (SysPer_bll.Update(SysPer_model))
                            rsp.code = "success";
                            rsp.msg  = "修改成功";
                        DataTable dt = SysPer_bll.GetList(" top 1 PerCode", "  1=1 order by convert(int,PerCode) desc").Tables[0];

                        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string Code = dt.Rows[0]["PerCode"].ToString();
                            SysPer_model.PerCode = (int.Parse(Code) + 1).ToString("0");
                            SysPer_model.PerCode = "1";
                        if (SysPer_bll.Add(SysPer_model) != 0)
                            rsp.code = "success";
                            rsp.msg  = "添加成功";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "error";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
예제 #4
 public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize)
     Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
     if (Com.Session.userid == null)
         rsp.code = "expire";
         rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
             SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sysarts = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
             string strwhere = "1=1 ";
             Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
             pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
             pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
             int       rowc = 0;
             int       pc   = 0;
             DataTable dt   = sysarts.GetListCols("AutoId,GradeName,GradeCode,GradeType,'' PerName", strwhere, "GradeType,GradeCode", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
             pages.PageCount = pc;
             pages.RowCount  = rowc;
             if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                 SchSystem.BLL.SysPer bllper = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                 DataTable            dtper  = bllper.GetList("PerName,PerCode", " Stat=1 ").Tables[0];
                 if (dtper.Rows.Count > 0)
                     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                         dt.Rows[i]["GradeCode"] = dt.Rows[i]["GradeCode"].ToString() + "(" + Com.Public.NumberToChinese(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["GradeCode"].ToString().Substring(dt.Rows[i]["GradeCode"].ToString().Length - 3))) + "年级)";
                         DataRow[] dtr = dtper.Select("PerCode='" + dt.Rows[i]["GradeType"].ToString() + "'");
                         if (dtr.Length > 0)
                             dt.Rows[i]["PerName"] = dtr[0]["PerName"].ToString();
                 pages.list = dt;
             rsp.data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
         catch (Exception ex)
             rsp.code = "error";
             rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SysType = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Request.Params["systype"].ToString());//先得到操作类型

            SchSystem.BLL.SysPer bll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
            if (SysType == "e")//修改
                btname = "修改";
                id     = Request.Params["id"].ToString();

                SchSystem.Model.SysPer model = bll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
                if (model != null)
                    code = model.PerCode;
                    name = model.PerName;
                    stat = model.Stat.ToString();
                    year = model.PerYear.ToString();
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade bllgrade = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    string    srtWhere = "GradeType=" + Convert.ToInt32(model.PerCode) + " order by convert(int,GradeCode)";
                    DataTable dt       = bllgrade.GetList("AutoId as id,GradeName as name,'true' checked,GradeType", srtWhere).Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            grademodelstr += dt.Rows[i]["name"].ToString() + "|";
                        grademodelstr = grademodelstr.Remove(grademodelstr.Length - 1);
                DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" top 1 PerCode", "  1=1 order by convert(int,PerCode) desc").Tables[0];

                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string Code = dt.Rows[0]["PerCode"].ToString();
                    code = (int.Parse(Code) + 1).ToString("0");
                    code = "1";
        public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer sysper = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                    string strwhere             = "Stat<2 ";

                    Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
                    pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
                    pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
                    int rowc = 0;
                    int pc   = 0;

                    DataTable dt = sysper.GetListCols("PerCode,PerName,Stat,AutoId,PerYear", strwhere, "convert(int,PerCode)", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
                    pages.PageCount = pc;
                    pages.RowCount  = rowc;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        pages.list = dt;
                    rsp.data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "error";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            schid = Com.Session.schid;
            SchSystem.BLL.ServType stBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServType();
            DataTable stdt = stBll.GetList("TypeName,TypeCode", "").Tables[0];

            businessType = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stdt);
            SchSystem.BLL.ServSys ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServSys();
            DataTable             ssdt  = ssBll.GetList("'0' pId,SysName name,SysCode id,SysUrl,'false' checked", "").Tables[0];

            businessPlatfrom = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ssdt);
            SchSystem.BLL.ServSysNape ssnBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServSysNape();
            DataTable ssndt = ssnBll.GetList("Stat=1").Tables[0];

            addinfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ssndt);
            SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
            DataTable            dtsp  = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,PerName name,PerCode id", "Stat=1 order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];

            selectprdcontent = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsp);
        public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize, string txtname, string BusinessType, string txtcode, string txtrange, string txtbusplat)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "你现在登录已过期,请重新登录!";
                SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc sfcBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc();

                string strwhere = "1=1";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname))
                    strwhere += " and FuncName='" + txtname + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtcode))
                    strwhere += " and FuncCode='" + txtcode + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtrange))
                    strwhere += "and FuncRange='" + txtrange + "'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbusplat))
                    strwhere += " and FuncSyss like '%'+(select SysCode from ServSys where SysName='" + txtbusplat + "')+'%'";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BusinessType))
                    strwhere += " and ServType.TypeCode='" + BusinessType + "'";
                Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
                pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
                pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
                int rowc = 0;
                int pc   = 0;
                    string    dbcols = "ServFunc.AutoId,FuncName,FuncCode,ServFunc.TypeCode,FuncRange,FuncSet,FuncNote,FuncSyss,FuncDes,TypeName";
                    DataTable dt     = sfcBll.GetListCols(dbcols, strwhere, "ServFunc.AutoId", "DESC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
                    pages.PageCount = pc;
                    pages.RowCount  = rowc;
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            string FuncSyss = dt.Rows[i]["FuncSyss"].ToString();
                            if (FuncSyss != "")
                                string[] FuncSyssArr = FuncSyss.Split(',');
                                string   FuncSysstr  = "";
                                foreach (string s in FuncSyssArr)
                                    FuncSysstr += "'" + s + "',";
                                FuncSyss = FuncSysstr.Substring(0, FuncSysstr.Length - 1);
                            dt.Rows[i]["FuncSyssName"] = sfcBll.GetFuncNames("SysCode in (" + FuncSyss + ")");
                            string autoid = dt.Rows[i]["AutoId"].ToString();
                            SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt sfeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt();
                            DataTable     dtsfext            = sfeBll.GetList("*", "FuncId='" + autoid + "'").Tables[0];
                            StringBuilder sbstr = new StringBuilder();
                            //string perstr = "", substr = "", gradestr = "", utname = "", matstr = "";
                            if (dtsfext.Rows.Count > 0)
                                for (int j = 0; j < dtsfext.Rows.Count; j++)
                                    if (dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "prd")
                                        SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                                        DataTable            dtres = spBll.GetList("PerName", "PerCode in(" + dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ") order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                                        for (int z = 0; z < dtres.Rows.Count; z++)
                                            sbstr.Append(dtres.Rows[z]["PerName"].ToString() + ",");
                                        sbstr.ToString().Substring(0, sbstr.ToString().Length - 1);
                                    if (dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "grd")
                                        SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sgBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                                        DataTable dtres = sgBll.GetList("GradeName", "GradeCode in(" + dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                        for (int z = 0; z < dtres.Rows.Count; z++)
                                            sbstr.Append(dtres.Rows[z]["GradeName"].ToString() + ",");
                                        sbstr.ToString().Substring(0, sbstr.ToString().Length - 1);
                                    if (dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "sub")
                                        SchSystem.BLL.SysSub ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                                        DataTable            dtres = ssBll.GetList("SubName", "SubCode in(" + dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                        for (int z = 0; z < dtres.Rows.Count; z++)
                                            sbstr.Append(dtres.Rows[z]["SubName"].ToString() + ",");
                                        sbstr.ToString().Substring(0, sbstr.ToString().Length - 1);
                                    if (dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "utp")
                                        SchSystem.BLL.SysUType sutBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysUType();
                                        DataTable dtres = sutBll.GetList("UTypeName", "UTypeCode in(" + dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                        for (int z = 0; z < dtres.Rows.Count; z++)
                                            sbstr.Append(dtres.Rows[z]["UTypeName"].ToString() + ",");
                                        sbstr.ToString().Substring(0, sbstr.ToString().Length - 1);
                                    if (dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "mat")
                                        SchSystem.BLL.SysMater smBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                                        DataTable dtres = smBll.GetList("MaterName", "MaterCode in(" + dtsfext.Rows[j]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                        for (int z = 0; z < dtres.Rows.Count; z++)
                                            sbstr.Append(dtres.Rows[z]["MaterName"].ToString() + ",");
                                        sbstr.ToString().Substring(0, sbstr.ToString().Length - 1);
                                dt.Rows[i]["FuncSet"] = sbstr.ToString();

                        pages.list = dt;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "excepError";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
                rsp.RspData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
예제 #9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SysType = Request.Params["systype"].ToString();

            SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade bll       = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
            SchSystem.BLL.SysPer   sysperbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
            DataTable dt = sysperbll.GetList("PerName Name,PerCode ID", " Stat=1 Order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];

            if (SysType == "e")//修改,不能修改用户的类型及学校参数
                btname = "修改";
                id     = Request.Params["autoid"].ToString();
                SchSystem.Model.SysGrade model = bll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
                if (model != null && model.AutoId > 0)
                    name      = model.GradeName;
                    percode   = model.GradeType.ToString();
                    gradecode = model.GradeCode + "(" + Com.Public.NumberToChinese(int.Parse(model.GradeCode.Substring(model.GradeCode.Length - 3))) + "年级)";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    percode = dt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
                DataTable dtg = bll.GetList(" top 1 GradeCode", "  GradeType=" + int.Parse(percode) + " order by GradeCode desc").Tables[0];
                if (dtg != null && dtg.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string Code   = dtg.Rows[0]["GradeCode"].ToString().Substring(dtg.Rows[0]["GradeCode"].ToString().Length - 3);
                    string docode = percode + (int.Parse(Code) + 1).ToString("000");
                    gradecode = docode + "(" + Com.Public.NumberToChinese(int.Parse(Code) + 1) + "年级)";
                    gradecode = percode + "001" + "(一年级)";

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() == percode)
                        sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                        sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                percodes = sb.ToString();
예제 #10
        public static string getServFunc(string ordpack)
            string ret = "";

            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                ret = "expire";
                retprompt retobj = new retprompt();
                SchSystem.BLL.ServBus sbBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServBus();
                string funcstr = sbBll.GetList("FuncStr", "ServiceId='" + ordpack + "'").Tables[0].Rows[0]["FuncStr"].ToString();
                string funcs   = "";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(funcstr))
                    string[] funcstrarr = funcstr.Split(',');
                    foreach (string str in funcstrarr)
                        funcs += "'" + str + "',";
                SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc sfBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc();
                DataTable dtServFunc         = sfBll.GetList("AutoId,FuncName,FuncCode", "FuncCode in (" + funcs.Substring(0, funcs.Length - 1) + ")").Tables[0];

                retobj.retxt  = "servfunc";
                retobj.retobj = dtServFunc;
                SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt sfeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt();
                DataTable dtServFuncExt          = sfeBll.GetList("FuncId,NapeCode,NapeCodes,NapeC,'' Title", "FuncId in(select AutoId from ServFunc where FuncCode in(" + funcs.Substring(0, funcs.Length - 1) + "))").Tables[0];
                retobj.servfuncext = dtServFuncExt;
                Dictionary <string, object> listDic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < dtServFunc.Rows.Count; j++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["AutoId"].ToString())
                                SchSystem.BLL.ServUserForExt sufeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServUserForExt();
                                DataTable dtsufe = sufeBll.GetList("Fcode,NapeCode,NapeCodes", "UserForId in (select AutoId from ServUserFor where ServiceId='" + ordpack + "')").Tables[0];
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "prd")
                                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                                    DataTable            dtSysPer = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,PerName name,PerCode id,'false' checked,'true' chkDisabled", "Stat=1 and PerCode in (" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ") order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                                    dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["Title"] = "学段";
                                    string prdtxt = "prd_" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString();
                                    if (dtSysPer.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        for (int y = 0; y < dtSysPer.Rows.Count; y++)
                                            if (dtsufe.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                for (int z = 0; z < dtsufe.Rows.Count; z++)
                                                    if (dtsufe.Rows[z]["Fcode"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["FuncCode"].ToString() && dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCode"].ToString())
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString()))
                                                            string[] ncarr = dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                                            for (int x = 0; x < ncarr.Length; x++)
                                                                if (ncarr[x].ToString() == dtSysPer.Rows[y]["id"].ToString())
                                                                    dtSysPer.Rows[y]["checked"] = true;
                                    listDic.Add(prdtxt, dtSysPer);
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "mat")
                                    SchSystem.BLL.SysMater smBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                                    DataTable dtSysMat           = smBll.GetList("'0' pId,MaterName name,MaterCode id,'false' checked,'true' chkDisabled", "Stat=1 and MaterCode in (" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                    dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["Title"] = "教版";
                                    string prdtxt = "mat_" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString();
                                    if (dtSysMat.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        for (int y = 0; y < dtSysMat.Rows.Count; y++)
                                            if (dtsufe.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                for (int z = 0; z < dtsufe.Rows.Count; z++)
                                                    if (dtsufe.Rows[z]["Fcode"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["FuncCode"].ToString() && dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCode"].ToString())
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString()))
                                                            string[] ncarr = dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                                            for (int x = 0; x < ncarr.Length; x++)
                                                                if (ncarr[x].ToString() == dtSysMat.Rows[y]["id"].ToString())
                                                                    dtSysMat.Rows[y]["checked"] = true;
                                    listDic.Add(prdtxt, dtSysMat);
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "sub")
                                    SchSystem.BLL.SysSub ssBll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                                    DataTable            dtSysSub = ssBll.GetList("'0' pId,SubName name,SubCode id,'false' checked,'true' chkDisabled", "Stat=1 and SubCode in (" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                    dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["Title"] = "科目";
                                    string prdtxt = "sub_" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString();
                                    if (dtSysSub.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        for (int y = 0; y < dtSysSub.Rows.Count; y++)
                                            if (dtsufe.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                for (int z = 0; z < dtsufe.Rows.Count; z++)
                                                    if (dtsufe.Rows[z]["Fcode"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["FuncCode"].ToString() && dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCode"].ToString())
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString()))
                                                            string[] ncarr = dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                                            for (int x = 0; x < ncarr.Length; x++)
                                                                if (ncarr[x].ToString() == dtSysSub.Rows[y]["id"].ToString())
                                                                    dtSysSub.Rows[y]["checked"] = true;
                                    listDic.Add(prdtxt, dtSysSub);
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "grd")
                                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sgBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                                    DataTable dtSysGrade         = sgBll.GetList("'0' pId,GradeName name,GradeCode id,'false' checked,'true' chkDisabled", "GradeCode in (" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                    dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["Title"] = "年级";
                                    string prdtxt = "grd_" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString();
                                    if (dtSysGrade.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        for (int y = 0; y < dtSysGrade.Rows.Count; y++)
                                            if (dtsufe.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                for (int z = 0; z < dtsufe.Rows.Count; z++)
                                                    if (dtsufe.Rows[z]["Fcode"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["FuncCode"].ToString() && dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCode"].ToString())
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString()))
                                                            string[] ncarr = dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                                            for (int x = 0; x < ncarr.Length; x++)
                                                                if (ncarr[x].ToString() == dtSysGrade.Rows[y]["id"].ToString())
                                                                    dtSysGrade.Rows[y]["checked"] = true;
                                    listDic.Add(prdtxt, dtSysGrade);
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == "utp")
                                    SchSystem.BLL.SysUType sutBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysUType();
                                    DataTable dtSysUType          = sutBll.GetList("'0' pId,UTypeName name,UTypeCode id,'false' checked,'true' chkDisabled", "Stat=1 and UTypeCode in (" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCodes"].ToString() + ")").Tables[0];
                                    dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["Title"] = "角色";
                                    string prdtxt = "utp_" + dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["FuncId"].ToString();
                                    if (dtSysUType.Rows.Count > 0)
                                        for (int y = 0; y < dtSysUType.Rows.Count; y++)
                                            if (dtsufe.Rows.Count > 0)
                                                for (int z = 0; z < dtsufe.Rows.Count; z++)
                                                    if (dtsufe.Rows[z]["Fcode"].ToString() == dtServFunc.Rows[j]["FuncCode"].ToString() && dtServFuncExt.Rows[i]["NapeCode"].ToString() == dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCode"].ToString())
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString()))
                                                            string[] ncarr = dtsufe.Rows[z]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                                            for (int x = 0; x < ncarr.Length; x++)
                                                                if (ncarr[x].ToString() == dtSysUType.Rows[y]["id"].ToString())
                                                                    dtSysUType.Rows[y]["checked"] = true;
                                    listDic.Add(prdtxt, dtSysUType);
                    retobj.sysext = listDic;
                ret = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
        public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> save(string Name, string GradeNames, string Year, string Code, string stat, string AutoId)
            Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                rsp.code = "expire";
                rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer   SysPer_bll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                    SchSystem.Model.SysPer SysPer_model = new SchSystem.Model.SysPer();
                    SysPer_model.PerName = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(Name).ToString();
                    SysPer_model.Stat    = Convert.ToInt32(Com.Public.SqlEncStr(stat));
                    SysPer_model.PerYear = int.Parse(Year);
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade   bll   = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    SchSystem.Model.SysGrade model = new SchSystem.Model.SysGrade();
                    if (AutoId != "")
                        SysPer_model.AutoId = int.Parse(AutoId);
                        if (SysPer_bll.Update(SysPer_model))

                            string[] grades = GradeNames.Split('|');
                            if (grades.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < grades.Length; i++)
                                    model.GradeName = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(grades[i]).ToString();
                                    model.GradeType = int.Parse(Code);
                                    model.GradeCode = Code + (i + 1).ToString("000");
                            rsp.code = "success";
                            rsp.msg  = "修改成功";
                        DataTable dt = SysPer_bll.GetList(" top 1 PerCode", "  1=1 order by convert(int,PerCode) desc").Tables[0];

                        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string iCode = dt.Rows[0]["PerCode"].ToString();
                            SysPer_model.PerCode = (int.Parse(iCode) + 1).ToString("0");
                            SysPer_model.PerCode = "1";
                        int perid = SysPer_bll.Add(SysPer_model);
                        if (perid > 0)
                            string[] grades = GradeNames.Split('|');
                            if (grades.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < grades.Length; i++)
                                    model.GradeName = Com.Public.SqlEncStr(grades[i]).ToString();
                                    model.GradeType = int.Parse(SysPer_model.PerCode);
                                    model.GradeCode = SysPer_model.PerCode + (i + 1).ToString("000");
                            rsp.code = "success";
                            rsp.msg  = "添加成功";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rsp.code = "error";
                    rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
예제 #12
 public static Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> page(string PageIndex, string PageSize, string txtname, string ustat, string cotycode, string schid, string aprovserch, string acityserch)
     Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string> rsp = new Com.DataPack.DataRsp <string>();
     if (Com.Session.userid == null)
         rsp.code = "expire";
         rsp.msg  = "页面已经过期,请重新登录";
             SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
             string strwhere = "Stat<2 ";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cotycode))
                 strwhere += " and AreaNo = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(cotycode) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aprovserch))
                 strwhere += " and  left(AreaNo,2)= '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(aprovserch.Substring(0, 2)) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acityserch))
                 strwhere += " and left(AreaNo,4)= '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(acityserch.Substring(0, 4)) + "'";
             if (schid != "")
                 strwhere += " and SchId = '" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid) + "'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname))
                 strwhere += " and SchName like '%" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(txtname) + "%'";
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ustat))
                 strwhere += " and SonSysStat=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(ustat);
             Com.Public.PageModelResp pages = new Com.Public.PageModelResp();
             pages.PageIndex = int.Parse(PageIndex);
             pages.PageSize  = int.Parse(PageSize);
             int       rowc   = 0;
             int       pc     = 0;
             string    dbcols = "SchId,SchName,PlatformName,PlatformUrl,PlatformIco,PlatformIP,SchMaster,SchoolSection,ServiceName,Artisan,SchCreator,RecTime,Stat,iscity,SonSysStat,AreaNo,SchType";
             DataTable dt     = userbll.GetListCols(dbcols, strwhere, "SchName", "ASC", pages.PageIndex, pages.PageSize, ref rowc, ref pc).Tables[0];
             pages.PageCount = pc;
             pages.RowCount  = rowc;
             if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                 SchSystem.BLL.SysPer bllper = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                 DataTable            dtper  = bllper.GetList("PerName,PerCode", " Stat=1 ").Tables[0];
                 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                     string[] areanames = Com.Public.GetArea(dt.Rows[i]["AreaNo"].ToString()).Split('|');
                     dt.Rows[i]["SHENG"] = areanames[0];
                     dt.Rows[i]["SHI"]   = areanames[1];
                     dt.Rows[i]["QU"]    = areanames[2];
                     DataRow[] dtr = dtper.Select("PerCode='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchType"].ToString() + "'");
                     if (dtr.Length > 0)
                         dt.Rows[i]["SchTypeName"] = dtr[0]["PerName"].ToString();
                         dt.Rows[i]["SchTypeName"] = "";
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo   suiBll        = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserInfo();
                     SchSystem.Model.SchUserInfo modeluserinfo = suiBll.GetSupportModel(int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString()), 1);
                     if (modeluserinfo != null)
                         if (modeluserinfo.UserName != "" && modeluserinfo.UserName != null)
                             dt.Rows[i]["ManagerAcount"] = modeluserinfo.UserName;
                         if (modeluserinfo.PassWord != "" && modeluserinfo.PassWord != null)
                             dt.Rows[i]["InitialPwd"] = 1;
                         dt.Rows[i]["ManagerAcount"] = "";
                         dt.Rows[i]["InitialPwd"]    = "";
                     string currentYear = "";
                     if (DateTime.Now.Month < 8)
                         currentYear = (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString();
                         currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo sgibll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchGradeInfo();
                     //dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + " and IsFinish=1");
                     string gradecurrent = " and isfinish=1 and ((left(GradeCode,1)='4' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='3' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=3) or (left(GradeCode,1)='2' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=6) or (left(GradeCode,1)='1' and " + currentYear + "-GradeYear=5))";
                     dt.Rows[i]["graduated"] = sgibll.GetGradedYear("SchId=" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + gradecurrent);
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole sarBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppRole();
                     DataTable     dtsars            = sarBll.GetList("SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'").Tables[0];
                     StringBuilder sbsars            = new StringBuilder();
                     if (dtsars.Rows.Count > 0)
                         string sarsarr             = dtsars.Rows[0]["AppStr"].ToString();
                         SchSystem.BLL.SchApp saBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                         StringBuilder        sbsas = new StringBuilder();
                         DataTable            dtsas = saBll.GetList("AppName", "AppCode in (" + sarsarr + ")").Tables[0];
                         if (dtsas.Rows.Count > 0)
                             foreach (DataRow drsas in dtsas.Rows)
                                 sbsas.Append(drsas["AppName"] + ",");
                             dt.Rows[i]["AppSonSys"] = sbsas.ToString().Substring(0, sbsas.ToString().Length - 1);
                     SchSystem.BLL.SchSub ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                     dt.Rows[i]["SchSubNames"] = ssBll.GetSubNames("Stat=1 and SchId='" + dt.Rows[i]["SchId"].ToString() + "'");
                 pages.list = dt;
             rsp.data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pages);
         catch (Exception ex)
             rsp.code = "error";
             rsp.msg  = ex.Message;
예제 #13
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                usertname = Com.Session.uname;

                SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo   schbll    = new SchSystem.BLL.SchInfo();
                SchSystem.Model.SchInfo usermodel = new SchSystem.Model.SchInfo();

                SchSystem.BLL.SysSub syssubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                DataTable            dtsub     = syssubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];//Stat=1
                DataTable            dtsubmat  = dtsub.Copy();
                SchSystem.BLL.SchSub schsubbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchSub();
                DataTable            dtschsub  = schsubbll.GetList("'0' pId,SubCode id,SubName name,'false' checked", "Stat=1 and SchId='" + schid + "' Order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                subs    = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsub);
                subsmat = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsubmat);

                treeNodekinderstr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschsub);
                SchSystem.BLL.SchApp schappBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchApp();
                DataTable            dtschapp  = schappBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1 and AppCode not in (1,2)").Tables[0];
                sonsys = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschapp);

                SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade sysgradebll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                DataTable dtgrade = sysgradebll.GetList("GradeType pId,GradeCode id,GradeName name,'false' checked,'false' nochecks,'0' IsFinish", " GradeCode<>'3004' and GradeCode<>'4004' Order by GradeType,GradeLv").Tables[0];
                SchSystem.BLL.SysPer sysperbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                DataTable            dtper     = sysperbll.GetList("PerName Name,PerCode ID", " Stat=1 Order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                if (dtper.Rows.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtper.Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() == percode)
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + dtper.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                            sb.Append("<option value=\"" + dtper.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString() + "\">" + dtper.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + "</option>");
                    percodes = sb.ToString();

                dtgrade.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                DataRow dry = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "1";
                dry["name"]     = "幼儿园";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "2";
                dry["name"]     = "小学";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "3";
                dry["name"]     = "初中";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";

                dry             = dtgrade.NewRow();
                dry["pId"]      = "0";
                dry["id"]       = "4";
                dry["name"]     = "高中";
                dry["nocheck"]  = "false";
                dry["IsFinish"] = "0";


                //if (dtgrade != null && dtschgrade != null && dtgrade.Rows.Count > 0 && dtschgrade.Rows.Count > 0)//系统年级和学校年级不等于null
                //    for (int i = 0; i < dtgrade.Rows.Count; i++)//遍历实体年级行数
                //    {
                //        DataRow[] drs = dtschgrade.Select("id='" + dtgrade.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");//根据系统年级id查询学校年级
                //        if (drs.Length > 0)
                //        {
                //            //string ss = drs[0]["id"].ToString();
                //            //dtgrade.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                //            //DataRow[] drss = dtgrade.Select("id='"+ss+"'");
                //            //int ss = int.Parse(drss["pId"].ToString());
                //        }
                //    }

                grades = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtgrade);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure schappsoureBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppSoure();
                DataTable dtschappsoure = schappsoureBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                if (dtschappsoure.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtschappsoure.Rows.Count; i++)
                        dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                souretree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschappsoure);

                SchSystem.BLL.SysMater smaterBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                DataTable dtsmater = smaterBll.GetList("'0' pId,AutoId id,MaterName name,'false' checked,MaterCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                sysmatertree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsmater);

                SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT schappxxtBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchAppXXT();
                DataTable dtschappxxt = schappxxtBll.GetList("'0' pId,AppCode id,AppName name,'false' checked,AppCode", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                //if (dtschappsoure.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    for (int i = 0; i < dtschappsoure.Rows.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] = dtschappsoure.Rows[i]["name"] + "【不共享】";
                //    }
                homeschtree = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtschappxxt);

                StringBuilder sbarea = new StringBuilder();
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"aprov\">");
                string sareacode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 2) + "0000";
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("0", "", ref sareacode, false));
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acity\">");
                string sareacitycode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacitycode = usermodel.AreaNo.Substring(0, 4) + "00";
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("1", sareacode, ref sareacitycode, false));
                sbarea.Append("<select id=\"acoty\">");
                string sareacotycode = "";
                if (usermodel != null && usermodel.SchId > 0 && usermodel.AreaNo.Length == 6)
                    sareacotycode = usermodel.AreaNo;
                sbarea.Append(SchWebAdmin.Com.Public.GetDrpArea("2", sareacitycode, ref sareacotycode, false));
                areastr = sbarea.ToString();

                SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV userbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchUserDeptV();
                DataTable dtuser = userbll.GetList("DeptId,DepartName,UserId,UserTname", "Stat=1 and Ustat=1 and SchId=" + Com.Public.SqlEncStr(schid)).Tables[0];
                SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo dptbll = new SchSystem.BLL.SchDepartInfo();
                DataTable dt        = dptbll.GetList("Pid pId,convert(varchar(20),DepartId) id,DepartName name,'0' isms,'' subcode,'false' checked,'true' nochecks", "SchId=" + schid + " and Stat=1 Order by OrderId,DepartName").Tables[0];
                DataTable dtdptuser = dt.Clone();
                dtdptuser.Columns["nochecks"].ColumnName = "nocheck";
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow[] drss = dtuser.Select("DeptId='" + dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "'");
                        if (drss.Length > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow item in drss)
                                DataRow dr = dtdptuser.NewRow();

                                dr["id"]   = item["UserId"].ToString();
                                dr["name"] = item["UserTname"].ToString();
                                dr["pId"]  = item["DeptId"].ToString();
                                if (dr["name"].ToString() == usermodel.Artisan.ToString())
                                    dr["checked"] = true;

                deptsuser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtdptuser);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dotype = Request.Params["dotype"].ToString();
            string AutoId = Request.Params["id"].ToString();

            funcid = AutoId;
            schid  = Com.Session.schid;
            SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc   sfcBll   = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFunc();
            SchSystem.Model.ServFunc sfcModel = new SchSystem.Model.ServFunc();
            string FuncSyss = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AutoId))
                sfcModel      = sfcBll.GetServFuncModel(AutoId);
                FuncSyss      = sfcModel.FuncSyss;
                servfuncModel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sfcModel);
            SchSystem.BLL.ServType stBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServType();
            DataTable stdt = stBll.GetList("TypeName,TypeCode", "").Tables[0];

            businessType = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stdt);
            SchSystem.BLL.ServSys ssBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServSys();
            DataTable             ssdt  = ssBll.GetList("'0' pId,SysName name,SysCode id,SysUrl,'false' checked", "").Tables[0];

            if (ssdt.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (FuncSyss != "")
                    string[] FuncSyssArr = FuncSyss.Split(',');
                    foreach (string s in FuncSyssArr)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ssdt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (ssdt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == s)
                                ssdt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
            businessPlatfrom = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ssdt);
            SchSystem.BLL.ServSysNape ssnBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServSysNape();
            DataTable ssndt = ssnBll.GetList("Stat=1").Tables[0];

            editServSysNape = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ssndt);

            SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt sfeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt();
            DataTable dtServFuncExt          = sfeBll.GetList("FuncId,NapeCode,NapeCodes,NapeC", "FuncId='" + AutoId + "'").Tables[0];

            servfuncextjson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtServFuncExt);

            SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
            DataTable            dtsp  = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,PerName name,PerCode id,'false' checked", "Stat=1 order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];

            if (dtsp.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dtsp.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                            string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                            for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                if (dtsp.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                    dtsp.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
            selectprdcontent = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtsp);
        public static string getaddcont(string napecode)
            string ret = "";

            if (Com.Session.userid == null)
                ret = "expire";
                SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt sfeBll = new SchSystem.BLL.ServFuncExt();
                DataTable dtServFuncExt          = sfeBll.GetList("FuncId,NapeCode,NapeCodes,NapeC", "FuncId='" + funcid + "' and NapeCode='" + napecode + "'").Tables[0];
                retprompt retobj = new retprompt();
                if (napecode == "prd")//學段
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysPer spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysPer();
                    DataTable            dt    = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,PerName name,PerCode id,'false' checked", "Stat=1 order by convert(int,PerCode)").Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                                    string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                        if (dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                            dt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "grd")//年級
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysGrade();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,GradeName name,GradeCode id,'false' checked", "").Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                                    string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                        if (dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                            dt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "sub")//科目
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysSub spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysSub();
                    DataTable            dt    = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,SubName name,SubCode id,'false' checked", "Stat=1 Order by SubCode").Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                                    string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                        if (dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                            dt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "utp")//角色
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysUType spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysUType();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,UTypeName name,UTypeCOde id,'false' checked", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                                    string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                        if (dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                            dt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                else if (napecode == "mat")//教版
                    SchSystem.BLL.SysMater spBll = new SchSystem.BLL.SysMater();
                    DataTable dt = spBll.GetList("'0' pId,MaterName name,MaterCode id,'false' checked", "Stat=1").Tables[0];
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (dtServFuncExt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString() != "")
                                    string[] NapeCodesArr = dtServFuncExt.Rows[0]["NapeCodes"].ToString().Split(',');
                                    for (int j = 0; j < NapeCodesArr.Length; j++)
                                        if (dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() == NapeCodesArr[j].ToString())
                                            dt.Rows[i]["checked"] = "true";
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = dt;
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);
                    retobj.retxt  = napecode;
                    retobj.retobj = "";
                    ret           = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(retobj);