private static void PlotError(string errorName, Dictionary <int, double> epochsErrors) { double[] epochs = epochsErrors.Keys.Select(e => (double)e).ToArray(); double[] errors = epochsErrors.Values.ToArray(); ScatterplotView spv = new ScatterplotView { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, LinesVisible = true }; spv.Graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Epoch"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Error"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Error changing through epochs"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve(errorName, epochs, errors, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); Form f1 = new Form { Width = 600, Height = 400 }; f1.Controls.Add(spv); f1.ShowDialog(); }
public void ComputeTest1() { ScatterplotView target = new ScatterplotView(); double[] data = new double[] { 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 }; target.DataSource = data; target.DataSource = null; target.DataSource = data; // ScatterplotBox.Show(data); }
private static void DrawROCCurve(int[] actual, int[] preds, int numClass, string modelName) { ScatterplotView spv = new ScatterplotView(); spv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; spv.LinesVisible = true; Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Gray, Color.LightSalmon, Color.LightSkyBlue, Color.Black, Color.Pink }; for (int i = 0; i < numClass; i++) { // Build ROC for Train Set bool[] expected = actual.Select(x => x == i ? true : false).ToArray(); int[] predicted = preds.Select(x => x == i ? 1 : 0).ToArray(); var trainRoc = new ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(expected, predicted); trainRoc.Compute(1000); // Get Train AUC double auc = trainRoc.Area; double[] xVals = trainRoc.Points.Select(x => 1 - x.Specificity).ToArray(); double[] yVals = trainRoc.Points.Select(x => x.Sensitivity).ToArray(); // Draw ROC Curve spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve( String.Format( "Digit: {0} - AUC: {1:0.00}", i, auc ), xVals, yVals, colors[i], SymbolType.None ); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); } spv.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = String.Format( "{0} ROC - One vs. Rest", modelName ); Form f1 = new Form(); f1.Width = 700; f1.Height = 500; f1.Controls.Add(spv); f1.ShowDialog(); }
public void ComputeTest2() { ScatterplotView target = new ScatterplotView(); Scatterplot histogram = new Scatterplot(); histogram.Compute(new double[] { 200.0, 200.0, 200.0 }); target.DataSource = null; target.DataSource = histogram; target.DataSource = null; // ScatterplotBox.Show(histogram); }
static void DrawVertex(Vertex vertex, ScatterplotView view, int i) { view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("left_" + i, new double[] { (double)vertex.LeftEdge.From.X, (double)vertex.LeftEdge.To.X }, new double[] { (double)vertex.LeftEdge.From.Y, (double)vertex.LeftEdge.To.Y }, Color.Blue, symbols[i]); view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("rigth_" + i, new double[] { (double)vertex.RightEdge.From.X, (double)vertex.RightEdge.To.X }, new double[] { (double)vertex.RightEdge.From.Y, (double)vertex.RightEdge.To.Y }, Color.Green, symbols[i]); view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("bisector_" + i, new double[] { (double)vertex.AngleBisectorRay.From.X, (double)vertex.AngleBisectorRay.To.X }, new double[] { (double)vertex.AngleBisectorRay.From.Y, (double)vertex.AngleBisectorRay.To.Y }, Color.Red, symbols[i]); }
static void Main() { Random r = new Random(); var path = @"D:/Machel/Documents/Test.xlsx"; Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); //This is set to false, so it will not open the excel file too. excelApp.Visible = false; excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; //Don't want Excel to display error messageboxes Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //This opens the file Excel.Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]; //Get the first sheet in the file Excel.Range bColumn = sheet.get_Range("B1", "B10"); Excel.Range aColumn = sheet.get_Range("A1", "A10"); //Instead of creating list of elements, it's also possible to pass directly with index to x, y List <double> dataX = new List <double>(); List <double> dataY = new List <double>(); foreach (object o in bColumn) { Excel.Range row = o as Excel.Range; double s = row.get_Value(null); dataX.Add(s); } foreach (object o in aColumn) { Excel.Range row = o as Excel.Range; double s = row.get_Value(null); dataY.Add(s); } int a = aColumn.Count; int max = dataX.Count; //Define Arrays double[] x = new double[max]; double[] x2 = new double[max]; double[] y1 = new double[max]; double[] y2 = new double[max]; double[] y3 = new double[max]; //Add elements to the arrays for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { x[i] = dataX[i]; y1[i] = dataY[i]; y2[i] = r.NextDouble() * 5; } //Test quadratic functions for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { x2[i] = -4 + i; y3[i] = Math.Pow(x2[i], 2) - 2 * x2[i] + 1; } ScatterplotView spv = new ScatterplotView(); spv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //spv.LinesVisible = false; spv.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Ploting with C#"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Abstand"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Leit"; spv.Graph.GraphPane.XAxis.Cross = 0; spv.Graph.GraphPane.YAxis.Cross = 0; //spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("ax^2+bx+c", x2, y3, Color.Green,SymbolType.Default); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 1", x, y1, Color.Red, SymbolType.Circle); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 2", x, y2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Diamond); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); Form f1 = new Form(); f1.Text = "Graph with C#"; f1.Width = 600; f1.Height = 400; f1.Controls.Add(spv); f1.ShowDialog(); }
//Not disguising the testing dataset, so don't need to worry about that calculation. static void Main(string[] args) { double theta = 0; DataTable incomeDataset = LoadIncomeDataset(); DataTable incomeTrainingDataset = SplitIncomeDataset(incomeDataset, 0); DataTable incomeTestingDataset = SplitIncomeDataset(incomeDataset, 1); double benchmarkIncomeAccuracy = IncomeDecision(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset); double[] accuracyFor0 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.1; double[] accuracyFor01 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.2; double[] accuracyFor02 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.3; double[] accuracyFor03 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.4; double[] accuracyFor04 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.45; double[] accuracyFor045 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.51; double[] accuracyFor051 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.55; double[] accuracyFor055 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.6; double[] accuracyFor06 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.7; double[] accuracyFor07 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.8; double[] accuracyFor08 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 0.9; double[] accuracyFor09 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); theta = 1.0; double[] accuracyFor10 = testRandomization(incomeTrainingDataset, incomeTestingDataset, theta); //Get accuracy means for each theta double meanFor0 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor0); double meanFor01 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor01); double meanFor02 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor02); double meanFor03 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor03); double meanFor04 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor04); double meanFor045 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor045); double meanFor051 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor051); double meanFor055 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor055); double meanFor06 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor06); double meanFor07 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor07); double meanFor08 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor08); double meanFor09 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor09); double meanFor10 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Mean(accuracyFor10); Dictionary <double, double> means = new Dictionary <double, double>(); means.Add(0, meanFor0); means.Add(0.1, meanFor01); means.Add(0.2, meanFor02); means.Add(0.3, meanFor03); means.Add(0.4, meanFor04); means.Add(0.45, meanFor045); means.Add(0.51, meanFor051); means.Add(0.55, meanFor055); means.Add(0.6, meanFor06); means.Add(0.7, meanFor07); means.Add(0.8, meanFor08); means.Add(0.9, meanFor09); means.Add(1, meanFor10); //Get accuracy variances for each theta double varianceFor0 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor0); double varianceFor01 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor01); double varianceFor02 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor02); double varianceFor03 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor03); double varianceFor04 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor04); double varianceFor045 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor045); double varianceFor051 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor051); double varianceFor055 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor055); double varianceFor06 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor06); double varianceFor07 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor07); double varianceFor08 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor08); double varianceFor09 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor09); double varianceFor10 = Accord.Statistics.Measures.Variance(accuracyFor10); Dictionary <double, double> variances = new Dictionary <double, double>(); variances.Add(0, varianceFor0); variances.Add(0.1, varianceFor01); variances.Add(0.2, varianceFor02); variances.Add(0.3, varianceFor03); variances.Add(0.4, varianceFor04); variances.Add(0.45, varianceFor045); variances.Add(0.51, varianceFor051); variances.Add(0.55, varianceFor055); variances.Add(0.6, varianceFor06); variances.Add(0.7, varianceFor07); variances.Add(0.8, varianceFor08); variances.Add(0.9, varianceFor09); variances.Add(1, varianceFor10); double[] thetas = means.Keys.ToArray <double>(); double[] meanValues = means.Values.ToArray <double>(); double[] varianceValues = variances.Values.ToArray <double>(); int max = thetas.Length; double[] benchmarkAccuracies = new double[max]; double[] benchmarkVariances = new double[max]; //Create graph for means for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { benchmarkAccuracies[i] = benchmarkIncomeAccuracy; } ScatterplotView meanPlot = new ScatterplotView(); meanPlot.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; meanPlot.LinesVisible = true; meanPlot.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 1", thetas, meanValues, Color.Red, SymbolType.Circle); meanPlot.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 2", thetas, benchmarkAccuracies, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Diamond); meanPlot.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); Form meanForm = new Form(); meanForm.Width = 600; meanForm.Height = 400; meanForm.Controls.Add(meanPlot); meanForm.ShowDialog(); //Create graph for variances for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { benchmarkVariances[i] = 0; } ScatterplotView variancePlot = new ScatterplotView(); variancePlot.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; variancePlot.LinesVisible = true; variancePlot.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 1", thetas, varianceValues, Color.Red, SymbolType.Circle); variancePlot.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Curve 2", thetas, benchmarkVariances, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Diamond); variancePlot.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); Form varianceForm = new Form(); varianceForm.Width = 600; varianceForm.Height = 400; varianceForm.Controls.Add(variancePlot); varianceForm.ShowDialog(); }
public static void Run(string path) { ScatterplotView view = new ScatterplotView(); view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; view.LinesVisible = true; var outerLimit = new PdfPoint[] { new PdfPoint(30, 100), new PdfPoint(50, 200), new PdfPoint(220, 240), new PdfPoint(440, 240), new PdfPoint(430, 40), new PdfPoint(230, 30), new PdfPoint(85, 40) }; List <Vertex> vertices = new List <Vertex>(); List <PdfPoint> intersects = new List <PdfPoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < outerLimit.Count() - 2; i++) { var vertex = new Vertex(new Line(outerLimit[i], outerLimit[i + 1]), new Line(outerLimit[i + 1], outerLimit[i + 2])); DrawVertex(vertex, view, i); vertices.Add(vertex); if (vertices.Count > 1) { var intersection = vertex.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(vertices[i - 1]); if (intersection != null) { intersects.Add((PdfPoint)intersection); } } if (i == outerLimit.Count() - 3) { var vertexFinal = new Vertex(new Line(outerLimit[i + 1], outerLimit[i + 2]), new Line(outerLimit[i + 2], outerLimit.First())); DrawVertex(vertexFinal, view, i + 1); vertices.Add(vertexFinal); var intersection = vertex.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(vertices[i - 1]); if (intersection != null) { intersects.Add((PdfPoint)intersection); } vertexFinal = new Vertex(new Line(outerLimit[i + 2], outerLimit.First()), new Line(outerLimit.First(), outerLimit[1])); DrawVertex(vertexFinal, view, i + 2); vertices.Add(vertexFinal); var intersection2 = vertex.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(vertices[i - 1]); if (intersection2 != null) { intersects.Add((PdfPoint)intersection2); } var intersection3 = vertexFinal.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(vertices.First()); if (intersection3 != null) { intersects.Add((PdfPoint)intersection3); } } } List <Tuple <Vertex, PdfPoint, double> > queue = new List <Tuple <Vertex, PdfPoint, double> >(); for (int v = 1; v < vertices.Count - 1; v++) // one is missing { var previous = vertices[v - 1]; var current = vertices[v]; var next = vertices[v + 1]; var i1 = current.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(previous); if (i1.HasValue) { var dist1 = Vertex.DistancePointToLine(current.LeftEdge, i1.Value); queue.Add(new Tuple <Vertex, PdfPoint, double>(current, i1.Value, dist1)); } var i2 = current.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(next); if (i2.HasValue) { var dist2 = Vertex.DistancePointToLine(current.LeftEdge, i2.Value); queue.Add(new Tuple <Vertex, PdfPoint, double>(current, i2.Value, dist2)); } } queue = queue.OrderBy(t => t.Item3).ToList(); foreach (var pop in queue) { } foreach (var point in intersects) { view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("intersect", new double[] { (double)point.X }, new double[] { (double)point.Y }, Color.DarkBlue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.TriangleDown); } var hole = new PdfPoint[] { new PdfPoint(175, 85), new PdfPoint(245, 140), new PdfPoint(315, 90), new PdfPoint(385, 160), new PdfPoint(330, 200), new PdfPoint(165, 180) }; for (int i = 0; i < hole.Count() - 2; i++) { var vertex = new Vertex(new Line(hole[i], hole[i + 1]), new Line(hole[i + 1], hole[i + 2])); DrawVertex(vertex, view, i); if (i == hole.Count() - 3) { var vertexFinal = new Vertex(new Line(hole[i + 1], hole[i + 2]), new Line(hole[i + 2], hole.First())); DrawVertex(vertexFinal, view, i + 1); var vertexFinal1 = new Vertex(new Line(hole[i + 2], hole.First()), new Line(hole.First(), hole[1])); DrawVertex(vertexFinal1, view, i + 2); var cross = vertexFinal.AngleBisectorsInterscAt(vertexFinal1); } } view.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); var f1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); f1.Width = 600; f1.Height = 400; f1.Controls.Add(view); f1.ShowDialog(); }
public static void Run(string path) { // check shape, see SimpleShapeChecker shapeChecker = new SimpleShapeChecker() { }; float zoom = 20; var pinkPen = new Pen(Color.HotPink, zoom * 0.4f); var greenPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow, zoom * 0.7f); var aquaPen = new Pen(Color.Aqua, zoom * 0.7f); var redPen = new Pen(Color.Red, zoom * 0.4f); var bluePen = new Pen(Color.Blue, zoom * 0.4f); var blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, zoom * 0.7f); using (var converter = new PdfImageConverter(path)) using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(path)) { for (var i = 0; i < document.NumberOfPages; i++) { var page = document.GetPage(i + 1); var paths = page.ExperimentalAccess.Paths; var geometries = paths.Select(p => new PdfGeometry(p)).ToList(); var verticals = geometries.Where(g => g.IsVerticalLine()).ToList(); var horizontals = geometries.Where(g => g.IsHorizontalLine()).ToList(); using (var bitmap = converter.GetPage(i + 1, zoom)) using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { var imageHeight = bitmap.Height; foreach (var letter in page.Letters) { var rect = new Rectangle( (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Left * (decimal)zoom), imageHeight - (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Top * (decimal)zoom), (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Width * (decimal)zoom), (int)(letter.GlyphRectangle.Height * (decimal)zoom)); graphics.DrawRectangle(pinkPen, rect); } foreach (var p in paths) { if (p == null) { continue; } PdfGeometry geometry = new PdfGeometry(p); var isClosed = geometry.IsClosed; var isClockwise = geometry.IsClockwise; var commands = p.Commands; var points = ToOrderedPoints(commands); if (isClosed) //.SubGeometries.Count > 1) { //Scatterplot scatterplot = new Scatterplot(); //scatterplot.Compute( // points.Select(po => (double)po.X).Take(31).ToArray(), // points.Select(po => (double)po.Y).Take(31).ToArray(), // Enumerable.Range(0, points.Count).Take(31).ToArray()); //ScatterplotBox.Show(scatterplot); ScatterplotView view = new ScatterplotView(); view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; view.LinesVisible = true; view.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = isClockwise ? "CW" : "CCW"; foreach (var command in commands) { if (command is PdfPath.Line line) { view.Graph.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new ZedGraph.ArrowObj( Color.Blue, 10.0f, (double)line.From.X, (double)line.From.Y, (double)line.To.X, (double)line.To.Y)); view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("", new[] { (double)line.From.X, (double)line.To.X }, new[] { (double)line.From.Y, (double)line.To.Y }, Color.Red); } else if (command is BezierCurve curve) { foreach (var lineB in BezierCurveToPaths(curve)) { view.Graph.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Add(new ZedGraph.ArrowObj( Color.Blue, 10.0f, (double)lineB.From.X, (double)lineB.From.Y, (double)lineB.To.X, (double)lineB.To.Y)); view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("", new[] { (double)lineB.From.X, (double)lineB.To.X }, new[] { (double)lineB.From.Y, (double)lineB.To.Y }, Color.Red); } } } //view.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("curve", // points.Select(po => (double)po.X).ToArray(), // points.Select(po => (double)po.Y).ToArray(), // Color.Blue, // ZedGraph.SymbolType.Circle); view.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); var f1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Form(); f1.Width = 1000; f1.Height = 1000; f1.Controls.Add(view); f1.ShowDialog(); } var shape = shapeChecker.CheckShapeType(points); var subType = shapeChecker.CheckPolygonSubType(points); var bboxF = GetBoundingRectangle(commands); if (bboxF.HasValue) { var rect = new Rectangle( (int)(bboxF.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom), imageHeight - (int)(bboxF.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom), (int)(bboxF.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom), (int)(bboxF.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bboxF.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom)); graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect); } /*foreach (var command in commands) * { * if (command is PdfPath.Line line) * { * var bbox = line.GetBoundingRectangle(); * if (bbox.HasValue) * { * var rect = new Rectangle( * (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom), * imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom)); * graphics.DrawRectangle(bluePen, rect); * } * } * else if (command is BezierCurve curve) * { * var bbox = curve.GetBoundingRectangle(); * if (bbox.HasValue) * { * var rect = new Rectangle( * (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom), * imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom)); * graphics.DrawRectangle(redPen, rect); * } * } * else if (command is Close close) * { * var bbox = close.GetBoundingRectangle(); * if (bbox.HasValue) * { * var rect = new Rectangle( * (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom), * imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom)); * graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect); * } * } * else if (command is Move move) * { * var bbox = move.GetBoundingRectangle(); * if (bbox.HasValue) * { * var rect = new Rectangle( * (int)(bbox.Value.Left * (decimal)zoom), * imageHeight - (int)(bbox.Value.Top * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Width == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Width * (decimal)zoom), * (int)(bbox.Value.Height == 0 ? 1 : bbox.Value.Height * (decimal)zoom)); * graphics.DrawRectangle(greenPen, rect); * } * } * else * { * throw new NotImplementedException(command.GetType().ToString()); * } * }*/ } var rectsPaths = RecursiveXYCutPath.Instance.GetBlocks(paths, 0, 10, 10); foreach (var rectPath in rectsPaths) { var rect = new Rectangle( (int)(rectPath.Left * (decimal)zoom), imageHeight - (int)(rectPath.Top * (decimal)zoom), (int)(rectPath.Width * (decimal)zoom), (int)(rectPath.Height * (decimal)zoom)); graphics.DrawRectangle(aquaPen, rect); } bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, (i + 1) + "_pathsTest.png")); } } } }
private static void DrawROCCurve(int[] trainActual, int[] trainPreds, int[] testActual, int[] testPreds, int predClass, int minNumOccurrences, string modelName) { // Create a new ROC curve to assess the performance of the model string predClassStr = predClass == 0 ? "Neutral" : predClass == 1 ? "Positive" : "Negative"; Console.WriteLine( "* Building ROC curve for {0} vs. Rest", predClassStr ); // Build ROC for Train Set bool[] trainExpectedClass = trainActual.Select(x => x == predClass ? true : false).ToArray(); int[] trainPredictedClass = trainPreds.Select(x => x == predClass ? 1 : 0).ToArray(); var trainRoc = new ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(trainExpectedClass, trainPredictedClass); trainRoc.Compute(1000); // Get Train AUC double trainAUC = trainRoc.Area; double[] trainXValues = trainRoc.Points.Select(x => 1 - x.Specificity).ToArray(); double[] trainYValues = trainRoc.Points.Select(x => x.Sensitivity).ToArray(); // Build ROC for Test Set bool[] testExpectedClass = testActual.Select(x => x == predClass ? true : false).ToArray(); int[] testPredictedClass = testPreds.Select(x => x == predClass ? 1 : 0).ToArray(); var testRoc = new ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(testExpectedClass, testPredictedClass); testRoc.Compute(1000); // Get Test AUC double testAUC = testRoc.Area; double[] testXValues = testRoc.Points.Select(x => 1 - x.Specificity).ToArray(); double[] testYValues = testRoc.Points.Select(x => x.Sensitivity).ToArray(); // Draw ROC Curve with both Train & Test ROC ScatterplotView spv = new ScatterplotView(); spv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; spv.LinesVisible = true; spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve( String.Format("Train (AUC: {0:0.00})", trainAUC), trainXValues, trainYValues, Color.Green, SymbolType.None ); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve( String.Format("Test (AUC: {0:0.00})", testAUC), testXValues, testYValues, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None ); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AddCurve("Random", testXValues, testXValues, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); spv.Graph.GraphPane.Title.Text = String.Format( "{0} ROC - {1} vs. Rest (# occurrences >= {2})", modelName, predClassStr, minNumOccurrences ); spv.Graph.GraphPane.AxisChange(); Form f1 = new Form(); f1.Width = 700; f1.Height = 500; f1.Controls.Add(spv); f1.ShowDialog(); }