public async Task WhenTheIMSUserPostsNewEntitiesWhereIsUsingVInERCollectionTimeS(int numOfEntities, int numOfERCollections, string asyncHeader, string asyncValue, string version, int numOfTimes) { for (int k = 0; k < numOfERCollections; k++) { restClientUser = "******"; List <Entity> entityList = new List <Entity>(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntities; i++) { var newEntity = new Entity(id: $"test-{Guid.NewGuid()}", entityType: EntityTypes.EquipmentBrickEntityType, entityName: "test entity"); entityList.Add(newEntity); } var erCollectionId = "testER-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); scenarioContext.AddERCollectionToEntitiesPair (new KeyValuePair <string, List <Entity> >(erCollectionId, entityList)); var headers = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > { new KeyValuePair <string, string>(PlatformHeaders.ErCollectionId, erCollectionId), new KeyValuePair <string, string>(asyncHeader, asyncValue) }; Log.Information($"Attempting to post new entity/entities in ER collection {erCollectionId}"); for (int i = 0; i < numOfTimes; i++) { var postEntityResponseMsg = await ERService.PostEntities(version, entityList, headers); if (asyncValue == "true") { postEntityResponseMsg.Response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Accepted, $"{restClientUser} user with {_testCfg.ImsScopes} scopes should be able to post a new entity in er collection {erCollectionId}"); Thread.Sleep(50000); } else { postEntityResponseMsg.Response.StatusCode.ToString().Should().Be("OK", $"{restClientUser} user with {_testCfg.ImsScopes} scopes should be able to post a new entity in er collection {erCollectionId}"); var response = postEntityResponseMsg.Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); JObject jObjResponse = JObject.Parse(response); var successEntityIDList = from entity in jObjResponse["data"]["responses"]["success"] select(string) entity["id"]; var getEntityIDList = from entity in entityList select entity.Id; getEntityIDList.Should().BeEquivalentTo(successEntityIDList); getEntityIDList.Count().Should().Be(successEntityIDList.Count()); } } } }