예제 #1
 private void ScalePopupCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Accept the values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void ScalePopupOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PrintingSystem         ps  = (PrintingSystem)Instance.PrintControl.PrintingSystem;
            PrintableComponentLink pcl = ps.Links[0] as PrintableComponentLink;

            Qm.DataTableManager.ResetFormattedBitmaps();             // reset so structures are drawn correct size

            if (Qm.MoleculeGrid.MainView is BandedGridView)
                BandedGridView v = Qm.MoleculeGrid.MainView as BandedGridView;
                v.OptionsPrint.UsePrintStyles = false;
                if (ScaleAdjustToOption.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                {                                                                      // Scale the view not the page
                    ps.Document.ScaleFactor         = 1.0f;                            // Keep page scale at 100%
                    ps.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = 0;                               // no autofit
                    Qm.Query.PrintScale             = (int)ScaleAdjustToSpinner.Value; // store with query
                    Qm.ResultsFormat.PageScale      = Qm.Query.PrintScale;             // for fieldFormatter use
                    Qm.MoleculeGrid.ScaleBandedGridView(Qm.Query.PrintScale / 100.0);
                    pcl.CreateDocument();                                              // recreate the doc

                    Qm.MoleculeGrid.ScaleBandedGridView(1.0);                        // scale grid to full size before setting doc scale
                    pcl.CreateDocument();                                            // create the doc full size
                    ps.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = (int)(ScaleFitToSpinner.Value);
                    Qm.Query.PrintScale             = (int)-ScaleFitToSpinner.Value; // store fit-to as negative value
                    int pctScale = (int)(ps.Document.ScaleFactor * 100);
                    Qm.ResultsFormat.PageScale = pctScale;
                    Qm.MoleculeGrid.ScaleBandedGridView(pctScale / 100.0); // scale again to get structures correct size
                    pcl.CreateDocument();                                  // recreate the doc (this takes the most time, could probably refactor to avoid this)

            else if (Qm.MoleculeGrid.MainView is CardView)
                CardView v = Qm.MoleculeGrid.MainView as CardView;

                if (ScaleAdjustToOption.Checked)
                {                                                                      // scale the card not the page
                    ps.Document.ScaleFactor         = 1.0f;                            // Keep page scale at 100%
                    ps.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = 0;                               // no autofit
                    Qm.Query.PrintScale             = (int)ScaleAdjustToSpinner.Value; // store with query
                    Qm.ResultsFormat.PageScale      = Qm.Query.PrintScale;             // for fieldFormatter use
                    Qm.MoleculeGrid.ScaleCardView(Qm.Query.PrintScale / 100.0);        // scale the cards
                    pcl.CreateDocument();                                              // recreate the doc

                    ps.Document.AutoFitToPagesWidth = (int)(ScaleFitToSpinner.Value);
                    Qm.Query.PrintScale             = (int)-ScaleFitToSpinner.Value; // store fit-to as negative value
                    Qm.ResultsFormat.PageScale      = (int)(ps.Document.ScaleFactor * 100);
                    Qm.MoleculeGrid.ScaleCardView(1.0);                              // make the cards normal size
                    pcl.CreateDocument();                                            // recreate the doc

                throw new Exception("Expected BandedGridView or CardView");
