예제 #1
        public HttpResponseMessage postSearchScanCancelPcs(ScanPcsSearchView model)
                var result = sendSvc.SearchScanCanclePcs(model);

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message.ToString()));
예제 #2
        public ScanPcsView SearchScanCanclePcs(ScanPcsSearchView model)
            using (var ctx = new ConXContext())
                String[] strlist     = model.pcs_barcode.Split('|');
                string   vspring_grp = strlist[0];
                string   vsize_code  = strlist[1];

                //DateTime vreq_date = Convert.ToDateTime(model.req_date);

                //Check ส่งมอบหน่วยถัดไปแล้ว
                string sqlp = "select d.WC_NEXT from PD_WCCTL_SEQ d where d.pd_entity = :p_entity and d.wc_code = :p_wc_code";

                string vnext_wc = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <string>(sqlp, new OracleParameter("p_entity", model.entity), new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", model.wc_code))

                string sql = "select a.PCS_BARCODE , a.prod_code from MPS_DET a , PDMODEL_MAST b , MPS_DET_WC c";
                sql += " where a.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and a.entity  = :p_entity";
                sql += " and a.pdsize_code  = :p_size_code";
                sql += " and substr(b.spring_type,1,2)  = :p_spring_grp";
                sql += " and c.wc_code  = :p_wc_code";
                sql += " and a.pddsgn_code  = b.pdmodel_code";
                sql += " and a.entity  = c.entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date  = c.req_date";
                sql += " and a.pcs_no  = c.pcs_no";
                //sql += " and c.mps_st  <> 'OCL';
                sql += " and c.mps_st  ='Y'";
                sql += " and rownum = 1";
                sql += " and a.pcs_barcode in (select d.pcs_barcode from  MPS_DET d, PDMODEL_MAST e , MPS_DET_WC f";
                sql += " where d.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date2,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and d.entity = :p_entity2";
                sql += " and d.pdsize_code = :p_size_code2";
                sql += " and substr(e.spring_type,1,2)  = :p_spring_grp2";
                sql += " and f.wc_code = :p_next_wc";
                sql += " and d.pddsgn_code = e.pdmodel_code";
                sql += " and d.entity = f.entity";
                sql += " and d.req_date = f.req_date";
                sql += " and d.pcs_no = f.pcs_no";
                sql += " and f.mps_st = 'N')";
                sql += " and rownum = 1";

                ScanPcsView pcs = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <ScanPcsView>(sql, new OracleParameter("p_req_date", model.req_date), new OracleParameter("p_entity", model.entity), new OracleParameter("p_size_code", vsize_code), new OracleParameter("p_spring_grp", vspring_grp), new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", model.wc_code), new OracleParameter("p_req_date2", model.req_date), new OracleParameter("p_entity2", model.entity), new OracleParameter("p_size_code2", vsize_code), new OracleParameter("p_spring_grp2", vspring_grp), new OracleParameter("p_wc_next", vnext_wc))

                if (pcs == null)
                    throw new Exception("ยกเลิกไม่ได้ มีการรับในหน่วยถัดไปแล้ว");

                ////define model view
                ScanPcsView view = new ModelViews.ScanPcsView()
                    pcs_barcode = pcs.pcs_barcode,
                    spring_grp  = vspring_grp,
                    size_desc   = vsize_code,
                    qty         = 1,
                    prod_code   = pcs.prod_code,
                    //datas = new List<ModelViews.JobInProcessScanView>()

                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string           strConn  = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OracleDbContext"].ConnectionString;
                    var              dataConn = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder(strConn);
                    OracleConnection conn     = new OracleConnection(dataConn.ToString());


                    OracleCommand     oraCommand = conn.CreateCommand();
                    OracleParameter[] param      = new OracleParameter[]
                        new OracleParameter("p_entity", model.entity),
                        new OracleParameter("p_user_id", model.user_id),
                        new OracleParameter("p_pcs_barcode", view.pcs_barcode),
                        new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", model.wc_code)
                    oraCommand.BindByName = true;
                    oraCommand.CommandText = "update MPS_DET_WC set mps_st='N' , fin_by =:p_user_id , fin_date = SYSDATE , upd_by =:p_user_id , upd_date = SYSDATE where entity = :p_entity and pcs_barcode = :p_pcs_barcode and wc_code =:p_wc_code";




                //return data to contoller