public void GetHashCode_ReturnsUniqueHash() { // ARRANGE ScannedFileHashComparer comparer = new ScannedFileHashComparer(); byte[] fileHashOne = new byte[32]; byte[] fileHashTwo = new byte[32]; fileHashOne[0] = 0x01; fileHashOne[1] = 0x02; fileHashOne[2] = 0x03; fileHashOne[3] = 0x04; fileHashTwo[0] = 0x04; fileHashTwo[1] = 0x03; fileHashTwo[2] = 0x02; fileHashTwo[3] = 0x01; // ACT int hashOne = comparer.GetHashCode(fileHashOne); int hashTwo = comparer.GetHashCode(fileHashTwo); // ASSERT Assert.AreNotEqual(hashOne, hashTwo, "The two hash codes were equal when expected to be different"); }
public void GetHashCode_ArrayLessThanFourBytes_ReturnsInt() { // ARRANGE ScannedFileHashComparer comparer = new ScannedFileHashComparer(); byte[] fileHash = new byte[2]; fileHash[0] = 0x01; fileHash[1] = 0x02; // ACT int hashOne = comparer.GetHashCode(fileHash); // ASSERT (if no exception the test passes) }