public object GetApplyList([FromBody] JObject json) { try { string path = new DataItemDetailBLL().GetItemValue("imgUrl"); string res = json.Value <string>("json"); dynamic dy = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExpandoObject>(res); string userId = dy.userid; string starttime =; //开始时间 string endtime =; //结束时间 string applyno =; string applytype =; string status =; string actiontype =;//0全部 1 我的 long pageIndex =; long pageSize =; //获取用户基本信息 OperatorProvider.AppUserId = userId; //设置当前用户 Operator currUser = OperatorProvider.Provider.Current(); Pagination pagination = new Pagination(); = int.Parse(pageIndex.ToString()); pagination.rows = int.Parse(pageSize.ToString()); pagination.p_kid = " applyid"; pagination.p_fields = @"t.createuserid, t.createdate,t.changetype,t.projectname,t.changename, t.applyunit,t.applychangetime,t.returntime,t.applytype, t.applyunitid,t.applypeople,t.applypeopleid, t.applytime, t.workunit,t.workunitid,t.applyno, t.iscommit,t.isaccepover,t.isapplyover, t.flowdept,t.nodename,t.nodeid,t.isaccpcommit, t.flowrole,t.flowdeptname,t.flowrolename,t.acceptime,t.workplace,'' as approveusername, case when t.iscommit=0 then 0 when t.iscommit=1 and (t.isapplyover=0 or t.isapplyover is null) then 1 when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=2 then 2 when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=0 and (t.isaccepover=0 or t.isaccepover is null) then 3 when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and (t.isaccepover=0 or t.isaccepover is null) then 4 when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and t.isaccepover=2 then 5 when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and t.isaccepover=1 then 6 else 7 end applystate, case when t.iscommit=0 then '变动申请中' when t.iscommit=1 and (t.isapplyover=0 or t.isapplyover is null) then '变动审核(批)中' when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=2 then '变动审核(批)未通过' when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=0 and (t.isaccepover=0 or t.isaccepover is null) then '变动审核(批)通过待验收' when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and (t.isaccepover=0 or t.isaccepover is null) then '验收审核中' when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and t.isaccepover=2 then '验收审核(批)未通过' when t.iscommit=1 and t.isapplyover=1 and isaccpcommit=1 and t.isaccepover=1 then '验收审核(批)通过' else '' end applystatename"; pagination.p_tablename = @" bis_safetychange t"; pagination.sidx = "t.createdate"; //排序字段 pagination.sord = "desc"; //排序方式 pagination.conditionJson = "1=1"; string role = currUser.RoleName; string deptId = string.Empty; string deptName = string.Empty; //公司级用户取机构对象 if (role.Contains("公司级用户")) { deptId = currUser.OrganizeId; //机构ID deptName = currUser.OrganizeName; //机构名称 } else { deptId = currUser.DeptId; //部门ID deptName = currUser.DeptName; //部门ID } if (actiontype == "0") { if (currUser.IsSystem) { } else if (currUser.RoleName.Contains("厂级部门用户") || currUser.RoleName.Contains("公司级用户")) { pagination.conditionJson += " and t.createuserorgcode='" + currUser.OrganizeCode + "'"; } else if (currUser.RoleName.Contains("承包商级用户") || currUser.RoleName.Contains("班组级用户")) { pagination.conditionJson += " and workunitcode='" + currUser.DeptCode + "'"; } else { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and workunitcode in(select encode from base_department where encode like '{0}%' or senddeptid='{1}')", currUser.DeptCode, currUser.DeptId); } } else { string strWhere = string.Empty; strWhere += string.Format(@" select distinct from bis_safetychange a where a.createuserid ='{0}' ", currUser.UserId); pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and in ({0})", strWhere); } string queryJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { st = starttime, et = endtime, status = status, ApplyType = applytype, applyno = applyno }); DataTable dt = safetychangebll.GetPageList(pagination, queryJson); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string str = new ScaffoldBLL().GetUserName(dt.Rows[i]["flowdept"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["flowrolename"].ToString()); dt.Rows[i]["approveusername"] = str.Split('|')[0]; } return(new { code = 0, count = pagination.records, info = "获取数据成功", data = dt }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { code = -1, count = 0, info = ex.Message }); } }
public object GetList([FromBody] JObject json) { try { string res = json.Value <string>("json"); dynamic dy = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExpandoObject>(res); string userId = dy.userid; string actiontype =;//0全部 1 我的 2 待审核 long pageIndex = dy.pageindex; long pageSize = dy.pagesize; string examinetodept = res.Contains("examinetodept") ? : ""; string startdate = res.Contains("startdate") ? : ""; string enddate = res.Contains("enddate") ? : ""; string examinetype = res.Contains("examinetype") ? : ""; //获取用户基本信息 OperatorProvider.AppUserId = userId; //设置当前用户 Pagination pagination = new Pagination(); = int.Parse(pageIndex.ToString()); pagination.rows = int.Parse(pageSize.ToString()); pagination.p_kid = "id"; pagination.p_fields = @"examinetodept,examineperson,to_char(examinetime,'yyyy-mm-dd') examinetime,flowrolename,flowdept,'' as approveuserid,'' as approveusername, case when isover='1' then '1' when isover ='0' and issaved='1' then '2' when isover='0' and issaved ='0' then '0' end status, case when isover='1' then '审核完成' when isover ='0' and issaved='1' then '待审核' when isover='0' and issaved ='0' then '待提交' end statusinfo"; pagination.p_tablename = "epg_dailyexamine "; pagination.sidx = "createdate"; //排序字段 pagination.sord = "desc"; //排序方式 Operator currUser = OperatorProvider.Provider.Current(); pagination.conditionJson += "1=1 "; string role = currUser.RoleName; if (actiontype == "0") { if (currUser.IsSystem) { } else { pagination.conditionJson += " and createuserorgcode ='" + currUser.OrganizeCode + "'"; } //(s.issaved = '0' and s.createuserid ='{0}') pagination.conditionJson += " and issaved = '1'"; } else if (actiontype == "1") { //查询我的 pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and ((flowdept ='{0}'", currUser.DeptId); string[] arr = currUser.RoleName.Split(','); if (arr.Length > 0) { pagination.conditionJson += " and ("; foreach (var item in arr) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" flowrolename like '%{0}%' or", item); } pagination.conditionJson = pagination.conditionJson.Substring(0, pagination.conditionJson.Length - 2); pagination.conditionJson += " )"; } pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(") or (issaved = '0' and createuserid ='{0}'))", currUser.UserId); } else if (actiontype == "2")//待我审核审批 { //查询我的 pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and ((flowdept ='{0}'", currUser.DeptId); string[] arr = currUser.RoleName.Split(','); if (arr.Length > 0) { pagination.conditionJson += " and ("; foreach (var item in arr) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" flowrolename like '%{0}%' or", item); } pagination.conditionJson = pagination.conditionJson.Substring(0, pagination.conditionJson.Length - 2); pagination.conditionJson += " )"; } pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(") and isover='0' and issaved='1')"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startdate)) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and examinetime>= to_date('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd') ", startdate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enddate)) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and examinetime<= to_date('{0}','yyyy-MM-dd') ", Convert.ToDateTime(enddate).AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(examinetodept)) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and examinetodeptid = '{0}' ", examinetodept); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(examinetype)) { pagination.conditionJson += string.Format(" and examinetype like '%{0}%' ", examinetype); } string queryJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { }); var data = dailyexaminebll.GetPageList(pagination, queryJson); foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { string str = new ScaffoldBLL().GetUserName(row["flowdept"].ToString(), row["flowrolename"].ToString(), "0"); row["approveuserid"] = str.Split('|')[1]; row["approveusername"] = str.Split('|')[0]; } return(new { Code = 0, Count = pagination.records, Info = "获取数据成功", data = data }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new { Code = -1, Count = 0, Info = ex.Message }); } }